The Examiner. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1870, May 02, 1866, Image 3

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€\)t Cxinn in tr, COVINGTON, MAY 2, 1866. The First of May Passed with no festive scenes. In dajs of yore we gave up business pursuits and mingled in one day of enjoyment, then the old folks contributed to the pleasure of the young, now the old folks have no thought for the gaities of youth, they 6tand on street coiners with long faces, demurely discussing the weather, the Civil Rights l»ill. Freed men’s Bureau, Andy Johnson, his policy, Thad. Stevens k Cos., their policy, and the never end ing cotton, its rise and fall, particuhnly the latter, its prospects, which they gcn-i cn»llv make a failure, because it has not come up, too much rain, or lacking about a pint of being enough, and many other things about cotton that they, speak of, which it lot alone, the great staple would do something. They actually frighten the cx King so much that he is afraid to flourish. The Southern Express Company, Have opened a Telegraph office in this city, and are now prepared transmit dis patcher, promptly, to all parts of the United States. The advantages to our city, in a business point of view, by be ing placed in daily Telegraphic commu nication with all the important points of trade and commerce, will readily be per ceived, and will doubtless be highly ap preciated.' Wc have made arrangements with this enterprising company, to fur nish the Examiner wi'h the la lost news from Washington, and oilier important points, up to li o’clock, a. m. \N ednesday of each week. Removal. . Af cr the present issue, the Examiner Office will he removeil to the buiMing (Up Stairs) formerly occupied by Bailey & Corley, South side of the srjure, next door to Judge Floyd’* Law office, where we will be pleased to see all of our old customers and friends.. and as many new ones. We are piopaied to do Job Print* in".with neatno.-s and dispatch. J 1. MORRISON, JOS N.It.LK, J V HIXSON MORRISON NALLE & HANSON Ware-House, General Commission and Forwarding Merchants, . IV chtroe street ATLANTA’GEORGIA; ina Kr. i sejs ■iiii* f». f Jl*m"i h.i, l|.i .t. ' Ct"» ruin. Riitlir » .* i; >1 I'm. . v**vii i O,: l. ’(*, u. l a.- v i’o . a.i.i i .. t•«■<-•• i .v.-w V • . a. i •* .i i;> . *. I (*... ,v ■ v r i*. ii I ■ .-si «Vi. #i n . Urn- «Jl .ts >*i *i ■i i••. \ i*. ,* tS. » i. 1. !»• r-**» Cat'*. 11*111*. r .S' I*. l|l«. M.i .*• i. * • !*• .!( ..'HI I *i. . I - O* ; K M Hr !•• •*»••■'e .. Aiinii-iit On i: l -rt T -n flak-.- M ni| lii, Ti tin ; PN i i*r .in i !I i r •<•*■» ll I'iiiinif', .1 tin I'h iin.i' i i*r j.ii-i'.i- II •( •«* ».-il l'i*i ri lu i a Jo«linn Hi.l Mil, n On: it tun I .*■ II ijliiitii.iii.ine ; Hon II . It. 1(11, UIMBKO. Ul.l C i I. W. Ar; ||..» . U i «;■•« l.ill- J.J. & S, P. RICHARDS i;ooKsi:i.u:i;s & statioseiis, At.d Dealer*. in Mu-ie Musie;.! I.istr'irui.nts, Gut Pens, Fine C.itlery, «ti 1 Fancy floods. Hank Block. Alibnmn Stte.-t ... A'laa’a. f» [Establi'heil in l’Sd.j.J Having rn.ive.i into our N**w Store, we'invih our old Iriend-. litid the ptii'he geie*i:i!lv, to g Vt u» a call. Pi*!i*h.» low nod o ri’is Cash. apnl 4 I v MILLINERY! MUKTI MRS. SARAH GOULDSMITH. HAVING eMal'H-hed h *h S-’ore. in the building with J. M llur-t it Brn would tes]> JCtlully cull die ntt'iiti'in nl the citizens lit COVINGTON, and surroutieing country, to tier Stock if Hats, Bonnetts, Ribbons, Laces an t> <X> si £L CCD IX2 a Which she offers at .. ATLANTA PRICES. A Call from the Lad ns is nspectlully solicited. Maruh 14 lm Just Received BT GILES S. WHITTEN, 1 Barrel Newark Cider, 8 Dot. Bottles London Dock Porter, 2 “ “ Lemon Sy r up. Also, for snlo at cost, a lot. of Fresh Cove Oyster?, Sardines and Lobsters, ap.illltf 0.8. WIIITTFA* j, b. BEMM'f, Rwrn' -muly informs the citizen# of Coving luo Mud the public gi oera'ly, that he has opened h'u • Tailoring Establishment in the city of Covington, and is piepared to finish up work in the latest style. i’anicuW attention paid to Cutting. Cull at the Office of Dr. J. 8. Carroll. march 21-3 tn • COFFEE! COFFEE!! CONKOUSSF.URScan find'a Splendid article of Pure Rio Coffee at the Pont Office. y e V 7 CORN MEAL! CORN AIEAL!! WHITE CORN MEAL for sale by Feb 2* - C B KIRKPATRICK. y TOBACCO. A FINE Art id- of Chewing Tobacco, lor tale by J O. Brook* 1 Latest by Telegraph. Reported for the Examiner by the South ern Express Telegraph. New York, May 1. Scotia arrived. Cotton steady Friday and Saturday, exhibiting some improve ment. Sales 10.000 bales. Middling Uplands 14.} to. 14 37, an advance of £ to Nothing has been heard of the City of Washington, three weeks out. The House of Common's continued to de bate the reform bill. A division scorned likely for several days up to-night. Ma terial relief in a Pairfico adjustment of the German difficulty was a great deal stronger. A telegram speaks of conces- Austria, and other rumors lead to the conviction that Peace will be main tained. The funds of England and the Continent, naturally improved under the Pair lice influence of the news. Great ac tivity is reported in the Aus trial Navy, all vessels being prepared for service. The Portugal Chambers of deputies have appr >ved the contract for telegraph to Ame rica by the Southern route. New York, May 1. Advices have been received from As pinwall in relation to the fight between the Imperialists and Liberals, report of which had reached that place. The Lib erals were successful, driving the Impe rialists before them and capturing 700 muskets, 5 cannon, 2,000 mules, much ammunition and a large amount of money. Washington, May 1. The House passed the bill making ap proprlat'on for the t sc of the Freedman’s Bureau. Between 11 ami 12 million dol lars will be required. Bouthwell. of Mas sachusetts, and Bingham, of Ohio, gave notice that at proper time they would offer amendments to the report of the joint committee on reconstruction. New York, May 1. Cotton irregular and unsettled. Bales f)of> bales, 83 to 34 cents. Gold 26J. Augusta, May 2. Cotton. —There are a number of orders for purchasers in the market. Holders are unwilling to acceed to propositions of purchasers under thc«e circumstances. The market is in such condition as to preclude a reliable report. Ihe stock on hand in Augusta on the Ist day of May, was 14,873 bales, against 22,700, on the Ist day of April, showing a decrease in the month of 7,827 bales. The daily re ceipts at present are nominal. Gold dull, no ti a reactions. Established 1845. W. B. TUTT, IMPOUTKR AM) WHOLESALE DEALER IX /ir/\f>7*, Ariifo. Essential Oil*, Sponfjes, Jt/fe Sti'fs. , White Lead , Suri/real Instruments, Oils , J’a'ciit Medicines, <f*e. 2 0 1 Broad Street, AUGUSTA,..- GEORGIA. Till’, attention of fnerr*bants i* invited to our Large M"i:k in which may be found, |noO ounces Quiitne - lO.Ot’O pounds Copperas 5000 *• Kp«mu Salts ftijO •* Spanish Indigo 1 01*0 • Butch Madder 26 I,M. Train n I lit • C.i*ior Oil to I*oo pound* White Lead Sou null..ii* Lin-to and Oil lOoduz Mu*t!in- Liniment Jon •• Pavi*’ l‘uin Killer AO “ Aver* Ague Cure (>0 Drate’ii I*l antaiion Hitlers 50 1 ||i>. fl ■ nd’s net man Ritters i0 ’■ Cud Liver Oil ALSO Perfumery. Spices, Brushes, Combs and FiVfISV AISLES in "rear v:»vi<ty. npril 18-3 tn Executor’s Sale. BY virtue of :m order frutn the Cntirf of Ordi nary ol M’irgan c U"tv. will be pi>ld on the fus*. Tuesday in June* 19*’i0, nl tie* Court hou«n and «>r in paid ooiuitv, betwer-n the legal hour* of pale. Th truer of Lm and known a* the Leonard Place, belontring ?.• the estate of Charles Allen, deck!, coutuuiitig Two Ilnndretl Two and a Hall J rrep. more or less, adjoining lands of Tlmma* a. Stallings, Xew’on Williams and Thus C. Allen. Sold for the purpose of m»kin?» a division. Ibaao M, aprit 4 td« Ciiir'EsW Aj.LKN, F.X*'* I'UL.Kf.I CITLEKY. CALL at J. O. Brooks’ and get a Fine Pocket Knife. Jn«l received and for sale cheap, march 9 q IHli 11,1114 NEW liU.l. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, REDPGED RATES. Daily One Month * • • - T 6 ct» Daily three months * $2 25 D.oly eix months «... 4 60 Daily one year • • • - . 700 Daily New Era and Daily New York World 10 O*J Daily New Era and Semi-W. ekly NY “ 10 00 Daily New *ra soil Weekly N Y World V 60 Dai.y New Em and Oodey’s Lady's Book 060 irr.ilyNew Era and Scott’s Monthly 11 4*o WsClttb with any of the lending papers or periodicals in the United States at reduced rates r. lull list of which wi I be at an early day* Advertisements will be in-erted at Fifty Cents sqvnre. On inch sp*ce constituted "quart. V» arch 21 St CROCKERY & GLASS WARE, A CHOICE selection of Crockery aud Glass Wars, for sale by Peb -8 C. B. KIRKPATJtICK. MACCABOY SNUFF. rpiiE Best in the country, For tale at the A>W_T C bj IM. WILSON. Daily one year 111, KIRKPATRICK, Scuta •i» • t Corner of the Sqsin COVINGTON, GEORGIA, DtALXIt IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ]t Kon-iving Goods daily, which he offer* io the Public on Reasonable Terms. Call aid examine hie Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Feb 23 1y WHITE & KING, AT S. N. STALLINGS* OLD STAND, COVINGTON, GEORGIA, inmia is General Merchandise, Will Buy and Sell, ALL KINDS ')F COUNTRY PRODUCE, FOU CASH OR BARTER. March 14 1863 JOHN 11. DAVIS l CO, NEWSPAPER, BOOK AND PERI ODICAL AGENTS, Sign of Book-Store, COVIN G TON, GEORGIA, HAS the following Books and Papers, viz: Leslie? Ladtr? Magaz ’H*, Leslies Dlustrat* and Paper; BiilhinV Linn Grammar, 1’ illians Lut n R'-udt-r, SmHi's Geography and Atlas, Smith's Q'lmto GrO|ii!ip' y. C'oimll's I'runnrylnud In termediate Geography, Comstock, Ohnsieud and Smilii- s Philosophy, Goodriehe’s Pictorial His tory of llo* United States, Edition ol ISG(J. Me- Guffey*» Elect iu Headers, No. 1 to No. f>, old atid new 9 y !**.<. Town's R a lore, 2nd and 4th, Ihilliati's, Morris's and Smith's. English Grain mars. (Hedges L"gu-). I)* p. Smith's nnd Siod aid’s Aiitiimctic?, I).ivi< s' Algebra, (Quackenbos lessons in composition ) W(-lsier» Dictionary, Speller and Deliner, Webst »*.’*, Watson’s and Price's Spe'linj Books, Butler's Common School Speaker, Blank Pa-s Copy Books, riimtneis, Wrilrintr Paper. Slates, Ac., & \ march? t’fifi COX * HILL, rcadilreo Strett, A T L A X T A , G E O li G 1 V , Have now in Store and For Sale: 1 box-s Vi:ginia Tobacco, various grades J.V/V/ 100 gross Fine .Cut T»diac. , o. 6G bbls Crow's Old Bourhou Whi ky, , 26 bbU Ilonch Old Bourhou Whi*ky, 26 bbl* Rohertxiu f'ouiitv Whisky, 10 bids Gibson’s XX Rye Whi-kv. iO hhls Gih*t.n’* XXX live Whtskv, 10 hhls Gibson's XXXX Rye Whi-ky. 10 bbls Gib-onVOId NVct tr Rye 'V|ii J kv,(iS4o) 40 1 8 ca-ks Cognac Brand.cs. . 6 casks J amain. Rmn, 10 bbls New Eng'atid Bum, 10 bbls Old Port Wine 10 bbls Old Mailetin Wine, 10 libl< flld Sherry Wine. 100 boxes Champa in* Wine, •.Mum,’ Cabinet &e 4" case* Claret Wine 100 coses a.sufed Liquors. 2o »*a*ks or»er 20 cA'k.s Ale 10 packages Holland Gin 100 boxes assorted Candy So boxes (tvs ers 50 boxes assorted Pi.-kles 60 cas-s i boxes Sardines 200 ifoz Blacking 50 caddya.Green nnd lllsek TANARUS« is Ac* March 21—16 tlm NE\N*ORLEANS SYRUP. An excellent urtlch*. lor Mile It v Mareh 14 ’White A Kino. SUGAR! SUGAR!! Crushed and i -rowu Sugar*. A good variety for sale by White 4* King Covington, march 14 COFFEE! COFFEE!! \No. 1 ariicfe of Rio Coffee, lor sale by march 14 WiutkA King HOLLO WARE. JUST Room ed, an assert men i of Ilidl.wsn. and for nale by White A KfNo. Covington, march 14 CORN! CORN!! WB are now prepared m fill all orders >for Good iindnirtaged Corn in any quantity, at Atlanta Prices with freight added. „ WM. WII.SON. March 2 1 Post office Building. FLOUR! FLOUR!! THE Best article for the money can be bad br applicarion at the Post Office. ’ March 21—ts WM. WIL«OV. For Sale. One Lot of Lund, known as I lit* Roberta Place ad|<niiing James N. Binwo, and others. . Apply io Wm. H. dnowiAKER. Madison, March 14. lm fisuincTtackle. FISH HOOKS and Lines, for Ran low by march 2* JO BROOKS BUTTER OKACKEHS, OYsTA’kS, Ticklis, Jtc. Jiirl received and fm rale t«y J. O. Brocks. march 28 61FTEUS! JSIFTKUa!! A Lot ol Excellent Sillers, tor sale nneap. by J O BKGoKS March 28 ) MACCOBOY SNUFF. r>R Sale cheap, by J. 0. Brooks. March 28 - . 700 MASSEY * HERTY Comer Whitehall and Hunter Streeti ATLANTA, .......GEORGIA. FOR THE SIXTY DATS WILL DUPLICATE ANY ORDER FILLED SOUTH OF New York, Philadelphia, or Louiaville. • o STOCK COMPLETE 1 Strict Attention Paid to * t ' • . • FILLING ORDERS FOR DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, KEROSINE LAMPS, KEROSINE OIL. * PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT FITTED WITH A VltW TO PHYSICIANS* WANTS. marcli2B’G63m 1101 H SUPERPHOSPHATE. PER TON. DELIVERED IN AUGUSTA. We offer the above well known nml ihoiougMy favorite Manure, at per ton, in lota nf five IiIILS MANURE hue been u«rd nnd te<tc*l in the ino-t thor»ni;li manner in Geofgia nnd luin uni vernally proved equal to nny nmniirc offered in the cultvre of c<» ton Evrrv barrel ie ennranterd til be of Standa and purity. Terms etjictlv Ca»h.— lirLivf we give the names of mme who Imve used an I can Lea epeak of it* excellence, JONATHAN M MILLER E-q Ro k Inland S C OWEN P FITZSIMMONS Keq Jeffer-on county. DA VI El) DIXON *E-q Oxford Georgia. J A BELL r'-q Oglcthorp count v Georgia. JAS. P FLEMING E.-q Aiigu-ta Georgia.* ISAGTHRnRD Eeq - M s DR E M PENDLETON Sparta Georgia. R FCONNBLDY E-=q Baker county Georgia R J HENDERSON Covington Georgia. TIIOS J DAVIS K-eq Beech Island SC- . GEO A OATES E«q Augusta Georgia. Dll H R COOK Beech Inland S,C. THOS W WHATLEY E.q B-ech Inlan.l S C. \VM BUMMER E-q Pomeiia Sou*h Carolina. COL M C M HAMMOND Athene Georgia. WMDORANT l--i*q Wa!t»u county Georgia. .! A SHIVERS i.eq W’arrcnion Georgia. J F .4WTREY K-q LaGrnnge Georgia. WILSON BIRD E-q Hanrock county. Georgia. J R MORRISON E*q Burk county Georgia. W O BAFFOLD E-q Maoi-on Georgia. W tV ANDERSON E.«q W’arren county Georgia UDOE M II WELUOHN Warren county Gv, At W HUBERT E*q Warren comity Ga. W H RRANTLY F.«q Warren county Georga A Q HEsTER E»q Walton county Georgia. I POWELL E-q High Shoal* Georgia. L C DENNIS Knx Eatonton Georgia. A Q HESTER E-q Walton county Georgia JOEL MATTHEWS K«q Oflethorp* county Ga COL JOHN BILLUPS. Athen* meorg'a DR O W WATKINS Sparta Georgia. A J LANE E*q Rpart* Georgia. W W SIMPSON E-q S'parU Georgia. J T BOTH WELL E-q Augueta Oa. J N JONES E*q urk« countv u A PHARR E-q Social Clr Ic J C ROWER K»q liwinton “ RIIP LAZENBY Nnq Warr n on • KAIN9F.ORD Edgefield South t’-n lina HON J J JONES Burke couniy oeotg a S M MANNING Hawkinevihe E A SMITH Walton county *• T|J LESTER Walton county \ JOHN C WHITEHEAD E-q Waltno county DR M S DURHAM E-q Clarke county A P DECKING l'*q Athens O* For prompt ati*mion orde*» should be sent in early, to J O MATHEWSON Agent Feb 14—3 m 285 Broad St Augusta Ga GEORGIA, Morgan Count j. WHEREAS, M .1.-SS E High npplii*s to me 1,,- Letters ol Amimstration upon ihemtati* ol I’trkm# High, lain nl paid coutilj dreenj-ed, Tiiede are. tlierebTe, to cile And admouish nil and singular the kindred and nrediinrs of paid dm'iaed, to bo and -a|>pear at my t.ffiee; on or lietoru the first Mo<|d*y in Juno next, ilien and there toehbw A»dM, if any they tab, wby aa>d letter# should not he granted. GHvVn ttuder mv hand and nlßdal flignature, this, A r>til 12tit 18GG. GB. STOVALL, h 18—H0d Ordinary. Confectioneries. AFRESH Snuply of Aa-omd Caudws, II#" sitia, Chewing Gum, tic. Ju-i received aud lor Nile by J. 0. Brook?. march 28 ni STILES m 1«! bunds and former patrons of Mrs. 1L I?. Duraud, OP ATLANTA, GEORGIA, are nspectluDy notified that she has re com menced the Millenery Business, in Atlanta, and is pirpared to supply them, at in olden limes, with the most Desirable Stylea of the Season. Mrs Durand will fill orders for al’ kind', of Good*, with promptitude nm! sa isfaoiion. Atlanta. On. March 28- lm SPRING PLOTHINK. - - TIIK la-hionnLle public, and those wLo derire good fitting Ci..»thino, manu'aeturedol the fbie.-t Saxony Wool or Linen, utimizvd with COTTON, where tlie prea'eat durability and finish art com bined, will find it to thetr interest to examine our slock. Wc arc offering I AT PRESENT I grcatei bdrcu'fis than.can Le (.loaii;.-d in any 'other Fashionable Cl.uhing E utli-hmeut. Give ! us a call and you will find o'tr I J ! PRICES i 1 are extremely low. ■ Economists who wish the ■ advantage ol buying Spring Clothing at THECHEAPEST rate?, v ill find it m their in iciest to givi* ns a ball. To our eld pat rolls, vve would re-pectfu!!j say, that every ARTICLE lias been maiked down to correspond with the pr* sent scarcity ol cash, uud cannot be -urpaa ed aiiyivlmre IN AMERICA for cheapness. Our stock ia varied, and has been selected w ith great care. We keep a lull stock of extra size OnrnnMits, to meet tin* de mand? ol those who cannot get lnud al any other cstal lishment. Call and examine for vourselves, at I. SIMON k CO., Fashionable Clothing Establishment, 224 Broad Street, march2B’Go-tf Augusta, (Ja. T K ff eaucAMr. I *c u n iT! ,«a. |cua», k , WT( „ Late of of Late of Chattanooga. | Atlanta. Atheii,. G*. . J R aAn rick. Late of Kentucky-, WITH McCAMY & CO. MHOLESALFj & RE Till lOßijssaaTa, Franklin Building, Mtl dn-r to Jtl.snla Nallorsl Bank. Atlaut.i,. Georgia. DEaIiERU IN Bru.s TVTes VaUldi;**!/ bsintt. mi! < llsi rall kind*. »r* ?iafl« l*eifnmerirs i* |i Rtirgiral /.i.lnirait! Fancy Arli rles \J fatly to i <il»M S<*r« Brv*b"i. «|| kind* Varnlihr* II T'lrtenlins •»ar* Tuba *en Snuff PocKat CdttUry Pepper Tl/T .V da Cl liner 111 Hpii-s Ms !der _ * . A Him Tea* Y lndlgu Patent Medicines, all kinds. Wipe* PraadUa Wb skU* CC . Brbaapt T , For Medicinal Purposes iti every th ug etie kept la a flint tUi* e Ilf Sfteß.; Prescriptiooa C\iDp»> ndrd Dajt sad MiM i •% o All ord*ra Tilled, at the Wot Fignrei. • the T FK G. e , Atlanta, tia. Fsb. 2) 3m * HARDWARE & CUTLERY. JUST RECEIVED.Axes, Hoes Table and Pock ei Cuttiery, Ac. aud for sale bv Feh 69 C B. KfRKPATUCK JUG WARE. IF you want Java,Cbu ns nn 1 .fug*, you can ret theui qft 0 U. KIRKPAtRICIUS. - Ml I -II- ' ' CONCENTRATED LYE» AKtN article for Making Soap. Foraaleatthc Poet L Feb B—ts * WM WILSON. PAkUDUCfc lAIVhiN toil Suh.'eription to The Examiner. W.P.LATCA, * % AT UOPBL AND *8 OLD STAND,) ’idA r JD33©3!}> DEALER IN Os i’.vsiy Dcsciiplioit. CENTS’ FURNISHING GOOIIS, Ready-Made Clothing GEMS' LADIES'AM) MISSIES' t / momma a mmma Hats. ' Hoop Skirt*, Hosiery,* Stationery, Toilet Articles, F-MIM GROCERIES;,, Tobacco, Dye-Stuffs, Crockery-Ware? Hard Ware, Cuttlcrv, ami a great many other Goods, that can be seen by calling on me. WDBaQa ©ID V /„ All Kinds of Country Produce, Mad ison. Ga. January 31 06.-3 m COMEOVER! And Sec Our New Stuck of Fa in ily Groceries. Just Received I fcf?k-Storc room formerly occupied by Shepherd k Fitzpatrick, Next door to Richter & Bro. MASSEY S SHIELDS! Madison, Ga. jan 31, ’CG—tf. E. M’CORMICK, Family Groceries aud jl- at Next door to Fitzpatrick & Sanders, aiMuasH,, sa. A Good Assortment of Family Gro ceries, Fine Liquors, Scgars, Tobac co, kc. . jan 31 'GG-tf iLHimi & V.msoi\, DRUGGIST, APOTHECARIES & BOOK. SELLERS, Madison, Georgia. Have Removed to Vnson k Few’s Old Stand. n M»t ins tlu« *ni«'iinre:ncnt, t-u.l-r t.> yon. she CII of Mnrsan a*:H a.ljoininx Conallre. thrii elnrc ** thsake for (he *.rv lii>o nl ratio-use rdcnM ti* linn dor.ns thr flr»t t r • toon li* i>f 110-tr rc*l Vn*t In tour /» tlieir tlkirti to v\ I • K'liii fWi M»€ 8Y®8« lhay ititt will, rnroms.'-mrnl •• yur Imbila. *n<t to yon tlirjr Inrsotj iiote! tut lor tbri-rnvr I. iutuilira ■•»:* raiy uj>cn in'iouins I'L’llF. DRUGS AND MEDICINKS, a* lh<y »rr 9 »itli Car* Mol «r» Worranta,| rtiyaieiona' Hrra. iiiitiooa will t«» Carafolly (Vini|>onn.tail b» a Conn eta t a >1 Kxpert With a la*«r and •>l| .r’iTt. il .Vn-rlt t’ni_*a. h-netil talth f'nalt. tto*y * it ••nit a ill otter, to l')n*'rian« and nth.ra In'lit anianta t i imrdi., •• t! ( Ir Snppm* of thpm. n I c>-r<H a ly lu»t:« an raaminaiiott of their iio t, at their N*w ,*t r», Vason k Few’s Old Stand Opposite the Court Madiana, fa Jan. V. lit*. Notice. THE firm of Fitzpatrick k Sunder* is this day Dissolved by mutual coh sent. All elaimsfor or ngainst the firm' will he settled bv C. 11. Sanders. W. B FITZPATRICK, C II SENDERS, M nfi-iuu, \ ap’il 10, ISnC. Having this day sold my interest in the firm of Fitzpatrick k Sanders, to my for mer partner, Capt. C. 11. Sanders, I re spectfully request that my old friend* and customers will extend to him that patronage which has been so liberally be stowed on the. firm. \V D, FITXrATRK'X. Having this day Bought the Entire In terest in the firm of Fitzpatrick & San ders, I purpose from this on, to contin ue the business in ray name, and on my own account. The favors which have heretofore been extended the old firm, aro gratefully appreciated, and respectfully request a continuation of the same. C. H. SANDERS Mailiaon, Ga; Anvil 10. IROG-tf JUST RECEIVED, A Fixe Lot rtf Bacon. Fresh oyrterx, Butter Cr ekevr, etc. f*>r sale by • J. 0. BsobKii C«wi*'nf..n. *nrll. 4 . 1 ' ~ j DO YOU WANT TO BARTER? IF voti«!». Go to the P«»«t Office, where you can fiiid EterUhing ia the Grocery Line. Feh 7—ts WM. WILSON.