The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, March 22, 1860, Image 1

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■ ■ —■ “—- —• ™ - —i ■ VOLUME 10. THE GEORGIA CITIZEN a mISHKP tvKRT FRIDAT morning bt L V. w. A N D R E W S . ( . r-h H -ne *ft .Uii /us, < Kerry Street, Two D' r * betasr Th rd Street. i2AW iH-r anouiu. iu njianrr “'Y'th< r** mr will be >.< O'Mar *>u “irrti w trar or urr. I r the Itrrt inter ‘i. t'ntt he trek - i'.rtjuent iutertioo. All ad •*- .. ~a .jrriflrtl at • time. wirl be naU Ti - \ A liberal <lcoiii allowed ■ *• “illjijJrrtSec he th year. * _ , r a mule with County Otßeem. ’ Let. Nil''—tT| and utk-i% who may wish to .mhe ’ ; f.LI an I Btulnen Card* will be laaerted on f— f .llowimc rate*, *U:* iieranauu ....♦>oo * 8* I t-Joe*. a ° 1000 of tale clam will be admitted, aniem yaid - * vwt r.o than twelve moth*. Jd * 1 ■ .r ten lino> will be • l.arjfd pro rgta. Ad * ‘ a ot pM tor ia advance wli. tie charged at the Soiirr* {over Urn timer, will be charged at the Via*! arrmmU f -an.lklate* f -r ‘Aloe to be paid for a and bearwe*. be Bxrcut.xa, *<•->! i.irtr *”r n-<ju red by law to he adeertued in a ” “ _L, for ‘'-V* plevielßa to the day of aalr. I beee ■ 4 4 tL l a the B'd Tcewtar in the m-teh. between •’ * „,]# ten in the foren •> and three Ir. the *feniitn, Y ■•.■*■ .n the.-ounty la which the property is atw ,rs at Personal Property most be advertised in like *'adrr i” lh*btwr hd t redltom of an Estate mart be ¥*’ X'lWion will be made to the Ordinary for wir ’ n.t Nrgroea. must be pn’ ikdied weekly for ’ Letters of Adraiiila’.ra'ion. thirtv days; for f "7m Admitdrt—ioa. monthly. alt months; for °s a f. n tiinutl'r weekly, forty days. tZ.Utt Koreelos la* of Mart .aura, ninthly. be l rm. I r the full cfao I thre |*v mibelhnc titles from executor* or adnilniwra- I 7,. , ,a.i hi. bseu given by the deceaeed, the frill t <awe Jilil US BUSINESS CARBS dr. r. h. nisbet ft vfjCEon Cherry Street over Afunartl A ; \ Jetrrlry Store. oct 12 ts “TUOI’T HOUSE, .VTLANTA, Geo., Bv J D. GILBERT A CO. nptad*tf jimuel H. Washineton ITTORAEY AT I.IIV, Macon, G-a, |t M fatfcic all the Cnnr'iee of the MACAK CIR I r.sal .l tar Counties of Waaiuugton, Wilkinson and .v.acertHalL over Payne'* Drug Store. j I INSURANCE RISKS. TAKE.s FOR JSTA INSURANCE & BANKING CO. AND übuna Fire Marine Insurance Cos. LA>-IKK * AJSOERSON. rl ;f Agenta. Macon. J ~ IROWH’S jjjHOTEL. It IROWX r.s. takes kU son. William F. Brown nprarrsi t with him. and thU Hotel will hereafter be | maim use of MOWN A MV I t BROWN. I WkL F. BROWIf. *v ko-ivwAw ; 0. B. RICE, •.ten kn o em •tPAiRta OfPIA.NO POnTK®, IPraaaeatly located in Maeon. t Names may .fill Imri. T rfij’k and at a i. Johnikon k On. art—t DE. A L. CLINKSCALES Sl^aiirra-four rewrain Macon in a spcees-fnl pracs *• vt.t iledlriiielnal! Its 1-mhche* ; thaaktui for part ■ to offer hi* pr .fe-e nal service to the CM tl j a ur. I *nrr. r ,dtng eountrv. ff.i In.r Dr drohevker's Drug Jstore, aad rrwldrmce ehe .w. -• .ere be can be lh- nd at alt ton “ n, . - 2 s. esscat, end will attend promptly .oail eslis left t uevyhc;. nov It w—m IR. V. J. ROOSEVELT, fIUKKPITUIC PHYSICIAN, ••f* and BeMideiice, Corner Sainnt and 3rd ft reel. Mar*, Gn. AR-ly j L. . WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAOOB, 6A. *•* aeruo Concert Hail,over fayirt Dmg Stnte —m^mim— LEOVtRD T. DOl'-IL, Attorney at Zjaw * <nrifflll, <*H. | I'flClsa Hut BUvrt. between W -Jraf'i Carriage R* fpetaryaag he.iLam', ure Store. ®-*-iy L. T. DOTAL. J. BKiYHtn, attorney at law, Mao on, Georgia. W u.jnrt m iB the Macon Cirenit. sad ia the count— Putnam, W'i.ktneon and Sumpter. r fl r l i iWmhtQgt.Hi block neat door to J. M. Bmod f ocas : KSIGNS TOR MONUMENTS -BY- Hobt. E. Launitz, K. J. JORSTON. A CO- AgerA. bulk-ts Mno.a. Oa. FATTEN & MILLER PiTTSI, HITTOS A €♦.) Commission Merchants 9ATAMXAH, GEORGIA. J r*TTKK. a.. J. MILLS*. _ *• ‘■ -ly , l E. FREEMAN, M. D. ,n j-nd to Mac-m. PrntcMfonal -cvrei | vjrTotuuU* / o .o iry. od M j . 4 riiiu!.• o. rtSh maxci.l *• •- j ,v.p- t iLxt in lOLi.idiTxl-’ ii ff tii. fact I . £***-* pm. n.rtr— r pl.wwf. nrt trow* |jm iwfbisnlllfiU. bt wCI briibtrJlj pal j *_. —* ir ttm-ioa Ul(MgivM to Plantation. <1 j s**tk*. C"** tu >ng “tor* of Dr. M. . m -ir ‘ DR WM. F. HOLT Will rind prnaptiy, 4ri>> ,! rft.tferrat ,ct.r Dow dr* ft *nd hie reihieem !a VInTUJ, repportli March ll—lx* dr. B F. GRIGGS T*s? El ? *' iri(lßi.i*lnic.iiolhtrrwin*flb .■L?*—‘l fertitr. OFFICE ar Plumb Street. OpportU v ”lHrjwa Hctn. where he c a batoaadat ‘"'•tlktjmr -4 nlht Btn * *u Notice. ha*ti>— a* tha earner of #• ’ . .. ‘***7 >*. The i.*~ * m.O yiof Ui* Srm Br* fre ® tnUOT nr XT ft Cn..t*tM -t IK. I- K.v.l _ T Thcnhfn, for ib* uh*r! -rrooa.>fth paat * • r*' tf tU.cucUaaai.r.ii.Aianerol. ir'rlra4a, -.*2 r, ** r *-7. j.ukxkt ZHU>. LIOMED W. HCXT. ’ ANTED TO HIRE! Nero©. I TV* *♦• Mali Ra 4 fawanaf wactta hlra *• W * oc. rawatr. w thor Roal for tba ■ Jj*'; aiao. a. M N.fa Iwa MC'b^ 2*’ “* wifi h* pal 4 C J * . ■'lth J. V iUn Jtprrtor. Ft VtV M-avUy if Wtta tha aafwertaarat the arttoi In *• trt TIRO IL .•OWMMM. Bm * , DR. E. A. BIETTADER, r H 1 L52 * years IT, thii *3t u* k Umt **** bruited Ids practice al ii wiiU? 4 "’ “" •ectf'fiy owenhunt*. •“ rTuunji •J. C. EDWARDS, ’ j Real ZXstate Broker, : t WiM‘ r T* rrooipt and personal attention to Bovin* ’ Un **?'dt. Pretty, htaminlng 1 i.le-* Ah.erts.niag ifce twine of Re| f state. Renting Knner y. I j and uj'i u* T.e*. Jert ,in!H*tr,a*ei . al deal Kiae Ar ey. Wstory npstairs,in lur.Strobe.A,ra bnliding. Oct. 10—ts TU3ERS & LEWIS, OKERRY STREET. i€ox,e.. H AVE Inst received a larrec,rtner.t of Oror-riee. I>r< i Good* and Crockery, which they wdl sell ae low a* the ! j n r-e hi. ught ia ih. city. oct.9—f DR. .GEO. G. GRIFFIN T FAYING permanently Ineateg b‘mf-'fln Mw'im. respset 11 *"" v tender* h:s prufeset nai services to the public. OFFICK on id street, ia Hshingteu Block I MM—— A Card. A (iteiMiinfCivfrAPTml conntipp. mtn?o 1 4*L *kn <liUiit frun %t.VfD. lism rwtlttd Iu my frvq<iebt iwmccfW(u th< city. F<irttw pafpfhf ofajTordlig me mor* j time to A’ltnl to nay hewirewt iier* and in thi eircui*, 1 hwve ! *a*eclated mmy practice* win To!. K. W. lawve •flarice urvtice and rtputat i'je, whcMC re> idcncc in Atinr'ta < w.Il autf - n/.c* m- in fivi* % con*taii nnd cic ul'e atteut : on to •!! ciav |fiivjkd io mt K ni> in thl ci*y. where m? iLter e*u are im>w *till Anniy anil tLuro.chi v idenrihed. Mnc n. H-tt 0.4. UiCMRANE. Exchange on NEW YORK FDR SALE AT THE MANUFACTURER'S BANK. *nar 29—ts CRS. M’CONALD & VAN GIESEN, DENTISTS, Blatk, Miron. Ct., ILBmiCITT r.Klf IN EXTRACTING tfeth. \| eltON \ IJ)>i To-itl: I’a.ti ■’ ny. uc hsrnl uli! for sa’e, .*l. UmiKicsa ‘ a i-upt ‘i-d with the Inert style ol Trrlk. alao Gold Foil. Gold and Mlver Plate and U ire. Lathe Kit .also with any kind ot instruments or M it* rial, on thoraotice. oef. lg—ts M. STl'BRd | JNO. G. PATTON. STUBBS & PATTON. Attorneys at Law, AND General Collecting Agent*, )l*rn orgt*. UfILL i>ra<*Hf-e ir tin* rottntie-* i-onip-f- ng the Tt bfcon cimi-i. iTi'l tn ttieevn-nt!e e>e inaliw*. .Virifis. Jaeptr, .-iswjdo. Junes. Baker. Btu- ‘ki and Srkley. and in :tnr e nnty in tin* State- by -.p.- -ial cam tru t. ST*-irtr*t perm mat attention girt nto all elam* rnfri*/ed to amr rare. >rti -o in Horne new bud ime. Cherry ,-treet, op po->iu* Carhart'a A Curd's new Hardware Store. jt-ly Butt’s Map of Georgia, ffT A few Copies of this- new and elegant Map of Georgia For Hale, at this Office, CHEAP FOR CASH! Orders Respectfully Solicited Jiov. 9, —ts. LUV FARTIMMIF. HILL && HILL, Hrrrrt* to th* l*T hi* of STUBBS A Hitt, WILL i rw-W la ,b* Mac *n and adMning ‘'o--''"*- mi dm Usekuprrui. F *rml uit* t_e tamv rt heretofore by thslatr Irm of sitr..,b** ~ ‘ HILU JNO. K HILL. ‘^ ou ’ Tv t vr u a, ann-T * day m pmteer of ftub,s s HUi. BOOK BINDING. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS B ads to OTtltr for Courts and Counting Houses, a4 c iiabcr. printed on the pacr wttiioal *tr j charts*. Magazines Mmc and Law Books Booed la -ant andebanp rtylra. DhVlDßO^^^^Tson. (OFiitTNERSIUP MITICL tttE the utdrmgued have ihw day formed \ V e limited Copartnership, under the name OF SUEERS A LEWIS, j and have purchased the eutire Stock ol Dry Goods & Groceries, OF THE LtTK FIRM OF D. F. CLtRKE * CO~ assfiwi.- _u *"• r Ltms ’ , P • i n rwrwm. Ir.iebtrd to ta the lata inn of D. r. C^ViVoJlT^-te • anthorUrf) U. ooUt the inaUaul L . Oct, t—U | CARPETINGS!! Floor Oil Cloths, Ivl attin os, RUGS & MATS! a sgwwSSHSESffiS rt ha*e. .Bared in Maano. Aho, Satin, DeLaine, Damask, LACE and MUBLINK Window Curtain*. wixduw snaDca, otru.T coawcas and baxds cnnaalt thrtr iLtermt by rtock brf f hny.n*. B.r.tu***- Itanwi. Jnly >.’. LOST I X he City or Varon.nft the 4th ©*• . 1 ma.l. I.v citat. K. to Hettv lyrk rtt or U iiVr. fr <mk* hunilnil **W and lled I lbeoa.Jaa.lM. IN*, ami dae on jmr t*ftre Uh- l-t .lay Juu. that- All peiwoiM ATkH."*^’ tnadingif>r Mid TAOMAH *T\ HRs. jah A—Si * ! CALL AND SEE The AmHM IVORFTYPES At Wood’s Photographic Gallery. mraotfe. amaated eiaawtere la C.r*tak alejiataepe • Jssts I -f ; *•’ “ ““V to WOOD. MACON, GA., . THURSDAY, MARCH ‘22, 1860. E. SAULSBURY INFORMS his frier.d* and curdomei* that he has removed ( j| to lira New and ftUfaul Brown Mue Kuild;ng Two j Doonfrom his Old B?and, ard uirectJy upprite t? • L'tticf Bouse, wheie he t PFern on the mom fawraf le ,‘orr.s, one of mo%tchoice Mocks of Ready Made Clothing to h fennd in the city. Ihr stock is entirely NEW. com p riling, in pert, bia, k ar.a,y Cam-inn ic laid*; K’Uie UrtrtrtkF various slvles: rich Silk and Csfih mere Yert*. Black and Fancy I> i ss. K’rock and Busiiieus Coat*, lie has alao a coo plete assor mebt of Men’s FurnMiing Bonds, Such as, Hoaiery. Patent Shonli er Seim SSiits, Drawers, Gloves, Suspenders, Cravat*. Tier, Coil rs, Rol> de Cham bre. Ac. Hi* Merchant Tailorn:* Depart • rnt Is snpjlied with a Ikrge aid ’1 [e rlf r ’ tuck of (’ll th**. (';iss n eres end t'eetings, aad 1* under tbr direction of a competent Cutter. Macon, Nov. i, 1559. Perfumery. A very large amortmeLt of Basin's, A L> w V “ Lu bin's, i Also the most celehrated Hair on*. Colognes Extracts I Soap, Ir. For rule by ’ -T* ?> ZEI LIN A B U XT. Fast Presses! Now Typo!! LEWIS H. ANDREWS; BOOK & JOB PRINTEB, NEAP. RALSTON’S NEW HALL. (Ur Stairs.) CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. The proprietori* prepared, with the aid of FAST PRINTING MACHINERY A Y D KH W TYPE, To execute t’ e largest order of nnvde.veriptioE of work with DISPATCH, ar and in a worknunlike manner, at living rates. Foil CA. IX . junelH—tf MiCOV X H LM LII V It. KOIU. mmmm 1 ON and alter n July, trains will be run as follows; Leave Macon at lSnighl, Arrive at Atlanta 7.15, A. M. j Leave Macon at 10 A. M.. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00, P. M. Laava Atlanta at 12 ugbt. Arrive at klacou 7.16 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M„ Arrive at Maeon 5.(0 l\M. The 10a. m. train from Macon connects with the Western A Atlantic Ri-ad at 8 -to, p. m.; connects with the Georgia K'tid 12 at i.lght,and Atlanta A West Point lpiud at 12 5 a. m. The night train will not he run on Sundays, The completion of the Virginia and I ennesree RaiF Road makesthb the most .-vieaaant and direct route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Throojfh ticketbto *hi*.h mny be !.a<l :;t Atlanta, for $26 25 lat.udii.*r > T ii4e fare. 47 FO, UHUo>ew Y*rk for#S3 00. I r ’ifUierUiTt*nimtiui. wiuy b* >u tu titlh Route. oil iDpttcrfftßt to tht Otjucrul Ticket Otßc, Allan’s, juiy itt-tf, ALFRED L. TYLER, THE BB&T PI A* OS MADE. Wf E art now receivin*:. to our already selected stock of 1? Plena*, the rjlel)rated Steinway Pianos. 1 iieaeßftrumentr liaveal .aystak. n tt eflrst prires in all fniis. whereverexhihit* and, aiot are Ihe only Piano, u-idand retomn. i,i!ed hy the ts-st atiids, and Eus cal Celeltr ites, as Timm, rci arfen! erg. Mi is. fatter. Lhteld Goitbalk. tg’ol- j I nh*'i> t. and * h**t of others. They use oiilyastetnwaj’* ( for pnbiic and private use \\ e do notpoesesa gas enough to endeavor to create an ex citement b> n grtutvry with ms li'tlr wool.” or , ti v ing to hove ■ (Tin the s>out* ern market whet they nim cviJt at the North ; neither would we be agents tor pa'ent Pianos, titch live ■ne (l.iv and die the n. xt. as we had an j example in the • vfinasti ot'acbme t” P anos, which were the —go” a few Mars back, and which no one wants now; j but we keep an article which all must acknowledge to be the !>e-t who profess to know the nt>T. persons who know u* w.ll, we lirttar otuaelve*. acknew- j ledge a* to he judges, and to sTangers we rav ‘hat we will , piTeent any perw-u with One Handled Doll*i who can pro- i dn<-< a piai,i*. AmaLur or professor, rea ding in Georgia, who is superior as teacher or nlaier to our H L Schreiner ; and further, a like sun e| t pose to anv intr'''’ *J> n wl *l disprove that we now ha*-* aput ilthat is ,nperi-rin Music to ‘ nine-tef'hs of allthe pr- fes-ors inttie M:ite 04 Georgia. All Pt iosiOl-1 at New York 1 rices, freight only added , *lae 17 lv J.MI. O. st.'il KklN KR A tSO.sti. GRANITE || HALL OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE. f |fHE SutMcnber h** oHued the above Ilali for (he accoiu -1 modaUon of l>a> Ikwrdure ai.<! Tnirtsleijt CudomtsTb— r,ii Houf*e l* now offered ajui.feriur to no other Ho tel in the >outh, and Irona it* ceairal location, it* airr rcoma. nffer? rreat and aecoinxnodatioiia to rainillea and Transit nt ponoßt. ‘i he public mar expect fn>m Ihia Hcuae,ali U*e iuxurieaaiid comfort* to be in any ...... hnthl B. K. iJEnMI, an! U tt Uteoftbe Fioyd House, | Oysters, Game, Ac. % C. H. FREEMAN, t CO, ARE now ready to rerve Cuftonicm in every style of the Ua?trt.nomlc art. with FISH, FLESH, AND FOWL, frauitk’ Scahoar.l,a.Vell a*of IKref.Uame. from Knltoc ; luaraet New Vms, by every'tnawer. ‘ Tlrev hav. il mad- arrangement, f-,r reynl irsnpplliwot Chicken*.Turkeys ac-from Cherokee Ocmla. and Tenues- ( see d-tTtnc the season, and solicits call froiu iheir friends and Uepah-lc. BOOTS AND SHOES. AT THE SIWX OF THE BIG BOOT, No. 3, Cotton Avenue, u ~ *■ ’ h Washington Rlock, Dlacon, Ga. THE would re turn their thanks for the a TMrtlbcfltsMl IdHffonUiiifi YiJL!'u:ur* eitcodcd to t!utu ,|— _ jt£. would niit re-'pviifully ffigE* solicit a cot.iiuuance of the r-'SI sane. We have now in More ° l!r WEEKLY ;4r Additions will made, of all the dMlSrent tfyles ami patten., n. isllv cal'r.l for if a dioe store, ami wouidinvite those wish ing to pun h oe, U> call and and c\:ml..e mir st. H-k, a., me are W^_tf * i:mluW “““y MIX £ KIKtTaNP. I 3GAINING, L scroll sawing, Turning, Carving, Bracket and Or namental Work, Oet. 1* tt X vie to order by T. * O WOOD. Plantation Brogans. ■^srsir*- ! tieasaak? oct-i.-rf _ JEt O OTS.ift \rCI.L as.wtrtn.ent of Gent'sflne French Calf Rout, pump sole, welted and water ir..<f."f rarim„ l J.. and th KVgßmiht i aetvedandfor w<’ bf MIX A Ct,B.retf , Land Agency. THE subscribers are prepared to make location* Lar.4 in all of the North-western States—lowa- Minaesota, Wiecoortn and the Territories of Nebraska Isnd Kanmaa, and solicit co M i f nments fund* rvw“r rauto. For terms apply to JNO. fa JMO. B. DWlNMK.L,bodl,WUcon*ln aprlT 4-ts DR. ABBETT’S VEGETABLE LIVIR AND DYSPEPTIC - Mcdicino, A9AFE and elTectn *1 remedy for ail kinds of Liver Dis eases and indispositions that origina'e !i >m a diseased state • r Inactivity of the liver; aNo.hts Blood t-til, ean be had of Zc Hi n tV Hint, , r-rner of 2d \ Cheiry Ms., n,a con. Ga., and of J. 2<, Mar Fowtrsvill**, Hou* C ~ Oa., L. B. ABI3ETT, Proprietor, Q >'<! wA*y-lr Tlmmaton, Ga. LIKELY NEGROES. FIRTT Likely tngroes, lietwcen tte ag s rfter. and tw, n ty-Bve years old, for sale a, thg Mart, coi IIIr of 4th and Poplar m reels, Macon Oa. C. K". &TUBHS. Oct. 2ii,-bm. For 1 fk/k noXEHfANDY, Ivv 10 Boxes L* at >ugar, 110 Bane's Sugar, SOo backe Coffee, luti Boxes l obacco, 5u (4*l t’igara, 100 Gross Matche?. July 14—ts. J. B. A W A fiOSS. ]S I iscella neons. GAS FIXTI'RES, POCK KT AND TABLE (TTT.FHY. KAZOKS AND FANCY CUTI.EHY, PORTABLE DESKS. DRESSING CASES. FANCY BASKETS. PARIAN STAICETTS, iKtPBLF. I SINGLE GENS, COLT S PISTOLS, CANES. PORT MONIES & PI’RSES, | MI RSCiIAI'M PIPES, CIGAR HOLDERS, ! OPERA GLASSES. SHELL A ORNAMENTAL COMBS, FANCY HAIR PINS, BACKGAMMt )N BOARDS, CHESS MEN. DOMINOES, BILLIARD BALLS, CITES. LEATHERS & CHALK, With many now and uesirulile articles not oniitne- 1 rail'd. Anew and fine selection for sale at low prices. By e. .I. Johnston a co. BILL m WM FffltlS!” 1859, ’(>(). MRS. F. DESSAU,! MULBERRY STREET. HAhiJont Mum and from York and I Id 7 J 8 now oj t** in*r invoices of rich Drc t s if TjyStrvW Gooda, real t rench DpLuint DreasUood*, I Jt'Velet and Hiuvt*r Cloth Cl>aka, Basque, w-W^Vr^r \H! Dr si 1 rlmmir gs, liibbons, rial *i bread afid Silk 810 and Lace*. Yei la, HairOrna p nipiitf, Ac., &c.. kl of latest ri jioi tations, *fk ‘ m and would invite h*r lady ptroresm, j /a and lMtlits nunlly to y e her a c.i 1. J. 9 Will pen on Weduf *d iy. Hept. SBtb,. j GL J? an BtMortment of t er-est style Yelvrt and Hn Strtw Bonnets, Head Drosses, Ladled Dr** f'ltj s, Coifures, *kc„ Ac, f if~ ‘*rders from the country promptly attended to. Lib ! nl dedaciioi a f* r ca h sales. hept. Fall & Winter Trade. 1859. 1868. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO., H.\ VE.iii st received and otter lor sale on the most favorable term, the most elegant, extensive and varied stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Solid Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Gas Fixtures, Fans, Cut lery, &c.. &e., &c., ever offered in th s market. A call either for pastime or to purchase and care ful comparison of qtuditiea, styles and prices is res pectfully solicited. Mullmrry fit., 3d door aliove Lanier House, Maeon, Gei irtia. E. J .JOHNSTON, G. S. OBEAR painting! rWIHE subscriber i rateful for past favors respectfully 1 forms his trienc's and tli public that he has formed a partnership with Christopher Burke, late of New York eity. LOVI & mjRKE, . lI.IIWCOFiTMSTE PAPER HANGERS, Mricon, - AUorder* in Towi or country pui.ctually amt all work fli.iphed in the latest styles atd at moderate prices. *uov 16swAw 3a HENRY LOVI. 3IAKBLE WORKS! J. I. ARTCFE A SOM, Manufacturers of and Dealers in FOKIIIGX AN D DOMESTIC MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, FU UN ITU RE, SLABS, &c., Corner of 3rd ;ml I'liimh §tx. MACON, GA. apj 11—ts. THE COLLINS WARE HOUSE PUBLIC AUCTION! On the Ihi Tuesday of April. SALE POSITIVE, WITHOUT RESERVE! ritHIS valnaMecity property, willpooitirply In’ hold 1 ns ift<ivs.iid, l>cfi>re thn door, on tho Ist Monday in Muroli next, to the highest bid der, without reserve. Terms of sale a follows: of the purchase money, fl.Oisi to bo made due. and papable Jan. 10th, lsf.l. ji.ouo. .... .. i. imii. im;o. SI,OOO, “ “ “ *• “ loth, 1*63. $1.00(1, “ “ “ “ “ loth, lltt'4-, re re re re 10f|,. IM6. fI.OOO, re re re re re 10th, 18*j(.. 11.000, “ “ “ “ “ 10th, ISfiT. iI.(MS), “ “ “ “ “ 10th, 186 Sf The remainder to be divided nw follows: One hnl to l>e paid, in easli on the day of hale, and the other twelve months therefrom. All the sme payments, to la- made payahte with interest from sale day, and to Ire* arranged by the purchasers bill of exchange, mede due and payabieat some Bunk in Macon. A lond ohligating to umiake titles, on eornpletion of mjiWMi, to la fnrnitlibl the purciotser. To those aequainMd with the prop- rlv it is unnecessary to say that it is eligibly located in an improved and grent- Iv improving part of the city, and that the structures thereon are of the best and most substantial order. For terms at private safe, apply to us. (Titles in disputable.) jn-lm J P. WINTHH ft C<). sßTkteJlrmt]. Fruin the Louisville Jumna. A SIAOiULAtt PUEWO.aEIVOU Forty years there lived on I Blue river, in Indiana, a venerable man of German descent, by name of B. with bis wife, ulso well stricken jin years. „\lr. it. was a highly re i sjiectable citizen, well to do in the j world, and settled and opened his farm on Blue river before it Avas a | ‘ritate. llis house was a large two -1 story building of hewn logs, two r >oins above and two beloAv, with a j two story gallery in front, running j the whole length of the building. 1 his ancient couple had two daugh ters, their only children, handsome and attractive. The elder, when about twenty, was married to a young gentleman who resided some eight or ten miles from Mr. R. The 1 young couple lived together happily ! for about a year, when the young ! wife came to her parents* house to i he confined. Two or three days af- i ter her confinement the mother and infant both died. This was a sad blow to all. The bereaved husband and father were overwhelmed with atilietions. \\ bile he was a widower,, he sjieut miicli of Lis time in his fa ther in-law's house. About a year after his bereavement he married Mr. R.’s second daughter, with her parents’ consent,and took her to his 1 home, leaving the old people alone. One warm autumn evening, in the year 1820, old Mr. B. sat alone in his gallery, while his wife was en gaged about her domestic concerns j in the house. About dusk a stranger , rode up and alighted from his horse, . and approaching Mr. JL, asked him it he could he entertained for the night. Mr. R. agreed to entertain i the stranger, and desiring him to he ; seated, took the horse to the stable,, and returned to the gallery where , the straneer still sat. Mr. B.’s ac count of the stranger was,that he! appeared to boa middle-aged man,’ but to all appearances active and alert. lie declined the invitation to supper and retired at an early hour. .11 is bed-room was up stairs, and he also declined the candle offered him. j Tii., L,tly ’-"ti'•>,!, siikl hoHi-d no more of the stranger for the night. Mr. lh ; as usual, rose early the next morning, while it was yet dim twi light, hut early as it was he found the stranger up and equipped for his journey. The horse was brouglft up to the gate, the stranger offered to pay, but Mr. It. refused. Wben about to leave, the stranger said he was in great doubt whether or not he ought to inform his host of what had occur red to him during the night in his house, but he felt it a duty to do so The stranger then informed Mr. It. 1 that he had gone to heel, and lay with his face to the open window near him. The moon shone so brightly ou the window-sill, that he could see objects distinctly, and while lying, and looking out the win dow, he saw an infant, to all appear ances newly born, pass in at the window into the room where he lay that he heard it walk on the floor —that it repeatedly passed down and up the stairs—that he could dis tinctly hear the footsteps on the stairs—and that it continued to go about the chamber and up and down the stairs all night, and that at the first crowing of the cock for day light, it passed out of the window, at which it had entered,and disap peared. The stranger said he had not slept during the night ; that he was under no delusion, but in bis sober senses bad seen all that lie lmd related. Mr. 11. felt much astonished at this account, and while musing on it the stranger mounted bis horse and rode away, and Mr. Ji. saw him no more. Mr. Jl. could not account for the stranger’s story, only hy the suppo sit ion that he had dreamed, or that lie was deranged. He did not inform his wife what he had heal’d. Night tame again, aud Mr. 1L pro ceeded to the chamber where tho stranger had slept,.and seated him self quietly on the bedside. He walked some time, and neither saw nor heard anything to confirm the strange story, amt was in the act of rising to proceed down stairs, when lie distinctly hoard a light, hastv Htep, like that of a small child, com ing up the stairway from the room below. The moon partially lighted tho room he was in. The step seemed to come into the room, and to pass about as if seeking for something - ; it went down the stairs again as it came, and present \ Iv returned again into the chamber. I Ail this Mr. R. could hear plainly, but be saw nothing, though the wound of the little feet was around him and often very near him. To satisfy himself fully as to the source of this mysterious footfall, Mr. It. went down stairs, and returned with a lighted candle. Again he heard the footsteps, but they did not come into the room, but passed up and down the stairs, and walked into the room below. Satisfied at length that he could not see the mysterious walker, or account for the sound of its step, he proceeded to his wife’s apartment and informed her of tho strange events of the day. For a considerable time Mr. R. kept bis secret, but lie did not relax his efforts to discover the cause of the mystery ; but all his efforts proved ineffectual, and still the foot steps haunted the chamber and the staircase, and walked the room in darkness, evading the sight of all but the stranger who gave Mr. R. the first information of the nOctural visitant. Bnt it began to be whis pered among the neighbors that Mr. It-s house was haunted. As usual !in such eases, there was a rush to ! the scene of the all absorbing mya -1 tery. In this condition of things, Mr. R. called on the minister and elders of his church, and invited them to visit his house and to witness the super natural phenomena, and aid him in ( the detection of the trick, if one were being practised on him, or in some manner unravel the dreadful mystery. A evening was fixed on for their visit, and they allattended, and it was from the lips of the vene rable minister that the writer learn ed the particulars of the story. The company that met was eight or ten in number, elderly and sedate Christian men. After solemn prayer and exhortation, they proceeded to their stations and awaited the com ing of the mysterious visitant They ‘ did not wait long. The step was , distinctly heard on the floor of the upper room; pursuing the sounds of i the mysterious feet with their can-! dies, they camp into the upper room; ! they saw nothing, and, pausing jii, Leant ine little feet tripping down the stairs behind them. They then descended again to the lower room, and finding nothing, were surprised to hear the same mys terious sound in the chamber above their heads. The company then divided, a person going into the chamber, and each company carrying lights as before, tlie steps were dis tinctly audible ou the stairs, going constantly up and down, but not entering either room. The minister then went to the staircase in the lower room and post ed himself so that the light of his candle shone on a part only of the flight of steps, leaving the remainder in comparative darkness. The little feet descended the stairs until they came to the last step, on which the light did not shine, then changed their course, and were instantly heard in some unlighted part of the house, sometimes above, sometimes below, often in the galleries, but mostly on the stairs if the lights wFra Varying their experiments, they extinguished all the lights and sat together, sometimes in one room, sometimes in another, anti still the footsteps passed about the house, moving around them, often near them, and even in their midst. Again and again the minister solemnly,in the name of the livirg God, invoiced the strange visitant to speak, and tell its errand, and why it walked in dark ness,disturbing the inhabitants of the house, as if seeking for something, or some person who was not there.— The minister then seated himself on the stairs, sitting crosswise, extend ing his feet, so as to occupy but a single step of the stairs—the lights were all removed so that the stair~ way was left in darkness. The foot steps came and went up and down, touching apparently, on every step of the stairway, except the ono occu pied by the minister, and passing si lently over that one. The company remained all night ; they examined the premises thor oughly, from garret to cellar, but nowhere could they discover the source of the mystery. A short time after this the vener able minister related to me the facts as 1 have detailed them here. I have not heard that there was any solu tion to the mystery, but if this pa per is published it may meet the eyes of someone capable of furnish ing the explanation. T do not con sider it a ghost story. Ido not be lieve in them ; but there are phe nomena difficulty to account for without the intervention of super natural agency. A Negro’s Touching Praver. —The Rev. Hr. Lay; the new Missionary Bi.*h- j op of the Southwest, was a native of the j’ city of Richmond, and married a lady in the neighborhood. On his return here to attend the meeting of the General Con vention, he brought his wife with him. to j the great delight of all the family, and especially of the old family servant*. It was a great gala day among the si ivcs of the household, and they expressed their joy in variety of demonstrations. One good old negro who was an “ exnorter,” and a “ class leader,” went of! alone to pray, in view oft ha glad event. His piayer was overheard, and this was the burden of it. “ O Lord, wc bress dy name for bring in young misses back to de old home a gin safe an soun. VVe bress dy name, too, fur givin of her sich a good husban. O Lord, take care of him. And, O Lord ! as thou hast made him a word speaker for thee, do thou, O Lord be a heart stir rer to him—for Jesus sake, amen.” Church Record. To the People of the United natetk The political aspect of the country fills the public mind with painful apprehension. The people are everywhere disturbed with the fear of some disastrous crisis. Many are alarmed for the safely of the Union. All are conscious that the sentiment of fraterni ty which once linked the States together; even more firmly *han the compact of the Constitution itself, has been rudely shaken, and that discord has crept into the relation ship of commnnities, whicn should have found, both in live mleieati; of the present and in the memories of the past, the strong est motives for mutual regard and confi- ( dence. What has produced these gb.acral and un happy convictions ? It lias been too apparent to escape the most casual observation that, f or some years past, there has been manifested! a design, in the movements of influential political lead ers, to force the country into an organiza tion of parties founded on the 4|uestion of slavery. The first introduction of this subject into party politics engendered a controversy which has constantly increased in extent and bitterness, mingling with, or usurping tLe place of all other political questions, and giving to those party politics a greater and tuore dangerous vehemence. Consider ations fit tlie public welfare seem to be cast aside, io aujee room for wider and more unrestrained contention on this single and engrossing theme. The two great parties in the country, (the Democratic aud Republican) have been the chief actors in this fatal contest, if not its ttithors. Whether they have always ex erted themselves to allay tha excitement to which it give rise, or, on the contrary, have i both of them occasionally employed it for i the promotion of party purpose, it is not for us to delormine. • It is sufficient to note that ! the mind es the people has been industri- j ously exercised by this contest to the ser vice of sectional agitation, and that in its progress the teachings of the fathers of the republic, the light*of history, the land marks of constitutional power, have been ricuounced, our old and wrered .traditions of policy spurned, and the welfare of the pres ent *rul the hopes ai the future been brought into Jeopardy in the alternations of passion ate challenge and defiance between the an gry disputants. Tt notour punvto® * * rri 'gu or to de nounce either of these parties lor their past I errors or transgressions, but we regard it as an indisputable fact that by their conflicts they have been mainly imrumental in pro ducing the present lamentable state of pub lic affairs. It would be easy to establish this position by a reference to events in the I recent history of the country, with which | the public is but too familiar; but we pur posely abstain from all comment* open I them, as inconsistent with the limits of thia address, and as tending to revive controver sies which it is its object to allay. We w til ‘ simply state, that the one, by its frequent j and unnecessary intrusion of the slavery j question into party politics, lias exasperated ! sectional feeling at the North and increased j the growing spirit of disunion at the South, j while the other has beetj prompt to avail j itself of these opportunities for anti-sjjnrery j agitation. After having so long agitated the country j by their recprocal assaults, these parlies are now preparing for a sectional struggle far exceeding in violence any that has yet occurred, the results of which may be ois astrous to the country. As an indication of the character of this struggle, of its objects and possible conse quences, we need only point to the signifi cant fact, that a convention has been called ‘ bjr OttSJ vs tllV'OO pwi tiro to ©vloot U Oanijldflfb J , for the office of Chief Magistrate of the Union, from which, by the necessary logic | of its construction, fifteen States of that , Union are excluded. Solemnly impressed with these facts, a , number cf gentlemen from different part 6 of i the country, among whom were members ; of the present Congress, and of Congresses of former date, recently assembled in the City of Washington to deliberate on means for averting dangers to which they may lead. It was the unanimous opinion of the meeting, that immediate steps should be \ taken to organize a “Constitutional Uniou Tarty,’’ pledged to support the “ Union, the ‘ Constitution and the enforcement of the laws.” This organization was accordingly com- i menced by the appointment of a “ Central Executive Committee,” charged with the general direction of the party and with the preparation of an address to the people of the United States. We naed not assure you, fellow citizens, that we approach this task with diffidence and anxiety. We are aware of the difficul ty which attends the endeavor, at any time, to persuade men to abandon political asso- : ciations to which they are allied, either by interest or preference, and we know how much the difficulty is increased when party attachment is heightened by the ardor of expected success or inflamed by the zeal ol opposition. But there are, never theless, juiictures when honest-hearted citi zens will be prepared, at any sacrifice of prejudice or opinion, to perform this duty to their country. It is the pohey of the dom inant parties to underrate the real strength j of those whom disapprobation, indifference, ‘ or disgust, force into the position of neu- 1 trals in political warfare. The ordinary tactics of p irties teach them to discourage those whom they cannot enlist. But the fact is demonstrable that the numbers who occupy this position at all times, and more especially at the present time, constitute a most influential portion of*h wlole people. If the investigation could be made, there is reason to believe it would result in disclos ing (he fact that, as parties are now consti tuted, little less than a million of voters will j be driven out of the sphere of active partic- 1 ipation in the coming election. The old i Whig strength of (he country will be found to furnish no small contribution to this n ass. Even those of that association who have been induced to take sides in recent elec tions with one or the other of the opponent divisions, acknowledge but scant fealty to their new leaders ; and the greater number of them will, it is believed, be prompt to join their old comrades in rallying to a cou ; s-ervativc field to fight anew battle for the • cuse of the Constitution aud the restoration of lost harmony. Barge numbers of the old Democratic party, wbo withdrew from i the line of march when they discovered it leading towards iuternal strife, and the as sault of the traditional policy by which that party achieved its former triumphs, would, we have no doubt, supply a .powerful reiu i forcemeat to the friends of the Union. In the Amorican party, to whicn the breaking up of old organizations gave birth, and which has been active in the endeavor to establish an intermediate power between the contending forces that have eugrot-sed the field, will be found a very Urge element of conservative strength to . increase the volume of the proposed organization. If we add to all these that mass of quiet, unobtrusive citizens, who havo always **unned the turmoil of political life, content w leave the destiny of the country in the hauls of those who, in the ordinary condi tio* of the national progress, were most am bitions to assume its direction, and who have reposed such faith in the patriotism of their lei low men as to feel no concern in the question of the supremacy of party, but whom the extraordinary incentives of a cri sis like the present must awaken to the re solve of an effort to protect the threatened safety of the confederacy, we have events * sufficient by their combination, to farm a great party, to which additional strengi. will be imparted by tbo exalted patriotism of its principle* and objects. Moreove, . is only just to the two contending par 1 eay, that we do not despair of fiu<- mg 1 a NUMBER 50. rinks of each, numerous individuals who, tired of intestine strife, and a'armed at the threatening aspect of affairs, will unite with the only party which holds out to the coun try a prospect of repose. Can it be possible, that, with so glorious a cause before us, an appeal to the patriotism i of the land founded on such inducemeuts as I the present exigency supplies, can fall upon I unheeding ears, or fail to rouse the national i heart to the great emprise of thie cammandr ; iug duty ? sow, when every honest and ; thoughtful citizen within the broad confines j of this Union, every true sob of the PUpub ! lie at home and every brother of our line- J age abroad, is filled with dismay at the sud i den rapture of the national concord, can it i be that the power which is able to pour oil t upon the troubled waters, and bring happi j uesg back to every good man's fireside, will 1 withhold if** band from the labor, that this i generation of American citizens, awakened 1 by the clamor that threatens the integrity 1 of our Union, and conscious ?t its faculty to } command the ending of mad debate, find to re-establish the foundations of a healthful, just, and benignant administration of the duties and benefits of the the Constitution, ; will play the sluggard in this momentous hour, and incur the everlasting i-ha’ne of passively looking on upon the demolition of i this fabric of confederated States ? that j this generation will prove itself so false to al! generations to come as to permit, when i it has the power to forbid, the destruction of 1 this glorious heritage of so many millions of J /icemen, wuth such immortal memories | clustering around the path of their history, with such grand hopes hovering over the career belore them, the central point of so many blessings, the subject of so many prayers of the enlightened humanity of the whole world ? Let all men reflect upon the incredible folly of our quarrel. The country is wrought into a tempest of excitement Two great political armies are contending for mastery. Both are infuria ted with a rage that threatens fearful ex tremes. The great mass of law-abiding eitixeoto are looking on with amazement, and au ominous apprehension of mischief.— And yet there is no danger impending over the republic which human passions have not created, and which human wisdom may not prevent. We have pointed out the chief source of the present agitation, and think that we have sufficiently shown that neither of the . two parties who are now seeking to obtain the control ot the government can be safely intrusted with the management of public af fairs. The only way to rescue the country from their hands is to organize a party whose cardinal principle shall be : To re move the subject of slavery from the arena of party politics, and leave it to the indepen dent control of the States in which it exists, n<i to the unbiassed action of the judicia ry- To remove all obstacles from the due and faithful execution of the provisions lor the rendition of fugitive slaves ; To cultivate and expand the resources of the country by such protection to every useful pursuit and interest which is compat ible with the general welfare and equitable to all; To maintain peace, as far as possible, and honorable relations to all nations ; To guard and maintain the supremacy of the laws by an impartial and strict admin istration of the jiowers granted by the Constitution; To respect the rights and reverence the union of the States as the vital source of piesent peace and prosperity, and the sur est guarantee of future power and happi ness ; To teach reconciliation, fraternity and forbearance, as the great national charities by which the Union is to b? preserved, as a fountain of perennial blessings to the peo ple. Let these principles be taken to the hearts of those who pledge themselves to the support of the paity, and let them actu ate their private life as well as their public duty. To promote this movement, measures should be adopted with as little delay as possible, such as will afford an opportunity to the party to exert a controlling influence on the approaching election, and to select candidates upon whom its vote may be ef fectually concentrated. To tins end we propose that a Convention be immediately held in each State, which shall assume the duty of embodying the whole conservative strength of each in such form as shall make it most effective : That each of these Conventions shall make a nomination of two candidates tor the Presidency (omitting to nominate a Vice President) to be selected from those most eminent and approved in public es teem, one of winch candidates at least, shall be a citizen of some other State than that in which he is nominated : That these two candidates from each State shall be submitted to the considera tion of a General Convention, to be assem bled at Baltimore, at a time that shall be designated by the National Executive Com mittee, whirh General Convention shall be empowered to select from the whole num ber of the nominations transmitted to it, a candidate for President and Vice President, as the candidates of the Constitutional Union party; That this General Convention shall con sist of a representation from each State, composed of the same number of members as its representation in the two houses of ! Congress: , _ That this representation of each State be j chosen either by the State Convention itself |or id such other manner as such Conven i tion in view of the shortness of the time for i the proceeding, may appoint. A Convention constituted in accordance, with this plan, we think, would be satisfac tory to all parts of the country, and alto gether competent to the duty of a discreet and judicious selection of candidates. The I people, who have so much reason, in their I habitual experience of the insufficiency of j Conventior.3, to feel no little distrust of i these bodies, might prefer some other mode \of nomination, if a better could now be ’ adopted. But in the present emergency, when delay would render any attempt <o make a nomination for the coming -elett.on useless we -re persuaded they w, 1 in the plan proposed, as the best the time will alfow. Such a Convention will avoid Bome of the objections to which the ordma rv and accustomed composition of Conven : [fons is exposed. It will be confined to the : Lie duty of selecting the candidates from number of eminent citizens presented by : the several States as worthy of the first of- I ece in the Government; and it will, mo=t probably, find in the concurring opinion of several State Conventions in favor of one or more individuals, a useful guide to the most; acceptable nomination. And as it will be restricted in its choice to the names pre sented, it will under no circumstances offend the public wish by selecting candidates ua-