Atlanta daily register. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1864-1864, March 19, 1864, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAILY REGISTER. .t. V. SPERR\ Sc CO. Terms of Subscription FOR DAIRY UKOI3TER. . OAILY, PKE MONTH, ii ii tli I fff.OO gtggr No iobscri . ion rece . and tor a longer «ra tbar time* n-onthf. aiNnl.k COPIE*, BS CRITS. tl* T if rape* will Its .ifilTfrfri to all R»wi dral -r« at Fifteen Cebtn prrf ipf, iclailvt of postage. OFFICE OCnf'lllETF.n. Caaaflly'i UalMlaf, Whitehall fttreet Faarlh Door ahora Alabama (op Blairs.) KATK« OF AOVMRTIRIEO. For fx h aqnarenf ten Ira.lnt inufftkm. N N »«rh *1 lltlnotl lnatrUoti leu onemont'., |lo> M»»r« local matters^ HAUE I HAGS I Tbe b'gbest prire paid for rag?, or value given by crediting subscription I<> the Regis ter. We will buy all cotton rags brought to this office. February 23 1 mo. WYmevittr. Vi.,l March 5, 1804. j Editor Rno!«TVi: Sir—You will confer a great favor upon Dr. J. M Ruvo, who ia now Somewhere in Georgia or South Carolina, by announcing in your paper, that his wife and family nre out of -East Tennessee and are re* naming in lhi.< place until they hear of his whereabouts. Your ob’t s**rv't, I’. Lea Rogers, in arl- -1 w of Knoxville, lean. SALT t SALT!! A Chanco to Tuud Your Money 1 The sot crib*rs can u«c cl00,00>) present currency if received by the 22d inst. There fore they will sell enough'best Virginia Salt to realise the amount at 00 ornta per pound. SIiAUO, I’ALMER k CO. mnflT-St ' * Atlanta. PROCLAMATION nr THE Fi fcSlpa:.T I F THE OXI'h'DERATE STATRU UK ASMICi. The gen at* and Uut.e* vi K**pri‘*eoutivrs n(. the Cos It* i late Slate.- ol Am-rica have •igoi ta**d their desire that a<! *.v may be recommend ed to th-f people, i) be net apart and observed as a day of Lurni' a"ou. faeling. and piayer, iu the Itngu.tge following. to-vit : *• lb v* lentle reciyn z ng tl.e I’rovideuc* of God n theutfursail tutu, aud gratefully re me übeiing the guidai.c *. euppo.t, uud deliver ance grimed lo our I’ttrtot Facers iu tba m —nor tide wtr wutcii re- did <u the lud*p**ud nii e of tVe Aiw-nci i- Col-omen. and now repew lug hi 11 in o»r etiprvure ui .tt leuce and hjpe iu the present ctnugle lor Civil and R 1 giotis Freedom, and I>r the light «•> live uo 1 r a t»overnu ent or cur own choice, and and e piy irnprrtvcd with thecouviciion ibai without nothing is stiang. nub ng wine., and iouhiug e tori' g ; 111 nrJer lh»' IHe pe -ple ot tfci« C<»n te.ierac. imy have the opp irliitnty at tie i. i t off-'iiia tt eir niuaiion to the gieat {sovereign el the I’n.vt rae, oF ptiiiirnily cun fe-«ing itiei*- a if* ai *1 -tnugthenitig, their v>iws k;1 purp'O.*** • ui atnetidia-'itt in bumble reliance upi'U hi- Gr ic.ou* itod A m gui} power ; ••The Corgi e— Ot I *l tj.illie ler.tte State* of Anna .1 . ii » irciuv-'. lh tl f b- ti-cmn u*-n|e.| Male*. Ilial I'UID.tY, the b,!i Omj of Apr:, if a . t»e «<•> a|>»lt auU utl reived a- a day II i.jnii.lwt|, basting, and I'rayvr, th»’ Almighty Go l would so preside t>v»*r our puolic c.»u.i»e » tud* that I|e would imp r-* oui a.ui >rt ui and liieir leadeia with w edo-u t our tjf. and j.e.feveiance J aid m m tui'e-t Hi * -It iu th-* greaVosi ot II * gnOcne.-ia and in j yot ill. power, that we u. .y to .«!.-!» a o .) I—J th.-oagfc th • we „n o *i..g es i Cird, lo tie at a ..Ui--! o! a;, houatafi'e p«:..J? k.O tUat wii.le w -e: i ijr a-ill. —in*, nl a irtC and hat.s j» (iiveinuif f, w**si»y jtcilae to the ho or *.ud g ory oi oat tadepe.ideuce aud prut | eruy.” • . Ar. c: z.m a . t... . -.» c'l’g* ui tl to tLe b*e|. i gi of ib* fWiple wit rece v • tie t hear y eoncurte. ce ; aud it i* u gr.»t-lul duty t # t:et Ki-'i’iut* io unite With ti-eir tepre-entativea in inviiiog i )em t>, meet in the * out« ot the M |l a'D. It Cent ev- n's aaaiten ire b grats ivile tu tlic cupreine liter ot naif ms Our enemies have m itfer-d lep-a'eil de rit.c, and a tiel trinua «chiiue in hum and [dmiuer ~ur cap ita 1 , and to d«— troy our civil G .terutnent by j. lilting to di atb me chosen ol the |ieo pl**, has been b . fll-d anil set ut n..light. Our uriu'es bave been s'.reng*t.en« t ; our tbianees pr..aiis« rapid prog.i ss to a s tl R'acmry .aindi> tiott ; *ni our whole country is tied with a hopeful spirit and a hied detenu uaiiou to acho v»* trniei end* lire. in these circumstances it becomes ns, with tbaukful hearts, to bow ourselv-s before the tbrono of the Most High, and while gratefully acknowledging so many nier.cics f confess that our tins as a people have justly exposed us to Hit chastisement. Let us.recognize the suf ferings wbirli we hat e been called upon to endure, Aduiiui»terfcti I j a lai tlieriy baud for our improvement, and with resolute cournge and patient endurance, Jet us wait on Hint for our deliverance. Ia furtherance nfih*>-e object?, now, There f're, I, JEFFERSON DAVI.S, IViidcitof tba Confederate States of America, <lo ijiue this niv Prociama i >n, calling upon the people cf •aid State-; in conformity with the desire ex. pressed by their r <‘preßentutive», to set apart I’bidat, the Bill day of April, ai a diy of Hu. initiation. Fasting and Prayer, and 1 do here by invite theta on ilia’ day to repair to their •ever.l plncrs of worship and beseech Al mighty find "to preside on r our public coun sels, and s* to inspire our armies and leaders with wisdom, courag • and : enever nee ; and •o to multili st lliat eel fin the greatness of his goodness, and in the m jelly of ills power, that wo tuay secute the blessings of an honor able peace, and ot free gov*ram nt; nnJ that w •, as a people. nt tv a-cribe all to the Honor nnd O ory ol his natn- “ , Given under my bund and seal of f 1 the Confederate States of Ameri* \ * / ca, nt the city of Kichtnin J, on the > 12ih day of March, in the year of Our I-ord oae thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. JEFFERSON DAVIS. I>y the President : J. P. Binjakih, Secretary of State. Mor\r Yerxon.-The vice regen's .of the M< unt Vernon -suite hare b-en in eeasion dur ing a cart <<f this w—-k M's. Cunningham. me regent, l* in 8 mth Gindina. The vice r-gents a e Mim Mary (J. li .in til l ot. N-*»r Y<oa ; MiA.Grab-iinN.Fitefi.ot In It ms: Mrs. M<r g.r»-t C«>m<w*. ol D-d aw- ire ; \|f-. W rit F tns wortb.ot Michigan; .Mrs livorge \Y Kigg*. of Washipgtou ; Mia. Van A tw, rp, ol low a ; lira. Lillie, ol Maine ; Mrs. Jb-rghnn*, of lV|>n»yl* v»r:i* : Mrs. ffg eo. ol New Jeiscy. Miss Tra cy ia K-crwtafy «>i the Board. I is understood that tl.ere is money in t»«nW to meet a deferred •,t lor tne e«*ate, tb* t lie to which is de •l to be perti ct by such eminent c un**-1 Gar bale, Judge Faro*-worth, and olhera. •ry B anion liss *md-r caasiih-ratinn the i ot alii.w i g a strainer Pi run to the es« .hich is and to i>e m good c iodition.and o* keen occupied by euidlera ot either ‘ Haiti more Sun, Feb. 26, tpr >M OK St nut-.i lo\. - The Uteat N-W 'd. nays the extract* we g.v* Irotn uirnsis this tnorntrg give no evl • dniposilion on me putt of the •o give Up ibe struggle. Nitwith xceedutgly harsh ine tsurrs of the '••nt, they seem to be very gene t 'n as necessary under the cir- T. Dr vis is still tne master of lar as complete control meins ot the .South la con • that ia an. It hr File to *x a end until It* armies are no doubt, suffering, wear - the South ; but we fell so ini ei •übmiasion. It la with alt the report* of n wsi ap<f« and new books 'ittojd publishers. UALLAD-LOVEMAKKI RP2AIMO. • 1 ■ K-t wfietlr go*-. - the sl'OF. lbsl pied* lit.* gI«S -.ipiV Story, , V( tS"»iit/ r'esi* ’» »th y. imz f> vetion’i eye : ‘ Hnw tweet the tonnj t u... ri zinj. Hi.w bright iti— y..Wi< b! t*m» up-mclo*. Bow dawn t« earth n* th n th' embraciuf skjr. IT. . - Ah ! lie u art W’-it me, fi-it Our fl .|ii» be- * mi- me inreet; Aod ev *e ei m sli ? cl-iJirw, br.fijt ou win,*, t'f«4>l lUy rci-n.: «■. ti'i.d -e, W'lOi -wttt— ti r |ie.eii f • l. And wifi la U.IMIC u .. »u* Cent e Ibißf*. Its. I'a'tt#. »<> meek and i wly, Ori.w betulirulljr an] li.ily. And th.- lush gr».-i<w, wr-eten, »* they feet : Fven wluti il f> p-rah. They ft ve .art ec-nts tl ey eb-rUh. At the lutek tiilue, uni r btu.t.og heel. IV. Oil! n'*v*<- in ta out «r mevlow, tre t tu<-il de-K-t .-rs «li.iU nr. •Nev.-r -in h * ; tiy- s a <1 ir :n • IT the •••, Ail. piii.s, » itti ble«*TC l.i t- n, Cim- -lie » b i itH ni U . n, To cbau, e the «Mii.r into *fri..g lor rna. FIVE DATS LATEtI FROM TUB VSTI- TtO STATES. Aril* at af it Truer at Cl j Point. A flag of truce boat arrived at City Point on Saturday, with one thousand Confederal* prisoners, brought home iu accordance with * the cartel. By this arrival, we bare received, through Ihe courtesy of the in bang* officers, United States dates to the loth inst. We can nre* sent to-day but it sun,.nary. The U'or.'.i't cprr< spoil.lent say* Grant Is in favor of raising 2'«o<V)omen for another attempt tigninji Richmond. Gcu. Grant i> reported to have said that Sherman's expedition nceoDiplisbed every thing that was designed. The JTor/J repudi ates the iitea Admiral Wilkes is to he ronrt-martia'ed for detaining the V.ind* rbi t when it was sent to pursue the Alabama. Congre«s will probably nuthnrixe Chase to sell hi* gold, in orJ. r to bring down the pre sent price. ■ The Yankees ate grea ly exercised over Kilpatrick’s failure, uml make large lamenta tion over Daliigren, whose fate they bavs learned. • Gen. Meade is n trial 'or his n>‘ck, for bis conduct at Get .sburg. Sickles is the prin cipal witness,Wnd ehsrges shat M -ade wished to run and liad given orders to do so; but that lie (Sickles) brougl t on a fight, and thus f reed n stand. Grant is in Washington, ami has been for mally p esented w ith lot commission of Li ut. General. U-'te report says he is to supersede Hnlleck, another tfiat a grand council of Yankee generals is to bi livid, an 1 Grant has come on at the request of Lincoln. Gilmer, Abolitionist, has • been elected Governor id New Hampshire by 5,000 major ity. . • JIKOt'LAR RYCItAXGR OP rrt!<*ONERS To BE MADS ut abArrsn. The friends of the l ni<j*t pfTtoners in the South will be gratitJed to learn that, arrange ment- liuvo been fbvted tiy which regular excbnngcs of prisoners will t.e made hereaf ter. The Giiverpnient has gracefully rece ied from its diMcrniin .tion to force Gen. Butler upon the C n'edcr.i’es ?u the only ugent of exch i ge, and hav.» dele.aled that authority to Msjiir M I ford, whose ns ociations with Mr. Ould, the rebel commissioner, have here tofore he n pli-itrnnt m well ns dignified. The first exchange under llit new regulation has nlre idy taken plu-c. TEssEi.* srcpo*nn to nr cArmiKD. New- Vonx. March S —The Commfrciul fix ys, that ml vices received in this city from Bom bay January »tate that it is feared that two other American ships, the “.Southern Rights,’ and “Naples - ' have fallen victims to the piente Alabama. These vessels both left Bombay about tho middle of January fjr M ml mein. The for-iftu i s.sels confirm the es cape ot tin* Geer,.: iti *m Breat. The United Slates steam* r K*-nr-- -ge had retTtrned to Brest all* ran unsucces lul pursuit. The Al abama had bttided thcßfrew ol the American ■b : p-r -..i.. J.h.e m .*\uj<-ngo. —/»'jttimnre Am* mrj’t. • Tut: t.iTt: nxiiiy r wtan Rit'inioND. WA'iusurox. .Vl.r -h 2.--Riii’b are pr, j cled towod It u; •mlwi!» « v t-w ot keeping the iui «cni iiio'i o' its** ;• .-»./.•• ot tie Nino ou*v, and to tu .k- tto-ai tb u;. that a.iiocihing is goiug on. The np«but id. ib-* i«ccnt rnov. ment is, tbs: wv t'av** l'-*t .« »b uisand boiscs by latigu*. accident .i.d over* . k ; t ut a hundred and fi iy brave Vlbiw* In* dc ui, in Lo-piul or ia prison, nud th.u th * eA’o'diti.Nt hk( su escape in*'ead of a triu uuh. To he sure, certain por» tines of ciital and r ji*l r o «•! aboil* Ricbm »nd are asid to have d-*s roved. But, really, that amounts tj ml ring. comes to us R eitiu".‘l tint the Divis Govern m• nt a*e ehou 1 to imp: e-s a large numb-r of negroes ti> w-ik up ij the loft tlc»'un.s about fist ci'y. Ho in.- p..,ir colored friends will have to repair Ibe diui .ge» csu*cd by Kilpat rick’s sdva hv aud r-oeit. Ust.TiMOUE, 7.1>. president re- Ceivvu » 0.-p- c/t Uotn J-'or.rees Monroe, this afternoon, s itmx lt. it (Job f) ibigieu. with his bundle l men had ‘•vfely arrived w»t*iin our lines. T .eCtdra-l was at F<ml re-a Monroe.— The I’les.d.'r.t ar.d S cr-l.iry S anion imm-di wteiy called on A irniisl Dtbigren to juoovey the pia-l tidings h and C i.-igiaiulale him upon tba safety ot bi- g dl.'im. -o i. XIoVKUKSTS if OKV. SIIK.TVA V. Ft. Lolls. .M ue.h 9 !•. Tneeteamer L'>m‘ni ry. It .on the ■ I.i»ier river, bring* to'etl'g-nce tli it G*-u >i,. r n -ii and ti< ► * IF ;--!i V i kiburg on lt>e nit. tor iietow Lit the ( urpose ot having a. ime.vnw with lituk* or A'tmirui Porter, wiui let.truce to b.s tutuie Ihoveuii ns. — WiMtixur n, M treh 3. It is underatoot), in Weil llitollued l).i>r •'.•>. Hut Gel) hi rtßsu’s exp and. ion wa» not tufemb-d to .<ci agofthl U t bt eor so r-p*aiedty 4 ucaorted, but •that :» w r> tor the «x. !*••* pin pose of cii'ting off s ipptier an t niK ovirutting the srs'ion ol Ci'Uft ry in which tte operated, a Work Os which the reoe| papers att«-t ,tl.e hitccesrJill oceoui- I M.lflent. VlSl'M.t.l' Kot'.S. Fetnmd i V.o and tr* lying it the poiut ofi'edb in New \ot k. Tbetioverntneot is i.-asing the abandoned iaitniiu A kauras. FORKIOW NEWS. The foreign news U interesting : RELEASE or THE COXFCDKKirE WAS VESSEL TCS- CALOOSA. Lord Palmerston, on ti e night nf tie 25tb, announced in tkeilo.ise of Curumo 'a that or der- hud liern sent to the Cape ot Good Hops to release the privateer Tuscaloosa, internal onal law not justifilng her detention. Till! RKCOQSITtON RIMORS. The London Morning Pott i its eltv article continues to assert the intention of France to Shortly rerogaise the Confederate States In its i»a eof the 2dth it says “The private advices from Paris, upon whirl) we believe re* liance can be placed,again alludes to the nego tiations now in progress preparatory to a re cognition of theCoatnlerateStatev of America by the French Government, although any of ficial acknow ledgement of this fact would at this moment! be thought premature and un« disir.sble.” • 4. »' Jt •' * 1 ~ C' * - ' W Tttx raosrxcT or oexaatL war. The Pott says the Isegnage of Lord Palmer ston last night, in reference to the peaco be tween the present belligerents, Is a remote centingeney,- while war is certainty. Tb# Pott think* the project ot assembling e-con ference pending hostilities, one*wbich, even if realized, can Devtr'b'j productive of satisfac tory results. A conference has been proposed by Eng land lor the »e Menu-n' of the Danish question, but it is feared that France will remain aloof. All the American shipping in Chinese wa ters is unemployed, for ft*ar of the Alabama. LATRR rSOM MEXICO. Niw Yottx, March 4.—The steamer Malan ias, from New Orleani '-’6th, via Havana 28th ult., hns arrived, bringing Msitamoras date* of the 26th ult., received .via Havana. Curtin as keeps TOd men employed in pro • . a. tsctlng the highways and destroying highway men. A Jarge nnmh»r of vassels are at Mata pjoras loading cotton for Europe, Including several steamers. One of th* latter took fire lately and waa destroyed. The Freach were expected to attack tba riUce, but Cortinas would hold oct to tba ast. TheJuarist Minister of the Treasury waa at Brownsville. The small pox has broken ont to aa alarm lag extent in Brownsville. There is no news from New Orleans. FROM CALiroISIA- raSCACTIORS AOAIJTST PRI VATEERS. Fa* Fravcipco. March 3.—The steamer Golden .City took $773,000 in treasure for New York,'instead of the first sum reportad. Twenty aoldiers weat as guards, designing to return from Panama by the return steamer. In addition to her regular armament an extra 100-ponnder Parrott gun ia mounted ou her forward deck, so that, considering her speed, the A'abama would hnd it a difficult job te capture her. No armed passenger was al lowed to sail hence on her. A STORE “CLEARED OCT” BT SOLDIERS. Sohctleill Havbm, Pa., March 3.—A mob of drunken furloughed soldiers are tearing out the stor« of Augustu* Deibal, whom they charge with being a knight of tbo Golden Circle. FROM ARKANSAS. The following order has been sent to the commanding officer at Fayetteville : lloo’rs District or Tits Frontier, 7 Department of Arkan-aa, l Fort Smith, Ark., Fob. 24,1884. J To Lifitt. Col. Bithov, Commanding mt J'aytlti • tillt: Hang or shoot every guerrilla caught in this vicinity when the mails are captured or the telegraph wires cut. PRESIDENT LINCOLN IN MAINS LEGISLATURE. State I/o»te, Augutfa, Mt., March 3.—Our Legislature to-day passed resolutions in favor of Mr. Lincoln’s renoraioation. Every Unioa member la both branches voted for tbo reso lutions. ARRIVAL OF A CONSUL FROM THE '* XMPERIAL government" or Mexico.' New York, Msrch 4—A consul appointed by the Imperial Regency of Mexico has ar rived here. , destruction or a nbwafaper orrtci. Cinrinnati March 3—The office of the Em pire. in Dayton, was completely ilddlod to day by tome soldiers of t*t 44th Ohio Regi ment. Iu a melee that occurred shmtly af terwards one man was killed and two soldiers wounded. Considerah e excitement was caused in town, and tbe Home Guards were called out. • FREMONT FOR PRESIDENT * St. Louie, March 3 —Two* radical German papers of this city—the Wtt'liche Toil and iVeue Ztit —have hoisted the name of General Fremont as the people's candidate for the Presidency. • , WASHING ro.N ITEMS. Among the first fruits of General Grant's appointment as Lieutenant General will be important changes in th,* Army of the l’oto mai. A commission has been appointed by the Secretary of War to visit the camps where all rebel prisoners are confined, and administer to them th^ 5 oath of allegiance, under tbe President's recent amnesty proclamation. M-jor General Meade, the commander of the Army of the Potom ic, accompanied by several members of his staff, arrived iti the city this morning This afternoon tlio Gen eral was in ronsulmtion for «u hoar or two with the Secretary of War. Priest- \Vu. Boyle, of the lit New York Mounted Rifles, convicted of the murder of bi* superior officer, and sentenced to be shot, had his sentence commuted to imprisonment for life at hard lahir. Private Thomas Abra hams IJOUs New York, who guarded Boyle st Will amsburg.let him escape and desert to tbe enemy. It we through thi« wretch that th- r**b-la ia Richmond were apprised of the movement ol G*u. Punier to release our captives iu the Lib by and on B'dle l-'.e. twelve bouwt bet. re bis tro >p* reached Bottom’s bridge, which they found burned. F.>r tU.s crim- G-*o. Butler b*d Ahrahmna tried. He has been c mviced and sentenced to be shot, and the Preaidnut has approved of Ibis AC- of justice. A IXM BLK CAMI’AIOV. -The 14tb New Himpsbir* regiment, which was under o-der* tor the Gulf, it appears has rec-tved n later order to rep«)ri to New llamp sbire lor the purpose ol voimg the Aholittoa Slate t.ckeL The election will take place on the 8 hot March, and aevera' regiment* have aireedv been ordered ho«* to Ukr pnrt in It. Harritburg Patriot awl Union. TtIOIHI.E WITH TUB KUEMII IX TIIE XOCTH rACIKIC. Wahhixotox. M ireo 2.-Adv ces Irom the Acting Rear Admiral In command of the fl -et in the Siii'ti Pac Os. <>F Acapulco, dw'ed F« b luury 3. a'ate tbat Am> r can nteel* had he. n overbaiiled hy French frigitea «.(T that port, and their pipers examined and b« x*s contain ing flr«mnna ink-n lb-retrom. The autboriiie* theiehive protented against the same, and at Ann nndertook to larlily the place ; but uooa lepreaentat ona of the people, who Wared a hi mhardment. nnd «bo knew that tb* mean# w re in <d ij iate to renin; any attack, they with-' drew their gmia. which had been mounted ie«- watd. T'Se French frigate > t the port stood into ike harbor, and stiu'ed oar vensel which was there with a nit ion il silute, which wen re lumed by our Adimral. What further trouble m gbi be anticipated ta not known. But our Admiral inf. tmslhe D -partmi-nt that he aaall piotest (?) agaioat any inlrlngem-m ol the tieutra'iiy law*. Thai there ia « minrider atonding which may become aerious i* rv and *nt; and as !h* French thieeP o, through the com* minder of their frgite. to a-nd a number of v« *ae|i there, it ia dxit* likely that our Gov ernment will proinntly et'end to the protection nt ejud'coys administration of the laws.-A”. I'. Tribune. THE FAILURE OF TEE RAID OH RICHMOND THE IX ROHTH HOW IT IS RECEIVED. . At the dsteofimrUstadvicesfroNi the North Tllie loth,|newshad been red I ved of Hie failure of the “raid on to Richmond'’ nnd the death of Dahlgrrn There had bren various ru mors iu the North of his fate; some were tbat he was a prisoner, others that bo was wound ed, and still another account in the New Fork Tnl.une aaid that be was safe, and bad arrived at Wiiliain-burg with hit command I The flrst intelligence received of hie death wee from our own papers taken North by the pre vious flag of truce. This took the North by •u prise as sudden n»U was unexpected, and the announcement of ita'disastrous failure, af ter the glowing anticipations and repeated rumors of its auccess, brought all of Yankee doro to grief. The accounts were taken from our papers, and are published in full in the Northern papers,, affd tb* whole plot is dis closed, together with the manner nnd circum stances of Dahlgren’s death, and the papers and documents found on his person. In gen eral, the Yaakee papers make no comment, but the Philadelphia Inquirer bursts a pean of praise over .Dablgren’s “heroic address" to bis men to “kill Davis and his cabinet," Tliry publish all the account- fromonr owa paper*, from the death of Dahlgron to tb* minute*! detail, but thvy are at a loss what tossy. Had the movement been a success, what a bowl of fiendish exaltation would have gone up from th« North ! The Herald says the responsibility of tht failure of tb* movement against Richmond must be shared bo ween the . President, bis military board of directors; and the comman der »f the army of the Potomac- The Herald thinks that ihvbatardous mesu re was courage ously executed, and would have resulted in the mostdecive and comprehensive sneers* of; all lb • snecesaee of tb# w*r, If a strong support ing infantry de achment bad been eett up the Peninsula to co-operate with Killpatrick. The Herald aye that tbtrv has been some very Saturdny Mbrnlnjj * # March in, 1904* stupid blondering In the ontter, that the i truth is, GaMral Meade depends upon tbe j War office for Lis plans, And fihnrtke W*r of-> fiee is iocompeteat to direct bint. The I/eraiJ I bdpes th*t Gen. Grant's visit hay some section with the movements in tfle»rmy« *f thp J Potomac, and intimates that hi# *l*lt I* NM special requisition from the pr»»»’l*«L. wisfi" view of consulting And bAving) flis t nf , the operation of tbe trmy in Vfrgioi*. There is very little military news. Bu\ a ] roJitAry council is being held in Washington' to mature plan* for the spring campaign— Both Meade and Grant are ia Washington.—- The presem-e of the latter occasion of presenting bis c/iminission f* j Lieutenant General The iererao")’ to*k placo in the Cabinet Chamber,\o preseov-Tw tbe whole Cabinet, where speeches"P* ni to tbe occasion” passed between lk ~ Gran!. A ' Gen Grant waa being made a grear “rw>> of in Washington. At tbe President*! ImkcY so great Wat the jam sod the desire to t*.« him, th it be was ‘‘obliged to roonet a lofa, under the auspices of Secretary Seward, Vho preceded him to that elevation," wbea follow ed a cheering and waving of 'ban never known on a like occasion. .* x It is said .that Grant will s *o:a retorn-ldff army, and that troops are now moving to front in very large numbers. Tbe Army of tbe Potomac was being organized into three corps, which will bo commanded respectively by Maj. Gens. John Sedgwick, Winfield S. Hancock and Gou*et> nier K. Warden, '* y - There was considerable excilement in nAl erick and Washington counties, Maryland, growing out of movements on the Virginia side of the Potomac, which were supposed tar be premonitory of a cavalry raid through th# upper countirs of Maryland. The fanners were sending their tattle to places of *if#ly„ and a general removal of valuables were k*>- log on—so great was the fear of tbs rebels crossing over. THE NEXT rUEStnySCY. Tbs Herald lias an article in which it give! “a bird’s eye view of the battl- for the next Presidency. The Herald says that it pro si xes to bo “one ot the prettiest polii cal q ipr rels ever known in history.” The Repnhli cdt party ar? to liaie «t least four factions in the fie and —the Red Republicans, who go for Fremont; second, the de. p black Republi cans, who go for Chase ; third, the mulat o Republicans, wuo go for Wedd 11 Phillips; fourth, tbe smutty Republicans, ,vho go or Lincoln. Tbo Herald says that McClel'an will also be a cand date f-r the nomination. Th- New York Legislature has passed reso lutions recommending the re-ooinination of Lincoln. ■ ■ ■ FINANCIAL —HXAVT ADVANCE OF GOLD. Gold lias a Iva ced rapidly in the North. The Riltimore Ameriean of the ]otb quotes it $1 63 to $1 69, having advanced 3 cents on that day. Tbe market was excited. Boutbern stocks were quoted: Virginia 6’s, 47 ; North Carolina 6's, 59; Missouri 6's, 72J; Tennessee 6's. 62. Tie Herald says lhat Mrs. Ftuart, the wife of the rebel General J K. B. Stiiar , ia living iu Georg - own. Distr ct of Columbia, where she bur resided unmolested fur nesrty a year. The Maryland I.cgisla ure has appropriated five thousand dolia a for tbe Ant etam battle, field cemetery. ilon. James B. Ricaud, of Kent county, Mary and, has been appoint and Judge of tbe seventh judicial district of Maryland. Tho property of Jl M T Hunter,» Robert .Oild. William Aiken, Magoffin. W W Boyce, John McQjeen, \V. W Corcvran, and S M Flournov, nl Superior, Wisconsin, bus been confiscated. The Detroit Tribune says th it‘ Vallandigham left Windsor, opposite that City, a fear days, since, for the Hist, in campiny with a squad of runaways and deserters. Where be is gone is a inyutery "’ Comamdore Wilkes is to he court msrtialed. Among the sp*-cifii*a ions art' ii.Mihordinata i induct," “disrespect end disrespectful lan guage to a superior officer," “refusal of obe dience to a lawlul orde aud regulation of tba Navy Department, Ac.” The draft lags iti th-* North. An official order announces it* suspension, and sa.s that a-übsequent day will be named for its re sumption. Gen. Uosencranx, who has just assumed c-immand of the Missouri I)*p*rtmeot, has is sued an order requiring all persons attending religious conventions,synods, conferences, Ac. to take t e most stringent oath of allegiance. The “Constitutional Convention." s’ttiog in Alexandria ha* passed an ordinance abolish ing star ry in Virginia. There was only one dissenting vole against it. Belli were rung and a hundred guns fir id ia honor of it I HK.-S Flton KtIROPIC. The latest European intelligeneo is brought bv the “ Australasian," which left Liverpool on the 26th ult. , the raoroaED c isferexcb. Lord Palmerston has tnide explanations si to England's proposition for a conference on the Danish question. The only basis would be the treV.y of 1852. Denmirk desired to pustpon -an answer for a short period from local considerations. aCHLESWIt-HOLSTEIX QUKSTIOH. There has been no more fighting in Scbies wig, and nothing new. It is confirmed tbat Franee assents to the conference, though not in a very earnest spir it. The Duke of Augustenburg, in reply to an important deputation from all porta of Schleswig, declared his intention never to surrender bis rights. The London “Times" considers that the main poi -t has been gained in the nssvnt of the t reat powers a conference, nnd hopes it will produce satisfactory results. The Paris “ Constitutionel," denying the trroneous assertions of certain paper! re specting the conference, says : “ Franc* cosld not accept the proposal of q conference, It oot yet having been made to her.'* AFFAIRS IX PIXKARK. Copexiiaoex, Feb. 2G.—The Ministry hav* : proposed to the King to dismiss General De > Mesa from the army. The Prii*9ians were atill a K th'ing yester- 1 ’day. Roth Houses of the Uigurad to-day • adopted, almost unanimou-iy, an address to { the King in favor «f the energetic prosecution t of the vs nr, and lor the of the - ueion with Si-hleswig. The Paris Conetitutionel says, in relation to j the proposed conference, tbat Frame would gladly hope for success, but it is doubtful if Denmark and the German Confederation will 1 accede. The Hfcreuries of Legation at Copenhagen bad left tbat city. The Swedish Ambassador nt Copenhagen had been recalled at bis own request. A steam ram, nearly as large as the Hector, built for the Danish Government, ha* been launched on tb* ClyJ*. roLAND. Cider* have been issued at Warsaw that, after the 23d of March, nil persons of either sex, above the ages of fqurteen must, on leav ing the house, be provided with a passport on pain ot punishment. A TSRRtnil EXPLOSION. It is estimated that nine hundred persons were killed by the explosion of a powder da gasins in Morocco. A CHANOS IX saints fbilino. The London co-respondent of tbs I’hi lade), pbia Inquirer writes under date of the 20th February : “I may as well mention another phase of British feeling. A few week* ago I think the almost universal impression wm, that the South was nearly at its last gasp, and that a few months, perhaps weeks,would see the long stroggleatan end. Tb* impression has past ed away, aad, bow or why I cannot sipiaia, the popular opioion is just sow esactly tb# reverse. It is tbe North stick is saw believed to have reached nearly tbe last stage of exf haeatloo. and the geaeral expectation now id tbat we shall very sooa receive tbs sews if •amt overwhelming reverses on tbs part,iff tbe Northern army, aneb as tbe capture of Washing ton, the me rhos the Soothers army 03 Baliiiboxe, Ac., and ev n tbe *ucc«s*feToe • ’ * Vnration of Philadelphia is confidently pre ■teted Them la an air of asenranee about fk* Secessionist# of Londoo, end tkefr Eaglish 'sympathisers and allies, that I have never j witnessed before since tbe war began, and if -any dependence Is to be placed upon what I ■ **!»*• heretofore called tay thermometer, them , weald noons te bn somo real grounds for this ■. onfiJence. Tba Confederate Cos to a Loaa, /which a few weeks ago had sunk t» 30535, has experienced a wonderful recovery, and now 1 stands at 55 to 60. There mast have been some cause for th • other than tba ordiaary : fluctuations of tbo money market, for tho stock b«s not reached this lattsr figure at a »sudden jump, but has been creeping np grad ually day by day, with a steadiness tba mora remarkable as their# has been no apparent reason for tb# restoration of confidence in it among tbe monayed moo. 1 will not attempt ® r #ccount for tbnpresent state of \ S«U you wbat that state Is. TUB MEXICAN THROES. * The Paris “ Memorial Diplomatique" says the Archduke .Maximilian and the Arch duchess would arrive in a few daya at Brus sels, to take leave of King Leopold, and pre '*Ans to their departure for Mexico they will pay a visit to the Tuilariea and to Windsor. Immediately aft«*r they will return to Vienna. Ou the arrival of the Mexican deputation, tba accession of Msximiiiao to th# Imperial thron# of Mexico will be |irnclaitned. Before leaving Europe, their Mexican Maje«tiea will visit Roms to seek tbe Pontifical blessing oa ' their mission. i the Paris correspondent of tbe Morning ’ Post, says all the Mexican Minister’s financial plans are matured. They include a loaa of twenty millions sterling fire per cent, stock, and tbe settlement of tue overdue coupons of tbe English Mexican debt oa satisfactory, terms. . PASSINO COTTON AND TOBACCO Til ROUGH TH* BLOCKADE. In thrllouse of Commons, on the 231, Mr. Layard, in rep y to Sir R. Clifton, stated that it was true that her Majesty's Government, on the application of the French and Aus trian Governments, bad consented that thora .Governments should pats n quantity of to bacco tbrongb the blockade, with the appro* val of tbe American Government. The to bacco was the property of thj Austrian and French Governments, and was in Richmond when the.civil war broke ont. Her Majesty’s Government bed not in add a simple applies, lion lor tbe passing of cotton f.»r tbe benefit “f the distressed operatives of Lancashire.— The case of cottou was altogether different, fa it was not held by the Government, bat by privet* individuals. AN OLD RUMOR REVIVED. The London Morning Post, of the 2Stb. In its eiiy article, aaya the r porta from Paris *.e ro ir«* positive than before that coufijeatial aa gohetions li>*ta h»*< o entered upon by the French Government with the Cabinet of St Jamas’ tor the j oint recognition ot I*l* Coatedarate Status, and it ms aied that Fiapce will act alone in cate of a negative reply from EigWnd. Toe Pott dei 1 ues to Vouch lor tUeee reports. TUB “TI'SCILDOSA Lord Palmerston had announced in the IIou«e of Com uns ibat orders have been sent to tbe Capa ot Good Hope to releoae the privateer -Toacaloo-a, international law not jitslilyiug b«*r de'.eLtiou. MlscuLLtXtOU.i. T .a three m *u charged with oiracy In seizing tbe Npti.jna t J iwpb L (»*r-*ty have again been befiir-e tbe L verpool in< s i«trate«. Ton oouusel -f.»r he Ainencau G iverniuent tiemand-*d, uu •l**t ib** •XTaiUiua Irra-.f. that th« prisoaora be *<"nt 10-New • Y-irk for trial. Td » il* endin'* C(«“n to been ju*titled in th**ir course by , wti'le > authority Iroin tb* Contelerate offi naie. The in r minded the can* till tbe 4n ol M ireh. .’*ie n tiu-a or th* aetm-n arre*t*d t-r a--xng ibe acnouner Joaepa G-rety ore <tti».cy, M Murdock, and Ferran. * *.% P letter soa-rp* that t*i* cordlali'y o? tbe tn'nue between France and E tgl ia J ia no lon?*r * matter ot doubt, it ie under-tood that tb* Ktfpeior of tbo Fieuc i agree* to c» operate .with K ig’i-ed wh:-3.-r r »h.* will »r.', and to ro •lain b a liberty of ac icn or of c» ap‘ration * when KngUnd court tea tier action lo diploma ic nt'ea. In tue Kdinhnrg Court of Sesii »•’* the J t Ige hi- llxe l the Sib of April lor tbe trial of the Pamiiero eoee by jury, and a«td he had det-r --miuei to follow tee coarse a lopted ia the AI • axandra case. Notice of au appeal w«a given. I: is itttini that threw R maim Infantry cim paniee. who marched again*! the inaurgenta under D.'oinbrow-ki. had b.*eu utterly r tilted at Ktt'X-woltn. the Goreruin-ut ol Uavjw.— Omy eight R j-auria escaped. Fieigbt# are very high at tsbanrbei. owing to tbe presence ol ice A 1 »bmi tn t i»»« waters. Tbe M.xmliiu leaves Brussels lor Paris on the 29th nl February. The Uju-se was steady. OMVCiIUL. liivtßr iol Feb 26.—CorroN -The Brokers’ vtrcuiar reports the sales ol the we. k st 31,360 dales, ul which 4,270 are on speculaiioa, end i lor expnr. The actual export of the te. ais h.|27 bales. The market >a dull, and «* j 1 lower lor Atjtlcao. arid j @ } I lower lor etber sorts. Trie aslee to*d iy (Tri.iav) are ee tiusated at 6 000 bales, inc odn g 2.U00 to spec nlators and • xoortera—themsiket eloaing quiet asd u»i-b »ng. and Tne Huibor z’d q t daHona are. Middling Or- Itaoa. 2711.; ditto Mobile, 267 1.; ditto Uo- Ivida. 2ujl. Tne aloes iu port la 231 600 bales, of which 21 9ou are Amer.cau. Ilia week’s imports is 7224 biles. _ AMERICAS AFFAIR* IX IVARLIAMEXT. In the House of Commons, on the 24th‘, Jr Seymour Fitzgerald moved for copies of ni corresponded*) relative to tbe Laird iroo rims and their seizure, both between Govern ownt and Messrs. Laid, and between tbe Bug- Uh Government and the United States. lie r file rated tbe assertion tbat the British Cabl. ret seized tbe vessele when influenced .tg fear of a war with America .Mr. Filr-ger aid was supported by Hugh Cairns, Lord Ro ’trt Cecil, Masfall and others. The Attorney General defended the English Government, trfios* conduct was justified, he said, in every drp by evidence. He repudiated tbe notion teat Mr. Adams’ representation bad been dlher than proper and courteous. A division iTHulte i Id ibe rejection of the flrst portion 4f Mr. Fitzgerald’s motion by a m-jority of twenty five—one hundred and fifty-three voting for, and one hundred and seventy-eight •gainst it. Oa 26th, Lord Palmerston, in reply to -Mr. Peacock, said that the Tprcalooea, (formerly tie conrad) bad been seised at the Cape of t.'od Hope, in coneeqaeuce of instructions tom borne; but subsequent instructions bad h->en sent to release her, on tbe ground that Irr detention would not be warranted by in ternational law. HOLSTEIN WAB. 1 From Bchle*wig Holstein we learn that the Danes had Inst and regained tbe village if Duppel. Koglani had proposed a conference of settlement to meet in London. This was accepted by Austria and Prussia, but hostili th e are not to cease 'during tho sitings. The occupation of Jutland baa been explained by the Austrian and Prussian Ambassadors to Is merely for strategie purposes. Fraecs and Russia, it is said, support tbe idea of a con ference. Tbe Loodon Times, of tbe latest date, considers the crisis as very serious, not withstanding, and says that tho spring of IM4. **y see revol utlon prevailing over Ger nt iny, and its close witness tbs annihilation of tbs Kingdom of Denmark. A URAXD ROW IX DIBUX, 4 it ao lumen** meeting held at the Rotunda, Dibit i. on tin* evenl gol the 22d el Fobruan, bv jbe O Donobue and Mr. Sulbvan of tb* Sa tio t to protest against tbe erection of n stauw te Pi ne* Albert in College Green, tbe'Fenian Brotherhood atoim*d the platform, routed tbe ebaiiwiia aod oommlttee, and after a desperate fight wf fl «een minatee, remained masters es ft* from and. waving a flog and flourishing « baked sword. It is alleged tßat Some at the . eMM—aanu wore the Americana ulorm. Tbe exeitvsseat nod tumult- were terrific. TH* FRENCH Ti BAOCJ IS KICHMOXn. In the ILiu»* of Commons, on ih» 23J of February, tkr Robert Clition a-k«*d tb* Uu - der Secretary of Slate lor Foregn AlTure tnr it *li true that bee M j ei/'e GjF- I"* . • - • . *■•»* ' • ■ * A i eromtmi bad, oa tka appUcatioa ol tbo French Government, consented that tbe Franca Gov ernment should pasa a quantity of tobacco through Mm blockade with the approval of tho w anngtra Cabinet; and whether bar M*jee »)’• Government had thought It their duty to ■ake say a; pliomum lor tbo paa-ux of cottoa for tbe benefit of tbe diaiirased opetaiives ot Lincitehire. Mr. Lay asd aUted that at tbo time wbta tbo Oivil war broke aut ia the United Sutei a Ist go amount ot ton tceo beloa.lag tithe Govera aients of France sad Austria happened to bo at Richmond. The French government asked the government of tbe C died Statee to allow •beat to briag that tobacco out ol tho country, and tbo governm-at of tne United Sutea re plied that they were willing to t uaeot oa coa dmoa that the British'xovernm at did not ob- Tho Freucuf government made applies lion tbrongb tb-dr Ambassador lo bor M «j*w ty'a government, and her M- jaaty’s gover. m *st consented to allow ibis tobacco to bu takeu out or the couotry oa oonditioa that it was net asada a precedent. Buboeqoeutiy It was die - Covered in it aoroe ponton of tbe tobacco bad been purchased after huaiiliiim bad brokea ou', and u limber appi.catioa being mode to her M ■ jesty's trovernm-nt. it wan decided not to re ee any difficulty up »n that grnaod. cot ton, however, aioud q itte in a d.ff irent cate gory. Ibe tobacco belong“d to the goveru meu'S of two neutral countries, and Turned part ol their revenue; cotton, ou tbe contrary, would only belong to private individuals. LATKR PROM KIROPK~RI'NORg OV RICOOBITIOI BY FRANCK Through the Northern paper* we hare late advices irora Europe. The moat interesting feature of the intelli pence from Europe ie a rumor to the effect tuat France hae decided upon an early re cognition of th- Confederate St .tea, and i* now conferring with the Briliah Government •on that step, with a riew of aecuring, if pos sible, England's alliance in the matter. Whether thi« rumor i* worth anything, or ia but a repetiti a of what wa bare beard for ererj sii'y and ya alnce the war began, is ■ a prob.em for the reader to aolve for himself. The atory seem* to bare originated in thia wise: On the arriral of the laat steamer from Airope, a bearer of dispatcher fr in Mr. Dayton, the United States Minister to France, p »ceeded immediately to Washington, taking the rery mrlieat train after hit landing. The aaid bearer oi dispatches ia said to been quite communicative of the rnitur-r of the communication* be bore, and -tepresen ed them at announcing to the Government at Wash ngton the early pu p se of France to recognise the Confederate State*. The Emperor bad Intimatod to Ur. Dayton that, aftor waiting long and patiently, lie could see no satisfactory eridenceof the abil ity of the Federal Government to put down the rebellion and restore tb* Union : and tb* interests of Frau :e continue# KTsuffcr severe ly from the blockade and tb* coesrqueot eui pension of commercial intercourse with the South; that the forbearance of the French Government in that particular bad been met with only hostile c iticiam of tb* Emperor'e Meiican policy by the Northern journals; that the notes which the minister of Foreign Affaire ha I recently received through the United States Minister, in relation to the Confederate steamer* Florida and. Oeorgia were discourteous and dictatorial in tone: and, finally, that it was due to the cause’ of hu manity that something should be done by some power like France, not unfriendly to either belligerent, with a view of terminating civil war which has raged • long without any definite results. Upon this intimation from the Emperor, Mr Dayton d-spatebed a mes senger to his Uoverment at Washington. 'I ina ia the alory. Whether, true or not, it reem* to have exc ted.cousidnrable feeling in the North. The su'taiauc- n tb • above *p peir* in a New Yo-k paper, as a dispatch, double leaded,/runs W tahiagtoo, and la fol lowed up by the eu.iortal declaration, "on the .very beat authoritythat the relviou* be ■ tween the Coiled Guvr.rnniejt and France are in u very critical condition. The story moreover aitau n-*i ao air oi prob*-.ili»y. from the tact that the Paris cirre-ponrietn of the I. md in I*os! writes t» the same rff-nr, and th« story u! nfMmltion seems to have been received both in Paris and London with m ir« confidence ih to ever. The B-puh'ican pipers (it the North treat the ru>n >r w to levity, an t siy there is no truth in it. A dispatch from Washington, as it speak ng hy ofQ ia! aiilhorit/. discredits the whole thing, uo 1 says that it Is but a m -re trick of "oitott speculators; tost “ibe relations <*l the Utiled »ttt-s with both France and E glmd are peaseful aid harmonious, and will be msinlain'd as sue it with both powers, CerUlnlv with Engl tud.” The North counts with certainty in the case of England, and aa an evidence of tb* good feeling co her part, at least, points to the vole in the House of Parliament on the motion for the production of certain papers concerning tb* seizure "of the steam rams.— This, the North regards, was a test question of the feeling and action, of the British Gov ernment, and was decided with the following result: for the nntioo, one hundred and fifty three, and against it one hundred and seven ty-eight. This vote, tb* North urges, settlea the ram questioa in the British Parliament, and adjusts a ma ter which c >uld form “ tha only point of dispute whieh could possibly interrupt the present peaceful relatione be tween England aod the United States. Affairs remain in Schleswig unchanged.— Denmark has accepted the proposition for a conference, but it was considered doubtful whether peaceable results would eu ue. The British channel squadron had been ordered to the B iltic in order to prepare for probable eveatuntties. The lone of the British papers are warlike. . Lord Palmerston had deelaied peace a rent >te contingency and war as cer tain between the present belligerents. (» t.n has w»in advanced in New Y<*k. The linUH *f the lt).b m»h tint on the prevt« «>u* day the uprcul-t ir» t •••k ndvm'ag* ot the mod 8-d action -of lb* II w«e of R-prenenta live* to pm the puc *. temporarily, ap to IC7Q IC’J per c-nt. -cloaiug at 16GJ. Toe aetioa re* ferred to, aid the iff-ct if toe ri«e u,»on Uun gr*-a«l >nal nerve* will appear from toe follow mg paragraph from tke Washington letter la the a im# piper : The Senate F nance Committee to day iioan immaly authors-d Senator Sh**rmin to report back the II *«ne bill, allowing the Secretary of tbe frnuuiy to anticipate tbe payment on lb a cotipona by amending no aa to allow the Sec retary to Fell the Furp'un gold in the Treasury without tbe fiv * <fiy*’ none**. T.t* rn-dd rise in gold to-diy brn induced the Senate corn m 'tee to take this action, and h will probably i a*a without much opposition. The Time* nayn the ai>eciilation oh the Stock Ex:benge on tbe In, w*a higv-r thin on Mon* day Ot : u-wday in most dercnpliuar.~.RieA tnond Whig. A Finals Contractor. —A Dmtcn pnp-r g ; Tee aa see nun ot ao “enterpri-iug womsn - * «l M laeac'auaetta. woe, it nays, deriving ita in* lot ui.tiiou Irum tbe same source, “ban been one ol the largest contractors in tbit Sute tor tur* n smog eiinplha to tbe army.” In teed. It w»u and appear that “tb* total asniunt u all her contracts s ces the comm •• c -men' of tbe war aggregate nearly two m ll'Ottr.” Now, tb a * enterprising trnwiu” is going into the raw* mill buainea* “down Snath ” hiving ha I bun dled* of e> n raband.l employed already in cut tng umber for ber there. Many pe*a >m would ni nr illy be astonished to ooticetve how a w howrver enterprising, coaid carry aa teen with the government an i xtenauely ; ad it M plain tbai it would be impossible, eg Cepi for acme power til politic »l u fl t-sca near the neat af G-v -rum -uk Au it q i.ry oa in • point, a-Id ra*ed to cie of our Jdaaascbus-us Senators, fur certain reaaina. wmld probably el •ci» n i aaiintaciory reply from Kim. W* re - m- mb-r a somewhat singu’n ly worded rrmark made in one ol bia spsecoee. last seaal m, which stiuok ua murh at the time, •• tbe effaot tnat no man sow id sty be bad got c mtrac a tbroagb hint. Whether tkia waa trne or not thea. or Ip ■ true or not onw, be did n *t Atolnd* women; Uu* “enterpr ting westis,” la tier, brn a* wen underauK*d to ear ber auce <aafal negoiia ims wi b tbe departm«ul to bia intervention. Per* bap* be got such Urge coat ra:is for bis female truud that be con’d do llule in ibis way for appltcinta of the other ■ *x. Then are cu lona mm >rs on this subj c ; but it would not be conusteot woo *.• tutorial dignity t> have tkea made public more particularly. ii *■ THE CURRENCY BILL. _ BY AUTHORITY. [No. 216.] #■ ACT TO BBDCCB TBS CUBBSXCT AND TO AU TBoaiki a itw issua of Noras and nonds.' 1. Tba Congress of the Confederate States of America do asset, That tba holders of all Treasury notes above the denomination of five, dot lari, not hearing interest, shall be allowed until tbe Ist day of April, 1864, east of the Mississippi rlver.and until tba Ist day of July, 1864, west of th# Mississippi river, to fund the same, and uatil tba periods and at tba places stated,tba holders ofall such Treasury notes shall be allowed to fund tba same ia registered bonds, payable twenty yean after their da tea, besriog interest at tbe rat# of four per cent per annam, payable on tbniftt day of January and July of each year. ’ 2. Tbo Secretary of tbe Treasury is haraby authorised to issue the boads reqaired for tbs fending provided for ia tho preceding sec tion. and until Hr* boads can be prepared, bo may tasae certificates to answer tbe purpose. Such bonds and certificates shall be receiva ble without interest la payment of all gov ernment duos payable in the year 1864, ex cept export and import dues. 3. That all Treat-ury notes of the denomi nation of ana hundred dollars not bearing in. ICrest, which sbRlI not b*presented for fund ing under the ftrovisions of tbe Ist se'diott of this act, shall, from and after the Ist day of April, 1864, east of tbe Missaiasippi river, aiid the Ist day of July, 1864, west of the Mississippi river, eeeee to be receivable ia tLa payment.of public dues, and said notes, jf not so presented at that time, ahull, in addi tion to the tag of thirty-three and one third per scat imposed in tbe 4tb section of this , act, be subject to a tax of ten per cent, a month until so presented, which taxes shall attach to said antes wherever circulated, and shall be deducted from tbe face of said notes when ever presented for payment or for funding, and said notes shall not bs exchangable for the new issue of Treasury notes p oriJefl for in this Act. 4. That on all stM Treasury notea not fun ded pr u«ed tn pavm *nl ot tax's at the dates and places prescribed in tbe let section Ol this act, there e*iaU be levied at s<t and dates and pla ces a tax nf thirty-tbre* aud one third cent* for every dollar promised on tbe face of said notes. Said tax ahall attach to/aid notes wher ever circulated, an I shall be collected by de flecting tbe same at the Treasury, its deposito ries. and by the tax Collector*, and by all gov ernment offi ter* r»o*iving the sun-, whenever pre-epted lor pay men'., or for funding, or in payment of . overnm-nt du *e. or for postage, or In exehtnge tor new notes as Irreinaftt-r provided ; and said Treasure notes ahall be fundable in Donis as provided in the first auc tion ot this act until ihe 1-t day of January, 1365, at the rate ot sixty-eix an 1 two-tbird cents on the And It shall be the duly of the S-cretarr of the Treasury at any time between the lat of Aoril east, and July. 1861. west ol tbe Mississippi river, sni the l*t J ami try. 1865, to substitute and exchxnre new Treasury notes tit tb* sum-, at the rate ol sixty six and two third* cents on the dollar, provided that notes of the denomination of one hundred dollars shall no' be entit’el to Ute privilege ot said exchinge; pnn-uUdfurth*r, Tuat tne right to fund any ol a .id Treasury note# after Ist flay ot Jinu*rv. 1865. is hereby Ukeu stray ; anil provided further, that upon all such Treasury nous **ni':n may remain outst anding on tbe Ist January, 1865, and w deb may uot be exchang'd for new Treasury no es a« herein provided, a tax *1 one hnwlrel p*r cent. 1- herebv imposed. 5. That after the first day of April next, all authority heretofore-given to the Secreta ry of th* Treasury to issue. Treasury notes, shall be and is hereby revoked ; provided, the Secretary of th# Treasury may after that time issue new Treasury notes, in sach forms as he may prescribe, payable two years a'ter th* ratification of a treaty of peace with the United States, said new issnea to be teceiv able iu pay ut-nt of all public dues except ex port an 4 ULport duties, au<i to bo lasuid iu exchange for old note*, at the rate of two dol ars of the new for three of the <>lJ issues, whether said old note* be surrendered for ex change by the holders thereof, or be received tuto the Treasury under the provisions of this act; and l e holders of tho new notes or of the old notes, except those of tbn denomina tion of one hundred dollars, after they, are red ueed to sixty-six and twa-tliird cents on the dollar, by the tax aforesaid, may convert the same into call certificates, bearing inter est at th* rate of four por cent, per annum, and payable two years after the ratification of a trbaty of peace with ill# United States, unless sooner converted into new notes. 6. That to pay the expenses of the Gov cament not otherwise provided for, the Sec retary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to issue six per cent, bonds, to an arnduut not exceeding fire bandred million of dollars, the principal and interest whereof shall be free from taxation, and for payment of tbe in terest thereon the entire net receipts of any export du*y. hereafter laid on tbe value of all cottton, bacco, and naval r.orei, which ihall be exported from the Confederate States, and the net proceeds of the import duties now laid or so much ‘.hereof as may be necessary to pay anuua:ly the interest, are hereby special ly pledged, provided that the duties new l iJ upon imports and hereby pledged shall here after be raid in specie, or in sterling e chance, or in the coupons of said h<>nds. 7. That the Secretary of the Treasury is her-by authorised, from time to time, as the wants us the Treasury may require it, to sell or hypothecate for Treasury notes said bonds, or any part thereof, upon the beet terti.a lie can, so a* to meet appropriations by Congress, and at the same time reduce and restrict the amount of the circulation in Treasury notes within reasonable and safe limits. 8. Tbe bonds authorised by tbe Oth section of Ibis act may be either registered or coupon bonds, as tho parties takiog them may elect, and they may be exchanged for each other under auch regulations m the Secretary of tbe Treasury tuay prescribe. They shall be tor one hundred dollars, or some multiple of one bandred dollars, and shall, together with the coupons thereto attached, be in such form and of such authentication as the Keeretaiy of the Tr*a*nry may prescribe. The interest shall bn payable half yearly on tbe Ist of January aud July in each year—the princi pal shall be payable not less than thirty years from their date. 9. All call certificate* shall by fundable, and shall be taied in all respects, as it pro vided for the Treasury notes, into which they are convertible. If not converted before the time fixed for using tb* Tr*a«my totes, tsch certificates shall, from that time, bear interest npon only sixty-six and two-third rents for every dollar promised npon their face, and shall te redeemable only in new Treasury notes at that rate, but after the passage of this act, no tall certificates shall b# issuei until after tb* Ist day cf April, 18G4.- 10 That if any bank ot deposit shall f'va Ita depositors tbe bonds authorised by tb** l«l sec tion ot tbie act la exchange tor tbeir deuposlts, ted specify the same on tbe bonds by some die* tinciive mark or token, to be agreed upoo with the Secretary of the Treasury, then the said denomter shall be entitled to receive tbe amount nf.ssid bond* la Treasury notes bearing no lo Invest and out-tanlitip at the passage of tb's act. provid'd, the *aid bonds are presented be fore tbe privilege of funding said notes al ptr shall cease, as herein prescribed. 11. That all treasury notes heretofore Issued of ttra demon bstioa ol five dollars ah«li cantin as to be receivable in payment of publts du-», as provided by law. and fundable at par under the provisions of ibis act, until tbo I*4 of July, 1664. east, and natil tbe Ist October, 1864 west ot tbe Mississippi, hut after that lime they ■nail be subject to a t»* of thirty three and on# third cent* on every dollar promised on tbe face thereof, said, tat to attach to said notes v hersvev circulated, and said notes to bs fun dable end exchangeable for new treasury aotes, aa berets provided, sat j *ct to lbs deduction of ■aid las. 11. That any Htats bolding tressary note*, received before tbe times herein fixed far tax ing said note*, shall be sttww. and sntil tee Ist day ol January 1665. to fund the same in six per cent, bonds of tbe Confederate State, pay able twsatv years, afterdate sad lbs lie rest pey. able seni'-annustly. But all trearmy notes rec-lved by any Sute alter tbs time Hxed lor taxiog the same, aa aforeoald. shall be h id to bav« been removed diatintabsd by lias amount . *.*'<** » 7, e vr •« h » • ‘ ¥ • VOL; m~"3l of Mid lax. ■ The dieertminatiw* between Ih* g l !?5" l ‘^L». t » ,h '‘ Ul khl those aot so subject , shall b« lefMo Hi* jpitd folth of each grain, *ua tbe o«*rudf^R a 01 tbe Got trier thereof tb *ll In mop ewe km eoQpJiihiv#, 13. That treasury notes heretofore issued, bearing interest wt Thu rut* of seven • dollars and thirty oeuUen the huadved dollars per nentim, no lunger be received in paytbrnt of puhlw dues, hut ahull he deemed end con mdered bonds t»f the CouMerare State*, pay* , ,Wo y* -I *'* *>*«* thw rat dcattoe of a treaty o» peaert W j,h (U Utii’od Slates, bearing the rate ol interest ep-rlled on their face, payable 0 ,. a!? 1 10 r>ch and every year. 14. That the Vicereiary of the Treasury bn and re is hereby authorised, in cun thn exi- • gouciea of the Gove, nment shnild requirn it. to pny thn demand of . i.y onbltc creditor whoas debt nay bn toatr«<t,*d alter thn pannage nf jbi'acr, willing to tbe.ssmn, in a certify idte ot indebtedness Pi be iarued by aaid Sec retary ia such form t* hg ur-y deem proper payaoHttvo ye tm after a t *t fl.atinu nf a treaty t»l the UinwTPttte., bearing Utter *"‘ r c *“• »•«■ •nnum. pay-, able serai anrm illy, un.l trai.slerahle only hy special endorte-mem under regulations to be prescribed hy tie Secretary of the Trevors, and said certificate--hill be exempt from tax ati*>n in principal and tnteiest. 13. The Secretory 0 f the Treasury ia author ized 'o iocreasu the number or depositories so *s to tn-ni the n q iireinent* nf this act, and with that new to emp! »y such of tb* banks of Ute sev-ral S ut.M h«* may deem expedient. 1«* Th* Secretary si all forthwith advertise this act in such neaspapega published in tb* mill by such o ? bt*r Bictin as §ball aecuro Immediate pitMc-tr. sod the Secretary ol \\ tr «nd the ivrr.ei.try of the Navy shall each ctuy it to he puGti-h-«l in general order* for the information <>r the armr end navy. [l7 The 4 J.| section of the act y ur t |, e M . tessm-nt sod collection of taxes, approved May Ist. 1803, is hereby repealed. The 42d section of sard act reads aa fol lows : ‘‘That tbe Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe regulations to enable any tai-payer to pny into the Treasury, in advance, such sum as ho may choose on account of taxes to accro* against him, sod to obtain therefor a certificate bearing interest at the rat* of fir* per cent, a year until bis taxes are payable, but such certificate »bnll t n<rt be transferable ”) Iff The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required, upon tbe application of the holder ol any call certificate—which by the Ist section of the act ‘to provide for tb* funding and further issue or Treasury nete*,’* approved March 231, 18C3, was required to ' be *th reafter deemed to be a bond’ to issue to such holder a bond tbertfor npou lb* terms provided by said art,” Approved Feb. 17, ldtM. C. G. Mtmiixoca, fel>27—tapr2 StcrrliTyof th* Trtaitiry. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION. TIIK Arm of IhIWKIL A Ilf LI. I* tlila day <tU*>le-4 l>v morn tl r n-oat. Tl»> ntiteilled tiaemen «r lha Arm wil !>• *“i tied lj tb* tenlur aMHbrr vt th- Arm, Mr. C. Powrll. . C. POWRLU. U S. MILL. Tn rMirtneftom llie !*»e li-m ofn-welt 4 nill. I l*tr* ptn-urr I:. r.vomni »Jln*niv Ul* yartntr, C*pt. revrlt, t. my ■I I frtrn '« snU rn»nnn*rs a* a prurnpr * n d rner g*tt-tm I*m* tain. 11.3. IIILL. f.’ - * DESIRAIW.i: lIESIL'EMK foh sale. /• ON PSACH TSZE STRi . Tn v n».-tt»r.xcK r tit'iritT.TomjpiF.n *t *tr- SKLV. •- I at prr-wit >«r*pi«d |,j J«Sn T. lamS, K*i , 'or -*!••. Si). no wishing on* of Ibe mod detu r*M# bits in Ibe o*ti ln%v*> no (fp irtaoitv nf |>av chasing by *J'i l>oi o - at ui y lEeniJeac* on »l - •'"« ... I». and. DIMICK. I).-* IT—ls YiiV«ri:i an t Georgia UNITED. Wm. SI. wi m Hits, I . n. DAVIS, of L’sncbhard. Va foiiueriy Ist* of th* arm of WiTUKKS, UUlf A TITfUK, FCA9B A DAVft At'aiito. 00.. Atlanta. Os HAVE THIS OUformrlaC-urU •*er-t*ip, nti.l.r the umt and alyl* of WITHERS &. DAVIS, freih' ptirp«-nfeo:.<fort|ng a Arat clam COMMISSION ni'SINKSS. ae have ala.) |oir<'li<«<Ht tlra ontlra *t-eb of Mm-ra. rt .th r-. II <rt t Tic her. a ul will carry on • largo Tobwco Tr;« l». hati-q; a l«: ;e Virginia In Anar* tu enr -ul couriautly hare ou haaj a largaalwvll •rlrcN ato. b • f Manufactured & Smoking TOBACCO. We star) nav- c.n e-mignment Citron Varna,*Ahlrtlngs Phwln ami Oiujiiiurga, alaat * for a«l« at lb- market pfr** M It'll ERA k PAVIA. ffLtf Fan htr-a atr-rt NEGRO MEN WANTKtt AH WOJD IIMPPER9. Litoral wages will to (.aid Aptly b* letter. •Urartet* In “ATLANTA REOIATKII. , • * •«T* Wtn “Re orter" and •• Mla-la.lppU» * copy olta month an I J t* It to 11.1, OX.-* ay o)VL F< b Jl—ln. >. H FLEMING & 60., FOKKM.V AND DOMESTIC - COMMISSION MERCHANTS —and ATT OTIONBBUS, . (WHOM* a lr KXkXvaivKiaT.) CINitMNMKNTS of Ntajde O-wti of every kiadvn. IHt«4s All • '•tM!.*li t4l'utu «i( ))*▼• tb# MftfHQlM* ofpritat# «* public mlpi, m thtowuMi pr- f«*r. Catalogue Wholesale Auction Sales wit! he ns l« at •♦•t-e p-n.vfa and t'errhant* sn4 p.-al on will Cud t- tiith dr *’» nit«n* tna-nt n«-><ia !•< this p-dnt Wsr*f-r r—p—rtfullj to tbo leadiug n-irkstit* soJ tmuVs us <t«.'ri: a. fKKtV t Itltnvv. M t UrtIRNVTADT, TII'M I*. i’LK'IIMI, W. 11. HkKSKH. Atlints, tl». r. t.. at. 1«"l -S inn. BERTRAND ZACHRY, NO. 3, I* -IACHTIIKR ITItERT,! . ATLANTA, OA. CROCERY AND PROVISION n-ronin. WILL Rl'V AND Sfll cant-y pro tar*, ml keoii.iNinatantly <-a band a good cui-idy of bacos. tar t. I'lHk, dried t*»rf, Sr. " J ' O-Oivr. ME A CALL. r.h 24th-J«o G. W. KfiISHT, General Au .tiou, Coxa ssion, REAL EST ATE ME-ICH A NT, Wblirbstl Street. A tin it tic, ..tGeorgln. Solicits ron«<-nt». and will take pleaturt to sell goods t. the owners’ ad vat ter. __ .WANTED ,$20,000 raaiTaf tbo -no haodr-d auiT’ l(oa Mil l. 4. ||«AS a no. luswir. To Louisianians! BY OIIUKR or I NK WAR DEPART meet. 1 ie»»* today fir kiwtora. LoaHiaan. to W T *t» tu that di-tra-S My rexitaaut )!m Laq.siaaw cavalry) wilt ivn l.i. om at S-laia, Alal»mn. |n -a.i tl«n. a **>l-o lld l-atuty ot fawver gaaa. wnaoatwd bv ear *"«aunt, r l.t *u Urn. Poll, wLI acr-wman* U>a aadrr tb-oinmand of Cabala M iCg R„h l»a>a. of N -a Hi I <->>• an «n.| akilful oScar h * ,okjr ** M *r «ra at Ilcna Ar- A scalar In In emaat roe agkrwd the ane«o{ Loawi.n* to tally aronnd trar n.lura asd ara.i- th-i, WvatM t w».H.«,.ad tb- •'ll oMbidr ..a a tfuta. Ilur-a« sas3oaip»- B t, win b. r.rWvb and alt wbo M L»« lit. r- L* an and -lay. wilg Juatlas. rev.nea -nd rnnraaw M astinba till not a Xw hr l, ftin Usklin* lo trlt lit st >ry,of Ua tr lia* ,• * _ * Jim.N R. sonrr. * ■ *!£?&. °^ ml '* 1 • 5?