The Examiner. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1870, May 02, 1866, Image 4

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Circular. Executive Department, \ Milledgevillo, Ga. April 23, 1830. J Information Ims reached this Depart ment that the Managers of the Ladies Southern Relief Society of Baltimore., in the exercise . of an unhounding charity, bad caused to he shipped to Savannah, subject to my order, five hundred bairols, containing flour, meal and bacon “lor dis tribution among the truly poor suffering white people,’’ and that ‘‘they desire that the appropriation should be so. distribu ted os to afford the greatest rc lief to the greatest number ol the really deserting poor of suffering women and children ; to effect which distribution, they have also appropriated the sum of two thou sand dollars. And the consignees, as well as the Presidents of the Cen'ral and At lantic and Gulf Bnilroads, having gener ously offered to aid the enterprise by per sonal attention and transportation free of charge, (as other persons and Presi dents of Railroads doubtless "ill do :) for the purpose, therefore, of distribut ing in Congressional Districts, ns the most eligible primary division of the State, they being organized with a view the nearest attainable equality in popu lation, I make and publish the following order and requests : • 1. In the and behalf of the whole people of Georgia, ami especially of the destitute aud suffering, I tender most hearty thanks to the dispensers of this munificent boon, whom 1 \v»>uld designate by a borrowed appellation, which blends in touching association the ideas of a ten der womanly relation and of a divine at tribute, ‘'Sinters vs Mere//. »*'ueb, in deed, are these noble women of Haiti more. Heaven’s blessings wait upon them. i 2. Me ;-srs. Crano & Graybill, of Sa vannah. the consignees, are requested to divide the consignment in seven parts, as nearly equal as possible, reference being had to the kinds anil qualities of the ar ticles composing it. And delivering one portion in fhivannali as hereinafter pro vided, will ship one of the six remaining each of the following points, viz : To Oglethorpe consigned to Hon. Philip Cook , to Newnan, consigned to lion. Hugh Buchanan ; to Macon, consigned to thd Hon. Thomas Hardeman, Jr.; to Augusta, Consigned to Porter Fleming, Esq.: to Athens, consigned to Hon. J. H. Christy ; to Atlanta, consigned to A. K. Sengo, Esq. • 3; The following gentlemen (the first named in each case acting ns chairman) arc requested to take charge of the sev eral consignments for their respective Congressional Districts, and act as com mittces of distribution therein, viz : For the Ist District, Messrs. Solomon Cohen, John Screven and Jus. L. Seward ; for the 2d, Messrs. Philip Cook, A. S. Cutts and David A. Vasoti; for the 3d, Messrs Hugh Buchanan, 11. A. T. I.idley and J. F. Johnson ; for the 4th, Messrs. E. G. Cabaniss. Tli os. Hardeman, Jr. and Je remiah Beall; for the sth, Messrs. J. I). Matthews, Samuel Barnett and Por ter Fleming ; for the 3th, Messrs. J. 11. Christy, J. S. Gholston and Thomas Morris; for the 7th, Messrs. Wm. T. Wofford, J. A. W. Johnson and A. K. Jfeago. Ihe consignee in each District will notify the other members of his com mittee, so soon as he may receive the consignment, and appoint a day for their meeting at the place of delivery. Each committee is authorized to appoint neces sary assistants and sub agents, and will act with special reference to the declared wishes of tho donors. Bills of expenses unavoidably incurred, will be presented at this oflicc for payment. 4. Editors, throughout the State, will ing to connect themselves with this laud able charity, nro requested to give this order a sow insertions. • 5. Let a copy of this order he forward to Win. Crichton, Esq. Baltimore, who is requested to present it to the Mana gers of the Ladies Southern Relief Fair, as a truthful though imperfect, expres sion of Georgia’s gratitude. Let copies be forwarded also to Messrs. Crane & Graybill, Savannah, to each member of tho several committees appointed, and’o each President of a railroad in Georgia. CilAßi»Es J. Jenkint, Governor. The Philadelphia Tragedy - The policeof Philadelphia arrested, on 1* riday last, a man named Antoine G niter, who confessed to have murdered the Dearing family a few days previously. The prisoner was formerly a member of the sth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and at the time of the murder was an employee of the family. It w ill be remembered that tho entire family, of eight persons, were inhumanly butchered and the bodies discovered lying together in a. barn on their premises. G-iuter made a full confession, to the civil authorities, and implicated an - accomplice who has* not yet been arrested. .Greut indignu* tion prevailed against tho prisoner, ami it was with difficulty that tho police pre vented the -crowd' around tho BtAttotS house from ’.nflictiug MUiiimary punishment upon the offender. Charleston Courier. At a late election for constable in Indi ana ,the radicals demanded that a negro should bd allowed to vote; whereupon Democrats elected the ne gro over the rr.dical candidate. A good {inis & Wffl, Made and Repaired on Short Notice and Reasonable Terms— <22 5 BY ROBERTSON & DEXTER MADISON, GA. fc*t»This Dexter is the Old Gommo doreof the 3d Ga. Reg’t. j»n 81—ts WWhtoMM, First Door from Prj or’* Corner, MADISON, GEO. KF.EI'S the He*! Liquor*.-Fine Cigar* and To bacco. HOT WHISKEY PUNCHES, Served at ALL HOURS. f:*“liivc u* a Call wi'li the *T*ci> buck ” Fri. 7—CR if IMItK'S it CiIAM IIRS. A. a. TALIET. t. w. BROW». t. C WRLI> SPRING & .SUMMER GOODS. TALLEY BROWN &CO, T\KF. ph-a-ure in iinouncing *o tli«*ir fri-n.l* mnl ruMomerJ. that they are now pri-pared to exhiLi’ ti.eir New and Elegant Stock Os SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Coii»i>-ling in part of 'he following Fancy Si k Urr*. Pattern* O'un.nline* Moncmhiqut-a, Poplin* Chain.*, Mu* uni. Lawn*, lirrngv*, Oi'giindie*. Ladies* Silk Basques, Sila Saqite-, ll*ie.« •-iKcle*. Lace I niiii*, Embroidered Sleeves and Collars, Die** Trimming* and Dre-> Hutton* of ever* description, Ladie*' Hoe*. Silk and Li-I«-Thread, Liiliv*‘ Olovt**, Ladies’ Dress and Walking Shoes, Conirre** Gaiters, Olove Kid Gaiter*, Ac. Perfumery and Toilet Soaps, Also, a large lot of Ble>cl»ed and Drown DOMESTICS. And a well selected H**oruneut YANKEE NOTIONS, March 28 ts MI 'dZ'WMT flard-Warc. Store, ©» 30&iS®©W» WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware Cutlery Pistols Notions, &Cf . Whitehall Street, Corner Alabama, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HAS Just receive and and keep constant ly on band a large and splendid assort ment of Colt* Pistol*. Morwin A Bray's Pistol*. Riorum'* •irle Loading Revolvers. Table Cutlery. Pocket Cut lery. Shoe Knives Scissors and Shear*. Razors and Straps, Steel*. Ne<dle*.Chop Axe«. Hatchets. dxrs Broad ,4xo*. Foot Adz. Planes. Chisels Sawsetts, Drawing Knives. Augurs, Braces and Bits. Ham mers, Monkey Wrenches. Hand Raws. Cross Cut Raws, Wood Raws, Mill Saws. Rtrel Rquares. Oim jets, Carriage Bolts. Anvils. Bench Rcrews. Vices, Stock* and Die*. Wagon Boxes Pipe Boxes. Buggy Nuts. Garden Hakes. Garden Iloe*. Shovel*. Tong* Fire Iron*. Foot Scrapers. IHnges. Butts, Shovel*. Spade*. Fork*, Heroes Screws Jlooks :.nd Hinges Rash Bullies Rhoc Nail* shoe tack* shoe hammers shoe pin cers shoe awl* shoe pegs and shoe thread. B«>lts Latches Fire Bolt* riattorm seale* Counter scale* sash Weigh** sash Cord Curtain Bands Bed Cas ters Rope Nsils Cot*oncards Hater Buckets Well Bucke*s Tubbs Broom* Jim Crow Cards Tin Dip per* Cocoa Dipper* Sifter* Cooking store* Office atove* Sauce 1 ans Frying Pana Oven* Tea Kett’e* Lock chain* Tr-teecha ns Whitewash Brushes shoe Bm-he* 'irind s ones Files Worse Brushes, currv comb* Tin Bucket* Tin Pins candle aticks *>il Lamps Looking (Hasses Shaving cream and soap* Brittania Ware. Tea Setts. Spoons, Ladles Faucets Gun caps Gun Tabes Sand Paper 4kc. and aumer ous other articles. Infsct USUALLY kept im Wholesale and Retail Hard warehouse. „ Order* respectfully solicited'and Pnnnptiy filled. janlC'64-Sm FURNITDRETItMITIE II jilt. SulH-nir b-g- Uare loinfo-in l»i» friend* uuil the Pub.ic K«<,ernlly, ttmt lie ia mill Man ulaciunug FL’KiMI'UKE at his Old Stau'l, mi * Main Street, SXStsdc£lfl®cE)m 1> <3aa&cto® flavins received a full *t«>ck of MateriaKand h iving e-cured 'ho eeeviee* «.f COMPETENT W OaKMKN, ho feet* nMnrtd he e«n slve Futt Bat'*frtcti"o in Msiuilactunng or Repeiring Fur iiiiurr. Metalic Cages and Caskets, R..cwno<l, Miib.,»oy 0»k .nd Bt.iimie.Bn. of ail Sisd»; alwnyi oil hand, ana can be lurni-h --«| at«WVM*r TUe-Cnak*ccuiiipa*UJH# lha order. ■;/•■! . A.SUAW. Maditon, Gn. Feb. 7 ’#6—lv BOWKER & HARRIS At their Old Stand. COVINGTON, GEORGIA HAVF. on hand and are constantly receiving a Large m.d Well Selected Stock ol dry goods. DRESS GOODS, Os Every Description. Gerts' Ladies’ and Misses BOOTS AND SHOES. BATS & GAPS. I / HOSIERY, HOOP SKIRTS. CE> ‘EP 22 CE> 52T S3 o V&aiLST M7o<Bl:s3o And Everything else usually k< i pt in u First Class Dry Good* Establishment. KERO SINE OIL. and lamps. Dy e-Stuffs of Ail Kinds. CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. HARDWARE. CUTTLERY. taatiso £ And a great many other things too tedi ous to mention. We will pay the Highest Market Pri ces for all kinds of Country Produce. Qjf'Give us a Call nnd Examine our Goods. CHARLES l S. (I. CAMP, DEDLKRS IN BBT 000© §. GROCERIES , HARD-WARE. BOOTS , SHOES AND HATS t Provisions and Liquors. South Eust Coruft of tbe Square, COVINGTON, GEORGIA. -*.*-& AFTER this, we positively will not allow any goods . to leave the house until paid for. The first three months of the year has expired, and we would respectfully re quest all who we have indulged, to come forward and settle, as we have decided to deal hereafter for To all cash paying customers we would say, we have a Greut Variety of Good*, which we would be pleased to show to any who tuay eall. You will find Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Nails, Hope, S. W. Collins Axes, • Ames Shovels, Augers, &ln»c Findings. Fine double Shot Guns, Colts Hcpeatc'l. Fine assortment Table & Pocket Cutlery. , f, *; * t • , ] . I . : ( Cut and Make, at short no rice, Coats, I ants, Vest, Shirts and Drawers, to suit the customer, and war rant them to Fit. >* Call and Examine our Stock 1 V • ■ ■ • .• i hefore purchasing elsewhere, and we will do our best to please, v .*.l s« just received BY OII.ES S. WHITTEN, 1 Barrel Newark Cider, 8 Doz. Bottles London Dock Porter, 2 “ “ Lemon Syup. j Also, for sale at cost, a lot. of Fresh Oysters, Sardines and Lobsters, apriintf G. 8. WHITTEN’. C. U. ANDREWS A CO, A POT II BC.t RI ES, MADISON, GEORGIA. m I THE Atl-nilo* of ih* Tul.l e I* ea'le* to onr Fro h and C«r- i mil} Sole led Sl-ck .>» Drue* AMi.-lne- he-.jr-l*. oil*. Dye H us» Ps-rfo-i ry. L- p*. Ho.-*.* Sapi •n-r}. me ri« which w« are Miltn* at a* Chimp Rata *• tney »re •old lu thi* PLACE We Lay onr Drag* of ihn Largest Importer* In New Trrk * I’hila etpMa ourC'.e f-om I, - l.m e t M.nnf. |.sre »'ll An eHea All—l aril* oe fn-xn Ihe men who make them And if ton wl h TO GET Kr >h tenuln-Ftlenl Wed'rli.e*. wo *re tl.o »cenl»f>l ih.-u. *li*i »o evil, ami you *rl tlnm at i'luprlolora ad City Aims. _ _ •\O L R A’lentlon i* eepcciallv oiled to«ur Ln r »:*. V'e.h ami Genu lue Muck .-I lluut*C* *l»iale«l tiaiJeii -r.d , which e • ta-l at tU-l pric.• Saine tatva lal |ou aould pa, in «*• .»e and stoi* iu t‘nil*del| bia. MONEY » ant ed hy u«int; K-r0.1i..- 0.1 111 |>Uc •ol cindl-e. E*p n Ore <e.<tlis-e h.l »• n get tl.e Lain of 4 caiid ea Iruin on U.-ri.e . at l.e » than the Coat ol <.ua C.1.d1.. r„ . hval.-aar- «i a-Rut Auunala and Atlanta P. ic>- > e Warrai ta I th» '.ood. that we .ell, If not ae re re *euicl,aea>vo you BACK (hr faoney. ~ r © riptlno* C r» fu1l? Cimpnnti 'fd V*y N’l-bt l»y Dr A K. ANDREWS an Experunced A pot Iter® r y t. net Ai)n««lua|- i Meibciiu* • . * mlii t! Ot Jtu 2*l 'W NATIONAL LEG b\U \U COMPiNY, Commissioned by the Surgeon General in his •* Circular Order,” May, 1805. Aitificinl l.*g« nn«l Arm- t Urcn’a Pnlfn*) | niHiiiifai-ttir<> l.\ thi* (*nm|.iiiiv, reroinnirnil tln niM-lve* fr-r ll.eir linlilne*.--, eimplir-ity. durabi! |iv nn.l ii-efiiliiepa, Arnfi. i>.| .Ami au.l Leg- can be nee at all time* t the room* oftlie Coi»|mny, in Town Hall itiiil.linfr We rpqn**t exAniiiinti.m to prove the truth of lie following: Tin* -nhji rt n-ho«e Mump i* on* nr more incite* t leng'li. anil>* n heiilihy ilegre*- of fore* mnl rigidity, run wills t 1 i- arm at wir, rni*«* th* artificial hand tohi-m..iith forehead, or even i«> th* t< por Imck of h ; * In nd, Hv —curing knife, fork, pen, nail bru* oihe* iinpUmetit into th* part of the hand pr* pared ii he c m Cut In* fond and carry it to hi- month. Write with re.-pt-ctiihle rl.-nrne**. Wash theTensninitiiiig hand. Ii» s i I Violin Hold ih* r*iii* in driving 4rc.* ar*of s-quul u'iliiy nnd liPHUiy. Our workmen are the mo-t (-killed from the Comp, nv in New mk. ChII nnd exmnin* for jnur-elv*«. Price* the -a»n* a* nt N. w York <’itv. All I- tier* will r*ce ye prompt ntt*i>tion. Ad.lie-* DANNKI-LY. .MARSHAL k Cos Madison. Ha. j >n 2t, VO— 3m €l®. A. fiAVSS, HEALER IX PI&NO FOUTES, JJ q qRs, Easic aad STATIONERY , 240 BROAD St. AUGUSTA, GA. SOLE AGENT FOR Chickering & Sons, Boston, Hazelton, Bros., New York, CELEBRATED Piano Fortes and Mnson & Hamlins’ Celebrated CABINET ORGANS, all »f which are warranted Al-o. always on lihi and, a Fine A**«w»mtnt «l Quitairx Vo line Aecrihona nud »ll kind* of Mu steal Merchandise Ituliun and French Vim in String*of In- Be-1 Qnuli-y. J® •Ilia Aa-Mirimeot nf ta’iiunery comprises all article* in that line. A Lurire Muck nl .Stuiidnrd School and Mined nneou* Hi-uk-. can alwuy* be found at hi* Katah lalinn lit A»*-. Puhli-hee of Oates' Sterling Exchange Table* aid -Hale** In erest Tal le-, at Var mi* Hnie- •» t Per C*nt. Nor.!. 2 V B—dm DOEStT T ’S IS THE PLACE -or © ID ID TT Fugar, „ nffee ’ Flour, Bacon, 'Cheese, Salt, Bagging, Soap, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Candles, Tubs; ' ‘ Sifters, Tohhceo, fino Cigars, Cocoa Dipppers, Blacking Brushes, ' Blacking. Mea 1 , Heroine Oil, Train Oil, Peach Brandy. Corn Whiskey, and manv other tilings in th«* OKOCE RY LINE, »nd ALL KINDS OF 3o E s«ar^.sa3 , o |, ayoPs3r > aE3o Which he ulways Sells at the LOWEST Market Prices. dorse tts, piste to SELL y«ur Butler Egr*. M-al, P«Vc£; C6U.T,i. TCmunA* of Lotion, Ddeil Fruit :.nd other iWuce. He always Pay* the High*.t Ca»h Tiicr*. WANTED. 10,000 Pounds of Dry BONES. him a Trial—ha will TritlJW Baht Nov. *2 90. ■ oia NEW GOODS. I hove in Store nnd am Constantly Receiving * . k Urge and Well Selected Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, for 1866. Consisting in part of the following : Fancy Dress Silk Patterns, Grenadines, ' 5 Borages. , Mosutnbiqnes. v .iina - Muslins, “ P LaVlw, OrgnmJie,, V. Ginghams, Cal»coe^ Ladies’ Silk and Berage Mantles, Also, a Large Assortment of 811 SS wmm. AMD IHYfWS, Wto-wd Gent’s HOSIERY, Kid, Silk and Lisle CLOVIS. A Fine Lot of Gent’s Furnish i rig 1 Goods, READY WIA.DE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. J&L. 9 Hardware, Crockery and ©IROCgSIEaSSSa Which are offered to suit the DECLINE IN GOLP.**TN| Those wishing Goods will consult their Interest by Examining, this Stock be fore purchasing. _ . , I will say that they can be bought as Low as the same Class of Good* in*. Atlanta or Augusta. „ _ , __ MS“AII Kinds of Countiy Troditeb taken in Exchange for Goods.«£»S 250 Hales of Cotton Wanted 1!! B. Covington, Ga. April 4, 1806—1/. TIN-WARE HiHOFACTORT. JOHN E HARP & CO. WOULD respectfully announce to the citimcns of Newton County, ami th , Public generally, that they have opened in the City of Covington, a SHEET IRON AND TIN-WARE MANUFACTORY, Where they Iteep* ronulontly on band, « General Awortment of Tin, ami it . prepared h. M.i.«r.rtsw f Order, anything dewed by eumonier., in ibe Sheel . Iran or Tinning Linn, nn Short Nonce and the .Volt Ron,on,Me. Term,. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. SCRoofing, Guttering, and Every Variety of Job Worlt vxoeutvd nramplly, in . tlioßest Style ot Workman-hip. Call at the Sign of the -• BIG CObFE l OT, North side of the Square, in the huilning_with It. ". Baghy, Covington, Cm. January 17th, 18G0— ly. rate?. * * *• rr *- A cwrcattA Price, Gofer & MeGallo, . GENERAL I ©©{fflmQSlHDffl lEDSIEQiaMTO i<u UtAluhKß in Country Produce, Leather and Shoe- Makers’ Tools, Decatar Street, JtIMU Georgia. (Refer To) C P Jack ion. A J He at* n Moor* and Wereb. Atlan.» R L Kerry. J • UlrerJy. Au**l« C*. Taylor Cranr. - t.ifUld and B*W*> E..ul»*l»e. Kys II JndrrsMi -nd Cos Ar woa o*.:Oi-ed, 5h- .hrrd and **• 5 W..(. - n<l .Vn»der. N •ahvll a. T*n«. F n Sm 012.0RG lA, Morgan county, AL perroiis uidetiMd u» the eti'iue of Calvin Dic-ereou, late Ot raid eoinny, <Wd, •'** bmn'T KQ'i'ini lo mak« immcdiali* fme ta*. t... «i4<i noitimg claim- ayainet raid estate, are lii.ufiritlo |.ia-etii iliein, whlmh the nine pi«~ rcnbtsl by law. JRO p FEARS. Fa’r. M * r ,.fc 2S-T-4G B. A HOUGH. Ext COliN WHImKEY ai.d PraoU Brandy, lor *>l* J’ix- q “"‘ W **'*' “ 0 BROOKS J. M . LEVY, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER .At hi* Old Stand, Between Murrell & Hardeman and Bowker k Harris, A k Respectfully infurme hi* old friend* and Custaaa «m that he i* fully prepared to Repair Velehe* Clock* atid Jesrelry, in the l e*t Style, at abort ituiice en l iin the.most R*a*onable terra*. Urcfi—tf i l BMpar, Ri spki'Tfl' inturms the ciiiapna of Coei«g- • nm and the public generally, that be hM . 1 1 tailoring Establishment > in the ony «»• Covinumn, and la prqiared ter. tmUh up work in the lateet 1«- wncnlari. attention paid to Cutting. Call at the Offl* oT ■ pr. .1. S. Carroll. 2t-9m