Atlanta daily register. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1864-1864, April 03, 1864, Image 2

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KNOXVILLE AND ATLANTA. DAILY REGISTER. ATLANTA, OA., AI’RIL *, H6I. T. M. A' lON, Ktwt A|*at Ur lb« Army *f Tibbmim * and aoibt Fur thb }{|\tAvillß and AtlunU Il«ul*t«r. U All, a’ARKIRKS, Btul R*»ltn»rit*l N**i » win I* •■(«).« m •l«h twity r»rrr« at It lu tv c*-U ».«o, daily at tl>« cuautet at 23 v«; («. OJ~\ t» tf* •Jittoa *nb#‘-REUIsTETrV«r«!»rd «»arj RRCtM TFD-.Tb-“Ar>*«Ms orfn »NTWti ll,a tb« *\ »f« wata Mat,-#”—t»i* (truttil |»*- van'ilM us tha war. ‘-F-c a I of ha War," V, r. A V HarJ aud- Ut I>annl«," «tb uri of ‘Lra Mu- NUTIC K TO lI BH'ItIRERS ArrorJlog to the Police which has been standing in this column fur seme time pas*, we this day cenae to take Confederate bills of the old ieeoe of denominations over five dol% lars, except at the discount prescribed by law, Jtr.A per cent All notes of the larger denom {nation hereafter remitted to us, will be ered f ted at tt e valuations in the follow ng table: A TABLE the mint of ('» ry’d hrut •>/ Chnftdrratt Minty %. -». /i,|(»|iW/nr tt t .Wir lunt >,f t) nfrj. rmtr Ifamty, u‘ t i*. Matt of Jhrt IM>!I tri »r O’d Prut for Tnm I>U ton ■ v .Vw hint from $A tilZ-A). c rt ic ~7«i o r 6 =v ~ 51 r •* • -s U S 2 in* ! 1 3 |i_ iJ !j r ? i tjj ; t ?;|j ? ?' T SYK; | «o.T.m mu liOnmu 1-. f '•■•a, Ja?., i« 15.1* te tu ou it;...iio*o No.-lwiuu' » mu j»:>. saw in..ns a u ars -ies.?)'; **-j 11 o..*te ea>J :5..u; fi-4, S> •OKI | 10%.. TO 0 1a».:120 • A :«0.. On Qu* :.V.y 3 m 10..T3 S.iVj t*S.. Iv-t «' \ 3 «..tfct3»'t *»..« i'3..t* *••*..a«e • «*, «s.:kl ll' lAh.SI IW UA..13 ) U* ISO ..SOU Ou I >..t. S’ , | 125.. Vi .v.- .no.. 11. X!'j iio.?3.3'i m ,111 ♦; v .•*, 3K..1M MK M..W«{| eu.|.i»o jt3s..>>nu •»|i».. li'wi *a<o.,4<wlo t 4« . ,;14 • ..M 3iltt , JIA .14 : < MO.. 431 33J< i?c » *•» e*.« 1 vvu.. irt ♦*>; tt wto i livid co | Ait .no on’ ;so..Soot*/ rortru.jsi’u muvlns.its. Tint Mol-ilfl Tribune Imrt rli-patcliOH of tl,e 28t!i ultimo, wit cl» Mate that tl n Mrirphi* Ihilitf in cotiirgst'H tl:e captore •>t l 'lit t) C’itv by Forrent. There wan heavy eLirini.nhing for a time hut no weriotM k’rtH was Buntnined., We ate not advised of the uomber of men cap iat, and l-y Forrest. We are not advised of course of the piiipOHO of Gen. Forrest, but it is not improper to state at this late day, that e.*mr- of his officers thought that he was going to Paducah and thence to New Albany, Indiana, the two great deposit toriea of Federal stores in the Valley of the Mississippi. The J l'peat of yesterday has a spe cial dispatch from Grenada, Mirs., which, referring to the Memphis liutte tm of the 2Sth, states that when, the steamer Ferry left Gairo, a dispatch ha*i hern received from Paducah, stating that the city was on file, and lighting was then going on. •When the City of AI tan left on S»t vrday evening, the above was con firmed, and had been re ceived that Paducah was in antics. Fightitig was still going on bet wee u this gunboat* and the ichela on shore. Tbs pickets wen* driven in at Cdum bu«, Kentucky, on Fnd iy night, and an uithck was i jp*rled. The Mesmtr IVriv was fired on at TGi kwan, Kmteeky, as she pnsri and, out escaped w.thout serious damage. New York dates of the 27th cpiuttd goid at ICy^. The I'tiion State Convention rs Illi* nois*to be h< Id at Springfield on the thth of May is called together with the following definition of {*«rty piinci-. pica; “Ti e supremacy if 'ls Constitution of ths J Stairs mn>t lr nucuuJiiiousllv mam tait.ed, and the iui l and coroial support of tin* National Government. Tbs Kmaocipa t:on ProcUraaiioa is also -c-dijrM'd.'* dijrM'd.'* . Tiiere are two issues made up, the ore iuTecting the negto, which is sub ordionts to the other involving ths «n --pr«*me sovereignty of tho Statif. If t!»»- ptrfy maintaining tho opinions of WilUndigham’a supporters tiiuuiph, peuec must be restored —if defeated, tin; war must still progress; the strength of th io party is the measure or the weak ness of our foe. However long the war rnsy Lr, it must continue until this Northern party gains the ascen dtney. The differences between the North and South can only be adjusted on the basis of State h »veroignty Rndlesa war and subjugation are the alternatives. JIVLTtW n PAKVO. Wo roimneml to the Selma DUjxitrh nn<l many like it, the following truiam which we reproduce from a letter of onr Richmond corrcHpondcut X. Y : ‘‘To every correct thinker, the ntaun ssrl.p*i friend tp States Rights, it the truest friend of tho Confederate Gov ernment.*’ We have endeavored to illustrate thin fact > n the conduct of this journal. If we have failed, the failure is net with the theory of government which we have sought to expound and pupa h lame. It is said that the publication of the correspondence of the first Napoleon has been interrupted on account of tbe coarse, and, in Home cases, indecent personalities which characterize the let* tors of his later years. He abuses every body, and in especial'y bitter in his comments on bi-t br<>theis, ioelud ing, it is supposed, tho reputed father of the present troperor. ' m ♦♦» ■ ... Iron and copper, two ii» port ant ele ments of industrial power for war if p» ace—elements whose uses and appli cations may be almost taken nt uirus uies of national power and progress are abundantly found wfthin the Con federacy. Alter tLree years war with aoch resoorces at command, should thero bo a.j pretext for seizing rail road iron, or otherwise interfering with private enterprise T There Is a copperhead bill before the N’ew Jersey Senate, fining any one five hundred dollars who enlists black sol* dkrs for the National service. lioV. lIUttWS'S KKHiiQB at thb . BOlt’til. No point of Ststs sovereignty ought I.) be made a ground of collision with the Confederate Government unless for rruaons vital to the success of our independence. TLU in too clear for argument. Ju S t now it ii not expedi ent* not essential to make any iksue.- The public rniud has enough to bear in taxation, in trial, in suffering, und already there are inflamatory elements euongh existing in Georgia without funning a nucleus io the of re sistance to the suspension of Habeas Corpus. T* c times demand almost superhu man prudence. A little iudiscretion, a bad step, and all the in 11 uencr-Hudverse to the cause of the Confederation, would have a rallying cry snd focus of concen tration. Better, far better, bear the action of Congress. We can have the odious legislation rescinded, but while it is law let us not create an excitement that may provo our ruin in this gigan tic war with the North. Georgia must be conservative. Georgia must not an tagonize the Confederate authority. If she d-es, State sovereignty is crushed, and with equal certainty Confederate sovereignty is no more. Thoroughly imbued with these con victions we have stood aloof ,frutn the recent discussions of the Press of the South involving the wisdom of Gov. Brown’s declarations and policy.— There is one fact which we observe us the result es Gov. Brown’s exhibition of temper in his assaults upon the Con federate Government ; the Northern pro*.* copies the message in exfrnio.— For the first time since the war began a State paper, originating in the South and defining thoroughly the views of Southern statesmen, is generally pub lished iu the North. Perhaps this was Gov. Brown’s purpose in giving a tone of aceibity to his message. In any event we are very sure that there is not the most remote danger of any collision between the State and Confederation and here the matter may well rest. In conclusion we have to suy of these recent enactments of the Confederate government, and of the government itself, that wc sustain it as cidtent and not as partisan*. Ac homo the storm lots passed which nrosc with such sud denness and expended itself with such short-lived fury. V’ith the incidental ad vantage above mentioned which wo gain in one direction, the world, in c«n templating the controversy, will not be imbued with very favorable opinions of our government, State and Confederate, and the relations sulsicting between them. ROHTIIEHN PAHIIZAV rUTFORMI YaLI ANDiGIfAM FOR PhEoIDENT— The Democrats •of Montgomery comity, Ohio, held a convention to appoint del egates, to the State Convention, to he hclJ at Columbus, the 22d initant. Tnc following resolutions were adopted : lUsol>'f<i, Thai tu i«*. flin ili* V m» an.l K*-"tu kj r**«aUti"iia ut 179S out 1799, n* c n tftitrnu ih«* <fi*e«riu«* oT it*- I) i*i.,cr>ii c p*ciy <o I tl<«* true tt:**i rjr of it*** irons*iuttioP. eVeoiut, That »**|ii vur nninfiin ihe piin- C p o laul and -wri m tb*- fi #v in*U|*uritl uildr*-M ol TLoant J«-ir*-ra*io »* r*«**r;iia! to me pfM*-r* vaiioa t.f r<>n.*n <i i«iu* |ib>-ity. Tbint, That 1 1* * (»iv*-ioia**ut ia t*a‘**<l upon iti*» |irinc'pt**i ol conif’.t. an J thut lh<* La ion of Ihr SliiM fan - *.*-ver'ue ie-i*»r**it I>yyi>*-ce. Tbs b**»t inl*-r*s n ■ f th** rmintry dfinaLiis »u early, hnonri|h> and U-ti jr pe.tC**. and we recom tr.erd the uppoitctm-iit ol cemmi-aious s to cnnAidur upon rnch as wiil securs that e*.*t. F< unb. Tlisit Ih* p*t.iot ati»r*map. Cl* rr**nt L V itui.ditfturn, I* ib* f!r»t cboic** ol *b*- I)-*- mocracy «*l Muii'giuinf county fur the lexl fr*s d*ocy. It is not our province to giro undue importance to the action of partisan Conventions at the North. The above is taken from the Cincinnati Tnlunt, and biinply represents the opinions of the organs of a paity for a single comi ty in Ohio. Despite of the non-com inittalisms of party leaders and the ole •cutity and contradictions of party plat forms, it seems that all of them* teud to ono single purpose, to bo perfected by the antagonisms which exciting de bates must engender The course of events at the North plainly indicates that in the ensuing stiugglo for the Presidency, the isnue must be States Bights v*. Centralization. Senator l’oinerny of Kansas has pro mulgated in the Senate of the United States the platform of his party. Sec tion seven ia as follows: t«c*l Miborflicaiioo ol the s-vural States to t-e(t*o*-ti»l Government ns nball seem* a bu moffeneou- and uod -puOd oarionuli'j, a bile Lot d—irojinv theriffbia r*K**rT*-d in the £tutrp, ro that allrgUncn to tbe National Gover rner.t *b»ll alway* be regarded M lb* bigbent le*lty, and tbe ml* of Aait-ricao cuiz*a tbe proudeat tbat can b« borne ; b*li«vu g bin to be an American wbo haa an Amt-iican heart in hit boMitn, no matter wbat Lta been tb* accident of bia bu lb or tducatiori ; for be ia likely to b* aa Italy »a Am-riem citis-a.wbo becomea on* fn in choice, aa bd wba ia compellod to be ons Irora neceeaity. Th# weather y.stirday was m windy as a Southern orator, sad m cool sa bis auuranee. —XatkziUt Union. The weather here about the same time was very wet, the strretH not less than half at dirty aa the editor of the Union. Tbs Atlanta JltjitUr a d-cHlcd'/ on* of tbs brat pMprm iu tu« feouibern CotibderacT- L-rg* * a*. oral, c’s-tr pr>nt, able and digmfl*4 editorial-, and ip' fill ll* broad col umn-. Cbul tlon l'cu> itr. It siguiiies something when ths Charleston Courier thus speaks of a cotemporary. It is capable of deter mining the relative vulus of newspa pers on its exchange list. It speaks of what it knows, and of a subject which it understand*. .Moreover the allusion In the Reyintir is unprovoked. Ws never - before* aaid a kind thing of the Courier, though we have been indebted to it for many au idea and many an apothegm. The proprietors of the Field tniFire* tide offer 1750 for the best story, and •250 for the best poem—of 150 to 800 lines—to be delivered before the Ist cf May, and examined under the usual con -4&OM- THE SPIRIT OP THB PRESS. Tevterday was tbe memorable First of April - tbv carnival dry ot practical jokers and oth er atraggliog vagabond* scattered alorg tbe duaty highway of i<fe. At it 3.1 All-Foul's Day. on retarnlnf Irom breakfast, we locked the door, clceed tb* blinds, drew down lb* tar •e'M and went to bed to kaepTrorn irerpitaeing oa otb**r peopUa’ property. N.r, til w* bad been tbe meana of enabliug a rm-tll b»y, tie a* O of a email Umi y grocery up town, tuabow a number ol spectators tbai be waa a large stockholder tu tbe D«y. . lb:a Spirit ia too oli now to be tntim a foot o . 11 a gr»j hairs aud hi* p out ur.d benevo lent aspect (Irota which be baa oIU-o been taken tor a liaid bbuii Baptist bwbop) abouid be a auCicb at protection sgaiaat all atuaipu of I at Suit. But they are not. Abe wts coming down town to see wbat tbe tnurniug papers bad to say. be saw a pocket brok lying on the pavement by the •Ue of a piece ot paper, lie paused. Tb* f.ded um brella be carried under his arm waa t"e Very same b* bought tor two dollars anl a bait ou the day be cast bia maiden vote lor Gen. J»ck son in 18i!8, and be was dresniipg ot Old ory lie tbutight tbe duy was tbe 8b of Jaun ary, lie p *na and, and looked at tbe pocket book over bis rpretacies. He thought o bim sell tbat it contaiued j idgicg frear tb* bu k of it. about tbiee Luudred dollars, which, alter t\ ‘ducting 39j per Ceut. for the grul.ficalion of hir. kit uimiDKer, would still leave au aiucuut worth picku g up. Accoidugly bepLc<d bia iell arui upou bis left knee, and stooping down with bia uuitirella poiuiing to lb* smith, be Ist his right baud droo its tbe oirectiou of tbe lust property, llts Bugera were about to close upon it, when tbe thing sudd-uly shot away and land ed in a Muull L.unly grwoeiy. For some se conds, transfixed by surprise sod and sgust, be ma.fctiined bis aliunde. Tbe tableau waa Uue. An Mppreci*live young lady wbocLsaced tube passing, iepresents it as having. b*eu sub lime. It must bare Lem. aur<-l«. Is repre s* o>ed un old gentleman, with au umbrella un der bm arts, iu tbe act of picking up comeibing w„s n't tber». Tlit Southern loifultrac)/ -Gets up an arti cle on •• 1 tie I'misaus aud Catholics.'’ Ti ere la. says our neighbor, an irr*-pres-.hl* c*i fl ct between Tut lUnism and Catbol c sm. W« are h*-ar it. We hope* m body will try to deprive that cooß ct of its iricpressibiHty. Let it proceed. In (act, let it rip. Tbe nioi eit pro c-eds—lb* m >te it ri|B—the Witter lor the country —tb* better for humanity. L-pecially it Caibolici.-iu ia likely to throttle TuritanUu in th* struggle. The most unmitigated humbug that eter appralt'd, trumpet-tongued, to the contempt aud acorn of mankind in any age is Puritan ism—the Pu iiauism of Plymoutii Kock and other g'-o ogiotl celebrities of New Kn gland. Wherever it appears, a full herd o f Spanish loquisitions should be turned loose jn the midst of it, with carefully written in structions to give it what Loyola and the Duke of Alva were accustomed, in their dia bolical facecioumrj?,to call “unshirted b—l." PiritauLm is both tho father und tbs mother of Abolitionism. Parent and child though they be, they ure tbe twin deviltries es tbe age. The one is ns damnable in its moral a'p-ct as the other. Togetbet they form a compound of villainous degradation, a single 'ouch of which is more than enough to send a continent to perdition. Tbe N't w England Puritan is the lowest and most degraded type if the human race- Tl.o rest of mankind are ashamed of them selves f<>r having been created in the same shape. The Millennium can neTer jrove ti turret* until his race is extinct. Th* Jntelligftirtr —Has a leading article on "The Georgia Policy." which opens thus : . "We notice several nf nor exchanges speak ing *»l the ••U , -or.ia Policy," hut for the life ot ui* cairtint what either they or the ‘ policy’’ mean." Fo we supposed ; and as you confess that you don’t know w'at you are talking about, of course you won’t think hard of us if we decline to bear you. The Mivifhi* Appeal— Tin Afpeol copies from th* C«nfuUpit* Union a list of tb*- ncte and resolutions passed at tho isle extra s—-ion of the Leg is! a ure, W*g«v***ur neighbor the beat sort ol a chance to opy It Irom th* lira i.-tfk übout two weeka sjo, but he wcuxlu’t do !». To Correspondent s.—Tb* following no'* is from a corr«rpondeot in this ci'y : 'Dear Spirit : When a widow, young.,, bright-ey tl, with b-eth lik* pc iris set between th* most -t* mptieg of ruby lips, and cheeks dimpled with frolic and Inn, -plays upon tb* tender sensibilities of a geotl* man whose ap preciate not the a x amounts almo*t to ido a’ry. until rb* has so fai-ciuated tnl bew.ldered bun t*.»l be fairly los<s Ms identi'y, ai.d leela that be is ber |>ris< n-r wilb hubtu* empus and all o'ficr writ* ml* pended—and wbeo ib* ufor**a:d widow, all. cling seriousness, suddenly presents a cts* to k*r victim’s uiideratan«ii:>g from which there is no escape, what wou'd be jour ad vie* ?’’ We w«nld advise h'm to yut hi foot in it; • a.'ecialiy if lli* cas* presented to hia nnder ata;-ding should happen io bes actually oc curred wi h *>ue ol tl.* editorial corps of th* Kmjimer- a pair of superb whit* sock-, ui id* of cution. raided, i|uii and knit by (Inge's aa g acdul and skilled aa tie b- wiich ag w dow’s lac* was lovely and all i bat. Unlit our cor:* pun d-nt render* tbe adient angt -a of bis intern gr tury & little more angular, this ia the best wo cati do for him. mOM OCR SPKCIAI. lORREtPOR DENT DWsallsfacton In iht Yinkr* ’ranks— -1 hrsatsn la throw dawn their arms— Threatened Revolution In ihs Writ- Onr prespecta—A Hint ta the Press— Hews from ike rear—Threatrleals—An swer talllfh Private SSI-Ortat sham Wattle postponed. Whbelbr's Caval*t,l Tcshbl 11 ill, April 1, IBC4. / 1 sent jrou s telrgrsm tbit morning of ths latest condition of affairs incur front Ac ciedited infermation from our eccuta, wbe eonrened with citiseos (bat bad visited lbs Ysoheeesmpe, represents, that'sucb It the discontent and diseatiefaction prevailing among tbs Western troops, that they hare threatened to ley down iheir arms, il General Grant does not abolish negroet from tbs rank*. Petitions to this effect bad been sent to Grant, and ipeeehss on tbi* subject ws* being made by officers to tbs troops. It I* said Western politicians are at work, and bavs written to rarious officer* urging this policy on the Federal troop*. It is apparent that lbs West is becoming gradually aroused os this question,'and it will not be surprising if in the coarse of tbs neit three months, ths spark sbould become honed into n threaten ing flame. Not onlj tbs people of tbs TVset and North nr# becoming enlightened on the negro ques tion, but all Eurcpe; and tbs moprecedented barbarian with which tbs Yankee warfare ha# been waged against ths begro and onr. selves, has filled tbs world with horror, and like chickens, most gradually com* boms to r»o*t in ihtir midst. Everything seems conducing to brigbtra our cause and gild onr hopes, lbs rainbow •f promised independence seems to be arching ottr sky. Still, snr people mo si not be too confident and carried nway with wild dela ting. 1/ tka God of bon* la Big qmey shall crown bur anna with victory daring iog campaign, it is doubtful if tbera will b* any moiw fighting after aril Summer, A cessation of liosttliliea aanst eventually lead to-pane*. lint tbe boaitful and confident tone of car press, so generally iadulgrd in at Ibis time, ia in bad u»te aud out ot aeaaon. " Let bim who pottetb oa hit armor s*>t L*wst as Tiiai wbo puttvtb it off." •• 11* hath thawed Strength with bia arm ; lie hath scattered tha proud in tbe Imagination of their hearts."— Let ns not forget the dark day* of lb* Bpring of 1862. " Ilia mercy is on theta tbat feay Him Aom generation to generation." Instead of thißboastfulness and overweaning confi dence, it wiil be more becoming on our part to labor and watch i•• Ue tbat hath two coats, let him impart to Lim tbat bash non*; and he tbat bath meat, let bim do likewise." The news yon obtain Ig troy of the rent from tb* front ia very irkvome on "Wheeler's car airy." compelling them to have sharp brasses with tbe enemy without their knowledge or consent, wh eh is very fa.iguing, Tbe enemy, to keep down tb* dissatisfaction in their ranks, are imitating us in having sham figtti, tc. The cannonading heard on Thursday was from Yank-* artillery in rr htartal, which quid mines construed into * skirmish with our cavalry. The talented and accomplished members of Feuner’s Louisiana Battery give another per formance to-night. Ti e pressure wiil be im mense. Yonr high private correspondent “29j," of Oibsitn's Brigade, puts three thtrrrury inter rogatories in his letter for dolutfon. Ia re feiripg them to me, I will modestly suit that as tbe high privato has gone one figure above u*, I can hardly be presumed to answer questions which he is unable to do himself. I wiil therefore refer the first twu questions to bis distioguithed friend, M*jor Curry Comb, ot the aharpeboutrr;, aud in relation to tbe last, "Why are the Louisianians th* poorest clad troops in the field," is because "that meeting’’ which I so l. ng ago called to be beld at LaGrange, G*., on the i of Februa js last, never met, aud consequently that handsome and munificent sum to be subscribed by tbe Lonisiana wealthy refug cs for the purchase of shoes sad clothing for the Louisiana boys, still slumbers in the deepest corner of their pockets. I see no other means of relief except to refer tb* whole matter to our Ilcpretentaiives and Senators in Con gress I The great ebam battle nf LL G*n. Hn dan’s corps, which ha< so In-ig been io rebeittst', was Io have com* iff tu-d-jr, but a heavy run leil last night, and the weather ia so unsettled and threatening ;hat it has been postponed until th* first certain cletr day. G eat indeed bu h**a tb* disappointment, for a la r ge number of la dies had arrived to wilo*se the affair. A party cimeopin th* train du* at Dalton at un* o'clock this morning, and left again at ?l A. U., ten ibly disappointed, and a* there Is uo hotel or accnmMfidVion* at Da'.ton for (hem to stay, they wer* comiielled to return. It seems among ih- party that had arrived at Pil'on early this morning, were several young ladies who had been invited up by some ot the married «(Beers, w ho, not being abl* to oMa n acenmm* dttions for th-m. irl to give up their i.-wn qosriers. A''er the ladhs left this mon ing I am informed i! e room-mate rs ote ot these galliant CiVtlier*. a distinguished Mfi>r ot foreign hiilb, wos overheard upbraid ing hia friend in this wise ; ‘•You are a gallant gentlrbomm*, to b* sure, to invite re r-hermante young ladies t* you miserable quarters, to sea rat rcy absll n«i see—no slmin fight at all! Ob, vat chiv alry, to inviie yottre ladies to such e placei Vat you g>t fi r re accommodn.. jn of re beautiful young ladies ? Your dirty old blan ket for re bed, and you old Tiroken chair for re seat! And for re breakfa*t? You give zeni it little one ration you draw for yourself of ae eke’nton beef and se corn bread ! And re table, eh 1 wit ont dn linen, and air you dirty, rusty old tin pinte, wir no silver forks to put in rair beautiful mouth! Vat an April fool it must l<* to te yonng ladier, to b* sure!" Aud the old soldier broke ort in a hearty laugh at the young cavalier. 300. LATE NORTHERN NEWS. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM THE UNITED STATES. The Baltimore American of the 2Mb and 29'h inst. have been received We subjoin a summary of the new-: tux rbo Mv*a sxrifiTio*. The Hed Itirer expedition lias met with an mportant surre-t in the capture of Port Da Ilussoy, with 283 prisoners and several henry Our land forces, under General Snn b, landed a few miles lielow the fort, when Gen. Tnrlor, tbe r. bel commander, attempted an nttuck on the rear ot our fortea with tbe view of cutting off our eommunk-ations with the river. Willi a quirk perception of tbe ad vantages thus opened to us, Gen. Smith aban doned bis ronimiiaicsti' ns with tbe river, and struck out boldly for Fort Da Ruseey, which, l.y forced marches, be reached sod captured b» lore tbe rebels could regain their stronghold. Admiral Porter at once steamed up to Aleiandria. This success gives os control of one of the richest cotton regions of tbe Southwest. AMKMY cr THS POTOMAC. Lieut General Grant and staff arrived at the Headquarters of the Army of tbe' FYtomac yesterday, (2. r >tb), and nt once ordered :be Array to be got ready for bis inspection. He was received with much enthusiasm The First and Third Corps had been consolidated and attached to the Siath, commanded by Mnjnr General Sedgwick. Gen. Hancock baa assumed the command of tbe Second Corps, whi:h is now one of tbn largest in lb£ army. Deserters continue to arrive in our liu<s. f tNA.VOAU Secretary Chase, under the authority of tf* set authorising the sale of I'm gold in tbe Treteury, baa detemiu.d to Issue “gold noler,” rvcmvable for duiks, with which bo proposes to anticipate the payment of Interest on tbe public debt due up to Ist January, 65. That due on or before tbe I t ul July neat will be paid without rebate of ioler.rt; on that dua alter July Ist, n rebote of thiee per cent, will be «xact.d. It ta supper. and that shout twenty five millions of dollars of interval on ike public debt will be anticipated. la New Ycik, on the 25ih. fFtldsy,' go'd opened at 1881, advanced to |t st|, non closed at ltFl. Iu Ueliimoru, tbe dot. g ism waa 16K|. MiSCBLLAVBOCB. Andy Jobnaon Is urged by bla friends at ths nomine* for Vic* President on tb* ticket with Lincoln. A aurnbet of Western troops ar* to bn trana ferrrd to tbe Eastern theatre of .war. Orn. Bnrnsldn was in Washington on Thursday last. Ths'troopi to accompany bis expedition ar* tapidly Assembling at Anna pel is. Tba Ohi« Democrat Is Convention adopted resolutions • posi* g tb* procreation of lira war for tbn subjugation of tbe South. Senator Saulsbury mad* a bold and defiant speech, in Hie Yankee Senate, on tbn 2fttb, against military interference with rlnetioaa. General W. F, Smith will be Chief of Staff to Lieut. Gen. Grant Tb* Pennaylvaaia R noeralle Contention pronounced ia favor of Cen. MeClelUn for I’re.idMk 0 Chicago bae been (lied upon as tbe place of meeting for tb* “National Democratic Con vention.” scaorsA* kiwi, Tb* appeal I* tin Aleiandria cave cam* np for dismsasi** in tb* Boat* *1 Loris »a March Itih- The Florida and Federal tloop-of-war Sfc. Lobia wera Ijiag hi Funchal Day when the nail ateanar left Madeira. The Gorernor of Madeira reloclaallj gave ptnnirsion to sup* f'y the Florida with coal. She *«a ordered i to leare immediately after coal ng. The Austro-Prassian troop* hare adranred ' farther into Juilnnd. Several engagenenita between them aud tbe Danea hare taken place, »■ which tbe latter ere reported to bare ana* lamed aerere loaa. The Cabinet es Vienne, It (tfairl. leaned n cirrular profiting the readinei* of Au*trie to lake part in the rmtfrreure and content to nn armiatice with Denmark, and declaring that tbe Auatriana and tbe Prueaiana will re tire from Jut'and it the Danea will eradiate Dujpel mid Al-en, will ceare to capture Ger man ahipe, ond will reatore tbe pritea which they nay bare made. Tbe K>ng o' Drmrit died on the ll'b March. He in enecreded by his eon under the title of Ludwig 11. Marquis Clenrlcarde hae * Iren notice In tbe Jlouae ol Lords that he will more for Oopine ol any correspondence wlih tV 0.n101.-raU* S'atea rvlalire to tbe removal of tbe Brilisb Consuls in those States, The Infant sor. ol the Prince of Walea baa been chrisieoed with considerable ceremony. He waa natneo by the Quern, Albert Victor Christian Edward. The Archduke M .xltnHian has lelt Paris* Nspoleoa baa beep particular'/ attentive to b>m. Its arrived io London on th- 12>b. The Mexican prisoners in Fiance Lara given m their adhesion to MsX.milian. fro* paperi. C. 8. Mercer, the dirty Abolition black guard, wLo edited the Nashville Union has left that concern—was kicked eut of it tnost probably—and has started another paper, failed tbe Nashville Tin ts £ True Union. Ws are indebted to a gentleman just from Norta •Alabama, for n copy of it, dated March 10th. We copy from it • few paragraphs, which may he new to most ot our rendrra: The Elictios.—No further rvturna hare been recrired, although it io pretty generally understood that there are mure to come in. There were no ballots cast at the 2 I, 3 i, 4tb ■ end 12tL districts We shall | uM : .-li the offl- Cial labics when they shall l ave lieeu reccircd. | Sim Blair, Sea., one cf the oldest citizens , of this county, died a few days ago at the ad- 1 ranced age o 98. He eras one <>t the pioneers | es this sertion of the country, arid helped build the first lnaian fort ever elevated with* iu the precincts of Nashrille. M ia-u Sallie M H iye«, the lady who waa le gally married in this city a few days ago, and who aobacqiteuilj ran a«uy from her husband, through the instrumentality of her friends, is said to be at Crub Orchard. Thomas Francis, for tome time watchman; ] and latterly chief of the ambulance torpi of this city, and well known as a Union roan of unflinching principle, died on Tuesday night. Mr. Thomas Francis, nn old policeman of this city, died yesterday morning atlheresi-. dance of his mnthrr on Cherry turret. Us will be harried et 10 o’clock lhi« morning. Colored Enlistments at the Front— An order of interest from Major General Thomas for raising two regiments of colored soldiers at Chattanooga under Col. Morgan is publish-’ ed in our columns to-day. Intelligent loyal* ista everywhere are fast becoming convinced that the transfer of the most- valuable slaves from the authority of rebel owners to the Uni trd Slates army is a most important work.— Let it go on I Hat iy Cooke, a scout of Cul. Milner's, was rapnned n tew da<a ago n« nr Columbia but was promised bl« relm s* upon th* pnymcn o| two bundrid dcilars. He sent in word to the Colonel the conditions i t bin iel-a*» . I>ut since that time nothing hae been heard trrm him.— As Cooke wa* cap'itr*d by notorious cbutc ters.ii is bclit'tea that be baa been toully dealt with. The Cnft'om H us'* *t this p'ace Is quife a re' pUntsher of li e Unite*! Stale* Re*eme Mr* J. it. Dillon informs ns that the tor the imoith ut Feh uiry amil'iod to 193,018 71. Q'tlle a lest mm in *h*ee tunes. 1|».- c.i«et n lll.use g vee -inid«ymeit to three aids, »ho travel occ«a«malir tti discharge ul their until a a-id five cleik*. • » We not'ceil in one ol the regiments which p'.ns and ibr.ugb <ur oily lately ou its tettirn Lout', several ol the boys liuduw young billy* gnats which thi-y had rufilboet* and in Alabama lor disloyalty to the Unfed Stale*. Served them right. An* kid th tt is gnat enough to re hel against the Uuioa desen ea to be cuhfitCA ted. The New Theatre.—A ro tgnilcent bouse greeted the eoißbtiiet on company last night in their lultblul rendition *>l Othello. To-marhi, Mtssr*. Davenport and Waltack and Mrs. Far ren kr-Di id the great Irsgidy if Michelli. The mere auuounc-mcnl be sufllcseuut to test tin capacity ol tbe bouse. The Chattanooga Uascttn says that thrrs wtte about irven hundred votes cast in Hum* ll.on county on Saturday last. All wf the electors took the on lb • res* ribrd in Governor Johnson's Proclamation G. Rider was elec ted Sheriff by about twenty votes, over John MvCallic; C. W. Vinson was elected Circuit Court Clerk ; R. 11. Gwttrie County Court Clerk; W. H. Crowder, T uslce; A. W. Moore, Register ; J. G. Yvrt.ell, Tsi Collec tor. All unconditional Uui< u men and Eman cipationists. Dickson Cocntt. —We learn from a gentle man just returned from Clarksville that the •traight-ont Union ticket was elected in Dick son by some €O3 Uuion majority. In the 14th civil district in this connty the vote stood 104 Union and anti slavery, and 4 pro-slavery, 11-e Ccppribead* have been hs badly beaten in the cuniy as in the city The whole land is riaingjo eitcrnii ate eta veiy and treason, aud bury lleir apologists out of sight. The diction in all parts ofthe county hat gone tremendously for the Radicals. The Comer, vatives have succeeded, we hear, io carrying • precinct somewhere out iu Miury county. Secretary Eist, whom we announced yes terday morning ns ili with neuralgia, we are happy to say is partially recovered. Rite* News —For tbe last twenty-four the Cumberland has been falling rapidly with 12 feet oo Harpetb shoals. The following were the arrivals yesterday : Duka-of Argyle, Cincinnati; Maimcra, do; Shreveport, tot. L< uis ; Geneva. Onio River ; Cordelia Ann, do ; Emperor, do; Carrie Ja cobs, St. Louis; Monsoon, Cincinnati; Due lelth, Cairo ; Arizona, Ohio Kivrr. The following werv the departures: Nsnoie Byers, St. Louis; Gowdy Friends, Ciucinahti; Urey Eagle, Louisville; Mercury, Cincinnati. Tex Outxixs’ Cask.—'The c*st» of Tom CoN lin«, tits )uusg geutlmDita it bo shot tb« thief Laiher.-Waa called up yestorday morn in* and Will t>« nrgut*! ioMlttjr. 1b« ri#bu»t>it*Dt>s of iii« set. ami ib« rwq.«*ci ability Mid b.m«»r of llr. Collin*, in cnnoeciion with tie euiineut Counsel lif b»* tngafced. is •rnfldt-Bt guarantee that bo wi.l bf acquitted, Further, it ii not bflieVfd Qmi linker w.ll appear Against bnu. A bloody ■booting affray occurred n Ru*a-11 couoty, Kentucky, on tba Tib Snot. Witiiapj 8 IlarrK a man about 7<» yoata of ago, whtio un def the itffueaco ot liquor, got Into a quurel with Jam*- W. llolu Tea quarrel unified la aa affiay and lu Um fatal sboottng ot Holt by Harm. Tbe wounded man died la a few m’omaa attar receiving the a hoi. Htrris left bit rictus d*ad, aad aotniog a ire w.u *-en ot him that day. The n-xt morning be waa found lying Cild and itfitU upon iba gruuuil, about ttifra mllet Irom but buttne. It ta preeiimou that tba II HH||| rxoiieuieat produced by the affray, bit adranoed age, and ibeculll night atr.tuumd bra death. M >lt te*eea aw ft aud two aaatl ebildren dependent upon her for support. Ham- b.a i t children grows. The Frllowlng card from Mayor Smith la a clincher Surely thing* bay# coma to a pretty pa** If a citiaen of Truaeas** Utab* denied tba right ot paffrage because ha wears the garb pi a Union soldier, and carries a muiket to shoot traitor*: OUOUT SOLDI ass to bd tactcpKb TbOH tbi POLIbT Editors of tit A'ooiodlo Timoo ,- Mr opinion In regard to the qualiflcalloa p( rater*, cep*, dally soldier* and employees ot ihe govern ment, giren fa the remark* I made at the Unconditional Union Moating an Tharsdey night last, wa* not fully reported fn year paper of thdnrit moraing. Far the par pore Os correcting any aisutksi or errors I will UMbt Wit f»* hmgy opidMn All ta/ soldier or employee of the government who was a citizen of tbe United States and of lawful *ge, wad who had li.-«d and regarded this ewaatry as bis home for sis months next preceding tbe day or election, had a right to void. I was honest in what I said, nd think it-sustained b tbe Stale Constitution, Art. 3, See. 1, and.the erctionol the Code passed is accordance thereat b. Your ob’t servant, Jxo. Ilceu Smite. Our New Major Generals —We have al ready staled lb>t Ge eraU Grant Meade, if*. T. Snerman, McPherson, and U. H. Tt.omae have been conErvned as Major Generals in the regular aimv, and Generals H. K. Warren and Pleasanton as Brigadiers in the Vwlunteer eer* vice. The following paragraphs are from the Nasbvil • Union : We Yearn that National Bank notes are generally refused in Ibis city. There is no good reason that we are aware of for this They are tbe next thing to greenbacks ; and ought to ••pass’' freely. _ The new bridge across tbe Hoiston, at Knoxville, has been finished. It is near une thousand feet in length, and was built in five week. Ihnt’s what we call enterprise. Died.—ln Fpringfield,* Robert sou connty, Tenn., on Wednesday morning, 9lh inst., at 8 o’clock, Mrs. Satan Cheatham, relict of lha late Gen, Richard Cheatham. W. Buchanan was arrested in Louisville Wednesday evening fur barrelling for Jeff. Davie. There were about 900 votes cast in Bradley county last Saturday. Isaac Lowe was elect ed Sheriff. Pbotost Orders No. 52 Office or Piovosr Marshall,! , Nashville Tenn , March lti, 'O4, 10 a. m / All Gamblers will leave this city forthwith. Twenty-four hours will bs allowed to comply with this order. • By order of Brig. Gen. R. 9. G (avoir , Commanding Post. * Jobe W. lioEsia,. murid Lt. Col. and Pro. M<r. IOVIU CAROLINA. Soorn Carolina Society.— At the*anni versary meeting of the South Cirotiua Socie ty, held on Tuesday, 29th instant, tie follow ing v* s the result nf an election tor officers for tbe en*u : ng year : Hon W D Porter, Stew* ard; John Chersbotough, Senior Warden; Robert R Bee, Junior Warden; Alex II M*zvrk, Treasurer; Wm J Lesc«ne, Clerk; J I* Bee, K-tprr of Hail; John D Miller, nod J C Jer sey, Constables. CcmmUue on CAurify.—Richard Yeadon, Chairman; •John L Nowell, George Kinloch, J K Scirmer, A E Miller, P C Gaillard, George H Ingraham. ♦Vice Dr I M Campbell, deceased. The Charleston Courier is giving soros at tention to internal improve, as appears from the following article upon “canals and inland navigation.” Governor Clinton, in advocating and urging successfully tbe great system of State works and improvements, did mote for New York aud for tbe advancement of her chief cities than all politicians who ever crowded Turn many Hull. South Carolina bad once a school of etatesmen of enlarged practical wi»dom and forecast, who proposed and devU»4 nitni-- lar meast res, but were not so successful.— Sundry causes combined to divert the sninda and thoughts of active citizens of this State more and ntpre from such measures ot practi cal improvements to Frdef*l »o*l politiciil questions and theories, 'that we had far eigbted statesmen and proj**^ l "™ >* proeeu by the fact that in many liues s C i ®"H> Carolina was a pioneer. <' This was the case in public yi'iwti#n, in banking and in internal r<<ruiiiorii<** t 'ons Tbe Santen Can il, in this State' .^lh* first enterprise ot any extent of this k/"d un dertaken and ezecuied, and whs fot' niany yeats tb** largest iu extent The other' Imet of our canal -ystetn along the Broad and v** tawba rivers were designed as pa t* of a geU* eral chain, looking ultimately towards tbe si*'* of the great pr< hlern, a connection with the Northwest or the Onio valley. Much time, labor and money were »|>e t on this project in canals before the racf railroads —perhaps we may now say foolishly and extravagantly spent. The time may soon come when we shai! be cailcJ oa calmly to Cuu*iJer whether all this outlay shall, or need bo lost} and whether we have not erred as mu;h in neglect ing and abandoning iul'and reso. rc*s ot water Cornm as our fathers erred in prema ture aud excessive expenses for them. What is the present state and condition of our canal works ? It may be worth while for citizens locally interested and having opportunities of intnrmat'on to consider tbe question. We accordingly invitt britf replies End re-* ports for tbe Court* r. An early project, long and eirnestly advo cated and urged by enterprising and saga cious citizens of Charleston—c Lief among whom we may name V\ m Loughton Smith, who represen’ed the United Slates in Portu gal—was a-connection between the Edisto and Ashley waters. Nearly sixty rears ago a company was formed, rows surveys made, and steps taken towaids this wo(k, which we suppose was only abandoned on account of tbe disturbance# in Europe and the ensuing war of 1812-’1&. The project was latelr rerired and so fa rorabiy urged by correspondents of the Courier, |.re<eoling it* obvious advantages and expediency, that a company bn* been fully organised under a charter, and has se cured mean* enough to go on and through with the work, which wo hope will be prompily don-. -We lately repo ted the or ganisation of the company, aud hope it will prove the forerunner and leader of anew, vigurou* and general reform in our apprecia tion <>f our duties and resource* in internal improvement*—a quest! n which, in view of our experience under the United States, and of the etident liability to abuses and corrup tions under any federative undertaking, shoul I he fpc in Hr ec under the work of eace State, uoiess when demonstrably needed for the romtnoo defence, and fur the geueral welfare ib tbs Hue constitutional sente. T v e Q*t and most important problem air til ing and a- rn mifing the utter,t on ot Charleston as soon as delivered from the annoying and e-Xitione, rather than dangeroni attentions of Gill more or his nneeewmr. and the war. will be to impruve and extend comm unioat tons with t's p»ntry. storeboutes, granary and mat»b ii« of materials In the conntry. We harw dense enough In building -through •tines**—some of it. perhaps, was done in the wrong way or at the wrong time- but there are duties and re sources before us which admit of uo question aa to policy or ennatitntionai right. WuateTvr may be tb« ugbtof tbe right ol a eiiy to aid la di* a >t enterprises, looking to nrospectisw atid speculative returns, none can deny the r-gbt of attending to local resources and communica tions-ot opening and a I channels of eupplir s lor all ibt elrmeota of city life, health an<Lgrowlb, To build op a great city, resident planners sod hirrchantf. however prinre y, will not alons suffice. W* must her* a full variety of crafts and trades, and to encourage these wo must offer health, comfortable residences, and a supply on good terms of tho elements of tbe family commissariat. Tho Edisto and Ashley Canal' promises meoy advantages ib this din ctron, sod w* hope nill lead to revived attention to the val. no and oses of our adjacent and confluent rivers. - Another pfc’ref, once strongly recommend ed, was a connection between tbe Aebley and Cooper acrosa Iba neck, for purposes mainly of drainage and reclamation fur tillage and health. Wo may recur to this more fully, and meanwhile commend it to nttaation. A UTt Northern paper publishes a ecienflflo feat performed In London. The human body, in so advanced a etago of decomposition ns la -be entirely ttorecognixtbla. can now ba aw rw> stored, by Chemical ae-ana. on to present an almost completely natural appearance. Thr# prpoasg waa lately practiced with suoseea In tbe eaee of a body found In tbe Thames, which was snspMisd So he that of an sweaped mur derer who. bad committed sn-cWe. A Her tba body bad been awbjacted to tbe new pros mo . the witness** were able to swear that ha was hot tba supposed murderer. _ • Tut Wrist PaoartCT.—Tbe Raleigh Com/tdrrato says: “We learft verbally and from oar txcbaoge* that tbe prospect or tba wheat crop is anebareging. Thu. lata raise bars broeght it oat wonderfully, qed a far mar tpld «*-tba other day r at the prospect was a* good now a# is iMnty at Ibis sums fltkayefli. • New Advertisements. POP QA I IT 1400 PAIR OP : PANTS, THE OLD CURRENCY RECEIVED AT PAR. j call soon. •By L. 1. DATI9, ap3-lw Commission M*rcbac*t, Peachtree st OLD ISSUE AtTrarT i»» • 10,000 ACHES OF LAND • FOR BALE, FOR WHICD I WILL TAKE THE Old Issue of Confederate Kotes AT PAR. 0. W. KNIGHT. April 3—fit. A ( IIANCE TO FUND THE OLD XSSUH AND 4 per cent. Scrip or Certificates TO-DAY AND TO MORROW (Saturday ) I will sell any KIND OF GOOD* X HAVE and receive the above money at par and to.morrow (Saturday) F. M. FISK, April 2—lt* Whitehall street. NEW COMNISSION HOUSE. JONH H. KING & CD., O*. ner&l Commission Merchants, Near Norrross’ Corner, Marietta . street, AtUmtit, On. Vnll att-nd rrr*<*aa , and pr mptljr to all erdvrs aa4 Con«ixna>rot> entree «and to Ihetr care. Afrit l-lii o.* . . FORTY BALES YARNS, OBNABUROS, MiOfliugN atitl Hilriluifs, FOR WALK BY L. 11. DAYIS, Coutntission Merchant, Ayt—lw. Peachtree street. FOR SALeT AT THE ARMY NEWS DEPOT, . DALTON, CrA. LARGE LOT OF NEW BOOKS Wheeler’s Caealry Tactics, .(with plates and nitiaic) ; Hardee's Tactic*, new edition ; Jesn Vis I Jean ; Lady Audley’* Secret: Dick* en*' new Christmas etnry—“Mrs. Limpcr’s L'ldginirs"; Field and Ftrealde Novelette; ** The War in Europe and America,” from tha Pari* La Paine ; Tne Camp Jester, or fuo for the M-*e”; Long B-o>k«; Address ot the Knoxville am] Atlanta Ilt-gister For MUSIC, .MILITARY and other Books ordered when desired. A large lot es NEW BOOKS expected in a few days. T. M. ACTON, Mar 31—3 t * Army News Agent. NOTICE. TRKASULT I»EPtUTt'ENT. C. a k.,\ '■ It ci tmxiil Mui h 11, l(M j fTHIK T pcilart-- .re . il-l’ll-tird br fund ' 2 •■* Tivaim, no *s m ih. State * f lieurgl.:, ta—T. 8 Meteilf, Pliinisy-E Ctaytea. B»v»nn.i. — J R Atlanta—|.,hi. w P>‘«*faa. St .to—W. B. J. luiM*<a Allien - Henry llolt. Jr. Calunt.ue.-w l| Toang. 0 ifllo-.C U Johnston. Tbutnesville—ll It Her laway. Albany -Daeld A Yu»i. Saesonah —Merchaot.' and Ptaotero* Back. Millrdceilh— James C. Item. Lat.rance—br. J P Morelaod. CtsrktTllte— V U Suttco. ltutar—Q B Ball. r. s Waebln. ton—J J Robertsaa, Cashier. £*tnnt n—Da eld R Adams. Mndlaoo-.Jint-s Carter Campbell, la additl.*n to Ih* Shoes the Chlsf Qnsrtertnaat-r of •arh Army Corps Is aatborised toraceles and fuad Nutss They a-, the silt ering: M»J r K It Rotas. Qoartermsster Lieut. Oea. J B. Ilitid's Corpa. Dalton. Us. Cspt. Y. 8. I’.ittoa, A. Q M.. LlsoLUsn. Uardsa'r Cor;<a, D.Jton, U». Cspt 8 R Norton. A. Q M , Major Gra. Whoelar's Dt vision. Dalton,Oa. N«Jor J A Herman. Q M, Lieut. Ora. B S g.stVs, Corps. Orange C. If.. V*. ? Major J O risM, Q M-, LitatOea.A P Hill's Corps Oran e C H., V l Msl-r K MrMsbnn Q M MajorOsn J C Brvckairidgs's Dlti-h n. DuUin Dr| M Va. M.Jor N R. rittliogh Q M. M<or Osasial J K B Slo an* C r,a Oraog. C 11, Vs. Major R. Tsyh r. QosrtrrmsttsrLitatOenrral J.Lmig. Streep Corps. Morlietown. T.oo. Major J W Tout (, Qttsrtortoas «r Llsut.Oso. L. Pulk’s Corps, M.rldiaa Mia*. • ,- CO UEMMINORR, UchSOUpl Bteietary ot lbs T sssury. o wT« adY: Th* S' rood oaatb*;- es THE •AOK w It am brace* a variety nf selections from tbs l atest fxroprta Msgstlnst, Aad adas piepoitlun of ORIGINAL ARTICt.E?. CovTtjrr*:—T»'« Bigotries; Trench eoryavst of Meal eo; All In the Wrong, or a T<m-r Tamed. A Ravag* Aechi| clsko; Shot and Shell; The Great B h- mia; U*i re st ers and Oambl.i.a Homes; ranlattolaia: K‘ Itur'l 7a- Us; Literary M'aell.ny—Utah ng a Voturns of eighty l»a e* of reeling matter. fains—'lti«-s aomber, fJ 00; sab-crfptloa toe thro* month*. BAM* N »it month-, p,M, »«* sale by McPherson A Go, and J. 3 Richards ACo Alla la. ~ EARNEST. LAdARDI A Of> . -?r.<t>rie».,ra,.itk hm«na, Ta Oflics Stb sirs t. Between Franklin aad Grace, ever tb* old Ceotrat News Depot, boa 11ST- . March 29 It DISTRIBUTION SUGAR AND COFFEE $lOOl $100! SIOO ! SIOO ! lIUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS, OLD ISSUE, WANTED UNTIL first of april. I will exebanga for 000 Hundred Dollars 11 lbs. of Prime Brown Sugar. 10 M White Granulated Sugar. 6 2-3 lbs. Superior Bio Coffee. £. M* EDWARDY. Atlanta. March 3*—lt times. Splendid Investn ent. Residence and Farm For Sale! lUSTKR I# Sal.X a dndruble rMtdenra la tbe mt.lera part of Iks rity.The bones contain* sis boms aad a h-s.rn.Bt, aegro booses, gardes, Aa. Trie. UM, A Ta ashle Place, erataiaiae U arses, eight ar ten ta mltivat on adjo slag the rendawes of J. J. Thraabar, Bm|. Pries MAN. Also. A Talaah's farm. »!$ mIW. wet af Rome. «t, ms tamlsa Tltacree tt»ln calttyatton. *0 In wkaat, with good glahotM* and screw. Prke *lO par sera. —IMi OT, OttIVITH ~ESTRAY NOTICE. OTR4TBD frwna tbe Owswp •« tbsoAlh H V'glw'e V wimehl mar Dai ton. wa tbs night of ta# Idm hm., TWO btr MS hat. .*• e .*o«t dark Ur WSth attar la th* birNwa 1. iba other a it.lit Uy, Th-y m«y b«v* food their way late mm other coca* af M»*n»t. 1 «|Q pay e (award efSMbt th*.r r«i«ra Se —— ■ T .... -i i. .. TO THE VETERANS OF T£UI CONFEDERATE ARMY. Caae tut Rimu Nivta. Va.,l >• rm.ry. HI. / HAVIN'! la prn-'eas an eaterprta*. ty .hlcb awn ’ In the fl Id—wl'b-r «llh< ol rank, hriag tr d*ad, —ub*«a fea*l». tty m*rit«n a* d«da mil l, tb.m u distlticti >n ifesli he totrudaecd In th. moils „f th* prs*. sntAmerlisn «.r ths nutrrstgn 4 rsspevttuliy m< tss tbepu U—lbs soldiery ta psitirulM -to furuisb act* dacts of r tnukabr dsrlag in bettla, and »a tarmac., tuff rises stcilflcea. and vlbM ItUls in, IB b.-ptt.U or on nmchrt Facto matt be attsstid by on. or tooe. p-rw>rs. te -4o red by a snperl <r offl er giving la Dill li>. sow a*, ad. J By atdremiag -CsreAto Oistst Casts, rnr ot Ms*-* auits Wnskly Kichmoal Vn," »•*■...u.iL.n- caa ha nccierd. nasty and; ruoti tty, ete-y rommaad iu tbs UsmisJersey. OROKIiB .UsSR. •A* All Jomaals af th* RtMHbrva Press'wlhis aa ta ler st ta th- s|*erd.v e> nsammstlua of tula uotk. .11 pleas, c-p.* an.l oiSlre tdlt.u tally a*h>7. 1250 KEWAKir QTOt.RB. from Rlyers’ Butery. near A'lsnt*, on tb. O Wtb ta-innt, a C tI.T S NAVY RBPhATKB, Na. IJ)L3i;. Tbea .rs re«*r4 *ll bs (aid fur lbs postal. If Islt at this JBce, or Selirtrsd In JOHN O. BRFW./B, March 21—41*. XlestiMltuitj, T.l)7Lynes, Comer Whitehall and Garnett BU. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL GIVE the highest price for rags. marl9-tf * Fine Morgan Stallion For Sale! Blood bay, i« i * iiamdb men, t years old, rhlrs urll. cf elrgaat styls, hardy aud gentle .n-n.h. Price W.'siO. 1 Will t.,ti» tn excbniure hr my hurtw a wagon sod Inn, or a Mu. t hors, and Lustry. Apply to J. 9. RIPI.FY, marl7-lof * Orantellle. oa. “one THOUSAND " ARTILLEY HORSES WANTE ! OFFICE INPPF.CTOH FIELD TKANSPoRT*TION 1 AK.MY OP TEXNKBBKR / Daitow. Ot., Match 10. 11*4. riHIK t’NDF.UFIOVKD wislir. t • purrha-a f r ths A ermy »t T nrrsse.. ore Ihnn-and Artlller* llutsrs. I'.emenl. sill tx> Bia-ie In sli |>er rent (■ond*. esenift m *...r1 n n prlnrli.l .ltd ititrrcst. or i. t* e er* litre sat t ris-d l>v Cnnsrem nNer April Ist. H-4 Vs J* r J. P. 'I i' iuh, er. will purilnw. la At t sata. O P. CIIAFFIK. a*arll-l t Major and Inap. Kirld Trans. A'me es Tranrsssa. *FAp *sal. Tiitetlk-eocer »n < C< nf.dersry copy NOTICE. ALL rrrpONß Indetit***! to tha late irm of Pease I Daeia ar. hereby antin-d t * pay their tndrbtrd- Ors- on or i*et r* ths both Ma ch as tbe Co- fwterat. cureenrr of the p •.«*! l-sue *ll ta rrfused by tb* Bas*l aftrr the t-1 of this amtti. P. P. PRASE. March 4-1 PI JlvT 11. UNDERWOOD Attorney o.t Law, ATLANTA, GA. (Ofiet or tr £. Jf. Fdtrartfy't Store, Whitehall Street.) PARTICULAR ATTSCRTIOM paid to all kinds <4 Conveyancing. C uassl Advice, Ac. Oftcs Lanrs from I to II and 2 to 6. Fd*Appeal and Cvuhderacy c*T>y na mon'h and praea.thill. aiarS-tf e B. wttymse. . in* *. rosrta j. a. T4TLOR. j. a. setts. WELBOKN, TAYLOR, & CO., GENERAL AUCTION AND . Commission Merchants, Beal Estate and Negro Brokertt Kvln’rt Lluiltliniz, CuHNER PKtCPrRkS *hD MtkIRTTA BTRRBT9 Atlanta Georgia. Consignments solicited. Goods bought and •old on commission. W. M. HILL, fcbl4 3ui Auctioneer. TC THE FRIENDS OF Tho Soldiers Thronghont THE CONFEDERACY. Qrtimttmii rnrttt't rrrtte.rtr KtltautP llt'RtAC. Rich.* Olid. Va., F> binary Volt*. thf4 • —•— - • •• i e-e. u ne ra Mr, *ttie.,«sik S-I-S.i.a,, , A soldier* in ilia Army of Norlliaio Vlrithia sra hmhy n lilt. J *l* :»t an arrai.cemri.t lias this »'»y beea sffseted with >br Soulbern Ft press Coaipaae. tnrsiry a I | of Ind aud wssriox apparel tu Klrban uI, Vir ginla. To recurs Ojr a'vantages thus • I't-ilnrd Ihrcarh tha Ki r»»s i ompany, ths loitering Ihslrnc'lcus a*usl b. ob-ervrd: Psckag s, irnata't entain mors than nna bnrdred pounde; be w* tl SNrurrd, and p ain'* marked, ahd srlil at tl*e «•Ip.use *>f th* elnp|.er to sillier of ths ho disrs* I slirf As. vitti* ns, * hi* I* are e cated • o lost: In Nnrt'. Ca'olins, at tl.lrigh ; In Funtb Caro'ina. al Columbia; Iu Georg a. at Angnsta; In Alabama, at Mo*<|. gomrry: or to auy ai y other point al which ons cf ihesa Aswi iallouthae. an offles. . Tti- Agrnta of these A-so tat lo> awl I thrrs taker bsrgo of them, and ship daily by Southern Kspress Com- D-ny. toihe proper Agents of ths rsupsctles Plaits at htrhrao and. won w *1 ess them distributed to tb* pi "par ImUeidnal owners. To meet the w.shra of tbe so’dlera. and to give them a certain and speedy cmniiimcatian with boms, ’tbs Rontbrtu Klpries (Vmpai y has agreed la gies ibis freight |r. btenceover re* r) tiling rise, and, la nr er that a * nb.tacls may o-cur to tb- surcess of so isndat Is aa vatsrpr *s, the seerr.l ratimad eompaais* sr* b*i-by requested tu rri.der tha Kit rest Company sacb fhcillite* as will rnabl* t to makt this arrangeotvat a compist* asectss. !\ A*'heß«nthem Express C niany assomes tb* ra ti ntisihi tty • f the tran*|H>rtati* a of these t set ages, the R*|«t As-<rla i<*ns are rrqnettcd to withdraw their agshts wh > have brietuf n- acted aa trsvailmg mraaew ger*. If die ret es A**' ciailon* wllleslab tsh agencies la the rear nf other ai lines, ibry may *iu*>y !■ # ssm* prtsl. Isgea her' py secured to the Army nf Northern V Irgtai* F. a. (tins. Auer v and Llent Col and Quart* m>xgsr. A K. Liwtox. Qitarlsimaster Orneisl OFFICE SOUTHERN”EXPRESR CCMPAST, Atat-tia, On. Feb 20, IW4 The Southern Eli res* Com any hsreby amify tb* f lends and reialitrs of 9<> ! dler* la th* Atai) of Nnrthera Virginia ad etsrwheaa. that they ars |*r*par*<l to fairy not airaugemenls as annonnesd In card, and that they wt i do all la their |mwrr tn ftiltt' Its reqalrm ment* - JAVES SHITKR. Qen' fart A Acting Pess't So. Exp Cos. otarß-lm* FOUND! Plnrelinl'e Offle*, ATf.SNTA. Masco IS. H-6t FOfVtt lIT THE I'i'Ll.'K. in th# wood# B"*r th* ho linr* In the eo.iers |art of |ho r'ly, a li.t «and Rarnn, I'ork. SL.I# an.| I pp r frmther, .ml Shoe maker’s Trod", which th* »«mis emu yet |.y trier, i If) tag tho property. O. U. JOSK.s, W.rld-tf Mti.h.l. WANTED—TO HIRE. A GOOD 300 K, male ..r leasts, wasted immediately lllyhett price ps>d Apply at thl* ufllrs mar 3 If IRON! IRON!! Tire wAGGossand fi at rara sol aide for any kli.ri of w- rk. f -r *ale bj BARKEN A BKI’CKNRR. Call socm iryon **>.l It marl’l-tf Tssasvav Pmtrvmi C. A A. htirni'P, Eoh, ‘JO, ISC4. T REA-l ilt NOTICE AS T<* FUNDING IRDTR ACT OF y 11-VAKY 17. Srd —No tre la l.rrrhy ylrea to all holder* of Trewnry holes act l>eartß( lnt> re»t, that they may airLaiige the muic to-siedhctely. at tba c'fllc. of tba Tuarnre . Aolr'rul Tr.atnrrr. or ts any Dop.elt.rt,* UA.a<ea shich vtll entitle them M (•or prr cent. It ar 0 that th* *srd pri*lteg-« will cos tli.U nnlil th* Ut of April eorairiy. all r »b.h all ante# over the rieti..trtinait«aof Irt dnllararaa t* fuadtd adit »th* M eon’s to the do I*', aseept one hundred d.’tlar ootea. which. 1 ftSl th.t da’e, ar# as lonyar re cetv.b ai. r p -t.lie dee*, and caa only be tended at aa additional • of lea p*> coat pa month. The rertiflfte. i»#oed. t. gel her a I I, Ilia hoed* for which they may 1# eirb.eseri. are rrcrtvable S>r ’esee of Ib* rear Ih'et .tShe fa I aa.nnnt rsprema.l on th* fhre with, nt iblerast. Il» »** aov SVBOCV Vo TBS til ntrontn r a tart vs«a oa otbib soms ass rstetra. The short r l'M* allowed ah-ni l admonish all holder* promptly to present th* notee. and not Hah lb* rhntire *f *s lurb.n |.y the prcmai* which occur* nt th* end *f to# month of March. (Signed) C. 0. MRMMINGKR. See’y ot Treeetrv, brartt-H.p • Washington Hall. THIR WEI L KNOWN HOTEL OT ATLANTA HAS pamed late Ih* hand* us II trnra. S. M. JONES* (MU * f Naabvlll*, Ten******.) atd THOMAS E. WHITAKER* (Os Atlanta, Geergta.) A thormah renorat ha of th* whol* establish meal S beat rtf. cled to ail Its department*. Th* new propria, tote will make th- - WASHINGTON HALL " one *f ta# mat attract!** Hotel* Is Ike Onnf derate State. Th* Itl lmah-U be temtohod with every edible th* Conakry afford*. The • BALL” I* at th* sad nf th* Oar Mad wthia twenty da,* of the Railroad Itsdlag. QKO.SGIA MILITIA. BEOHOAN IZKD. mnr. n«m*af PRO. M. O RERD tar O-l-net af tba I Milt'*. Z t 111 IK IdeateaantC.donet, and J7II. MEC AM. IN for M.j ■*, will b* heartily rapport ad tor the p *Ohma .hsr# deal sued la th* aieelbtr to he held tor Fulton cunaty aa th* 13th April, proximo. ****** w '" l '