Newspaper Page Text
I cion Candidates.
V I nn’ hvtrd, with astonishment, several times within
W ft w days, that many people have been so suecessful
•"l vived by the professions of attachment to the Union,
L Z resistance party, d.y ch<se to call themselves, that,
that it is now difficult for them to know, xxMo the real Union
... \Vc therefore caution them to look well to
candidates are. . , ~ .
, .. •mil he not deceived. Ilie names of the Union
that matter, .u" J
,1 s stand at <*ur head, they were nominated at our
~• t ['ui.ui nicetinir, and stand pledged to do no act, if eleet
“j ~( it „. jj ] t *aJ to disunion for present causes, but they tell
u lint they will do. They tell you that while they
you pta** . * . , ,
’ |to the foinpronuse measure's <>l the late congress, tliem
’ j vr< j] lt .y shall go for such measures as will force the free
Elites of the North lo do the same, that is, will go f.r such
nuasiires as will force a rigid, and faithful compliance with
the fugitive Slave Law. They do not say they arc for
••resistance of some sort,” but tell you plainly tiiat they will
| K f„r the adoption of retalituing measures in the way of Tax
;V;i.ui mi all kinds of goods and men handize, manufactured,
„r broucrlvt from the State, where that law may be obstructed,
rater a full and fair trial. l>ut they will not be in tivor of
mat intercourse with all <>ur northern brethren, for the act of
one State, tin v will not go for legislation against the patriotic
c it v of New York, for the bad conduct of the city of Boston 5
(nit thev will settle that account with the homespuns from
[. .well and the Shoes from littn.
Take notice that Robert Collins, W ashington Poe, A. P.
Powers and Win. Seott, arc candidates of the only Union
party of Bibb county, ami vote accordingly.
, Macon Hiffh School —We invite special attention
tu d£e,advcrti.Neiii.'iit of the Uov. Mr. Strobell, in today's pa
jH touyhiiig Ills proposed High School, in this city. It Is an
. ntej'pri/e which coininends itself to the notice of every eiti
ju aui Maeou, and one to which we wish every possible suc
cess. . . - t .
Incendiary Publications.--The citizens of Ma
con were astounded on Tuesday last, tit the unblush
ing jwtr'ade in the 1 elegrajdi of incendiary inatter
from the *‘Clronotvje,’’a-vile abolition joint ofilos
ton and other papers, respecting the Fugitive Slaves
from Macon, and the movements of the Bostonian
fanatics to prevent their arrest. The publication of
sueh matter is exceedingly dangerous and pestilen
tial iu a community like this. Jt is moreover con
trary to law and worthy of summary jmnishment.—
The publishers of the Telegraph should he in-dieted
for the offence. We would say mobbed for it, were
we governed by a sjiirit of retaliation in our judg
ment on this subject. For sure are we, that if we
had published the abolition stuff which tin* t’olum
-Ims Times, Georgia Telegraph and other disunion
prints have circulated, we should have been demol
ished before now, had they the jwnver equal to their
zeal. Thev. however can publish what they please
and all is riyht! 1 tut it is not all right. The peo
]dj‘. were excited on Tuesday and talked of in oft late ,
and there is no telling how soon they may be com
pelled, for i/ootl const, to administer some of the
same medicine to Uay, lloss Sz Cos., that they tried
so physic us with, without the shadow of rouse/
Let these gentry, then beware how they trample un
der foot the public sentiment by giving further cur
rency, in this community, to this most dangerous
form of abolition sentiment—copying from northern
aWition Journals.
• - Vioikn't Measures.—From private sources we
i arn that some bullying and bravado took place at
the U uioti meeting at Columbus, on Saturday eve
ning last, and that one individual had the temerity
to draw a.pi'tol and level it at the head of'the lion.
K.Toombs, while addressjugthe people but was time
ly prevented from .discharging his weapon. Had lie
ioue so, he would, probably have been massereed,on
the spot. The speakers were also grossly interrup
• ted by several intemperate persons in tire crowd,
one of whom got a backhanded lick in his frontis
piece, which made him see stars in the ceiling of Ihe
l*ui!diujfe. AH ti* howv jlmf the cause of* lliec
violent ihen, rs, by them seen to I*e desoernte.
Saturday Evonius Post. —This valuable week
ly will hereafter have the almost exclusive literary
• l iliors of that accompli,shed Authoress, Mrs. South
XfW York Election.—Telegraphic dispatches
announce that the Democrats have elected Seymour,
(a Uniott matt.) Governor of the State hy 2000 ma
jority. and IT members of Congress to IG.
The Campbell Wlastrels.—Our Columbus
friends will find these Serenade!:; worthy of patron
age. They have performed here, all this week, to
crowded houses. Some of their antics are inimita
ble. riiose wi 10 believe in the ‘'laugh and grow
fat” maxim should witness their ‘’Shaker Dance”
their “Bnrlesijue Fling'” and “Burlesque Italian Op
craf Mr. Uamph di’s “Solo, Love not in imitation
of a Cornet” is also a remarkable feature of the en
tertainment. To-night is their last performance in
Macon, when a silver cup will be awarded to the au
thor of the best original conundrum. —See adver
~ t
lit Mu eon. on the evening of the sth of November. hv the
L'T. Rinhnrd Hooker, Mr. Abram It. Adame, to Miss llr\-
Jukttx Holum-.swoxth, all of this city.
•I Printer's fee received, in a liberal allowance of some
of the nrrrlx of the occasion. The happv couple bnve our
b<‘t wwhesthnt a malrimbnial voyage so auspiciously begun
tinv te Attended with propitious gales and prosperous breezes
—witii T*m<v r f of the *l j a alts incident therein, than can be
• °atvje#tly managed and endured by the Captain and
InOiruil, Afc„ on the 2.1d uU„ by Uic Ucr. >lf. Ifcxxrson. Mr.
,! ‘Ne>v rtn Haros to Miss Loiisk S< hnkipkk.
whoior Umi furniture! L
Tn this city on the 29tk tilt., Anna M.vntv, only daughter
•h'lni K. and Elizabeth Harman, agad 4 years, C months
IQ day*.
”My danghivr God calls thee—lie needs another angel in
Ileayeu. \\ L.
At the res cue,*, of his* son, in this city, Mr. Thomas
• fAixcKR, aged about 90 wears. Mr. S. was bom in Union
h.trirt, K. C-, but bud long been a citizen of this State. He
av<i. fora large part of bis life, been an humhle and consis-
member of the Baptist Church. Ilis end was peaceful.
“New York Abolition Merchants,”
n “ r attention has been directed to an article in the Geor-
W Ct'izeti of the 26th October, headed as above, in which,
‘ n f !*e alldlged authority of the Day-Book newspaper of this
*2are set down, among others, as using the gains ac
''(Uired in „ur business with the South in advancing Abolition
do-trines in this city. Southern Merchants arc, therefore,
ltu 'ted t° mark and avoid us, “as they would the pestilence.”
Tli s unjust and proscriptive announcement we feel called
to notice, out of respect to ourselves and to our many
ffictnljjt the South, to whom the falsehood above stated must
l ( ave been painfully unwelcome.
Tkc sole article in the Day-Book, we believe, in which
° ur names appear, (except in the list of signers to the call of
die late “ peace meeting,) is to be found in its editorial col
umns of the 15th October. The extract in regard to us is as
“ Benry, Smith & Townsend take the Tribune, and Cou
rier & Enquirer, and advertise in them, paying them in slave
1 “' ,or profits. They never gave a cent to a paper which de
kndts the South, since they have been in business. The
“ a,ne way be said of Perkins & Warren, Hopkins & Allen,
ar( ‘ a dozen others, whose names wo shall have occasion to
n' Ve hereafter.”
Now, each of the three firms here mentioned are wronged
h'fore the public in this article. Neither are Abolitionists
a "d its spirit is calculated to mislead.
&ince the commencement of our business, we have taken
| the Journal of Commerce, which it w ill be acknowledged,
; P r< ?tty strongly “ defends the South.” We take also other
papers of various characters and politics, but not the Day-
This We believe to be our privilege. We advertise our bu
siness in no paper whatever, but endeavor, quietly and tffi-
I eiently, to pursue our calling as Merchants, not mixing up
j therewith the social and political questions of the day.
Above all, we are the friends of the Union, friends of the
| American Constitution and its compromises, friends of every
| section of tliis great Republic, in favor of maintaining invio
lably our obligations to one another, and of rendering the
most implicit obedience to the Laws under which we live.
New York, November 1,1850.
Columbus, Georgia, on Monday, October 28, 1850.
Capital Stock, : : : ($200,000
Unpaid dividends, : : ; -’j 1,741 07
Profits undivided, : : ; 45.954 21
I Due depositors, : : : ; .ti1),790 80
j Notes in circulation, : : : 572,785 $881,271 08
j Hesources.
(jold and silver poin, : : $130.565 13
Note? of specie paying Banks, 55,816
Cash balance's due by Banks
and Agents in New York, N
Orleans, Agusia & Charles
ton. : , : : : : 111,183 78 $297,564'91
Bills of Exchange maturing on
New York, New Orleans,
Mobile •and’ A paHfehlodlar?’ 393,168 61
Advances oji Cottons, r” *• 36,842 46 :
Discounted notes, : : : 91,116 061
Stocks, ; ; ..($ 2,248 96
| Bonds and Mort-j
gages, : : j 32,500 76,! ‘ I
R 1 Estate & per-; ‘
sooal property, 14,579 37! 49,329 09‘
Notes and Bills in suit and!
judgment, : ;, : : : j 13,249 951 $583,706 17
$881,271 08
GEO. XV. WINTER, Cashier.
r |MIE subscriber having associated with himself, the Rev.
_1- GEOEGE HANCOCK, late Professor of Languages
in tlu- \\ esleyan Female College, will open on the first Mon
day in January, in connection with the BiUh County Acade
my, a 11 It. 11 SCHOOL, in which will he taught, all the
branches of a tjiorough English and Classical Education.
Prof. HANCOCK will have charge of the Department of
Languages. Prof. J. RYAN, late of tile Liv-rpool Me
chanic's institution, will superintend the Department of
Mathematics. Prof. E. GRIMMK, will give instructions in
the Ere nr h and oilier Modern Languages.
Snglish Department.
Primnrv[Clnss,'|ier Scholastic Year SQS 00
Fourth Class, “ “ “ QtJ 00
Third Class, “ “ “ 32 00
Second Class, “ “ “ ;... 40 00
First Class, “ “ “ 50 00
Classical Department.
Third Class, per Scholastic Year §36 00
, Second Class, “ “ “ 40 00
First Class, “ “ “ 50 00
There will h<* no extra eharises, except for the Modern
Languages, and one dollar from each pupil during the win
i ter term.
The instruction in the Mathematical Department, will
embrace every thing usually taught in a Collegiate course,
together with /iractiraL Surveying and Engineering, Book
keeping by single and double-entry\ principles of Architec
’ lure, etc.
The institution will be completely re-organized. No stu
dent will be admitted, who does not hear a good character,
and every one guilty of disorderly or immoral conduct, will
he suspended or expelled. Special care will be paid to the
moral, as well as'he intellectual training of the pupils.—
Suitable lectures and explanations will accompany each
recitation. Mouth y reports will be made to parents and
guardians, of the deportment and. progress of each pupil.
X. 15.—Payments will he required at the expiration of one
| half of each term
IT Arrangements will be mad ■ to have students from a
distance, provided with good board in respectable families, at
moderate lertiis. v
( irrulais containing further information will be furnished
on application lotiic subscriber.
• • P. A. STROP EE, Rector.
Macon, G't., fith Nov. 1850.
There will be but one vocation in the year, commencing
on the 15th July and ending on the 31st August.
Tiie following gentlemen constitute the Board of Trustees:
lion. A. ll.('lntppeH, Nathan U. Monroe. Esq., Maj. James
Smith, Col. U. V. L. Atknison, S. Rose, Esq.
The following gent!erne 11 have consented to act as a Board
of V'isilors: 1 !on. E. A. Xishet, 1 lon. Washington Poe, Hon.
T. G. Bolt. Hon. G. M. Logan, Gen. J. W. Armstrong, Rev.
\V. 11. Edison, ]). D.,Thomas Hardeman, Esq., Charles
Campbell, Esq .S, T- Chapman. JCsq., Reverend S. Lan
drum, Dr. W. (Jghtfopt, Dr. J. B Wiley, Rev. 11. Hooker,
T. R. Laiuar, Rev.J. .V. Shanklin. .las - M. Boaidman, Dr.
•J. M. (Jreen i'. \V. Wise, lisq., Col. S.T. Bailey, Dr. Not
tingham, end Dr. E. L. Strohecker.
Novemlter 9, 1 H.V). 33—ts
HAS Remo red from Suirksriile to Macon.
nE*S. I'IGISTFOOT MONIES having this day
formed a Copartnership, in the piactice of Medicine,
tender their professional services to the citizens of Macon
and l lie adjoining country in the various branches of the pro
fession. Office in East Macon. Jour. Sc Mess, copy lm.
uovß 53—lm.
Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves &
House-Keeping Articles,
fill AY, (Lilt HART & €O.
Near fceott, Carhart & C'o’s.
(\FFEU to the attention of their friends and the public, a large
/ well selected and general stock in their line : having been
selected anj bought ly one of the concern, the goads are all new
and v. ere laid in expressly for this market.
We %vill take th<‘ liberty to say, that for variety, our S'tock cannot
he equalled in the .-tale:
We. will sell on reasonable terms,giving every usual accomodation,
fopjier Work, of ail kinds, done with exactness and despatdi.
Tin Work fn all its variety,—Roofine and job work,done as usual.
A irnod stotfk.of lji Ware-always en hand. Amongst their stock
will be found Iron of all sizes and kinds, Nails and Nail Ihsts Spikes
Steel, l ast, German, English blister and Spring tfteel. Castings and
Hollow Ware, Ovens. Pots, Boilers and Cauldrons.
■ Pifligi ASD
- P - Ajo varieties, sont” very modern
Y I imp&svements.
ANVILS. Vices. Bellows and Blacksmith's Tools, generally. Por
table Forges Cross Cut and Mill .Suns, and Mill Cranks, Files &c.,
Saws, Planes, Bench Screws, Morticing Machines, Chisels, Ham
mers, Hand Vices ami Carpenters'Tools, generally. Mill Irons, Hois
ting Screws, Hand and Jack Screws. Plows, Trace, and Log Chains,
Lock and Breast Chains. Axes, Iloes, Agricultural implements, and
all kinds Plantation Toots; Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Corn Mills,
Fpades and Shovels, Fire logs, Feodors, Shovel and Tongs and
Housekeeping’ Articles.< Goods, of all kinds, Ket
tles, Sifters, Pansand Faucets. Fine (tuns Tistolsand shooting im
plements generally. Willow and Wooden Ware, Tubs, Baskets,
Trays, &C-, itc.
Japanned & Brittannia Ware,
L \ MI’S, and Candlesticks, English and American Door Locks, Till,
Trunk, and Chest Locals, Files, Hasps, Horse Shoe Nails, Furnaces
for Tailors, Furnaces frir heating smoothing Irons, with the usual va
riety of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Pocket Knives, Pad Locks and
Scissors, Brushes of all kinds, Hairand Feather Dusters, Cords,
Manilla Rope, Grindstones,
nov9 1 33—ts
Os all kinds, tivould r-*fpeetfully solicit planters-and
families to give tjbem a call before purchasing elsewhere,
as they i.vill always ktep No. 1 articles,
oct 11 i 29-Gin
*;B I IS9RSI & 617 3IS !9 9
The Campbell’s are Going.
Farewell Concert!
O* this, sati rdai eveaiag,
ON w hich occasion, a silver cup will be awarded for the
Best Original
&*8 X. Si. Si, Vi, SI „
Competitors will send their favors to MURPIIY, WEST
and 1 ELL, I'loyd House, by 4 o’clock P. M. on Saturday.
... . _ JAS. NORRIS, Manager.
November 9, 1850. 30 It
KF Spencer miey, Es(]., an
nounces himself to his friends and fel
low citizens of Bibb County as a Candi
date for Receiver of Tax Returns and
would he grateful for their liberal sup
port. Nov. 2.
mmm a
I|R. BOSSIEUX will commence his School on
this evening, Saturday 3d November, at 3 o’clock
for M isses, Mastsrs and \ oung Ladies, for gentlemen
same evenings at 7, 8 or 9 o’clock as may best suit their
convenience. Mr. B. wi I teach those who may desire
th“ dance Aloffroon and Scottiscli as Taught
and introduced by Celiarins nt I’aris. 11? will give les
sons privately if desired, attend Classes at Academies
or in the surrounding county and parents may rest as
sured that dtfe attention will be given to the deportment
of their children.
Terms lor all the different dances, $lO ; for any par
ticular one, $5; waltzing will he taught for $5, and
lessons givdn privately if desired.
I ‘onnicopia lteshi iirat.
The Copartnership heretofore existing under the name
of USHER &. LANIER, is this day dissolved, by tmi
tua! consent. The business of this establishment will
he carried on by C. C. USHER, who will use his best
efforts to please all who may favor him with a calf,
oct 26 ts CM AS. C. USHER,
MOXS. A. BOA AID, (from Savannah,) respectfully in
forms the citizens of MACON that he will open his
Academy on MONDAY next the fourth day of November
her, at 4 o'clock at the new Concert Hall, for the reception
of pupils. During the season the following Fancy J lances
wiil be introduced by him : the Cachueha, Pas Strien,Al
lemoiid Waltz; Polka Cotillions; Polka lledowa ; and the
SCOTTISH, as introduced by him with great success, last
summer in Newport.
Days of Tuition, MONDAY and TUESDAY. Tuition
Hours, from 4 *o 6 o’clock for Young Ladies and Masters ;
from 8 to 1(1 for Gentle men.
Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to take private lessons in
the Polka or Scottish can be instructed by Mr. 8., in one to
five lesssons.
As his School rn Savannah will commence next week, all
who desire to employ bis services are invited to do so with
out delay.
Mons. Bonaud has permission to refer to the following
gentlemen: Dr. R. Collins, G. M. Logan, T. 11. Bloom, S
T. Chapman.
nov 2 tf*
AJ y tf O .A Li AI AMx
5 Great Bargains!
TT7’oiiM resgectfujly announce to the Citizens of JIACOJf,
V t and surrounding country, that tiiey are now opening, in the
new Triangular Block, three doors East of Logan’s Dry Goods’ Ft ore
2d street, the largest and most attractive BTOCK of
ever tiefore offered intliis market, which will be sold at prices that
cannot fait tosuit the Customer.
Being largely connected in the Flioe and Leather business at the
Nortli.theirGootls have Iwen manufactured and got up 10 the best
possible advantage, and with careful reference to this market; and
they venture to say, that iri point of ui.koam k and nnt ability, tlieir
Stock cannot be equalled by any house South of Washington.
In thr Lttliss Department will be found the most rark
and ki.koant styles which have ever been produced by the Trade—
Hitch as: Safin and Prunella patent foxed Congress Gaiters; Satin
and Prunella patent foxed Face Gaiters; black and white Satin, and
black and white Kid Party Slip;>ers: Enamel, Bronze, black and
white k’d French Embroidered Party Sluturs—a beautiful article;
Patent Leather Enamel. Kid. and Morocco Excelsior Ties : High and
low cut Mor.icco and Cloth Buskins and hall’ Gaiters; French Mo
rocco, Lace and Congress Gaiteiy ; as well as the more common vari
eties, tor general and substantial use. Misses, CuiLnness’ and In
sists wear, in great variety and extent, from the common and suh
stantia'l to the most kkul and kam xfi'l.
11l the Gentlv.mcn ? s Department maybe found a great
variety of French calf stitch dress 800 ts —among them, an elegant
Broadway article; French Calf Stitch Water-proof and Cork sole
Boots ; French Calf, Peg lm ,dress atd winter Boots ; Patent leather
and Enamel Congress and French strap Gaiters; Cloth patent foxed
and Prunella Congress and Lace Gaiters ; Patent leather and French
call'Taylor Ties an I Brogans: Patent leather, Morocco, Seal and
Toilet slippers and Pumps. Bovs Wear of every description, from
a French calf stitched Boot down tothe most opliiiary article xx’orn.
Their stock of Common and llkavy Work—consisting of calf, kip,’
and stoga Boots; calf, kip. Goa, Black and Basset Brogans is exten
sive, and will be sold at small advances to the planti r and laboring
Tlieir stock will he kept full and complete by monthlx
arrivals— thus enabling them at all tiie-s to furnish any ar
ticle of Goods called lor by the Trade. They would, there
fore, respectfully solicit the attention of those shopping to
an examination of tlieir Goods, before making their purcha
ses; assuring them that llieir Goods and Prices cannot fail
to please; and pledging the (rest attentions on tlieir helialf.
To those buying to sell again, Goods will he offered nt a
small commission. Believing a scale of low prices !>e=i
suited to the li neq their motto will be, <4 Nniall Proiits
tinil Quick Returns.”
[fjr” Repairing neatly done at short notice.
Macon. Octo., 26 JS.jf)
112. <S> NT SiU ®
PATAU aN XISHET would most respectfully in
form their friends and customers, that they have moved
their stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES to the corner of
the new Brick Building opposite the Washington Jlall,
where they will he happy to see all their old customers and
others that may favor them with a call ; and where they
will keep a general stock of fresh Drugs and Medicines,
Leeches, Perfumery. &.C., and put up Prescriptions with care
and neatness, and always give satisfaction,
oct 1
Ware-House & Commission Merchants
IN presenting our card to the public, we xvill state that
our best exertions will be given to promote the interests of
our patrons ; and from past experience, wo hope to he able
to do full justice to all business which may be confided toonr
charge ; and also hope for a continuance of fax’ors from the
old patrons of Conner <SI Martin.
Orders for Roods filled free of Charge.
O’Ad van ces made on Cotton in Store or Shipment, at the
usual rates, jf,
Aug. 20 ts XV. XV. TAYLOR.
r IMIK undersigned will continue the Warehouse and foni-
I mission IluMnpss, at the commodious and well known
FIRE-PROOF Bl ILDING, formerly occupied by Dyson
&. F’ield. The strictest personal attention of both the part
ners will, as heretofore, be given to all business entrusted to
their care. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the
patronage of their old friends and the public generally.
They are prepared to make the usual Cash Advances oll
all Cotton or other Produce stored with them at the custo
mary rates.
All orders for Groceries, Bagging and Rope. will be filled
at the lowest market prices.
Macon, Se P t. 6,1850. j
24—6 m
V 7 art’s refined and New Orleans Syrup, Soap, Starch and
Caudles, for sale by SMITH # OLIV ER,
Watches, Jewelry, &c.
GOLD and silver lever, duplex, anchor
yfcjfari and verge WATCHES, gold guard, fob
vest and chatalaine Chains ; seals, keys.
Charms, <j-c., diamond, ruby, opal, garnet and pearl and
other stones set in finger rings ; ear rings, bracelets, neckla
ces, breast pins, studs, collar buttons, sleeve buttons, ij-c.
Gold and silver .Spectacles, thimbles, pen and pencil cas
es with Brown &, Bagley's Pens, tooth picks, lockets and
miniature cases, snaps, bracelet clasps, belt buckles of gold
and silver, &,c., card cases of silver pearl, embossed steel, & c.,
ladies port monies of do. combs of silver, tortoise shell, buffalo
tc., head dresses, paper mache work stands, desks, port folios
jewelry boxes, &.c.
A choice and elegant selection of the above, with a gre at
many new and elegant articles now on hand and for sale for
moderate profits, for casli or approved credit.
oct 26 3 111 K. J. JOHNSON.
Housekeeping Goods.
SILVER Forks, table, dessert, tea, mustard and saltspoons,
butter knives, soup ladles, cups and pitchers, sugar tongs,
gravy spoons, &c. of warranted pure silver.
Silver plated waiters, cake baskets, candlesticks, castors,
snuffers and trays, blitter tubs, salt and mustard cups, sugar
baskets, &c. of new rich and elegant styles.
.Silvered and gilt girondole, [Kircelain vaces, lard lamps, s.c.
Ivory handle knives and forks in setts and knives extra ;
silver plated fruit knives, childrens knives and forks, ac. nap
kin rings, tea trays in setts and singly.
Received bv late arrivals and for sale on fair terms bv
oct 26 3m E. J. JOHNSON.
the Young Ones—Buttle doors and shuttle cocks,
graces, knives and forks, bowls and pitchers, rattles,
teething rings, &.c. for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
IrUXR GUNS—A fine lot of superior stub and Damascus
twist Guns , shot pouches, powder flasks, dram bottles
guiuiiug equipments generally, for sale bv
C HILT’S Pistols—Allen &. Wesson’s do. with a large
■ and choice lot of rifle and smooth bore single barrels,
for sale by E. J. JOHNsSON.
CALIFORNIA. Knives—l’en, pocket and bunting do.,
razors and scissois, &c. of superior quality, for sale by
C'dANES —with gold, silver, ivory and other mountings,
J cigar cases, port mohais, dressing rases, Arc- ‘*n hand
ami for sale by “ E. J. JOHNSON.
IAINEI AINE Violins, flutes Pnd accor c c\v choice lot,
for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
DILI ERROETVPE Stocks—l’laie cases and chem
icals, prepared buckskin, paints, brushes iVe. with a
few samples of beautiful papier mache anil gilt morroco hook
cases, for sule by . E. J. JOHNSON.
C3 0M) Foil, Dentists Files, Mouth Glasses, Arc., for
Ts sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
SURVEA ORS Compasses, LnndJChains, Mathemati
cal Instruments \c., a newsupplv for suit; bv
CN ILT C. irnices and Curtuin Bands of new sty les and rich
T and elegant patterns. For sale i>v
IjAOlt Ihe Toilet—A choice selection of verv superior
Toilet articles, for sale hy E. J. JOHNSON.
IjlOR Wedding Pit rties, &e. —Note paper, envelopes,
wafers,cake boxes, gold nud silver Iruf, iVe., of choice
and beautiful styles, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
On 3d St. between the Floyd House & Post Office.
gpq THE undersigned having REMOVED their
k I Boot and Shoe Manufactory on 3d St., and hav-
SfesJV’l higlately procured a good supply of the l>e.;t 111:1-
lyi terials, are now prepared to manufacture to or-
Inside Cork Boots; Water-Proof Boots;
Quilted Bat tom Boats; Nailed Bottom Boots;
Patent .Leather Boots; | Opera Boots,
£ E” Also Slues and Guitars ; all warranted of the best stock and
t/W’ Also, on hand, some first rate FRENC H CALF SKINS, of di
rect .importation, rhrnp for Cosh.
Us?” Gentlemen are invited to call and examine our work, as we
arc determined to execute all order*, in n strit'r that cannot he beaten,
in tins or any olhercity, V. *■ shall aim to give entire satisfaction to
ky” Vcustoin: ty Riqtarjug uvatly done,
f I TTf * * F. P; GAKY - & GO.
ant |-JA A A WASTED.
fl r *j i ihs RAGS. Cush paid for clean cotton or
J. | lix ered J\ f lii, r „ rai r S —4 cents per pound, when de
livered iWJlt.iiitities of 100 pounds or more : and 34 when de
livered m small quantities. For old hemp, bagging, and pie
ces ol rope, 1J cents, delivered either at Roek Island Factory
oral their store in Columbus, in the South corner Itooin
of Oglethorpe J louse.
D. ADAMS, Secretary.
Oct, 26. ts
AI a 1111 faftu rc r and Denier in
Stoves of every kind,
The Richest and Blost Fashionable Patterns,
Stove Trimmings ami Hollow Ware,
\TT All kinds of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Work, done
at the shortest notice.
oct 19 30—Cm
Billiard & Bowling Saloon,
Opposite the Lanier House,---Macon. La.
r |MIIS ESTABLISHMENT has recently been thoroughly
X renovated and splendidly furnished, hy the Proprietor,
who has lately purchased and set up two of
Winant’s Superior Billiard Tables,
for the accommodation of those who are fond of this pleas
ant and scientific pastime.
O’He has also refitted his BOWLING SALOON con
taining four good Alleys, with all the yeedful equipment for
this healthful and invigorating exercise.
3T His BAR is, as usual, well supplied with the choicest
*pw/'mil refreshments, and in a room separate and distinct
from the other Departments, so lhat all tastes can be grati
fied, without any unnecessary commingling of the solids
and liquids.
mT” Good order will be preserved, and every’ attention
will be given to make his guests feel entirely “at Home,”
xvhenever they may choose to gix’o him a call. Asa ‘re
treat’ from the cares of business, during the long winter eve
nings, the Proprietor flatters himself that his visiters may
“go further and fare worse.’
oct 19 [6m] E. E. BROWN.
no TICE..
TIIE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
the Subscribers, in the business of Hotel keeping, is this
day dissolved. All persons are cautioned aguinst crediting
any one in the name of said firm.
The undersigned will hereafter continue the “Mechanics’
Hotel” on his own account and hopes to afford the public
and his friends satisfaction. TllO. L. WILLIAMS,
oct 19 ts
In Chambers, October, 11th, 1850.
An election for two Justices of the Inferior Court of
Bibb County will take place on the 25th day of Novem
ber next, at the Court House, in Macon, and at the dif
ferent precincts of Bibb County, to fill the vacancies, oc
casioned by the resignation of their Honors Thom. Har
deman, Sen. and James W. Armstrong.
U’ Tel. and Mess. copy.
L'art de’ la danse ’et la Polite’sse.
MII. BOSSIEUX has the honor of announcing to the
I. i es and Gentlemen of Macon, that he will open his
i School the first week in tlie NEW CONCERT
HALL, entrance opposite Washington Hall.
He will merely state that his method of imparting the art
! is thoroughly systematic, and has been acknowledged to
surpass any offered in the Southern country, as it embraces
; all the forms of the above beautiful and deservedly fashion
able accomplishment: The latest novelties of the art as
now danced at Paris riu! the North, will he introduced by
I liiin, among which ure the following:
Polka & Mazurka Quadrilles, Fancy Dances. Spanish
Dances, Sicilian Circle, Rust e, Scotch, and Old Virginia
Keels, Hornpipes, Highland Flings, Contta Dancts, &o.
Days of tuition will be Friday ami Saturday Evenings,
! at 3 o’clock, for Misses and Blasters, tor Gentlemen the
1 same duvs at 7 8 & 9 o’clock, at night.
Terms” for session of Dancing, W altzing, Air. $10: “lie -
! three pupils are entered Immune family, the cltnige will he
; #‘J5. Mr. B. will also give instruction on the Guitar and
: Violin. Terms per session, $.7 —li.-t now open nt Mr. Jos.
1 M. Board man’s Book Store.
Macon Octo., 1 1, 1850. 20—5 l
I AAA Wool Hats assorted .qualities,
LUUU 10<9 Negro Blanket a assorted qualities,
1500 pr. Negro Shoes Superior quality,
200 pieces Negro Kerseys,
for sa4e by SMITH & OLIVER.
2 a smarts as ■a*.
f>IRS. DAMOITR informs the l.adies
I of Macon and vicinity, that her stock in
the above line isconrplate for Fall Fash
ion, with the most desirable Goods.—
As these Goods have been mostly pur
chased in Paris, for this place, they will
he sold cheaper than ordinary. Ladies
would do well to lake a good look at
them and compare then) with other Goods
beforp purchasing elsewhere. The Stock of SILK and
‘straw bonnets, ribbons, flowers, feath
SILK, is worth any one’s trouble to examine thoroughly.
! oclll ’ 3
llciiiiilgee Iron & Brass
rpilE Ocmulgee Foundry has been enlarged and furnished with
JL new and superior stork of tools, which will enable the subscrilie
to furnish work at the shortcut notice, in his line, of a superior char
acter. and at price’s as low as can be furnished elsewhere. 1 tic atten
tion of iMiiwrights and Machinists is earnestly requested to examine
this establishment. lam prepared to furnish
from 1 to tit) horse power, for saw mills or other purposes; Screw
Cuttings from I inch diameter to 2 feet, 10 feet long : Gear Cuttings;
Turning in all its branches; Finishing of all kinds of Machinery.
we are prepared to furnish all kinds of Castings of Iron or Brass ; Mill
Gearnfall kinds, of the most approved pnttems; Bevel. Face and Spur
tiear; Cast-Iron Water Wheels; GiuGtnr of all patterns, and sizes to
suit; Cotton (Jin work; Press Pulleys; Hand Railings, Eire-proof
Doorsane windows. (Vm.'try Railing, Gudgeons, Inks. Mill Spindles—
in fact, work ofany description that is done in an establishment of the
Persons interested in the business are repuested to examine this
concern. CHAB. P. LKA I.
Ocmulgee Fiatndry, Ist St. below .Sfnron .V ti'rstcrn Jiailrond . I —ls
iD w v KEGS Nails, assorted;
50 “ Brails, do.
gtl “ tine 3d nails;
1000 pounds Wrought Nails;
1000 do. Horse Shoe Nails;
15.000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware;
Swedes Iron, assorted;
Band, Hoop and Round Iron;
Nail Rods;
('ust and Herman Steel;
English and American Blister Steel;
In Store, and for sale by BRAY, CARHART & CO.
May M,1850. 12—ft
IYFX'EIYED at Bki.dkn & Cos.
\ 20 Cases Gouty Fine and Coarse Boots,
(lent* fine Gaiter Boots, Shoes and Slippers,
2ft Cases Negro Shoes Cheap for Cash, or approved
Credit. lm
IAMB, Linseed. Lard and Train oil. Window Glass and
J Putty, Paint Brushes and all kind of Colours for Pain
ters'use for sale by SMITH t$- OLIVER.
MRS. ASKEW would respectfully inform her
TT $ Til friends and the public, that she still continues
the Instruction of Voting Ladies on the Piano Forts, at her
residence on the west side of College Hill, where she solicits
that share of Public Patronage which a generous public may
see fit to bestow upon her. This being the only means left
Iter, lor the support of herself and orphan children, will, she
trusts, he a sufficient ground for giving the present notice.
Her terms will be !§BO, per term of ten months,
oct 4 28—ts
It v CASES Prints, assorted qualities;
IV* 5 do. Ginghams, do. do.
2 do. Lawns, do. do.
HI Cases Bleaelied Goods;
50 Bales Brown Domestics;
Caps, Kv. .leans, Flannels, vSlc.—for sale by case or piece,
ryeheapat KIBBEE &, DICKINSON’S.
July 3d, 1850. 14—ts
j A PRS. Cotton Warp, Ingrain and 3 fly Carpetings,
i ‘ ‘ Just received, and for sale lower than ever known in
this market. l>y KIBBEE &, DICKINSON.
Macon, July 3d, 1850. 14—ts
DISSOLUTION. — The copartnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, is dissolve! by mutual consent—to take
ellect on the Ist day of September next. Macon, August 20, 1850.
/,. T. CONNER.
aug 23 23— ts A. \V. MARTIN.
1. will be continued in the name nnd style of CONNER 4: TAYLOK
at the old Stand—where they will be ready to exert themselves to
serve all patrons and friends.
’/.. T. CONNER.
aug. 23 22—ts W. W. TAYLoR.
rpilE undersigned still continue their old business, and have at this
_l time, one of the Inrgpst and bst selected stocks of
Groceries in the state, which t my are at nlltimes prepared
to sell on thr most firm-able terms to Dealers or Consumers.
In addition to their regular business, tt ey are constantly receiving
consignments of TENNESSEE PRODUCE, Bacon,
Corn, I’ lotir, &c., which they will sell at the lowest market
pnee FOR C.isH. ‘ SCOTT, CARHART 4tCO.
April 18, 1850. 4—ts
Ware-House and Commission Merchants.
“PiroJProof Buil ling's.'’
C()TT()N AVENI’E. M.mhn, (Jv.'iiWWi
Thankful for past favors, the beg leave to say they will he con
stantly at their [lost, and that no efforts shall be spared to advance
the interest of their patrons.
They respectfully ask ail who have Cotton or other produce to
Store, to call and examine the safety of tin ir buildings, tiefore placing
it elsw here.
CrsTos iKV AnvANcKs on Cotton in fftore or Shipjied, and all busi
ness transacted at the usual rates.
Aptil 25th, 1850 s—ts
A \ Ilalf-Bar’la No. 1 Mackerel,
Is) 15“ “ “ 2 “
fresh caught, for sale by SMITH &. OLIVER.
Steam Engines & Boilers,
.Ilso,of Graving and shafting fur MIL!.S,of trrry description;
Also, Irons for
Bullock’s celebrated Cotton Press,
KEPT constantly on hand; the whole of which are Warranted
to bros thr brgt. materials and workmanship, and will lie sold on
accorrtniodating terms.
ZW Work Shops opposite Presbyterian church , comer Fourth and
tVainut Streets.
Macon, Apul 18,1850. 4 t s
JUST RECEDED u complete assortment fall Style j
Hats and Caps.
lm J.LLDEN A CO. j
mmmmm \xmny
Published at Nofiixulga, Aiabama.
John C, Burriiss, Ediior & Proprietor.
THIS PAPER is the nrgan of the I livers !i-t .
nomination in the Southern and South-Wi -4>
States, and will be as heretofore, devoted to the re L: .
of nnr Ismtl and Savior, Jesus Christ. The promt)
lion and defence of the het.ign doctrine of l nit
iirace ns inscribed on the pages of Divine InspirtHi.
Litetature, the Markets, Sdettie and General In
It will give energetical essays on supposed difl
passages of Scriytnre—repel assaults that are i
mad** against the doctrine of Universal Salvation,
which, al! good people pray) and labor to establi
vond successful cavil, “by proofs divine, and re;:.-? t.
strong,” that God will finally destroy sin and te - :
front the Universe and “reennile all things vntohi:n
[col. 1 , 20.] thoroughly trash'd and regenerated !
The unprecedented success which has thna far a>’, -
ded the ‘Herald,’ has induced the Editor to publi c
every week, in an improved form, commencing in Ja
ary next, at greatly reduced rates.
As additional expense will necessarily lie incurred
is to be hoped that the friends of libera! principles, w
at once exert their utmost influence in procuring ne
subscribers, and thus aid in sending llte ‘Herald’ irit
many desolate regions of our Zion, where the voice c
the preacher is but seldom heard.
Toe Editor is pleased to stare that Revs. C. E. K
Shefiane. S. J. McMorrris, Almon Gage. I). B. Clayton,
and others are regular contributors to the work, from
whore instructive pens, the columns of the ‘Herald’ will
be weekly enriched.
‘l’he reputation of there brethren is too well known tr
require any elogitnn from our pen. Snffice it to say
that with their concentrated action, the Editor \vi!i labot
dilligentlv to make his paper an acceptable exponent ol
the greatdoctine of ‘the restitution of all things.’ [Act
Terms :—lf paid in advance - 02 oft per an
*• 0 mo's - - 250 “
“ during the year 300 **
3 copies for ..... $5
{ 7 “ 10
j 10 “ ..... 15
| O’ Money can be sent by mail at the risk of the Edi
’ tor, to whom all communications should be addressed.
THE NEW OMNIBUS, built to nnkr e\
[iressly (or the Fi.ov n an 4 Lanifr Hoi -v
is now running to and from each Railroad
tZS&m df TS'|ir>t. I all- fur prir .tr pass rgrrs mm*
punctual! v, on notification being made at either House, or our stable.
June 14,1850. 12 —ts
TTnliiT"& COLUivS,
•Var‘-llotiM‘ &. C’oiiimiKsioii nen bautx,
a> WILL continue business at their’ \.
WAREIIOI'SK, op(ionite Messrs.,
Ross 4z Cos. Cotton .Irt nur. Urate-
ful for the |tronage extended to yyZJjj/LJgD
them the past season, they tt new the temlerof their .
services to their former patrons and the imhlic, with the assuraner
that, astliey have no interest, either direct or indirect, in thr purtkerc
•f Cotton, their CUtire attention will be devrued to ther ief>T
ests entrusted to them.
for Bauoino. Ropk and other M*R< nvniusk. wiltbe
filled carefully and |>r<Hii|rtly, and the customary advance* made on
Produce in Store.
May 24, 18511. 0— ly
/\ BBLS. Rectified Whiskey;
)vl 100 do. Italthfiore do.
100 - do. Phel|is’ Gin;
75 - do. Rum.
Also, 10 Bids, t )ld Family Rye Whiskey, n purr article.
Just received and for mile by - DUUTT, CARHART & OCli-
April 18, 1850. 4—ts
r pitK. undersign: uis now prepareilto furnish 818 IWX'S PATENT
The Tress of nil Presses —upon terms that cannot fail to satisfy
all reasonable men. Planters who de-ire to put up their Cotton n
packages larger and more com,met than ran possibly lie done by -in
other Press now in use, and at less ex|iense, are invited to cal’ and v
aniine the Model of Mr. Brown's invention, and obtain an explanation
of its wonderful merits. CHARLES? P. LEY V.
May ft, 1850. 7—111) [Ormu’gee Foundry, Cotton .decsue
to tlteir old friends :
I for tlie reception of Conijiany.
Having had it erected and fitted up at great ex|>erse. i ■n, • :
eral, elegant and extensive scale, they confidently esj •! a r
patronage. ‘B. LAN:’ -•
June 14. 1850. - I ;—tf
Instore, aad for sale by SCOTT, CARHART Jc CO
April 18.1850. 4—ts
100 Dollars Premiums
\PUKM Il'M of one hunt!red dutlars will tie [inid by the sitlicri
. her to any citizen of the State, who will produce a PRE.vS
’ FOR PACKINU CO’ITON equal to the Rltlloch C'omfiOflKtl
; Press, in point of economy, compactness, strength and
! durability. ROBERT FINDLAY.
May 24. 1850. ft —tt
? E. S. ROGERS respectfully informs the public that
, |*7- -tj lie has now tlie sole charge of this old established and will
! A -JL-laj known Hotel, which has recently undergone thorough r<-
| pair.and that he will spare nojiainsfor the accommodation of those
: who may give him a call. Every department of the Hall will lie under
I his personal u|H’rvisioo.and every exertion will lie made to keop up
the establishment to the extreme point of neatness, comfort and good
c *‘‘r. E. S. ROGERS.
■May 31, 1850. 1 0 —ts
i Anvils, 75 Vices,4l) Be Hows, lOOOIbs Sledge>
*V/ Latent Stocks and Dies, rut from jto 1$ inch. Just
received uiul for sale hv BRAY CARHART, CO.
Macon, Sept 13, 1850. 25—ts
1(1 *’ It\LES Heavy Gunny doth;
JLet 50 pieces Dundee Ragging;
1000 Coils Kentucky Rope;
250 “ Russia 18 ply Rojie;
1500 Llis. Twine;
2000 Sacks Salt—now in Store and for sale in lot* to suit purcha
sers, now. KIBBEE 4c DICKINSON.
June 7. 1850. ,] —jf
For Sale.
VIIOTSE couotaining Four Rooms, with all necessary our
Buildings with an excellent well of Water on the premises
near the residence of Alex. McGregor. Possession giveu immedia
tely. E. E. BROWN.
S[it. 18tli, 1850. og t s
O TONS Assorted Pots. Ovens, Spiders, Skii.lkts, in store, ana
{<n * ,le ’*>’ BU.VY, CARUABT 4c <X>.
sep 11. 26 — ts
if BW flll,l
THE undersip'tHsl have just com piffl'd their SPLENDID
NEW STABLE on the comer of Mulberry’ and Third
Streets, nearly oppxisite the Floyd House, where they keep on
luuid sake and well broke iiorses and evtTy variety of
Conveyanee for the accommodation of their friends and tlie
Single Horses and Drovers will be attended to with the ut
most eare and on accommodating terms. As the Proprietors
have bnt ONE STALL can therefore give their per
sonal attention to their business, they feel eoutident of being
able to give universal satisfaction. Board of Horse 75
oentt; per day. T. M. MASON,
March,2l ISso—ly MILUAV r UPS r^