Atlanta daily register. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1864-1864, April 03, 1864, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAI L Y REGISTER. 13 Y *T. A. SPERR'V A CO. Terms of Subscription tOft DAtLT HKGISTER. D»U.V, PER NOITII, tit • ii I I tS.OO iSIT No jobscrip ion rece >. and .or a longer erm thar th ike urouths. «im K COPIE •, 95 fK^TI. IF T K |>apt will be rilrf rrri te all flew, deal n at Klftern Ce.ite per • i|»jr, * itUilv* of postage. -i i w e w —— omrKOPiiF.uuTKn, • Connell jr'a B.tiding. Whitehall Street F.orth Door above Alabama (op Stairs.) HATES OK AD VKRTIAINO, For rsrh • |ti«reof tenllnmor lew.flret Insert Ice. 8C CO •«rh .MIMoBtl IcxrtiOD leee t> »none'i. 12 0 > e^nere LOCAL M \ r r e hsT Rev. Da. Baird will preach in the l<it Pres byterian Church at 10] o'clock to-morrow morning, ami nt 4 o’clock will address the 8 vbbnth school children at tiieir Cor cert— same place. Friends are invited to be pres* cut. It - G » Tur Morgan Hat.—We approach the sub. ject of woman’s app irel with fear and trem bling. kn .wTng, as this local thinks he does, thatit U a laiy's prerngitive to dress as she phases, without dictatiou from the sterner •ex ; but our fair readers, the •Oif's whoie t 'den curW, Ate d will. <iur tlteami." will doubtless be rejoiced with a joy nnrpeaka ble, when this local announces, which be now docs, with all tbo miglityr consequences star ing him full in the fare, that lie respectfully begs leave to diff- r with the “Spirit of the Frtss'’ in his tirade agniust the Moroan ITar, and worn tn'i right* gener lly. And he now takes up the pen (not the sword) to defend the goo I taste of the many pretty girls wbo it has been his pleasure to see promenading Whitehall street,- wearing this beautiful and captivating hat. ‘“The Spirit of the Press*’ beiug an old’ man, well stricken in years, should r member that Lincoln's blockade has rendered it impossible for onr fair young friends (and their name is 1 glon, so far as this local is advised, up to present writing,) to obtaio their usual supply of bonnets, and inst'al of abusing them for adopting th© Morgan Hat he should have commended them for their noble and ittdepen lent teal and industry in making themselves Independent of Yankee tricks. You arc right, girls, and in the language of of the immortal Davy Crocket, this local saji, “Go ahead." Csrr* pond*ac • of ih > Kn >avtll • A Atlanta R-glster. Cams Dilt n. Oa., \ April Ist, 1 ot> t. f Sin. KotToa :—The Act of Congress allow ing officers to draw their rations gratis, baa created much satisfaction, but they are not allowed to p irehase rations f >r their servants. Many ofh era have servants, whose homes are in the enemy's lines, lhe questioa arises, what will they do? Tn© iJei of sending off to buy rations is altogether absurd. Officers cannot attend to their duties an I cook, Ac. It is hoped that Congress will thiuk of- this, and act on it t\ f the nett Session. Jhe Gov ernment will lose n> thing : then why deprive th- -f - t - - r*-'.'"*« • I.aio been purchasing rations from the Government heretofore, and claim th© right to do so still. II »ping that Congress-will grant this right, I await the issue. Candor. Extraordinary Seenov ruov Iter. Henry ■\Vah» B.recllCM—Tit* Rebels Ki’uuoisxd.— Rev. Henry Ward Beec er rather startled his hearers at the Plymouth Church, in.Brooklynjf in a eulogy of the reh-1 troops, ic the course of a sermon designed to show that the price of liberihy was not only etern il vigilance, but eternal silf-sacrifilie. “Where,' 1 ex claimed the speaker, “ shall we find such self, denial, such upbearing under ptisical discom fort, sucli patience ia poverty, in distress, in absolute want, rs we find in the iSmthern. army ? They tight better in a had cause than you in a good one; tl ey fight better fora passion than you do for a sentiment We be lieve them to he misguided, but we myst do them the credit Os saying they fight well, and bear up und'-r trouble; they suffer and do not complain; they go in rugs, but do not re bel ; they are in earnest lor tneir pvts <nal liberty ; they believe iu it, and if they can they mean to ge - it. Mr. Beecher al«o denied that slavery was .ead. ••Dead!’’ be exclaimed, “we know that within the lines of the frontier army there are yet three millions of slaves. As v t, we learn they are docile, amenable to the will of their misters, patient and subservient. Don't be deceived.” It is scarcely necessary to add, that not a few ol Mr. Beecher s tijock went borne that night astonished. Tnt Five Uc.sdrko l) > Notks.— The highest denomination authorized under the new issue law—have been re* lived at the Treasure and numbered and signed to tha amount of five or six millions. The notes are on fine paper, and tbe lithographing is very superior. The left hand face of the note is embellished wit. tbe figures *•500” at the tup ; a rppreientrtlon of the old style Confed erate fl ip, and beneath, the national seal and tuotlo. On the light aro the figures “ 600,” and beneath, a tolerable life-like portrait of the late -‘Stonewall Jiekson.” Hut the art ist, possibly not satisfied with bi» counterfeit presentment of the hero, has inserted beneath the explanation, " Lieutenant General T. J. Jack«on " This is the only f«ult we have to find with tb- ariHtie execution of the note. The noble mien and face of Jackson were a sufficient silent introduction in themselves, and needed none liom the artist, such as be .has undertaken to give. It reminds us of the artist who, painting a steed, wrote be neath the picture,.* 1 This is a boric."—Az am in rr. A r srxnriuTK Father —The 11arri*nnburg Register says : We bad in our rAW tbe other day a.citiz nos Rcktngharn, who ia tbe father of 21 children- 13 sons and eight daughters.— lie has been marled twice, hi- that wife being the mother of 14 children and the fast one tbe mother <d 7. II a you«g-a\ child ia two yeara old. The Conlederite father ia still is bi-y>rima and rigor, and ia > b'e to w*k* a regular ha-d at ploughing. He aiya h<* ftvl* it to be his du ty To tala-* something tor the Southern Cculed-' erucy besides children. New Y**rk Monet Market. -A dispatch from New \otk, the 21-t »a>e: Tie ninn-y market is ‘a'rtv active *>nl steady, at 6 per cent, on •all. Foreign exchange is fl m r, with first eltsa sterling qioted -t 1765. 177. American gold is firmer, but the market ia irreztilar,open ing at til J advarcing to 62J demining t.» 62. adv-ncmg to 63J. and cloei. g fi-in atC3j«63| per cent, preuit'im. Government stocks are firm, with a fair demand. CLAssimna Armianixars —The World tsys that an active Republican, in a view of tbe recent exposure respecting Dick liusteed, the custom house, and other matters, re marked to a friend that there appeared to be three sources of'appointment at Washington —Lincoln. Seward and Chase. Mr Lincoia appointed and and traitors, with occasionally a fanatic; Mr. Seward appointed and -d loafe a. and lorn* liues a man of i bility ; and Mr. Chase appointed and and finis, with a sprinkling of great scoundrels. That K-pnb- Lean hat been expelled from th« Loyal Leagut. • For the Knex»!t<esad At'arta Rrsl-ter. Mr LOVIKO HUSBAND, Who would rather lo»’k al me than (he Tanks. My husband la a daring man, I'd like to flod bta match, But sure I think that em't be dona Unless you 8 id * Old Jcraicb.” Now ever since th's war began, Tbe mao ia in a fright. To be in town at all by and ly, Or ou a moonlight night. Sometimes he cornea into tbe bouse, Trembling with fear all oVr { At (list I bid tuyself, and thought That be waa “bull- acus o’er.” But soon I ascertained tbe causa Os all Vs trepidation A fnucript offi'tr woe seen At the negi railway station t To stay at home, I never saw So mmy pr. j-cts tried ; Once, when be thought he'd have to go, The f How lairly e?i©d. I told bra that I would not be A count! lor my lit**; lie Slid. “My dear. I'm not nfrall But— I can I leave my *></« lie’s sliegv a-> (be mischief ; But to all the po.>r ahont lie g vea mu n| bribes of meat and flmr, Lear they (el Vs secret out. > « He’s “Agent f-r the Government”— So I olt hear him sty - llu- pa per* I have never seen, They'must be hid away ! • One day he sw©us he'll run blockades And qo-t ihi* w retched tuition ; The nexi, he turns up sife and sound, . Oa bla “bomb prool ” plantation. 11“ tel!* me ev-r7 hour and day, • I'm *1 —d if I will go, Th»-e cursed and and old Yankees D j shoot a lellow so." Ob, dear 1 I wish I was a man, I'm sure 1 would be brave. To** highest I wotted wish, To fid a a tldier's grave. And when I tell him so. he says, *• •Tadl do rigH well to talk ; % Bm what's the use ot honor. When one's earn Ji he c ta’l walk ?” Will no one as a favor, s!ik' ui.v biisbind lake a bit© At solas enrolling effher, Who'll take hint to toe fight? Oltt ANA. MrCLKLI, %MEKTISU IN N. YOU'g. Th© admirers of McClellnn held a meeting at ths Cooper Institute, New y'ork on Thursday evening, at winch Arnos l>nd*li presided and made a speech. ll© r e g r( ttvd that Andrew J irk-on was not now j|i yr f,, r be thought th« Northern fiction underLin coin, aod the Southern faction J n .i„ P navis were drowning the coun“. y ’ in b | o<K j. X ,I wanted tile rebellion down. He then pen. everted t<« argue, by a tiigtiiy Uti j.rtory review of McClellan’s Potomto campaign, that be was the man for IV; hour. Resolutions were then adopted denouncing tue policy of tb« Administration for its “ fatal wnr poltry’’ aud “infringement of State and individual rights;" as-erting that there is no hope of ending the wnr, unless by a change of ad ministration ; asserting the right ot suffrage, rtgulated by the States, to be the only safe guard for iudividu tl liberty, and re *»gnuing General McClellan's qualifications to be such as to.eniinently tit uitn to be the deliverer and Saviour ol the country, around whom it is the paramount duty of all patriotic citizens to rally. Lb Guv. Jacob, o| Ky. G-*r. N >t ton. said to be tbe editor o' t* e !»■*, Umm u *p-r m Texas, and Cot. M.x Laogenschwirx. followed in speeches fogliiy euiugmiic of McClellan, ihe last speaker* ul-» very b t er on the Admin istration aud tb* 11-punlioao . G v. Jacob* also spoke of fie relations «vi K.•mucky to the Uutoo. lie said that at the begin dug of tbe war she , ulreate I butfi i> to wait. t-be bad been inaiigued lor nciing ms a mediator, but was proud ol tue pus. inn. Sue b>d a-ked f>r a compromise on the Crittenden resolutions, and wbeu ihe. weie r» j • *>J had>ent CO.01)0 of her sons to fi<ut f.>r toe L* mm. F>*r tbe* Kjnturk ist.s had be* n c died t;, pperoeads. When Fre mont bsied li.« proelunution of freedom, tbe Legt«latuie of Kentucky o«ke 1 the President h* would d>. 11* telegraphed back to ib* m ••K-n'iuky n* eil in t tear.” Fremont w«s nusoveu; but lu-d-iy th-y were curving nut tea policy, by takmz He stave* in K-niutky without CoiiiDensati >n [xroabr] tan*! tbe war was being carried on |.>i rapine, vengeance and plunder. 1 f e n-gto fo-* Jowu lMudeiiUlly in lli s war, lei him go. [G'rat applause.] Ail be cared for w,<s iu<- saired Consti mu.i and the Union. l!u* if ihe present Adum.ia' ration Violated it. Le A* as lor leS'Rling tb* 01.- [Good, and cheers. A voice La k ••**' tor N w York Shi's When you ate leufj.] He exoecled to look out fur all t e States.” [ .beei* j The Au'.fNT Fvxhkh.—We 1. am from a geo tle mail a bore i.ffl . ai position makes nitn fa miliar with financ Si luniniic*, that the number ot SIOO but* in coculati* n has b>en about $250 000 Ol our I*inter denominations that will oe landed, there are, at least, say $50,000,000. ' Tbe entire circulation could nut have b-eu more ih n $750 or 8j0,000,000. De duct now tbe $300,000,00.) ti.n te*l irom me i .st mined aim.out, and we iwtVe $500,000,000 - Tbm reduced by the and semi it ot 33$ per cent, will, in round uumbera, leave us $530,000,000. Tbe tax levied l*.r 186 4 is erltnaled by iun« perrons, at s6*o S4OO 000,000 are nearer lie nu.k. 'lucre b*-ing only $333,000,- 000 'iinde>l in four Ceut.. it tuliuwa that SIOO,. 000 000 ol currency muai be used ia addition lo ihe abuve lur Hie psymem cf tie taxes lor 1864. wb ch will will) further reduce tbe circu lating medium to $230 000,000. From the last hamed sum tb-re iou3 aUu be rubtrac cd tbe a nount nq'iireil t * psy the additional taxes imposed t>, ihe *«ie Congress on tbe income t»X of 18t>j. as well m- a one ; onion of tbe old taxes tb*t will not be paid on ihe Is', of- April, 1864 The Circulation is thus <n a lair - way of being ridnc-sl before the 1-t d*y of January, 1805, to S2OU.QoO 000. Th-se figures are out the remit ol nine idle speculation, but sf cu rious luvest gallon, »n.i tb-y a- nnui-tia'e as pla nly us figures can. that, w.tbtn afuw m nlha. the currency will have restored lu it a st.un I, bealioy and establirbed currency, the influeoce of wbicb on 'he community will be to reduce price**, equal ze values, and toned a permanent prosperity. — South OiuAinian. A Frurnxr* run tux Orncxa A Virgto a corre-pondent of the Christum J<|. dtx writes to that paper : ••I kohw a Virginia Baptist Minister, who once stood high as a pastor, who cla m* • leap, tiou from military dotyfifti the ground of being a minUier, and wno yet r.aa scarce.y preached a Sermon for twelve momti*, but upends bis ••me in selling calico, ginger bread, peanuts, A?., st tbe Me best nb'a nible price*, lie can - nut plead necesrlty f-r h a Courae. since be has only one chud anu is worth stout one bandied thousand and Lars. We have heard of one or two instances, al a««t parallel to the i-bove. In North Carolina, says Ihe No?*b 4 amllns Presbyterian Sock persona (we will n-*» call them ministers though they may claim to be,) shotrd hy ill me-.voa be pal at wwce in tbe a-my; md it la u be bop«-d • bet wnd»’r Ihe i w Mil laiy Law, they will ts it*ok- and slier by tbe carolling iffioert.T Caere-p*a4aa«w at Ik* Enoavtlte a«1 Attaala Rvgletvr, Gss’l. HcsriTAL lioiTotntiiT Ala. I March 30lb, 1861./ Have yon ever been what is yclept In arm! a “Hospital Rat." lan now under going my first experience in that line. Away up fronton the 3-’nd ult, T)r. Geo. J. Colgin of the doth Ala. made a cruel and bloody at tack oo me, cuttiog me severely in the neck in the s'lape of a cross, I’ll carry bis maik to tb# grave, I hare though tbe consolation that no cleverer man’s monogram could be written in red letters on my body Lleot Yaocey, Serg’t Moore and I were am- iu ye gay and festive city of Dalton, and turned over to tbe tender mercies of Dr. Bjtemao, cbeif Surgeon in charge a that point, li tre we met with a shock from the effect of which we have not yet recovered. Dr. Bateman,after carefully attending to our wants actually, and coolly propose! to us to take A •upper, aod offered us geouina coffee. The blow was so sudden and unexpected that wo •tarred at him in stupid amaxemenl for at least five minates, but finally receiving conscious* ness each of us burs ed out “I’ll do it, or any other man.” While tbe coffee and eggs were being prepared we were amdsed by bearing some pretty sharp sparring between a Quar maslerand a Doctor. »Tbe Q b-gan tb# attack by asking tbe Dr. if he bad beard the latest definition of tbe letters M. S. which tbe Drs. wear In groupful embroidery oa their caps. The Dr. bad not beard tbe definition »nd was informed that tbe M.B stood for man slaver. Tbe Dr. look-d a little crest fallen, bnt soon recovered and came baek at his foe iatble style. “Woll Captain, you bit us pret b rd, 1 believe I cao give you anew and truth ful definition of tbe letters which make the handle to your oame, A.Q. M.,C. S. A., means A Q tatermaster Can Steal Aoytblng. Tbe Q. M. retired from tbe fight, and tbe crowd were inclined to believe that .Esenia pins rather bad tbe adraatageof Mercury. Dr. Bateman “distributed” us on to Atlanta where our short sojourn was made pleasant by meeting Dr. 8. H. Stout, Medical Director and on# of the ablest physicians of tbe South, aod other old Tennessee friends. From At lanta on to Montgomery, and hers we fell into another Tennea-eian's bands, Dr. H. M Gen try, Surgeon in charge of Hospitals. After a hippy recognition aod ibe revival of pleasant old memories, by Ulking of other days, the Doctor assigned us to tbe General Hospital, and here we are—somewhat sore and batter* and by the trip, but very comfortably situated and rapidly conviit*cing. All my ',j Mi 0 f hospital Ufa have vanished. I shared heretofore tbe common pr*-ju lice against o ur hospital system, and thought our ••ck ©.nd wounded soldiers were neglected, l*»lf starved an! cruelly treated. I find 4 tba D" verse to be the cave. From Daltoa to hospitals are characterised by order, cleanliness aod comfort, tbe Doc tor’s attentive to the wants of their patients, and courteous in their m tuners, the nurses * kind, quick and obliging, tbe food nutri tious and well cooked, tbe beds clean a id rv«-iy p »-sit>ie arnngura »ot lor the comtort " cl th«* put-n s Ton (th© G-o* al 11-MpiUl), Is a mod*l for cleauliuess. cotn r ott and regu larity l a lutim-d eemomy uvivm with the sys’ero of <•!••©* v- tr 1 :. P \ nnu u< cuargv ol the nth -eis war t, it on© of the kind e-t and m -al tb irou/ti phynciana I b-iV© Si-eo. I:i-ddiiiou to'be ui er and vatird txc©ll©o cieauf ibis hospital, ttts atlendrd by ti e Sister* ot Ch «ri»y—th is« d-ar souls w.i •-• whole lile is a system it x J stc- ifi :© ot *•*:! o 1 the altar of tbe jMil or others. An abiu*gsii n olf esonl comtort, a tend r tu u * ration to tb© a ck t-n I suff-ri'ig, a Samaritan like charity character x© inis holy Sisterhood. Gup’s blessing roust surely rest oh tbe Church tt a is the parent ot sue* an inuti'Utiwa.- Tb-ir live* of ahnegs'iou have Iheir reward even n *bi* world. The grateiul prayeis ot IDose wb a* wounds they have dr- B ed. wb*>*e levered brows tbey Uave cooied, whose aufferiuga f heir mild miuistra'inna have n .eviaied, must eonstauily g i up to God as a sweet inc-uae from the altar of I‘ieir char! y.— T*)e band.that pecu pne-s lines must be cold in death when I cease to feel a lender gratitude lor Sister l*iudentia. Long may sha and her noble Sisters live to scatter tbe blesainga ot charitable lives oo a-.(Tiring humanity. Montgomery, like all otoer town* ot the Sv.u.h, ia vrowded with faNbioo and fl iery.— Splendid botses. handsomely dre-sed «fficers, (brim prjol fellows), and magnificent women m ike a lively p *oor .m * o r th- a>reet*. It ia hard to realize in 1 oking on this sretLing surface of elegance, that beneath it rage* a volcano—that the very libertiea of these fair, bu'.tir.fliea are trembling in tbe scale, and that a few months wi I inevitably sod eternally decide (he destiny for weal and horror, or woe and chains. Unfortunately for the South too many of her children are blind to the big issue of national life or death that now confronts ns, or selfishly struggling to secure their esse in the hour of their conn try'e peril. '•Dul»* tt decorum t*t pro pafria won*’is a sentiment supplanted by *• U»r« la bagatelle." It is a mutter of more momeut now to get a soft and easy place far in the rear than it is to rush lo the front, in defence of ell thet should be tweet end dear to a freeman'* heart. 1-long again to aec and bear the ragged heroes in front; to read in their b id, bright eyes, and defiant bearing the resolution that makes man freemen, to bear past perils tailed of, and coming cam paigns canvassed, instead of tha eternal dis cussion* of taxi cur ency,*that favor tha sta ple of couversation out of Ihe army. Criap is running the theatrical machine here, assisted by a pretty fair compaay. We | ruw tbe blockade the other night to eee tbe ! Brigand Chief. It is a fine play, full of pic ; turesque situations. Crisp played tbe leading : ing character, “The Brigand Chief finely, but was not well supported. Tbe Theatre i draws poorly—does not pay enoogh to board j the actors. It most be a losing business ia i this expensiva little town, where board is * S3O pet day, and everything ela* in propor j tlon. lb* most charming place In town to while away an idle boar—and improve it well—ia Joel White'* Book Store. lie ha* a magnificent collection of hooka, that cover every branch of literature—from tbe writings of Coofuciue to the Ist* trashy, nnnaaursl, ill-digested English novel* of tbt ** Aurora Floyd " and *• Lady AuJle/'t Se cret ' style. Itj is very strange that Mita Braddon can't conceive a pieinr# of English rural life withoat • bigamlstical female ia the for ground. Her double baibanded he roinee will soon lb* aa. stale, and much more repulsive, that Mr. James' solitary horseman. By ail meaaa, g* to Joel White's bookstore wbea you have aa idle day in Mont gomery. I am gratified to learn that In eotne parts of tbia State tb* eonatry la being eleaaed of Sunday Morning, -April 3, 190-4. deserters. The nest in Covington rounf ha* 1 bean broken ap. ' A good many mad* nyaU rious escapes after being cop tired— tba owe* airy that captured them say they wets ‘ leat in tbe woods.” If swift and speedy vew gran- * were visited on deserters whtreeer found, and a strong effort was made la fad them, tbe disgrace of desertion wnnld ceasa 1 to attach to our armies: but at long a* mea 1 are allowed to desert with impunity, Hafir , evil example will induce imitatioe, and tfa I country continue cursed with proaßag | bands of marauders, who, undnr a efficient discipline, would make good solifer*. J Aa amoesty, proclamation, followed aja by i th* vlgonms punishment of tboae wbo - its terms, would do our cause incaLu able : good- « Twinges of pnij warn me to write nemere, and so I conclude by wishing tbe Rraiyia all prosperity. Caaslts'. [ln publisbiag tbe eommnaieatioa b 'low we beg to correct a mistake into which tba members of tbe 48lh Mississippi have fl]f*a ia regard to this paper. Tbe letter of* Lyons and Witherspoon was never pebli-bed in tbe Atlanta RcatSTaa, and ibis journal was the fi at to disapprove of tbe resolut©«t of Mr. Wrfgbt. The letter in question.* «• believe, was first published ia tb* Atlebta Conjederaey. We hope tbe Richmond pa{saa, io wliicb th* proceedings below have teea published, wilt do us tbe justice to eopyaUt disclaimer—Eds. Rio] «l]ril MIBB. TOLI.HtRKII* BRIGADE- 1 Caar ox Class’s Mocutaiv, Va. ' March 19tb, 1864. r ' A meeting of this Regiment was bell at ibis camp on tb- 19th Inst, and waa called to oroer by Sergeant Elwelt, who nominated Private J. Welker, Cos. G , for Chairman, a bo was unanimously elected. Aeting fiergfipnt Major J. M. Cramp, Sergeant W. 8. Hs'r ir, and Private A. J. Conklin were appointed Secretaries. Tbe Chairman stated that th# object of be meeting was to take action upon the follow* ing letter, wbieb be read : Luts or rn« Rah©**,) Carp 49tb Miss., Frb. (kb, 1864. / Ma. Wbioht, of Georgia: Dar Sir—Wa cannot refrain Irom qiving expression, so behalf of ourselves and many others, to tba unqualified approbat cm with which tbe res »- lutions recently introduced by you into Cot grevs are entertained in Ibis veteran regiment. Tbe 43th, from tbe days of tbe “old 'fcah talion” at Y rktown, has been honorably scarred in every conflict of this army with the butts of McClellan, Pope, Burnside, Hooktr, and Meade, and has a right se ond to no other, (none will de/iyjloa Voice in the things that m«ke for war or peace. That voice, sir, is unanimously and enthusiastically in fav >r of your resolutions. And believe it, ibat is tbe voice of tbe rank aud file of tbe entire arrav. While we stand firmly ready to fight, an! even to die in defence of the rights of the South, three years of increasing slaughter have suffic'd to convince us that something besido the blood of the country is nec«*sa>y toils soluton. Il demands its wisdom, its moderation, its conservatism. As the South’s defenders with onr lives w? bail with joy your resolutions as tbe first official manifestation of a purpose to transfer tit's destroying conflict from tha field to tbo tunnel, from means of brute force to those of rational mind. _ * _“ In itutu-ruraiing t<>ta movement, w« bobol.t in you continual evidences of that spirit which has hitherto characterise! you, not on ly as a friend of tbe iie->p e, but pre-eminently as a friet.d of the soldier. Iu the name of the veteran heroes of this army, we wish you and your patriotic resolu tions welt. With sentiments of hiqh esteem, we hav* the honor to subscribe ourselves your obe dient servants, Thboporic C. Lyor* J. 51. Wiruaaspooa, And mauy others. The following letter from J. M. Wither spoon vti then read. Camp 43m Miss., Rco'TMarch 18, 1884 Officers and mem oj the 48(A -Vue. Regiment : ‘Having been notified of yonr intention to hold a meeting for tbe purpose of denouncing a letter to which ray name ia unf*srtunately attached. 1 would ask you,* attention to a few words of explaoatftu before you take ac- ( lion upon the matter. * 1 will not undertake to prove that I am right in doiog what 1 bare done, but I do , disclaim any but the purest motives. 1 have Served tbe Confederacy two years and eight months, and have always expressed my opin- ! ions freely on all public measures, but never, at anytime, have I expressed myself willing to stop the .var until we had gained our inde> ■ prndence as a separate nation. 1 defy any of , my comrades to gainsay this. There is not e man among ns, who fbiiors reconstruction or i the Yankee ua ion generally, more than I do ; j au<i whatever else you may see proper to do, : 1 hope yon will do me tbe justice to acquit : me of tbe charge of being a reconstruction- ’ sat, on any grounds. I can imagine no way j in which we rould unite with theta honorably, j end when I willingly aad knowingly lift my » voice to advocate any measure that could : compromise the honor of the South “may my , tongue cleave to the roof of my month." Very respectfully your ob't eerv't, J. M. WiTHsasroow. On motion of Sergeant El well, a committee of one from each company in lb* regiment t was appointed to draft resolutions expressivs , of tb* aense of the meeting, which committee consisted of Sergt. Geo. 11. Blwell, A., Sergt. J. M. Howard, 8., Private T. J. Milfotd, C., Y. Parker, D., M. McCarthy, E., J. D. Sid-* don, F., Srrg'. F. U. Hammett, G., Sergt. C. E. Uutcbenson, 11., hergL J. Hoffman, 1., J. F. Halbert, L. The committee then retired, and the regL meat was addressed by Lt. Col. T. B. Man* love, Sergt. T. Gibson, Ll. F. H. Duguercron, C»pt. L. C. Moore, Capt. Uarrold P. Bellamy, Private George Robertson, Lieut W. M. Bul lock, Sergt Georg* H Elwell and private J. D. Std Jon. The following resolutions were reported by the committee aud nneniqtouely adopted : Fusaias, A certain letter baa barn addres sed to) Mr. Wright, ol Georgia, by o e Tlieodo r.c C. Lyon, aud one J. M. Wttaerspoon, and publteliaal in tbe Atlanta Keomtkh. grossly ansrepreseultng tbe settiuneuie ot tbe 48.0 MißoUaippt r gtmeut, thereby doing ua. tbe m mbeta nt tha 48ih great iijusuce, ad tb* Cause of liberty muc.i >njury, both at b*>ue and abroad, and -cling aa au luoeauve to our a* tael and iuaidiuu- toes to continue their merctleee deptedauen* upon our caertebed home ; ther*» lore " » Be U Resolved, Ist. That we aa a reglm-nt d-> eutirvly and ue-pprove ot tha resolutions tu- troducea in the .ate aJoofedaireta Cottgraas by Hon. A. K. Wrigbt, ol Georgia; that we r*- s gard any oveiturea lor peace originating in tbe Conlederate Sta *• as but an many toi*oee stone to tbe vn-my tt at our Mreogtb ts failiug, ai.d that our spin * are w.x ng faint in tbe couieet we are aow engaged in. but that we tfeiiberauly and ot our own tree will pieier to ba«i|« out th a wa. until the enrny are forced lo g ve ua what we ask. out by any mean* dia p sru io sue tor prtcr which c»u on.y. be ob~ taiuroi upon ibe eix-my’** tetmi. that hi, sbao lute su »mis»ioa to tLeir raie iu any and all as pecs 1. That T C Lyon and J. M. Witherspoon ia wr*iiog tbe above mentioned letter did so with ne*. tbe knowledge or tbe auiln-ntj of tbe pn vatrs end Bun-« u mmHaHobed i Beers compue ng th a regiasect. B That it Is moot partfcatarly aad u ihluab- Ingty iasptsweni us private Tarodorie C. Lyon «• AUetrnpfi present the eplolan es thin r©*f- Biownwwqy mump, having keen connected F"* « hfi* • very shept time, and who. wo ar* ■oppyto Mate ia in no way connected with its Matvey. Mia past experience in political letter GfUtogv eonetn* kirn to be cashiered and con acvvbeu lor publishing a letter alleged to con tain matter and s’epal lo the Gonfeder-CT, eboil'd heve teoght him th»t It te dangerous lor cbil l 4f©« to play ailb edged tnnla j 4 That wo leare »othe Prat id* it and Coa ; gpess of tbe Confederate States, io their Ex , tensive sad Legislative capscities, to whom | It properly belongs, tbe questioa of pea©e, . having perfect confidence in their ability and , paliiotism to choose the time and tbe means j to sreere it honorably. •fi. That a copy of these resolutions be sent i to Hon. Mr. Wrgiht. of Georgia, and to the ; Richmond “ Sentinel," “ Enquirer," “Allan • *» Register,” “ Columbus Republic,” “ helm* Mlssissl|.piao,” and “Chattanooga Rebel,” fop publication. Committee—Sergt G<*o. H. Elwell, Cos. A, Sergt. J. M. Howard, co B ; Private T. J. Mill for Joo C J Private Y Parker, co D; Priv. M. M.-Carty.-co E ; Priv. J. D. co F ; ■BePft- F. N. Hammett, co O; S-rgt. G. E. Hutehesoa, co H; Sergt. J. Hoffman, co I; Priv. J. T. Halbert, co 1,. . • The following resolution was unanimously adopted: I *. Resolved, That a certified copy of th# pro t-e*dings of this meeting be transmitted to -PPefidwnt Davis for bis consideration, aa it is 1 understood that Private T. E. Lyon is apply | ing : , be reinstated in his former position as | an.officer in tbe army. Piital* J. M Halbert then rff -red tbe follow i g which was unanimously adopt ed r- • .. Resulted. That the Mississippi Regiment Vtvby respecMu’ly rvqost tbe S-cre'ary of War to tian-fer Private Dwidoric C. Lyon, a Cashiered I'fflo-v ol the Couf-ilerate A my. to some other command, as bis doctrines ssgnr too mve© of treason and disloyalty to allow Ibe reglin©ui to associate wilb-biia. Oa motiou tbe meet ng aojouroed shit die. J. W. VVbFLER. Chairman. J. M Cacjip, W. 8 Hardy, A. J. Conklin, Sees reuiies. [Fr-'in t:.e Anios ou Virg‘ul»n.] CHEERING FROM KKNTUCKf, A geuiiem-m, j.i«t returne«i from Kentutky, li ■ turnished ua,'merely tor a f* w momenta pe tu-al, the Cmciubaii Enquirer ol the 12ib, and • slip Imm I, xingtou (Hj.) Rrpmler ol same dvte. The Reporter baa a bti-l, put very ani mated, report ot a speech of Col. Frank Wot* ford, tot Ky.) of tbe U. S. Army, whicb tor its outspoken daring aud indepeudeut denuncia tion ot the “powers that be” at Washington, is not second <-u the bitter aud scath-n { iurcctiveg of Vslland'ghvm- Our iiin'ta and th© brief lim* we have to uso tbe p vper belore ns, will pet mil only au extract or two from the Renter s no’ice of Col. Wol ford’s speech. Col. W. las been in the Federal service for three ye rs. and has bom© bimseit as Itue to the N »rin, '"fPutu. ki io as he is, as tbe m-wi ultra Nortbmau cou:d desin ; but tbe en c:oacl m n:» ot that Oespc<nle apoiogy for a m«o, who now desecrate-* me cha<r ot Wash* ingiou. whilst it has u»t La ardor fur the Uit on. have opm.'d bisey>-s. aid exci ted Ins fi-ars to tb© -eriouv blows dealt by Ibat tUjjint and d*'-pol upon the Consuiuuou and lausol bis c uu ry. Hear hm: “11“ ciuig'-d Mr. Lincoln wi:b w.nhinly trnra,tliug iiooo the constitution and crushing under the iron heel ol military power lb© right# ol tb©© gu iranteed by ib tt instrument; be cuarged him aim «iol ding bis solemn plei'g , repenediy enuuciatel at the com mencement. ot his admiuistr-ttiort. as to tbe purposes id tbe war ; tie charged him wdb a viola-ion ol the rules ol civiliz*«l warfare in th© indiMcrinrnate, wide vpre-d ruin wh ch be waa rowing broadcurt ttirouglioui the Somh; be darged him with tb© tti ia of a policy lor the pros-c-.tiou ol tne w»r woicb , y-.a n * or'y Nsrsneku o-'svl snJ ii'iw*#-, but .ue inevitable re-utl ol gsici wou.d tve to pto long Ibe war, il tuileed it es-r ended in peace, and if 4iiece«»iul, w,»u and as utterly destroy c m AtitU ional lie* d'ol as it it usd fillen under the blows of aiui©d rebellion. Aid n»t omy •lid L« e’large these iinog«, but b: cited tbe »C‘S ol tbe Prerident and bis party as proof >o which there could be off-led oo succeistul refutation. That most vile and detestable of al* isms with whicb th© country bo# ever been > 01 ct--l Abolitionism —fee© vedaio favor at tb - numls of Ibis gallvit K-oiockiin. He deuouuce<l ua advocates as the • neni e* of tb© country ; dis turbers ot the public peace and totnemers of strife ; and while b© w m n thought, word aud de©d, ©v©ry inch a U i-oj mm. h© did not b©s tt • s -y that lb©> w©re as and nigeruiis to the rep>. and petpetuity of tbe Union as the re- Ceasioaists theoi-elves. Th©ir ftnaticim k-tew oo Barns tv uncon-tiniuonai aggression ; and to acquire lor theuiseivea power and p©tl they scrupled not at trampling upon the laws, over turning c msiiiiitiooa, aud plnngmg 'be nation iuto irietrievahle auarcuy and ruin. In referring to tbe recent order for tbe en rolment of negroes in K-ntutky, the Colonel '‘denounced it as alike uncuo»iimuonal,” aud said : '-It was bat another of tbe series of start* ling usurpations of power which were being tuane; and be said it was tbs duty of tba people of Keniecky to mist it as a violation of tbeir *uarant»rd rights. If they wera overpowered by force, in tbeir re usal to obey this order, then be advised them to appeal to. the law for protection ; and he was mistaken io the Governor of the State whom be bad known long *nd Intimately (Gov. Bramlutt occupied a pos tion on the platform with the speaker, having come up especially for the purpose of bearing him,) if be did not protect them in their const tutieual rights. If when tbe people of Kentucky appealed to the law for protection from this unconstitutional edict Ur. Lincoln persisted in enforcing it, he would himself be tne rebel, and not tbe pro pie of Kentucky, U« would by no means offer resistance to this unconstitutional o/der to tbe end of throwing the State io'o seces sion, but when Kentucky had fulfilled‘all ber duties and obligations to the Federal Govern* meat, was loyal to tbe Constitution and laws of t e land, and intended so to remai i, she had a right to demand that her Constitution and the tights of ber people under it should be respected, and bt believed that Governor Bramlette would see that they were respect* ed. He added et tbe same lima that while be bad no ides of giving up bis government er q ntting its service, by reason of tbe un* constitutional and impolitic eorollment of negroes, and that they ebould neither report to bim nor would be to them, yet ass Ken* tucky freeman be bad a clear opiaion upon this su ject, and did not hesitate to express it. Tbe people of K-otuck v did not want to keep step to tbe-music ot the Union’’ alongside of negro soldi** a -it was an insult and a degra dation for which their free und marly spirit* were not pr»ja ed, while U involved at tbe time an loiruction ol tbe rights of tbe Mate which It w*a tbe duty of the Governor, under b.a oath to support tbe CoontituiiuQ and tee the laws faithliiilv ex-—uted, to resist with all the Constitutional power ut the Gommou wealth.” -Col Wolford closed his speech by atatiog that be #«* awara Dial there were always in evrry pablio a«*ra>n|y now a-days 'pimps and informeia’ wbo made it tbeir business to report to tbe fountains ot power and patronage what was vs id In oppoet on to them. He calte* upon theta to report what he said faithfully, aud among other thitns they might inform Mr. Lin coin, it he d< sired to kn >w wbtt lb s* in the army be coarid-ied his minions thought othmiffliiat cm me, that ‘ib-i* opinion wae that be aat a tyrant and a usurper,’ who Wat seeking, by overriding all oonatiLiliooal bat rl*rs ait Im Utiou*. to trample upon the lib* ertieu et bis c wintry.” Soon alter the close of tbe speech, Colonel W dlord was arrested by the Federal auibori* ilea. bat. upon dttnand of bis regiment, was re uF Tbe speech, says the Reporter , “was received al b the moat rapturous applause by tbe Urge audience on tbe occaa'on Tbe r*gare> and by tbe u heporitr" aa "one ol the moat sign leant sad important tfforla that thg pteaent lerpbl* cries of tbe N .tion’a hisW’y baa called tortb.”- Abingdon \trgl*ia a. R .saver. - Mr. laaiao W. Briggs, of Lake C' v. ft •«***. was yesterday robbed In t is o*iy et $3600 io Cenfader ste Treasury ■ >t» a, by p«ia«Mi <fbo dragged Urn. ts 11 j ? Latest from onr Exchanges. ' TEN BBS 8 EE. Tb© news from Tennessee which we get thro* private sources ia not vary new. but it indicates that tb© enemv a © preparing f©r a formidable Advance on G©n. Johnston. All the boat* on lb© upper Mirsiarippi and Ohio have been seiz ed and employed by Ih© Federal Government to transport supplies to N mhville. Six months supplies for An immense force will sown be ao cumulated there. This news aff-cta Breckin ridge's campaign, since Na«bvi I* and oo! Lou isville becomes 'he bat eof tup} lits for 1 bom as* Army. Negroes Are running Away Irom M -mu escape cmi-ciV'iton. Ato:>g tb© N>. t; * •i sippi line the people are utr - , ©fi. They will exchange cotton lor g» *. t ,« W( m» n and men alike are eng ig. i-. -. t , kade running bffsioese. Tbe pl«tf*r • by the Greenville State Cou,' j. or ir. 'hi, announcing tbe right of But I'en.msseft to withdraw from tbe Strt# Governmen*. and form a new State organiza tion under tb* Federal Constitution, is predi cated upon the principle that sovereignty at taches to the person of the < Risen and not to th© toil of any particular State. The people of the 31 rounties east of the Cumberland Moantai >■ bad, it was claimed, ia a legal manner, announced tbi-ir preference for tbe Northern Government by a majority of twenty thousand votes; and as that section of the State contained the requisite number of in habitants prescribed by the Constitution to insure admittance into the Union as a new State, this Tory Convention in their memo rial to tbe Slate Government, claimed the right of reparation from tbe old State, and admittance into tbe Union on an equal footing .with Kan-as Territory. Th* general reader is already familiar with the fate of tbe movement and that of its fa vorite leaders. We notice tb it another Convention hoa he©n appoiuted to be held at Kooxvill© on the 12th of April, for th© purpoo© ot earryi ig out the princ : plr© ©nunci»t*d At Greenville in 1861 and that in© Governm©nt at Washligton has (fir obvious revoii*) given ra lClion to tbe m->v©- meat. The popular vot© in E*at Ten .©*-©©, having “from time iiiitD©tn >rial" been two tbirda F©d©ial,Lincoln and bia party lo k -pon tb:a m iV'-m-m wrh much t. vor. Anew State organ's and in the territory of East T©nueasee, would be anoHi©r s ar in L nco'.n's crown -at tbe ©naiiiuk Presidential election. Th© stm© is tiueof IVeete'n Viigitua AU this goes to show tbe etraitn to whicb th© Consolidation party n->w in power at th© N.irtb is reduced. No new Sute with a Urge Democratic in »j.»riiy will he ad mitted into the Union until alter tbe eh o n n. provided L’uc ilu ©ad hi. p.rty cin prevent it. Three boats were attacked on the 14th on Cumberland river, above Ntshville and com pletely r ddled. A g arrived aod. dis persed tbe guerrilas. Tbe lots is not report ed. Tbe guerrillas subsequently captured and burned a train on the Louisville and Nash ville* road, and bung throe negroes. GEOItGIA. - Dkatu or Majoe Julikn Ccxmino—An other victim ‘.o this unrighteous war, and tbe barbarous policy our enemies have hereto fore pursued in reference to the exchange of p isoners, has been offered up in tb - person of Julien Cumtning, o' Augusta, Georgia, who died al Johnson's Island, on tbe Bth of March, after protracted sickness superinduced h 7 bis long imprisonment. His remains w.-re forwarded In our lines by the last fl g of truce boat from City Point, and were depi-iled in their native soil, by those who attendsd him in his last sickness, and soothed bis la t mo ments. From eurlv youth M *j ->r Cumtning was noted fir bis gr«it promise. Dur.t.g Ibe Presidential carapai n that immediately pre reded th© pre-ent struggle, “e w ts chosen tbe elector for the D uiglus ticket lor the Augusta District, and added largely lo his already enviabl ■ reputation as a cogent ren«oner, and ready extempore speaker. On the breaking out of th« war, bo volunteered his services, and as adjutant of the 43ib Georgia Regiment, participated in tbe principal battles fought and won on the soil of the Old Dominioo. At Gettysburg he was taken prisoner, and re moved l<> Johnson's Island, where his lif- was terminated as before recorded. Gut off ere he had scarcely.crosseJ the threshold of existsnee, he gave promise had he survived of ranking among the of illustrious names that have added lustre to the “Empire Slate t f the South.” Going Fit vatu. —IV© noticed y©sl©rday that Cob Johnson was b-viug shipped a larg© num ber of wagon*, which w©r© built at th© G >v ©inraent wagon e-tablishment at this plao©.— They wer© probable going to th© army of Ten n< ■ *©©. —Oolumhus Enquirer~ Fcxmno. -Th©r© bad b-vq 'un t©d In this cite up to yesterday evening $6 75U0U0. There will therefor© hs'over aevea mil ous uaded at this place. - Ibid. Lonmnt. The following is the oath of allegiance which Is now in v >gue in New Orleans. It is famil iarly known as tne ‘-Ironclad Oath.”: Offick Piiotost Manana!., I New Orleau*. J I do hereby solemnly and sincerely swear, in the presence ol Alm-gbty God, that I will aup* port, protect and defend the Const ini lion and Government of the United Slates ag*in«t all enrm n, whether dome-tic or foreign, and that I will bear tine and laithfiil allegiance and loy alty te the same, any ordinance, resolution or Uwnf any S'ate. Convention or L"g "lamre to the cootrarv notwiti s ending ; and lurtber. that I take this oa<b, and a#*iim* all Its reaponstbil* iti-a, legal and moral, of my own free wilt, and with a lull determination, pledge and purpose to observe and fulfid it, and wiitn ut any men- Ul rareiv.ition or evasion wbitsoever; and lurther, that 1 will well and laitbluliy perform all the tiutiea that may be required ol me by law as a true and loyal citism of the United Stales. Aud may God help me ao to do 1 There was a speck of trouble In tbe publio schools ol New Orleans. It seems that some of the parents relu*ed to pe;m t tneir daughters to taka a p«n la tbe. public oerem mles which iauigurated Michael Hahn ■‘Governor of L u» ieiaaa.” This inc-need one of tbe loyal teach ers. and be expelled the‘pupils ol the intracta ble parents. In turn, the te«ch*r was dia chsrged by the General Sup-riniendanr. The Times very decidedly CHiJ-ma* tb»act ol the Superintendent, tor tne reaaoo that tbe infer o ioe may be drawn from it I bat all the pupils ‘who ta k a pan to tbe show were for ed in do •<%, under tbe threat ol *xpal*ion. Tbe Y*n kee ackooluiariers h iv* a Xs-atous adrjoste io tbe organ of Michael llshn. VIRGINIA. Hobxibls Accidsnt. —On Saturday evening, abont one o'clock, while some empty cars on the F ederickaburg ra Iroad were being back ed down tbt track on Broad street, between 6tb and 7lb street, a youth named Joseph Rowe, Est- en years of age, attempted to jump oa tbe foremost car by catching hold of tbe coupling iron. Tbe coupling iron slipping aside aa be laid hi* wright upon it, he-was thrown across tbe track, wbeo tbe wheels of the car pasted directly across his neck, cleav ing bis bead from tbe body. Heath was of coarse, instantaneous. Tbe boy was the sou of a poor widow of Fredericksburg, wbo htd been adopted by Mr. Tbot. Jones, or that place, but at present residing here. —Richmond Whig. Three bandied sieves, test from Pittsylva nia county to work oa llio fortifi -ations at Richmond, will remain only thiity days, after % bicta they will be sent to Danville for tbe same purpose. So eajs tbe Danville Regis ter. Couaievtoma or Pcsuc W»iU —The re turns of the late election for a member of tba Board of Public Works, to fill tbo vacancy ia tbe Bret District, come ia eery slowly. Tbna far ooly eight nr nina con ties have leportcd, with tbe following aggregate result: Dweii. Hit, Sin vail 63, Hood# 61, Daniel 19, Mcllbeaay 417, Wileon 16, Johnson 9, Watkins 3d, Childrry t, Collier 3. * . Among the couutits whose vote* have boot * j received as above i« Russell, in whieli Mr. Mclibenny, tha leading candidate, resides. Ri9A<Kt»LB Losoxvnr.—A negro woman nam©d N* li el *o >t>et. *or many years a servant in ih© family of Cal. M-mr©. Pimt Virginit reg imeut. die 1 at tbe res d-nc© of that g©nt|rm in last week. In this city, ©t the well authentica ted itge of 117 tears. She was Mircha* and ioto Ib© family of M as Mo-bv (now Col. Moore’s wife) by b©r lat* er in 1810 Sbe was then very aged, bnl no. intirui. But her work was dm© thirty years ago; ever sine© *b© has »at with fdded hands, carefully and la'tbtully wa'ted npon hy th* gra.'d and great grand children of her fl at mis'er.all ol whom she bad nursed and carried in her aims intb» ir Infancy. Her tu ne .* was attended by h©r t «n, a very aged « r a* who rfll q»*d that he k!m*eif was a “gnod .ik of a l»d." when Cornwallis surrendered «o tb© American forces at Yorktown. Virginia, during the Revolutionary war. ll© rent* mb©r ©d th© circuras anc© w©ll, as h© was living on I i*i© peninsitlt at that memorable period.— Rich. Er im. Wab Nits.—'Th© only war news yesterda* i not contained in t]ieofficial dispatch published | elsewhere is, that four schooners and a brig, ; for so ne tirn© past lying in front of Fort Bow el, have weighed anchor and disappeared, no ; on© knows whither. There was a report that tbe Yankees had again occupied Winchester in force, but it was vague snJ ununthenticated. There was also a report that the enemy’s forces had fallen back from their position io Culpeper and there was no confirm tlon of tbe report by passengers on the Central train last night. —Richmond Dispatch, March 29th. Work CoNreneßAra Captuaes—Two Tax krk Schoonkks Seized.—A bold adven ture, oo tbe part of twelve members of the 15th Virginia cavalry, has resulted in tbe d.-struction of two vain ble Yankee schooners and the capture of a large amount of value, bles. The parties proceeded down one of tbe rivers emptying into the Albemarle Sound one night during tbe past week, and, at an opportune hour, boarded tbe schooners and onaitned the crews. Both vessels were load ed with cotton, coal and salt and all the con tents were sated and sold, after wbicb the vessels were burnt. On one of the vessels the Captain was roliored of a fine gold watch twenty S2O dollar gold peic sand a stout roll of green hack*. The cargo of one vessel re* alixed $23,000 in Confederate currency.-Dis patch, March 29. Samuel Means, of Loudon county whose atrocities as a Yankee Captain Lave long made him notorious, Las perpetrated several fresh murders. We uuderstnud that two sons of Mr. Rodney Braden, and two other Con federats soldiers, were lately dining at the bouse of Mr. Vandeventer, near Waterford, when Means, with fifteen tuen, having b“eu informed of their presence there, surprised them, and murdered them all! Means, for safety, keeps hnuself on the Ma ryland shore, and only strikes when h© has a chance such as the above, when th© infamous traitor allows more lh!tn savage barbarity.— It is a wonder ho bus lived so long. TEXAS. 0 »1. Dwheall, A'j;. G-m. ot Texes, and Col. Sbetoy, Attorney Geuoral ol T©xa-, nave ar rive t n Kictimond a< Commissioners Irom in nr S ate to represent Uer inteieuls and views, and loose ot tha Truitt Mississippi g©ner*.ly, to th© Coriiedeta © authorities. Th- si .»t* ot Texas, says the Kichui md Examiner, has been Lappy 111 th© aelecuu I ot two g© itlein 'll ot S iCJ ©eight ot ontraci'>r and public vtlur. and wh •*© intel ig©iMp lecoiuiu-ud- tb- m to atten tion. Tb*y will %imi ibe Text* so. it.-rs in th© A my ol ViigniU, md n i do mi tuspire inem. Tb© in'ssi.>n of ilirs- g©nt|eiu-ii is oo© ot patri otic import, and bm gw us in© mo-t gratitymg iuieilu©oc© otwt tie lailittry condition ol the Trios Mis-i*-ippi, aul in© bigb ep r.v ot lb© people wtioiu they repr- sent. It appeitr tbit f'Xis, cut rff os sbe has been by the eX'itenciee of ’o© war, it uDcharging lb© and a.. * wi an ted© .©.id© it ©tnpire: out i-oa >u n.ipi y acc ad wun lile latereat «and rti© Couted©- racy, wbieb is th© supr-tue CJin and -ration, obe bos sent ab ug©ut io miiop© to louk afier her ordmnee iuten-s ■ a d bus a j-o comiu.ssione 1 a sp-cial ie,ir©s©iiiativ© t.i M xicn. wbo will re ulate wit i M .x the luteres a ol trade across tbe li o . Gr»at ©no ia being shown ia tbe erej tton ol p >wd r m .is. cotion and w mileo lacto ri©s, k \ To i-mploy me ia ter, there bus been seciiir-u, on g •v©u>tn>’u| accott it in T its, one million pouuds ol wooi. Ine atuoUitt of soo •ieteoc-' Irom Inst year’s crops ia sard to be sul fici© .t to last t e uitiy and people five years. A specie "currency D extensively ll«ed in trade, an t Coul-de:ai© money is not worth more ib .n foity lor one to g >ld. Th a depreciation is at tributed to'be Co.ituc. wiib*specie, which bas fljwed in Irypo tbe cotton trad© via M- xm>, and is 110 evidence ol wiut 01 coifil.uceiu tne arnn or virtue ot th© Confederacy; os it is a re mtiktbl© fret tbit warn gold was wo tb on© lor leu iu Ricbmono, it was not worth more than ou© for taoiuT<xas. Tb© depreciation has been of late date, aud is ascribed to tbe ac cideuis of trade. * Tn©re i« no pi a s© too high for the gillant ef fort© ol Texas to sustain and bind up together h-r iutereais a. and tbos© ot tbe Contederacy. It is cl)arac'©ii*iic of tbe imperial pride aud chiv alry ol tb© “Lone Star.” Tb© rumor th it Bi >g. G« n. Preaton (f.irmerly Minister to n under tha old Government,) had been s*-nt by the Richmond Government on a mi-sum to M.-xico. wbtea baa had some circulation in newspan-rs, has no foundation m tact. Gen. Pre-ton was ordered to me Trans. Mwdsuppi, and bas sine© b.-en furloughed to visit hi* family. Hence the sb-urd rumor of a dipioinittc ji-gotiation with Maximilian. TUE CURRENCY BILL. BT AUTHORITY. [No. 216 ] AH ACT TO KKDCCS TH« CCBStSCT AND TO AU THOHIZK A MW IJSCE OF XOTKS AND BONDS. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That tbe holders of all Treasury notes above the denomination of five dollars, not hearing interest, shall be allowed ontil tbe Ist day of April, 1864, east, of the Mississippi river,and uutil tbe Ist day of July, 1864, west of tba Mississippi river, to fund ths same, and until the periods aod at tba places siated.tbe holders of all such Treasury notes shall be allowed to fond the same in registered bonds, payable twenty years after tberr dates, bearing interest at tba rate of ronr per cent per annum, payable on tbe Ist day of January and July of each rear. 3. Th*j Secretary of the Treaanry la hereby authorized to issue the bonds required for tbe funding provided for in tbe preceding sec tion, and until the bonds can be prepared, bo may issue certificates to answer the purpose. Buch bonds and certificates shall be receiva ble without interest Inpayment of all guv emraent dues payable io the year 1864, ex cept export and import does. ». That nil Tre*-urv notes of the denomi nation of one hundred dollars not hearing in. terest, waich (ball not be presented for fund ing undef'tbe provisions of the' tion of this act, shall, from and after the Ist day of April, 1864. east or the Mississippi river, and the Ist day of July, 1864, west of the Miaslasippi river, ceere to be receivable in ths payment of public dura, and said notes, If not so presented at that time, (hall, io addi tion to the tax of th»»ty : three and one third per cent, impised in tbe 4th section of this act, bs subject to a tax of temper tent, a month until so presented, which taxrs shall attach to said aotea wherever circulated, and shall be deducted from the face of said no es when ever presented for payment or for Rinding, and said notes shall not b* axebangable for the new Uaue qf Treasury notes p:ovidad for ia this Act. 4. That on all said Treasury notea not fun ded or u*e<l in payment ol ux*-a at tbe dates and pUcee pre«cribi-d In the l*t section ot tbU act, there shall he levied M sa.d date* and pla ces aux of thirty*three and one third cents lor everv dollar promised on tbe face of said notes. Said tax *n*ll attaoh to »*<d notes wher ever circnlat-d, and shall be collected by de ducting the atm* at the Treasury, its deposito riaa. and by tb* tag collectors, and by *U gov erumerit efflvrs r**c dving the same whenever proarn'ed tor naym*at. or fur binding, or in paym-wit of ovevnment dtt-*s. or for postage, or In exchange lor new noma as hereinafter provid-d ; and said Tren-urr note* shall be loadable to hoods aa provided io tbe first SeC- Uoa ut Ibis net until the lot 4»y «| January, VOL. 111—5203. at the rate of sixty-six and iwo-tbrrd crate on the dollar. And It shall bn thn duty of the Secretary of Ih. Treasury at any time between thn Ist of April cat. and first July. 1861, *nl o) tbe Mississippi iir. f. and the Ist January. 18C5, to substitute sod exch «nr# new Tiemstrrj nnico for the ram-, ut th* rule oi . slaty six sod two tnirds coia on lie dollar. provided that Bolro of the daronrinatlon of one hundred dollars • shall not hr entitled to ilm ptirilifa ol said exchange ; pnjridi J further, That Ih. right to "ind uny oi s ui in- xiiry notes after Ist day ol J inn-r», 1865. is hereby taken arrays and proviiMfurtker. ili»i upon oil snrh Trrasnry nous ahiiit may remain outstanding oo lbs Ist J touary, 1805. and w ich rosy not be exchanged tor now Tr«*a«nrr nn'es as herein provided, s tax of on* hutulre I p»r rntf. In b» ref y ImpnH. 5. Thwt after the first day of April next, all authority brreiotore given to the Secreta ry of tbs Treasury to Issue Treasury notea, shall be and is hereby revoked ; provided, tho Secretary of the Treasury may after tha* ti.oe Issuo new Treasury notea, In sneb forma as be may prescribe, payable two years after the ratification t>f a tr-aty of peace with tbo United States, raid new issue* to be receiv able io paytn ut of all pnblic dura except ex port an i import duties, and to be issued in exchange for olj notee, at the tale of two dol ars of the new for three of the old issue#, whether said old notes he surrenderedfor'er-* - * change by tbe holders thereof, or be received Into the Tieasurv under the provitions of this act; and t‘ e holders of the new notes or of the old notes, except those of the denomina tion of one hundred dollars, after they aro reduced to sixty.six and two third cents on the dollar, by the tax aforesaid, may convert the same into call certificates, bearing inter est at tha rate of four per cent, per annum, and payable two years after the ratification of a treaty of peace with the United Stalea, unless sooner converted into new notes, 6. That to pay the expense* of the Gov. e-nment not otherwise provided for, the Sec retary of the Treasury is hereby authorised to issue six per cent. bonds, to an amount not exceed ng five hundred million of dollars, the principal and firtcrest whereof shall bo free from taxation, and f..r payment of tbe in tcrest thereon the entire net receipts of sny export dn*y hereafter laid on tbe value of all cottton, bacro, and naval stores, which shall be exported from the Confederate S'atet, and the net proceeds < f the impor' duties now laid or ao much .h< reof ns may be necessary to pay annua ly the interest, are hereby special ly pledged, provided that the duties now upen imports and hereby pledged shaM here after be (-still in specie, -or in sterling ex change, or in the coupons of said bonds. 7. That the Secretary of tbe Treasury is her by authorized, from time to time, as the wants ut the Treasury may require it, to sell or hypothecate for Treasury notes said hoods, or any part thereof, noon the best terms he can, so ns to meet appropriations bv Congress, and at the same time reduce and restrict the amount of the circulation in Treasury ootea within reasonable and safe limits. 8. The bonds authorized by the 6th section of this act may he either registered or coupon bonds, as tho parties Inking them may elect, and they may h.* exchanged for each other underanch regulations e* tbe Secretary*of the Treasure may prescribe. They shall' he for one hundred dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dollars, and shall, together with the coupons thereto attached, be in such form and of sueb authentication as the Secretary of the Tre a-tiry may pre-s.-rihe. The interest shall he parable half yearly on the Ist of January and Ju»y in each year—the priori pal shall be payable not less than thirty yean from their date. 9. All call certificates shall be fundable, and shall he taxed in all re-pects, as is pro vided for the Treasury notes, into which they are convertible. If not < onTerled before tbe time fixed for taxing the Trea-uiy lote*, such certificates shall, from that time, bear interest upon only sixty-six and two* bird c*?t» for 1 ' d.-ner |i|nlii>*<*4 ••, ■ >il tll»ir~i»ce ( an! shall Ve redeemable only in new Treasury notes at that rate, but after the passage of this act, certificates shall h« igfued-uotll after the Ist day of April, 1801. H> That if <«uy h ink ot shall give its d*po*iipr* the bond* nuthorz *d bv the l*t sec tion Ol th's net in MoVinge for their deposit*, and tb* «nmo on ih» bond* hv seme dis ti'ieilve mark or token. »o be agreed upon with Hie Secretary of the Treasury, then the arid depositor shall be entitled to receive th-um.uat of said bot-d* In Tressuty rotes bearing no in terest *nd nnr.und'itr nt th* passage of th'o act. proridm. pre presented be fore th-* -privilege of funding said notes at par eh *ll cease, as herein proscribed. If. Tint alt treasury notes heretofore i*stted of the denomination ol five dollar* shall contin ue to be receivable in payment of public dues, a* provided hj law. and Lindahl* at par under the provirion* of.ihis net, until the Ist ol July, 1864. east, and until the Ist October. 1864 west ol the Mississippi, hut after that time they shall be subject to » lax of Ihlrty thrt*# and ona third cents on every dollar promised on tba lace thereof, said tax to attnnh to said Rotea vherever circulated, and said note* to be fun dable and exchangeable for new treasnry notes, as herein prov.ded, subject to tbo deduction ol said tax. 12. That any Plate holding treasury note* received before the times herein fixed f r tax*’ ing said notes, sh*!l be allowed until the Ist day of January. 1863. to fund tbe asm* in six per cent, bonds of the Confederate State, pa*, able Iwentv ve ir«. after date nod the iterest pay able senr-annually. Rut all' treasury notes received by any State after the time fixed for taxing the SKtne, sloresaid. shall be brid to have been'received diminished by the amount of said tax. The di.'Cntnina'ion between th* notes subject m the tsxand those not aoiußj«et shall be left to the good fiith of each Mate, and the certificate ot the Governor thereof ahali In each c ire he conclusive. 13. Ths* treasury notes heretofore itsurd, bearing interest si the rate of aeven dollars and thirty cent* on the hundred dollars per snuiitn. etull no longer be received In psyment of public due*.4>ut -hall be deemed snd con sidered bonds of ihe Confederate States, pava ble two yen's ultor the ratification of a treaty of peace with the United States, bearing the rate ol interest specified on tbeir face, payable on the l*t January in each snd every oar. 14. T'ut the Sesretary of lb*‘TreaPbry be and ho is hereby authorized, in eas* tbe exi gencies of the Government should require If, Io pay the demand of *rr publio creditor whose debt may be contracted alter tbs passage of ibis act, rilling to receive the same, in a certifa iciteot indebtedness to be issued by said Sec retary in aucb form as be may deem proper, payable two-year* utter a i»t ficatioo ot a treaty ot_peace with tbe United States, bearing inter est at ths rate ol a<x per cent, per annum, pay able semi anno illy, and traosterabl* yly by special endorsement under regulations to be prescribed hr the Secretary of the Treasury, and tuid certificate* shall be exempt from tax* ation In principal and ioterert. ■ 15. The Secretary of tile Tr*saury Is author ized to irerpao* the number of depositories so as to ro-et the requirement* of this act. and with that vi*-w to employ sirrh of the banka ot the -ev-ral State* he utsy deem expedient. 16. Th« Secretary shall forthwith sdvertlso thia act in such newspaper* published In the aevi-r tl States and by such other means a* *1 all secure imui-di tie publicity, and tbe Secretary ol War :.nd the S--cret*'ry of tbe Navy shall each ciuse it to tie puhli-bed m general orders for the Intorßi-tion of the *rmy aod navv. [l7 The 42d section ol the act for ths as* reisnunt and collection of taxes, approved ’ Mity Ist. 1863, is hereby repealed. Tbe 42d section of said act reads as fol* lows: '•That tbe Secretary of ths Treasury may prescribe regulations to enable any tax-payer to pay into the Treasury, in advance, sarh sum as be racy choose on account of taxes to accrue against him, and to obtaia therefor a certificate bearing interest at tba rata of fiv* per cent, a year until hia taxes ate payable, but such certificate tball.not be transfers bis”] 18 Th* Secretary of Hie Treasury ia hereby authorised and required, upon tbe application of the holder ol auy call certificate— which by tba Ist section of tbe act 'to provide fur tbs funding aed further Issue or Treasury notec,” approved March 23d, 1868, was required to bs 'tb resfier deemed to be a bond’—to issas to sacb holder a bond tharefur upon tbo terms provided by aald act." Approved Feb 17, 1864. C. O. Mswuisats, - fcVlT—Uprff Secrusrp gs ike Trmmrf