The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, January 06, 1815, Image 1

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Vouuhb XIV. First of January. * F, lA-tbyear of the . Udauitor has closed—Just en \\ rihg upon its 15th, (tho’ not <if tactful years,) the Monitor becomes inseparably wed fed to the Friend— inseparably now, without dc&'oying the boup, j Mood, fiflrol?., of each other. | *fc the guardian ftfie Monitor J Tfeel greatly interested in this * .change, for the support (A pros *}j erify of the timofi, JViose l who'were frientls to the Moni tor iWn single state , arc solicit ed not to ivdhdraw their sup * ! port from a wadded condition, (.'ii re. filing my care over the Mom* jx. 1 Concft'oe ttubtmy duty to return my >*, sto all (pose who Ac. extended their'\ ’ aid end patronage fa the paper ; ±—m ire particularly to thirty one subs fibers who tip thei ’ p iper accounts : other* ftvH*. are new i arrears, will also rccck'r my grateful ac knowledgments, upon a punctu al payment of their respective \ accounts. D. P. Hillhouse, v l::v arrangementj WASHINGTON, Ci. v-.h Tuna ary, 1815.. * ’IA* . v v by ia'.e, t .Tc prii. >g anti efiablilUment ♦ of the* V 1 I'i'a;??. to John lv. vftl. Cyi “ 1 •. ioK, u<y auihonfv and t labor * ‘he proj-rti. cr and iiof, r* cease- ifi.e |/Cper here [ft tore abliihul under die tide of -i\ loi.itor,” will hereafter af l:vi • of “ The Friend a\’d 1 V lTbu,” aad the fubferibers to e 'x. Vjfi icr. wtH continue to receive .. . laiwr, un'il they (ball order to . At-c cll^arv. In -< % the duties which I have J! h .-to difeharged, to tin* care xd pc ‘ormance of Mr. CLaii ton, I feel c ffidont that the pat ron* of the “ ’vlo iiior** will profit by ’ he exchu , naturai and acquired al W'c* entitle him, in hh pr -sent eng? s -.mer.t, to the support 1 and encouragement of the public; * the friends cf the “ Monitor ” r .pees Fully deljred to extend .ti patronage to “The Friend & *Vloi t^. w The political com; hx-- - 1! c.i jjie piper will be continued ’ v ! r. Fliarlton, xnjon rhe fame ’ 1/^Z 1 principle of republicsiaim., alcfore pr-efdfrved by me, IJ 4 :s propoied to be The Tri:r.i'%p the lirtfj fuppo: fer of ufiidn and liberty, and Aijg.ilSr to the giddy anitfc£lu& Irtift’rjser. IJpofi lucM pfscr 1 </?:% 1 vWThs FrintdteMlmtar >c y ivnii ib lacccL, ar.f cxk'fof., i . * liberal, patronage <# a liberal • rAViD p. iaitLijogss. MHVITOR. • ‘EXT RA . ‘ . rapAT, JAKUARY *, ISIJ. • gF Perfoas indebted to ir-c m fubfcriptiop or advertin ’ fired to mako fpeedv tcttkt.**>; The receipt of Mr. MJ 8 :.d:t- • at the office of “ The 1 ‘ricii* and Monitor,” will he good for any payment mad. to hhfritr my ole. D. P. Hii.tKgfrSe. • ■ THE FRIEND and MI'JNiTOR Will he pubiifh-1 a: the fame isct* and upon the hi me typer. & paper 1 of the Monitor. Tin. teans will be three dollars pe*‘ year,*pay able hall yearly, in advaiv* ; —of’ course, on the receipt o i'■. ft.ft number, one dollar and fttfv cents will be due from each in* . m j Papers will be left at the Printi* l ■ office or Pott-office, or i at ii. a - ’>,? bdVhood packers, for dt dvr: y *V ’ fubferibers, on the day ul puir.ica* \ ! tion; which v.ill be on Filch y ;.f | every we. k. Subicribers to Tkc Friend will be fur niched as dtreftod, with V ‘he Friend and Monitor,” which v.iil be distributed alio to fubferibers to the Monitor , unless they shall give contrary orders. Adyertifmg and other primin’ , will be executed as punftua'ly, and upon the far e Con i ** he-t tofore performed in } the Monitor office Advertiling & ! J°t> printing oi non-fubleribci s mi:ft ; be paid for in ad- r.ce. j ...... JOHN C‘ ! ART IT'S. • > Washington, January * i, . 0 | (fj*2s, O mail I At, A” n t UECEiVIiD tIEKE SINCE i CFS * dat, the 27rH December! > .. - - * —. SHERIFFS SATE.* WILL BE SOLD, r Onihefmt 7 ucijJay in February nert * at the Court-House in Mb ri cow:• ty, between the hours of ten and t/jrff o'clock, , tbs following pro* j peru-viL f r T% 1 WO hundred acfea of land, more or less, iu Elbert ceupry a well improved on the waters of tht? Bea , veraam creek, adjoining Francis Satterwhite, formei ly occupied by Benjamin Higginbotham,detyMtkd, Also nfnety-feven acrg .ofWLnd, ’ more or lels, in said county, adjoin ing the above and Thomas sh Ca*- ■ ter—Aljb ninety-four acres of Jane, niqpp or less, acijcinirg t\e above i and James Carter; levied' op iu: the | property of Benjantxb Ipggiifboth am, deceased, to iatkft, twq^execu tions one-in favor ojftJVm. Woods copartner dgainft JJen , executor o Bpqpmn Higgii boiham, dec.— the otfifr in favor of the executors of Mfcsletcu Woods, dcceafed, vs. •the fame. ’• jt Ako .V One forrcl mare # about twelve j levied on as the property of John Daniel, to fitisfy an execu tion in favor of Stewart Connim*- hum. ‘ * Cynditionc-.Gasb. •THOMASBANK 0 , P. & Janrtary 6, 18 vr. . • .Vtito.’ijt fiu” ?r 41 ale# y:r .t i -c... •t’ 1 i U ‘■ 4 ’ Jn Sa'-anby, the of Feb rua v next, William Mclk.Ve in Wilkes bounty—All the Niy GIfOLS k-longing to the eflate of Nathaniel J. P. r dveeafed, conliiting.'otone one v<, and two children. I\.rms—tw: Ive month* credit; the pur -ftalhi civ. iot* bond and LUIHVfcU. FD LET LOVE, Nl’- .Ll* LAS SHI-.ETS, January 6th, adir.Vs. ■ VnA". - *’ V A Vurdav the 13th of Feb- 1 fc *..'.ThicS., at the fats rtfc-Tee of Levereft, dec. in Witkes • . amjv. -jfAli the perfonaFpropti ty FicWßealed, confining ofjb *■ ;. s r-ittte, fhcll), hog, hj;Jr*.'>id furniture, pla ,\i>n tool*, ,<. c. kc of the lisle will bo iriv!; l • ‘ that day, ABR ■ ’ . ‘t, TT, January 6 ; it- adm*r. LIST ox , 1 RtS iien;aumg?T- ; . . fhcc, W \ ; i. . , 1 iI. . Q t'y. H t I'4'i. * I ‘ f •* % * DWAFDBLACS:.2|Iamjs ii i; gj'tred.rickßaiL William 13. ud, Dr. Clement £3 i, ujgfl"N W W. Baldwin, PiJra. ; Lhz.tb :h Clement.:, Win. Cora’cHlatt, I !>'• Carter, John K M. Charltop, Frs. Nany CriiTi, Smast Ciuyiw >pen ter C. -lion, Butlet* j j Jcb &ac Die ’ :, ’ v r.:. D^idfon, r. ..neon Ellington, Mrs. baljy Li’.i-nc, James Jt’inleyi Ilham Jubam A >i. Fa vours, inrs TabiihaG. e-liram, John Graham, Dr Gilfum, 4 Viol on Gatrell, Henry it Lewis C mile, Ri-hard Herring, inre. Sarah !k:- lty, John HiH, nns Harvty, klel Jumps Hammett, Mi chad Hindi:nan, Rebecca Mead, Solomon Harper, Win. Hawldns; John 4?. Jonnlbn, Walter Jor.t.?, Win. Johns. .i, David Kerr, |'hp Landrum, Thomas Lafiey, Wrr Lavender, L. MountcafUe, Lev’s Morrel, Edward Moore, mrs. Nan cy Martin, Stephen Malone, Joim Noland. Q. 11. Pti ice, Mrs. Ann. Pray, Bazcl Pinkttohj mrs. Eiiaa Pate, 4 ; Benjamin Pinveil, Archi lious Roby, 2; ivl’chaa! Rudulph, Mdlia. Scott & Tbrmpfoj), snelfon, ’.Vis, 3. Taylor, Thomas Tramel, John Thompson, Dr. jas. ‘l’inHey, Mary Tucker. Peggy Wil liams, Captain Vl* Williams, F.lkrr . Weaver, p,v:s Mary Wilde, ilev. Thomas Williams,;}; mrs. S.;rah Williams, Robe rt Wars, major Ja cob Wood, Sitf.dn Wcdcer, Luke Watson. ‘ JAMES WINGFIELD, ; January h, iSt j-'*m Post-Mast.t. I ,v • . ‘ —: —— Finnic Deed/ % for 6ilthis ‘r. [Nvmbbr *124. % • { SHERIFF’S SALE. WILT BE SOLD, l Cr. the first Tuesday in February nit j ct the Court bouse in Wilkes county , bcjpy.n the hours of ten and threu 0 ‘dock, the following property ... viz. oNE hundred acres of land, j more or lels, in Wilkes cqunty, yfii the wafers of Long eret'k, lining (olcph Adams and others; where on Southey Littleton lived ar th time bf thekvy, taken 9s the nra petty of Andrthv Crayton, to fatisfy iuudry execution* from the Jultices ! court—executed and returned to i l.omai ootten former Sheriff, ? f v Rcubt'i Favor, constable, and by I him returned to me as hisiuccLffi^ ;ii office. * ’ * k Conditions — Cash. JOHN DYSON, Sherifc January 0, 1815. SHERIFF’S SALE. * WILL BE SOLD, On the first Tuesday in Ft b ’.nr tie# at the Court-bouse i. county , between the hours 0) ttn three o'clock, the following proper* ty—viz. * 1 *”■ * I EN negroes (towfr.) Fleanqf and her tv*ti children, Seaborn and. Matilda; Sylvia and her two chil ! dren, O/fy and Soplii j Milly and j her children, Eliza, Mary, and \uSrren ; taken a the propert# of Wiftn GMby.'U fatisfy fun drv executions—point< | out by the r lalntiff’s attorney. ’ Also ‘ t One bay horse, two Ictd cnarc% *<mt iorr-.l colt, and one bay filly, one yok. cf oxen and art, ani ikfiy ov seventy barrel#, of 1 k.n a* the property of jyhu fi l'd, to fatisfy two executions fW favor of Benjamin’ Wootir.!. --srainffp faid‘ Bradford and Jtfk put:.ted cut by said Co*. _ \ • .’ ii ■ ‘ CJLe negro boy by the j fire rj “Vv iH, About eighteen y^ars, -; t.> !.-a a; the property of \'i. lLerL l enter, ueccafed, to an-exe i.tKion iu favor of Mai|Tire anS i.vprelhe, vs. the t xecutcrS of said tieccafed—po.njtd out byihc exeo utajv.. Teem. —Ch c ./j. | THOM AS WOU I” 1 .N, D■ f* i jr.iiuary 6, 181*5. Georgia, Wilkes county, — E? I’ , rid ‘Terrell, clerk of''the court pf. Ordinary for scid county. w HERE A3 Martha White applies.for letters of admiriftration J on the citate of Bennett White, 1 dtceaibl. f, i'hcfe -are ll; fore to cite and admoriih ail and lingular the kin dred and creditors of said cL; cafcd* to be and appear at the next court of Ordinary to be held r> and fijr thb county aforefaid,-'to T'cav XLilfl, sis any they hate) why laid letters mould not be granted. ( “even tr:dsr v.y bend this zd yire ffrrrmry, i3i 5. D. Terr elf. $ <?. 0>: