The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, March 29, 1860, The Georgia Citizen Supplement., Image 1

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’ iUL iLutJjjbU UUi.ifU rp y.-\T r r TTf >f ‘<*J L'* < ,iIM liUliMj, VTLAN T A., Geo., / , j p. GILJH'.H.T $ CO. H. Washington vrrß\EY AT 1. V w, aiftcon, On, . ~jr%aggl~~ 5 u HAN w*3 lUSS ~T , n * jape t gtti* t’INGCQ ia rire Maria* laur*no© Cos. **"’ * 1..V-ltt * ANDERSON. _J ""''np~ s~P. GHIGGS illc t'-jiiip JM 0 i/ i \jD > ; w * : I mi fTZ: m t't? T 1 •ur { T .. 1; jl a! i JIY Xli ; 1 W A* •*■’ ■*■ “ •i Wf —a ?a i Uoi4 Compxnr vrantto hire I T Vs ‘ : ’v r , tf I 2 V v-. r s* Srr>*U i P\]l 1j j! CC Iri 1 l LIjK ! C J i JL i- K*ik Ai* f ;! J* ; t ACM ! no WM. F. HOLT \ “, ®!v ’ ‘ - : rcr> T ’?' sf l -* It ITnTP.L tt XL \ - I % Ju +4 • | .... 1, of BiU>W \V T .;Kowjr, j WJI. r. BROWN. i> D r jpr W* 3 TUNER -NO 1 REPAIRS* }i ff it Os PTATCO j ,i i’.-mij'-rCy located in Huts. DTraft m; , • v;' , uM;"-.7Tfia , *r.ltK. J. Jcbnnoc AC*. J DR. A. L. OLINttSCALES TT ’ • - - -•/ ► | i)li. t\ .3. B<IOSIiVI>IiT, | n physician, Office and Uridi'fiC, C orner Wai ;ni*-.4 3ri him-.#. tec n, ATTORNEY AT LA Vr , . v % cap - ■*—— -- m igoaffiMßi * :*SMZ> j i . Ai Attorac.* at I/aw f L. T. DOTAL- j . is-:i!M i, ATTORNEY AT LAW.i Macon, Ooorsia. lr t ... • | W y |.. r „<{* „ r juJj > C'Qlikl I iIiIGHS FCK MOHUSIEIiTd j _BT_ ’ bt. 12. Lflumitz, . •> . fs f %n*l tirteta, =3 *® ,lc #*.v r—-. _ ■ 3szjr~2vt-'’- ~_g .* / * mW ARIK *. . .1 47 Y 7 /A 2 I7 , He tl ilstato Broker, TV 4*rve pr-ms , u; i pernal *5 uti™ •* B"v!n • 1 r v• • - ■, SUC3RS P, 1 BISJISt V >4 Li-W tiis CS'SRY STTECT. W'WH H - rsys^itrti^ ’ ’:A - v : ■ . .. i- . Wlk* Ol**• • . ‘-r^ HURT HO SUPPLEMENT DR. GKO. G. GHIFFIN ’ ■". r: rt OH H . on -M in Ita-fciagtea Bitk I •fWSUI .3arCTi*- - ffff-n-m—x A Card. 4 P?.\'T T ft* r# J.. 1 . • ‘/ ,A , z \ \ - ~ ‘ ,r a wwr tic*. Tninvo j 4l 7 ••* akr * / y * •**. ‘* it. my frH|u*t : * * ; *:rf *# of *mr mof> 7* * lMteti bet*’ atul Is Uxia cl null, I h*ve * * * f; y rra**!ic - w;*is t i;. W. ‘ 1 ‘ ’•• 11 * >?, tr A'.uU ‘ f ‘ , / : , 1 ci rxc oivtltCLUo& I’ • CiP ‘ * Kiirh-t !-*: ILU dtr. h#r*mv k.ter -.• • ’ . * * O. A. IaK’UKANE. ■■UK 9.- arr/- tt ii - ria m aj JUMUUMLMI—Jiui— Exchange on HEW YO&K FOR SALE AT THE SAM FACTURKR'B URL OHS. M’DONAID Si VAN 3IESEH, UEISTTUBTS, ■ 1-4 . VV : '-uix3^ ‘TiuhlagtiMj Eiefk. *?foa-. G?., ucirr mon irrucnKo tbis. ‘A.- • •‘; • *!. , ,v, n bari.l ai..l fra!e wJ’..';,. Sn.-t .ijle < / T-<-th 1 : 1 lib any kin. ji ii rt. mnmtf ur Material,oi: r eel. l_tf i JaO. M. i CIUW | JXO. .PA ITON. STUBBS & PATTON. aVttornoys at L ll w, AX D G&noral Collecting Agents, >l*co o: - nr. • : ‘<• ir t!>n rnnr;>*< ounpowme the V A Ms >n 1 ir. in ilie'-oiinties <>i Wilkinmn. Mr■, ./■• .V /ink',-, rwatki amt in an j tlie Me I f -:•• • is! ••••- tr. S! V ■■ ,1 ■ 1 • aHuition given to all claimt 1 :• H.-r . ’ •:’ ii l- .". <•']•:>• street, op . m Heir Store. / NUTRITIVE CURE. N. / ; n\ j:i •’ \ itil ‘-res) without medicine. Are \ f Nervons ? Have you skin disease, sore or l I Eyes ? Any rtTection of the Limps. Stomach, \ I Livi r, B Blood* or any disease what \ . “BOOK OF HFORiiIATION,” \ whirl ip u 4a whit the Cuby A \ Not- . and how the Inwalid \ may -■ .vie his own b* at doetor, f \ \ a: banish forever all 44 pill* w \ar “powders,*’ as iniuri ns to f il \ If and utterly nnwnrtby ] o; any confluence at all. By ail / mean* mol the 44 i > k of Info*’- jT J : it? - to you for 1 dime.) \ / and “throw physic to the dogs.* ) t Address, RWnw. ifn**., <2S Eliot Strert,) LAHOY SXTIsrX3JE:iIX-A.NT>. *" ar ” i.YYS k-‘. ; t’ i’l\ KI3L.X.J HILL, 9~CCT.**y* TO THE LATE HEM QF Si I . ty U fe K I. L L j X'X’TEI rm-*)cc *-* tire Mv-'-M -md *4F-inir.x Circuit*. Y % .V 1 jF.-*erlC irt* toe sane ** he— itjf re tor til* iatc liik ofMubt* St Hill. C ’ B. HILL. JN<). 11. HILL. T-S,„ _ I-•.!! ,■>. r , ‘ !('i -1! of I hi- latO Srlß - end. all 1. . Mi- -V - .erer-.ttrtedto t>yroent h. IULI . - . y a Hill. BOOK BINDING. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS irade to on!<r f r Courts and Counting Houses, cJ n-initc-printed n the p£* without extra da-C. Magazines, ‘lii>ic.and Law Books Ij, n< j *.„ . tt- 4 c! ep styles. iii VIDtv.-?" 1 iv M’ ‘.rtenrß. a ,iiritii.T R#er*&Sea. i fanitTsSiSp >,omc7 TTTK t•c* “ ; r- : iiH 1 ave this day formed V y s j ;. .j i’, n-.rtr. r-ihip, nnder the name .LEWIS, jjjJ | ‘ • the entire Stock ot J2j & Groceries, oft: v • <1 os rF. i‘i tiiMJ <% to., HEW QOfpßt*! .• ,:£rm.aDC *.#_* .. w Arr*~-*/- r :A y *ed to t* ihp firm of B. F • -o .and et'** - Titar. t *,H : • , ’* H.M.* *E. P. h. CARPETINGS! Floor Oil Mm, mattin a-s, n?J9S & WATS! . | r,v ir.l * it v-.rMyof -yIM of tl* V ‘.<• ~. fa; h wt!. *ld at tei * . ; r; *• a ekcut!i from Die 0 ‘ _ , Damask, LACE and MUSLINS Irtclow C* trtaiax. .VfV-W “HADES. orrTT COHHICEB and BA.SDB UN* ; Dt.-ert *£"*£ ;| r y ~ lf CALL AND SEE The i’ctJtifol Iv O JYTYPES t , I Y/..ifV- rapMc Ha^ery, - <r , is On, !’*•- 1 - I>aoo • “ . t. woo*. |*T 3 ||n —— W isiy IJE3EOES. w 1 *w ,a, ti e 5 cften Tid twen \ * h -Ml t :vlv. . ‘*•**'** e.K.sTUBBS. j* : A*r v r *. t*, ttacm* os. v * Perfumery. Vvi- y Ur.e aauitr ei-t of Bazlo'i, •* “ •* law 1 /. .“j* i 4 .-.WMated H*b oil* ****** * Bna Srt *” b> ZEILLN * HUafT. MACOX, GKOKGIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1860. THE BEST PIANOS MADE. VV Ejir# now reeefvlm, to ov already aelected obxk of f T Planoo, the eslehrated Steinway Pianos. 7V* i; struirent* have■]ay. taktn U.eflnrt prize, tn all UK wberevrrexhtbitrd. and are the only Piano* u>s-d and re maended by the h,t art lot a. and Eutical CeleUriira, as I no®, hch-trtei.ber*. Ail la, halter. Eialirid. Q< tthalk, Wol r.hjti ■t. and a host of other*. They use onlysnU-inway's for j>. 1 kc and private ure. W e do not ;-m*cs gas enon<h to endeavor to create an ex citenwct by mshin* a “great cry with wry little wool.” or t'-yir* to shove i If in the ?*outbera market wtiat they ktdi ci i.i at the North ; neither would we he a*eut, for Patent Pian which live one day and die the next, as we had an example in the VSolisn Attachment” Piano*, which w, re the “ro” a few years hack, and which no one wauts now; i it we keep an article which all must acknov dge to be the bc-t who profess to know the b*st. Persons who know us will, we flatter oorselv.a, acknow ledge us to be judge*, and to ,'ran*trs we say lhat we will j".event any per. m with One iiundied Dollars wiio can prfe dice a pianist, Amsh ttr or, resitlinc in Oeo'iria. who is superior as icachcr or player to our H L. hchreiner ; and further, alike ,omi w toanv per* n who will liisprovpthat we now have a pupil that is superior In Music to nil. ’enihsof ailthe professors tn the htate of Georela. A I Pianos ,o!i at New York prices. freixM only added ds -17 ly JXO. C. SCHKKINEH * 50.,8. aUMTE M HAUL OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE. rp IIE Subscriber has opened the above Hall for theaccom JL modation f Day !<• arders and Transient Customers.— This House ir nowofft red as inferior to no other first Class Ho tel in the South, and Inna Its central location, its large and tiry r .oms, otf* r- ereat inducemeh’s and accommodations to miles and Transient persons. The public may expectfrom this House, all the luxuries and comforts to be round in any at tier hotel. b. P. DENSE, apr US -ts Let* of the Floyd House. Oysters, Game, &c. C. H. FREEMAfJ, t CO, * RErr-w rrjuiy to Pi rve Cuntomera iu every atyle of the Xa. :irt. with FISH, FLESII, AND FOWL, attjieirTatii z Saloon. Cotton Avenn*, Nfacon. The will have supplies of Kish and Oysters, by every train from the Seaboard a, well a,of beef,'Tame, &c.,from Fulton market, New York, by every M earner. I iicv have also made arrangements for regular supinliesol chicki ns,Turkey*. Ac..from Cherokee Georgia, and Tonnes ree during the season, and solidta cail from lueir friendiand the public. no?. 19—ts BOOTS AND SHOES. AT THE SIGN Ol THE 810 BOOT, No. 3, Cotton Avenue, OLiurs* ■■’caai a ’tb.-imaS WasluHsrtoii lilock, Macon, Ga, fTVHK Subscribers would re a. turn tbeir thanks fur the rE very liberaland lnnp continued nj fly manufutured, to our WEEKLY JMlIlslII Additir ns will be mitde, of all the different stylos and patterna • n ■ BEffbo itore,and wouldtTttefluxwUl : it urch:i-o. \o ill and and examine our stock, as we are prepared t< aeiiaatow an any house in the city or State, out. *,-tt MIX A KIRTLAND. DLAITIfG, jL Scroll Sawing, Turning, Carving, Bracket ami Or namental Work, Oct. 1 ts M!e to order by T. A O WOOD. Plantation Brogans. N r OW in store* he Wt rsnortnaent of Kegro Shoes, we hmre ever offered iuthis Market. Men's double soled peg and ai'kandruamtts; do. hemvy NngieaoledblackmmlnM •: !, } .< A voutlr* black ard nipetts, all of w.iich we selliuffvery low. MiX & kI&TLAKP* Land Agency. THE subscriber* ire prepared to make locations Land in all of the North-western States—lowa Wincesota. Wisconsin and the Territories of Nebraska nd Kansas, and solicit consignments of fnads or war rants. far terms apply to JNO.H LONGLIY, Macon, Ga. JNO. B. DWlNNELL,Lodi,Wisconsin aprlT d-ts MARBLE WORKS! ]. B. ASTOFE 1 SOS, Mannfacivrtr t of and Dealers in rOUEIOT ATD BOYIKSTfC MARBLE monuments, tomb stones;’ - . MANTLES, FURNITURE, SLABS, An., Corm*r of 3rd anti Plumb Sts. MACON , OA. apj 11—ts. HACO.\ & WESTER! R. HOAD. i \N aLd iklter n trains will be run as V 7 ftoliosrs: Leave Mecm at 13n!#bl. Arrive at Atlanta 7.15. A. M. Leave Msconat 1C A. M„ Arrive at Atlanta 4.00. F. M. Leavt A ’a-taat IJr.i#Lt.Arriva at Macon 7.18A.M. Leave A ii.taai 11A.M.. Arrive at Macn 8.00 F.M. Tte 1C . nr. train from Macon connect* with the Western h ’ ■.t at 6 <O, n. m.; connects with the _<ioorW* Lt 13 at Land Atlanta* “cat IV.! nt Road at 13 sa. rn. r >, rilslitv*'. will n<*be rvn ‘>n Sundays. „ , ‘two nr...-!’ ti of the Vlr<ii..a and Tennessee Rail Road . then ( *t pleasant and direct route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, ‘ ‘Further ISEwHmmaj- be had in relation to this Route, DWELLIHG HOUSE FOR SALE. WITH ven toons and all necessary <ut buildlnfS for -iSSsf* dr&’itrairo. BOOTS.iii A FULL asssortmeiito<Gat'sflne French Calf f Boots, nuinp soi*. welted and water proof, of various kinds and qualities, both sewed ami pegged. Just re oeivedand for sale low by MIX * KiRTLAND” ct, B,—tf PLANTER’S HOTEL, Broad Street, Columbus, GUa. undersigned liega leave to infom hi* old X Maoi.n friends and the public generally that lie has taken the PLANTER'S HOTEL, Broad Ht- Coluiiilaifs where he will endeavor to maintain his long established reputaUon of keeping the t>est Ta ble and tin- liest aoeomodation which the country affords. His house is in the oentre of business and hr will always le ready to see the Planter and Tra veller and treat him in a way that will give satisfac tion to the most fastidious. P. B.—turn ibus Will convey passengers to Planter's HoUl, free of charge. T. 8. KILPATRICK, Columbus, Feb. 10—ts Wantod Immediately, 1 iX O’ OD Tinners. 10 Roofers and Job Workmen, can 1” have steady employ ment, nd good wage*. None but Good Workmen ne. and ajudy. W. J. McELROY. Macon, Ua.. hept. Jl. d4w. Hpectacles, JN Gold and Steel frames, Gold, Silver, Steel and Common Specks. A splendid assortment just received, by E J. JOHNSTON * CO. NEW FIRM. THE c-arrylng on tne business in alllts bmnebes. We shall always keep Phaetons'Carriages, Buggies and Horses, to hire on as good terms as anybody. We also have the most ample ac commodations for Drove Stock. We would say to the public that we have taken the iff into our mouth in earnest, aud can always be found with our har veer on ready to serve you: we intend t.y keeping a straight tongue, pulling together, and by buckling down eloseto bus Iness, to succeed or break a trace. We shall never tin- fellow inhltchln t u for you so long as you tome up lo the lick log and settle Now if you want usto vag on,to rock-a-way ana riot he sitlkg, in fact if you don't want us to check up too close, put your shoulder to the wheel, give us a sbsre, audit you And a ringle trace of ingratitude you may halter us. Very respectfully, ADERHULD St JEFFERS. Opposite the Passenger Depot avinraj. rown's Hotel. apr 29—ts. National Police Gazette. THIS Great JoumalofCriraeand Criminals is In Its 19th Year, and is widely circulate.', throughout the country It contains a#the Great Trials, CrlmlnalCases.andapprop.'i ate Editorials on the Bame, together with information on Cri minal Matters. not to be found in any other newspaper. tW~ Subscriptions, *9 per Annum,; $1 for Six Months, to be remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their name*and the town, county and State where they reside plainly,) To K. A. SEYMOUR, Editor A Proprietor of the Nationr.iPolice Gazette, Snr"9* d— ft Vew Tork //'Consumption & Asthma Cured. Dr. 11. JAMES discovered while in the Fiits Indie*, a certain cure for Consumption. Asthma Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debilits The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. Hiy child wa* cured and is now alive and well, l iesirou. of benefitting his fellow mortals,he will send to those who wish it, the recipe containing full directions I for making and successfully using this remedy, M free, on receipt of their names with stamp for W return postage. Address, M <). P. BROWN & CO., 32 &34 John St. / dec 23 6m w * / I>r. . A. WliiSOH’S FAMILY PILLS. Asa Family PiH, Wilson's are particularly recom mended—simple and harmless, but highly madkinal in their combiuation. One Pill a dhee, with mild but certain effects. The robust man and the delicate child use them alike, with every of entire safety. With Wilson’s PiUs, every Mother In the land taw cooiee her own physician. They have proved themselve* a SMcinc. and stand without a rival for the following affections: MiIDAOHB, FEVER 4 AGrE, DISriPSIA, LITER POIPLAWT, OEAIIACHK, FETRR 4 AGUE. DYSPEPSIA, LIVER OOIPLAIST, HEADACHE, FEVER 4 AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COIPLAIHT, REIDAfHE, FEVER 4 AGII, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COIPLAIIT, Costiveness, Bilionfness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia IMIOTiaiIEIfcS, Watch well your children, and when their troubles arise from that great bane of childhood, W nrms, aarrib. their lllneea to Ita true eanse, and remove it by prescribing B. L. Fahnestock’s Vermifnge* A sate aid sere remedy, prepared from the purest'maie rlala, and has proved itself the meet effective antidote for Worms ever offered to the public. For sale in Macon by ZEILIN h HI'NT, an GEORGE PAYNE, and sold by dealers everywhere, jan 13—ly w ATTENTION MECHANICS. Fishlst Irov Works, > Macon, December 17th, 1868. / \No. 1. PATTEN MAKER. AND FOUR GOOD Machinists, accustomed to Hteam Engine work, can find steady employment by immediate applica tion to the undersigned. General laborers also wanted. J. N. A 0. D. FINDLAY. Servicing Partners of the late Firm R. KIND LAY A 80 NB. Telegraph Copy one month. Dec. 17, 1869. LONGSTREET, BRADFORD k CO. MAXI’FACTL'RERS OF A!D WHOLESALE DIALIRS Tl Or, 87 Chambers St., & 09 lieade St. Between Broadway and Church St, NEW YORK. f.T. LONGOTRKKT, G. P. BRADFORD, G. H. WILLS, W 2m *• P* GILBERT, SIXTY KEGROES FOR SALE. T HAVE JCST RECEIVED a lot of likely young I Negroes from Maryland, and offer them at rea sonable prices ; purchasers will please l'avor me| with a call. Also, wish to purchasers good men and women for the Western market, for which I will t ade women and children or pay cash. Office on the corner of Third and Poplar Street, near Harde man A Sparks’ Ware House. W. R. PHILLIPS. Macon. Dee, ?L ’.M>. VYDO IMpoalxs AGAINST THE dtuggs pianop Not one of those who have purchased them, or any disinterested person who knows anything about them, but those interested in the manufac ture or sale of other Pianos ara working against Them for dear life. They know that when these Pi inos are known, they will supercede all others as sure as the sun shines. Those who purchase these Ihatios. and disinterested persons who know what constitutes a good Piano, are the proper ones to en quire of, and not he Lr.r astrat hy the ridiculous lie# told l>v the manufacturers ot other Pianos. We hav* sold six of these Pianos, and any one wishing to know how they are liked, can find out the names of the purchasers hy calling at the Messrs. Virgin's. We invite all who wish to buy or hearafine Piano to call and see them. jn2t>tf9waw O. B. RICE. For Sale* 1 AA BOXES CANDY. I IM7 10 Boses Loaf Mn*ar, HO Barrels Sugar, too Sacks Coffee, lUO Boxes Tobacco, to. ooo Clears, 100 Grose Matches. Joly t4_4C .L Jt. * W A. rtffftS. For the Georgia Citizen. ADDRESS OP PROF. O. A. YOU HR AYE, On the occasion of the Presentation of the life-size. Portrait of the illustrious Samuel Thomson, so the Reform Medical College of Georgia, at Con cert Hall , Macon, on tbe evening of March l<rf, 1 *6O. This is it great and gloriou* oecitaion. The hopes that have lit up our pathway along the summit of years, in this hour find their triumphant and glorious fruition. We be hold him whose very name the wave of pop ular opinion submerged for nearly half a century, to-day rise up, in memory, before us, and on that canvass live again for pos terity. When men first fell in prostrate devotion to the sun, it was not when clouds hung up on the sky and obscured bis lustre, but when in all the blaze of his glory he lit up the immensities of space, and the grandeur and majesty of his presence was felt as the eye of God, watching over the universe. It was when the streams trickling down the hills smiled in his beams, and tbe trees and grass and flowers warmed into bloom and beauty at the touch that rippled with light the laugh ing air as it played with the landscape. It was then that men fell in idolatrous ado ration. And as, with the benighted and uncivilized of the centuries that have long since slept, we find human nature still re tains her laudatory appreciation* of brilliant displayg, still choriihes her admiration for splendid and triumphal greatness, and is still blind and perverse to the merit that walks along in humility. The pomp and vanity of the long looked for Jew's Messiah, was not more contradic tory of reason anc intelligence than the pre dicated judgment of mankind on the glory of an action by the brilliancy of the effect and success that attends it. Truth never regards the locality, the hu mility or the glow and glory that gives birth to immortal things ; with the eye of Philos ophy she estimates human nature in every condition by the test es her own integrity and intelligence, whether “buttoned up and laced in the forms and cereraonios of civiliza tion, or at her ease and unrestrained in the light and feathered costume of the savage.*’ She came to earth in Lo light of glory, no “medals, ranks, ribbons, lace, embroidery or scarlet” glittered upon her brow, there was no diamond decorations, no triumphal entry, no bombastic harangue, but silently, when “The sun went down n> ouuu. _..i 4 mourn, The sad necessity of his return,” when the starry shade fell in solitary loveli ness over the plains of Bethlehem, did the first living representative of truth open eyes upon the world. Thera was no emblematic purple, there was no kingly court, no Olym pian Jupiter to thunder forth its arrival, no guns roared in the park, no pealing bells gave evidence of rejoicing ; beit the little stars alone watched the hour, and pausing on their journey, folded up their wings to sleep ’till morn. What an impressive lesson to the public opinion, that now sways and rules the world, and yet what is this public opinion tbat im peratively demands the auxiliaries of wealth and power to challenge its attention or ven eration. It has no limits, nor has it any do mains, it takes its own illusion for senti ments and fools make (hem maxims; like the rain, opinions are born in high places and soon fall down to mingle with the earth. To breast this public opinion, to trample on its pretensions and authority, to show my disregard for opinions born in high places, my contempt for exploded dogmas, my utter detestation of every dictation that clips the wings of discovery, so that it can neither walk nor fly, I am hero this night to avow, publish and declare my veneration and es teem tor the memory and services of Samuel Thomson, whose likeness brings back the discoveries he made in Medical Scienco, and inspires his disciples with new seal and new aspirations in the great and glorious cause which he bequeathed to the men who are here around me, to be transmitted down to posterity. I do not care whence he sprung; who was his lather or his mother, whether be toiled for his daily bread, wheth er he was learned in the schools, or had ben taught by naturo. If wealth had nunedhim, folly played with him, vanity clothed him, he would have left no tracks in the path of scienco, he would have proclaimed ao prin ciples to rally us around Reform, ready to shed the last drop of blood in vindication of its truth. When wo gaxe in raptura at the picture of Mirabcau, when we tee him “hi# breaet di lated with an impetuous breathing, hie lion sac become wrinkled and contorted, hi# eye# shoot forth flame, when he roared and stamp ed and ahook the fierce matt of hit hair whit ened with foam, tbat trod the tribune with the supreme authority of a master and the imperial air of a King who would ask hit origin or hi# authority. Surely God makes some men that rise up like mountain! and conceal from view the anceetry that lie shrouded behind them. Look at Napoleon, that made for himself an alphabet of battles, every letter of which was a victory ; ace h*m as amid the thunder and lightning of war he issuee the decrees of fate, regulatee, organise#, establiahea and in •titutee law, order and government over ter ritories still wet with blood. Bee the nation# as they lift their head# In wonder and bew at hi# approach. Who cam irhenca ha sprung. The eye can scarce reach the sum mit of his glory, and is toe much daasled to discover the base from which it grow#. at Washington l In Aha language of another, “his fame is eternity, his resi dence creation.” See him he stands on the arch of fame, his arms entwined about liberty, having washed the blood es battle# from her face in the waters of glory and then risieg up to the embrace of immortality. But I might exhaust your own patience and myself in multiplying these examplM of greatness, so inspiring as tomakeyou forget the source of its origin. To me the propo sition is so self-evidently sustained- that I shall not consider the birth or other early associations of Dr. Samuel Thomson, in pre senting to your miDds the reasons for which we consider him eminently entitled to this mark of our public veneration and esteem. As this will require of me a review of Medical Science and the proper illustration i of his discoveries, by bringing them promi . nently forward. It may not be regarded unnecessary to bespeak your attention and i patience. I am aware that many regard medicine as a dry subject, as one not calcu lated to awaken interest; but let me here ask such if they have ever reflected on the fact that it is among the most important sub ject* in which you can find human interests implanted—it is associated with death ; the solemn hour approaches us all, when medi cine at which we have, in the pride of health, laughed and jeered, must be rseorted to f>r the purpoao es restoring health, or saving u* from a premature death; when the wife stands, agonized, by the bed-side of some suffering husband, one whose 7 ery look was life to her, whose smile brought sunshine to her heart and whose presence wae as summer to his household, as her eyes fill with tears that silently steal down her cheeks and make the future look cheerless and hopeless ; think you, has ske no interest in the subject of medicine; or the husband, as he eeee the face that lit up smiles at his approach, now writhing with pain, feels the little hand as soft as velvet now hot with fever, hears the voice that once With merry laugh flung down a shower of sunshiny thoughts around his heart, now scarce articulate and feeble, and her lips like heated coral, with no dew of health upon them, think you, as he sees day and night drag by their weary and saddened hours, and he begins to feel death’s shadows creeping from the walls, and all of earth ha loved mt: t soon be tsrn from his side, his hopes bleeding, his heart broken, amid hi* sighs and tears has he no interest in this theme. The most absorbing intereet clings around this subject. Atsueh an hour as I have described, imagine aomo one enter and say, dry tnoac tears, let tny Peart cease its sighs, let thy spirit be gladdened. I can re store this sweet and lovely form to health; she shall pillow her head upon your breast; her heart shall beat responsive to your own ; her voiee shall sing again with merriment, and away down the hill of life, when the suns of many a year shall have risen and set, you will stand with her, pleased with the contemplations of the past and cheered by , the anticipation* of the future. For such a | scene language is tonguelese; though it went upon its knees and begged for words, it would 1 still rise up mute with tears and silence. Many a scene like this the Reform Physi cian has had transpire ; many a time has the reward of many a weary journey been found in the pleasure of such a moment; and sure ly a single instance of such ought to entitle the father of the system to merited honors. I see around me men who love that form; who glory in Thomson, because their own hearts beat fast as they think on loved ones saved, whom they know must have perished save by the use of the very means he has set forth, discovered and defended ; and is it not natural that when this has happened until over four millions of people are believers in his system of medication, have used his treat ment and have preserved liveedear to them, that they should rejoice in this scene and re gard it aa appropriate and proper. The statesman may save a sinking Empire; the warrior carry ita flag to victory ; the lawyer expound ita laws; but the physician is the preverver of the life of ita paople. The statesman, with his arguments, may over power opjioeition to his country, the warrior go out and crush ita foes, but the physician goea forth to meet pestilence, welcome peril, and, in tho discharge of his duty, shake hands with death to preserve the health of the citi zen ; honors are heaped upon men who kill, and seldom on men who cure. The Captain who captures an Indian gets mtfre credit than the Doctor who cures a camp; and yet aay Allopathic friends, for whom I have the highest respect, and who think with me, this public opinion is wrong, outrageously wrong, will, in the very instant of the acknowledge ment, urge ita evidenee in favor of the prac tice they puraue. Now, I care hut little for a cause only sustained by the majority of public opinions; it is the minorities that have planted the flag of victory when dan ger’s hreaea throat gaped widest; minorities have been the oppressed, while majorities have aa invariably been the oppressors; mi norities have lod along the path where revo lutions for the peoples right’s have si umber ed and waked them into power; minorities have been first to light the torch of liberty, and will be last at the spot when minorities may ex nguish It. I have no desire to deal in the utterance of vituperative epithets against my Allo pathic friends. I shall not abuse honsaty of opinion or of purpose, though I may bs forced to smile at the ignorance with which they are assooiated ; net ignorance in the classic literatura of the dgy, not ignorance of the learning of the books, but ignorane* of ’he laws of life and the means by Whioh diseMe enn he snfely and speedily eared.— That the honow of state nod country seldom come tc the profession of medicine is 100 true to admit of serious discussion. “Why has all the antiquities of the past, on which they to largely boast, failed to gain them a single honor in the present. Is it that the people have learned how ridiculous is such a claim, and that antiquity, no matter how much paraded, fails to attract tbe attention or respect of mankind. lam not opposed to things that are old when they are venera ble for qualities apart from age. But while I could glow with enthusiasm, standing in the shadow ot the Pyramids and dreaming of the greatness of these immortal founders, I could but smile to see some lover of antiqu ity, for hourr, endeavoring to deevpher a grecian coin or indulge in transport over a button off a Roman’s breeches. Is it this growing disregard for antiquity, or is it that the intelligence of this century can but smile at the principles and practice of the antiqua ted and ancient physicians. Who, but feels a smile steal upon his lips, as he thinks of a donkeys brains “dried in the smoke of certain leaves” as aprescription for falling sickness, or the blood of a weaxel pulverised with snail shells, or tying to the arm the little stones taken from the gizzard of young swal low* for the same disease ; or what would s patient earo for your antiquity, if you wer® to prescribe for him Vulturs'i flesh ‘especial ly when be hath eaten hi* full of man’s Aceh’, or give him a broth made of a sea scorpion, or make him go out and consult a Hyena, or carry about you the top end of a mouses’ ear, or a cat* rpillar, or swallow cob webs, goose-greaee and spideri. I ask you if you would not laugh at the antiquity of medicine and ay, “Gentlemen you must reform your practice, you must be come Reform Physicians before you can pre scribe any of your folliee forme.” I have but glanced at a few of the commonest pre scriplions of antiquity, and such as I could use without offending the e*r or taste of this audienc*. Surely nesaults on the ignorance of Samuel Thomson come with a bad grace from men whose boasted origin is thus steeped in ab surdities so great as to shock the lingering intelligence of an imbecile. It is the pride of Reformer# in Medical Science that they trace their origin to a Christian and civilized century, and to a man whose likeness, on that canvass, brings back a form that nobly stood up in thia century to stem tbis current of antiquated folly and turn it back to the ages of the dead. Im stream was not destined to overflow tho channels of investigation in which intelli gence began to anticipate the rise of princi ples that would bear upon their breset the weal and welfare of mankind. Too long had men slept upon their rights and let this sub ject of medicine droop and die with tho weight offolly their vanity and preemption had forced hsr to carry. Every other science had sprung upon its feet and was marching over tho battlements of error and supersti tion. Newton had established his legislation over the minds of Europe, and tne systems of Physical Astronomy, illumined by the genius of a Kepler, Descartes and Hamsted, the Car tesian philosophy of Mechanics, Optics, Hy drostatics and Formal Astronomy, all gave way before the law of universal gravitation a# the ruling principle of all cosmical phe nomena, and anew light overflowed history that has ever since continued to rise and shine mere brilliant in its various applications to the complexity of subjects in which ita sub lime aad glorious inspiration has been in voked. Thermatics and Atmology have received the illustrative investigations of some of the most distinguished Reformers in physical science, the laws of polarization, the radia tion of heat. Atmology in its phenomena of vapor and air and the elastic laws of stesm as applied in practical to the engines that cross our plains and the ship* that walk our waters, have been steadily ad vancing into more important usefulness by the reform of old opinions, and the establish ment of new discoveries that contribute to the intelligence, the greatness, the civilisa tion and the happiness of our race. Law has moved forward with tho advanc ing tides of improvement; human liberty hae become more sacred, the claims of justice become more fully recognised. Tho citisea feels the protection that lives around him and manifests ita powers for tho guardian ship of the press and the independence of speech. No iongercan religious persecution lilt ita arm in the presence of the law to crush out thought and enforce obedience to its un intelligible dogmas. No courts of accleaias tical commission sits in judgment on the creeds or conscience of men. No longer can antiquity give sanction to inquisition, and no longer partisan judges ini ct punish ment on God-smitten conscience*. The light of improvement has dispersed the cloods, sn4 the sun of a terener sky shed ita lustre oa the world. No fires kindle around opinioas’ martyrs; no women with clinging arms are dragged to the stake. A law of justice hoe been born into the world and asserts the dig nity of ita birth by the clemency with which it administors the judgments of the law.— The people have felt the glory of ita mission end bow with acquiescence to the riadie** tion of its decrees. In government, too, we find there has brtn # glorious reformation ; the tyranny that has bound gallant nations and trarapfle4 on all their aepirations for freedom, has been Stated to relax ita hold ; collared peers and liveried courtiers have been forced to reoognias the majesty of the people. Ministers m ist how to the will of a majority, and the veiea af the sitiswa moat be rejected c pedfltapi pew-