The Savannah courier. (Savannah, Ga.) 1852-185?, November 28, 1852, Image 1

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A COMMERCIAL, FAMILY AND GENIAL NEWS PAPER. VOL I. THE COURIER. ri’Dt.miKD DULY, TRI-WEEKLY A\D WEEKLY, 8. T. CHAPMAN, STATE PRINTER. Urun. r. r.. O'KtLLIVAN ft T. B. COIXDUIII Hare '<*i grtii an interest in the Savannah fonr ier. ani will hereafter b* permanently eonitrrt'd With the establishment. They respert fully solicit the asststanre of their friends in building up the tmper. and in making it. in all renpeett.. worthy lAr patronage of a generous nn J confiding publir. Terms oT llie Courier* Single copv of the luily. in the city,(per atm ) f 5 {tingle copy * 4 “ by Mai1,...,.,** 6 Three cnji'Cl 44 V 44 16 !*ik ropier “ 41 41 — 44 TO Cringle copy of Tri-Wkkxly ....... , 44 $4 Three copies •* “ 44 •.: 44 ..11 J*it copies 44 44 . 44 ... 44 20 Ten copies 44 44 44 ... 30 fjnjl• cony of the WkkklY, 4 * 4i $2 hii copies 4 * “ * 4 * 4 .......10 Nine copies 44 44 44 “ ..IS Twenty copies 4l 44 44 44 30 No paper sent out of the city unless the cash is first in hand. r : / • K'ery p iper dhcontiimd as soon as .he money i eali.iustrj. Advertisements inserted at the following rafpj; FOR ONE Sqt'Al'.K OF TKN LINES. One insertion 60 ft*. One Month $6 00 Two insertions,.. $1 00 Two Months. 10 00 Three insertions....! 2 Three Months,... 12 50 Four insertions ISO Four Mouths,... .15 00 Fire insertions,... .1 75 Sit Month*,..... . .*2O 00 One Week 2 00 One year 30 00 Advertisers whose hill* are over Fifty Dol lars per annum ill he entitled to a liberal di'*c*t. £>— All eontracta must Ik* in writing, an l spe cify precisely the business to he advertised, and the number of changes to whicu the party is entitled. Partie* who enter into contracts by the year, will not he allowed to discontinue the Fame, unless bv paying pio rata to date, and one quarter in advance. SJrM.egul Advertisement* inserted at the usual rate*, and especial care taken that the terms of the law xre strictly complied with. 27” All Advertisements, if •* marked, will he inserted in the Daily. Tri-Weekly aul Weekly Paper*, at the above specified rates. ;7** Advertisements displayed in fancy type to suit the taste of customers—hut all large cut* must te paid for eatra if iii'erted. All Communications intended to promote the private ends or interests of individuals or corporation*, m ill he charged as advertisement*. 2y m Marriage and Obituary notices not exceed ing six lino*, when sent by subscribers an l pa trons, inserted free of charge. CJ7* All Obituary notices over *ix line* in length, and all proceeding.* f association* or public meetings in regard to the death of indi viduals, will he charged at the usual rates. JJ7 * Pont matters and Agents who art in making up Club* and in forwarding Advertisements, will It allow'd th ’ differ’ net between the elub rates and the regular rates, as eomrnissi'jns. (lljc Dailn Courier* NOVEXBEK it-. THE CROSS. Blest. ttifv who seek While in their youth Willi -pirit* meek. The way of truth. To thorn the Sucre. 1 SCKtPTtars Jo display. Ciim-T. a* the only true an ! living way Hi. precious hluoJ on CaLvxkv wagiren. To inak ■ them heir.uf endles* bti<* in heaven. An l eVn on earth the child of God can trace The glorious blessing* of hi* sovereign grace. For them ho iiore lli. Fatties’, frown. For t lie in lie wore The thornv crown ; NaileJ to Hie Cross. Endured its pain— Tliat lli, life s lo* Might be their sain f Then haste to choose The better part— Xnr bans refuso The l.orJ your heart, I.S.T lIK lIKCLARR . *• I know you not."’ Then Jeep tie-pair Will be your lot. CHILD’S EVENINC PRAYER. Je*u*. Heavenly Shepherd, h-ar me— Hie,, Thy little lamb to-night; Through the Jarkne.s be Thou near me— Watch my sleep till morning light. Ait thi. Jay Thy hanJ ha. leJ me, An l I thunk Tlice for thy care; Tli sii ha-t warm, 1 aiel fed, anj clothed me— Listen to my evening prayer. May my in, he alt forgiven ; lile.s tlie friend- I love so wet!; When I die take me to Heaven. Happy there with Thee to dwell. PAPER COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, TYPE AND PRINTING PRESS AGENCY, No. M Em< Bit.'. Charleston, ft. C* JOSEPH WALKER. I>E<iS leave respectfully to inform the politic that he ha., opened n Commission Paper tl arelioiise, and agency for Type. I‘re,*e,. etc., and will derate hi. personal attention to it ex e'.jsi\e|y From hi. great facilities lie will b enabled to sell on the very best term, PRINTING PAPER. Afj'ryT roa th* South Carolina Paper Manufacturing Comp’y, Greenville, S. C., Fayrttnllle and Llaroln, N. C. Taper MUD, The.exten-ive Mill of the former i. one of the large-tin the whole country. The machinery is of the latest and most approved construction, embracing every new and valuable Improvement, and i, equal to the be-t Northern Mill. The other mills are in -urce.-ful operation, manufac turing paper, which bear, comparison with the BEST WHITING PAPER. He h.\< made arrangement* with aeveral Mill*, an l can offer all kinds much lower than ha.* bewn .old at the South ■WRAPPING PAPER. Ite i* prepared to sell all kinds as lowa, at the North. Tea and all kind, of Wrapper, for 41 ro eer. Envelope and assorted UOIJIRKD PAPER;*. CaUIiS. plain, biark. enamelled an 1 colored, at Manufacturers’ Prices. TYPES. PRESSES, A,n PRINTING MATERIALS. Arrangement* have lieen made to (jo much more extensively into tlii* busine**. and to keep larger -toc. constantly/)!, hand. Agent for John T. White's Type and Stereotpo Foundry, which l,a* tern e.ta'dished over forty year*, and isone of the b.t in the country. Al-o It. Hoe A Co’, Celel>rated Printing Pre.s Manufactory. TYPE. PRE.-.-ES. Ac., furnished at the same price as at the Foundry or Machine Shop. the ac tual expen-e of tran-portatioo only added, which would have to be paid if bought in New York. printing ink. Book. New* and assorted Color*, of best qualify. Agent for Maynard A Sore*’ celebrated WRITING INKS, Fame price at Whnle-alc a* at the maker*, bet J 4 SCHOOL BOOKS 4cC. Just received per H&rnden'a Express, via ■teamer Florida. 4 FIT’ !. assortment of school books. Perkin, a*. Practical Arithmetic, Goodrich New Nation al (hotnphy, Swan's Primary school reader, f*w.i' Grammar school reader,Speller and Prim ary Speller. Parker's Exercises, Vpiarkinbo**. Ist • ‘>oii|-*nion. McClinlock, Crook', First I.atin, llentley'. Pictorial Reader. Authon*. Ainsworth Ac., for sale at the Honk afore of oct 27 S. 8 SIIH.EY, No. lUConjrs-Bt. COPYING A NOT Alt IA I, NEAL PR KXSICS. A FINE assortment of Copying and Notarial PRESSES, just received and for aale low, at the Uook-atore of 8. S. SIBLEY*, oct 2d No. 135 Congress-street. NHKLIMIN COLLI NJL MANUFACTURER OF PRINTINQ INK. Ofice, 6V Uolil-Streel, Cur hit Ana, New-York. Extra Fine Jet Black, for Card and Wood Cut Priming; Extra Black Book and New* Ink, of ftuperinr Quality. Alio, COLORED INKS, of v> ry variety. [Single Copies I Cents.] S. SVIL.XOT, L-A WATCHES, JEWELRY, £LiI SILVER fix SILVER PLATED WARE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. I Market Square. I IMIK Subscriber lias on hand, and Is constantly A receiving from t(ie l>e-t and most respectable manufacturers in the country, Rich Diamond. Ruby, Prnrl. and Other JEWELRY, AND STERLING SILVER WARE, Such a. Table, Desert and Tea Spoon, and Fur.ks, Silver Plate, and Waiter*. Tea Sett.. Castor*, Cups and Saucers. Goblets. Tumbler*. Pap Boats, Soup and Sauce l.adles: Pie. Ice Cream. Cake and Fruit Knives; solid Silver De-ert. Pickle and llut terKuive*. Napkin Rings, Salt Cellars, a*nd Fruit Knives. Silver Plated Spoon.. Fork, and Ladle*. Cake Basket., Ca-tors, Waiters. Snuffers and Tray*. Ivory Balance tlaodic Knives, and Silver Plated on Steel. Table and Desert Knive*. I hie Txernty-Oue Dny MARBLE MANTEL CLOCKS, ’ and common Bras* CLOCKS, of every description. Gold and Silver l.rvrr and Lrpinc WATCHES, Fine enamelled Hunting WatcliesGold and Sil ver Watch Chains. Seal- and Key*,lsold and Silver Thimble*. 4J,ld and Silver Speetacle*. Roger*’ Hnv Poeket Cutlery, Itaior* and Razor Strops, Card t'a-es. Port Monaies. Ac. Particular attention w ill Ik* given to Repair ! ing of Watches. Clocks, and Jewelry. From his long experience and extensive facili ties. he coutideiitlv believes lie will satisfy all who may favor him with their patronage. Hi. price* are a. low. and term* a* favorable, as ■ at anv other establishment in the State. OCt u S. WILMOT. No. 1 Markct-sq SAVANNAH BARBER SHOP AND BATHING SALOON. FIMIE Ktftb.Ncrilter trnul l respectfully Announce I A to th* rilixen* of SAvnniuli, xml of (ieork'iA, Alalmina. Florida. South Carolina, that tlii* ioi.g ami well know n eiUlilhlinieut i* open for the re j ception f hi* friend*, he a*-ure* them tliat noth j in>j >hal 1 Ik? left undone on hi* part, to continue j it a convenient . and contfnrtaMe Ilarber i*lop. • lli* price* will be a* reasonable a* in any similar j e-tahli*hiuent in New York. Il.vir Cutting in neat and fa*)iionable *tyle. $0 20 J Single Shave lo Shampooing •> Shavin# t and 7 time* a week 2.W j P‘ ..5 1.50 Do. 3. . .or. s.. .4 1.00 Ticket* ffr rhildren’i* Ilair Cutting. .8 for.. l.tH) II t and Cold Bath* 2*> Parent* are respectfully informed, that every rare and pain* will taken with their cliildreu wrheu *ent t* the Saloon to In? waited upon, he will al*o keep for wale a variety of fancy Hood*. *uch a* |reitlenen*ii Cravat*,Stork*, all kind* of Hlove*. (Ire** Shirt*. Merino and Cotton under Shirt* and Drawer*. |ockct !!dkf.*Collar*. Sock* and other article* of gentlemen’* wear ; al-o Ilair. Tooth; H it. Nair Fle-h. Cloth’*, & Shoe |tru-he*. Soap*. Oil*, Cologne* and a great variety of other article*. HALM OF SAVAWAII. Tlii* beautiful preparation i* manufactured by hiin*elf. for ami darkening the hair ; thou-and* w ho hn e received the b tie tit of clean *ing of (landrttT. improving ami darkening the hair ; are willing to commend it. Price one dol lar a bottle, or 3 bottles for 5*2 2V Aihl STA UAHHI’H HHOr. Ifewoutl al-o take the pleasure of informing hi* nuiuerou* friend* that he ha> opened a tnagni ticeut ll.irlier *hop umler the Augu*ta Hotel. ntreet. AußU*ta, where every convenience w ill be foun I to make hi* patron* comfortable. Stratg**ra and fiienda \i*iting Augu*ta, are res pectful l v solicited to give me a call. J M. HAYWOOD. Mon. S*|. Savannah. An l un lor Augusta Hotel, llioa-i ntreet Augus ta. FTOW VII IKON UOltkN AMI FLOURING MILLS. F|3lfK Un ler*igne| inform* hi* friend* and the R pe 4 Hc. that le ha-, by the co-operation F friend*, purrlia-ed the Etowah Work*, aud vrill continue to operate the ewtahli*hnn*nt a* hereto fore, ami will le plea*ed to receive order*. He propose* to in.ake a super: vr quality of merchant Iron. Also. Ilollopare and Machinery Casting*. He a ill al*o buy wheat and *ell Hour, and ha* now a superior article of superfine Hour, w hich lie wnl nail low lor cash. *uif *2< MARK A. COOPER^ JOHN W;KELLY, vii DRAPER st TAILOR, Tt OWE S’ S BUILDINGS,f Jlravl SIHp of llull.Mrrrt.UL/ OPPOSITE THE PULASKI HOUSE, SAVANNAH, QA. tpilE Buberibrr kn-p. con-tantly on hand a X fine av.ortment us CLOTHS. CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS. Wl.icl. lie will make up to order or -ell by the pattern, on the nm-t rea-oua’ le term-. AIo. BIIIRTS. t'nder do.. Merino and Canton Flannrl DRAWERS. BTIH KB. SCARFB. NEI'K TIES (iLOVKJ. HANDKERCHIEF.*). BfBI’END ER.. POItTMtINAIS, Clothe. lIRUBIIEB. CIGAR CABEB, Ar. It- ha. al<n. a hand-nine lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, And Grntlrinru'a Dre-aiug Govt n. With a ivrgv a.-urt.nrnt of Men and lloya’ CAPS, al-n. a lot of limn VELVET CAPS, for chiblrrn. Silk and Cotton UMBRELLAS, with other arti cles, too numerous to mention. Call and exam ine. oct 22 ly JOHN W. KELLY. FORT VALLEY FE MALE SEMINARY. V. AV. TV IRC, A. M., Principal. Department of Natural Science aud Belles Let tre. Alexander Reed. A. 8., Department es Ancient Languages and Mathe matic.. Mrs. ||. M. YVIr, Departineut f Mental and Moral Scioncr. Miss J. E. Jones, Department us Music and Modern Languages. .Mrs. E. M. Mark. Painting. Drawing. Embroidery, and Wax Work. This institution, which has just entered upon its second session, is located at Fort Valley. Hous ton County. Georgia, a plea-ant and thriving village, on the Buth Western Rail Iload, twenty eight mile. South of the city of Macon, and at the junction of the Mu-rogee Rail Roa I, which will I- complete!] in four nr Gve mouth., connecting Fort Valley and Columbus, Ci The place enjoy* rare facilities of access. Is sufficiently retired and quiet for purpo-es of ed ucation. is surrounded by a highly moral and intelligent community ; and, w ith a short inter ruption duriug the early part of the present season, ha. l>e<-ii distinguished for the healthful ness of the locality. The success of the School thus far, has greatly exceeded the most sanguine expectations of its friend.. The teachers employed are of high qualifications, both rcntally and morally, whilst the course cf instruction Isas thorough and ex* tensive, and the rates of tuition as moderate a. those of any Semiuarv in the State, thu. holding out the most reasonable inducement* to parent* who have daughters to educate. The Principal is now erecting a large anc rom raodiou. dwelling, with a view chiefly !o the ac commodation of such young l lics as may de-ire to board in hi* family. Hoarding canal-o be ob tained, at the most reasonable rates, in private families of the first standing in the place and vicinity. EMPIRE HOUSE, OGLETHORPE, Gn. f (VIE undersigned (late of the Washington Hall, I Macon, Ga .) repectfullr announces to the public that this new and spiendid Hotel is now I open for the reception of HOARDERS and VISIT ORS. This House is new, large, and commodious —the rooms are neat, spacious, ami airy, and fur nished throughout with new and elegant FURNI TURE. A* it will he under hi* personal super intendeno . he flatter* -him-elf that hy strict at tention to hu-ines* to make hi* guest* comforta ble, and to merit a continuation of their patron age. Good Livery gia'-lsi in connection with this Iloue. JESSE CAIN, aug 50-1 y Proprietor. hac otTbitter and Lahd; liltDS. choice lUron Side*. 30 hh Is. choice Bacon Shoulder*. 30 keg* Go-ben Butter. 30 do. prime Lard. 20 bbl*. Mrs* Pork. Ju*t recelred and for sale hy _oet 22 WEBSTER A TALMES BUCKWHEAT FLOI'R. IN half kegs, quarter kegs and hags, for salt by oct 27 KIUEUC. A ‘RODGERS'. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1852. C. AV. MABRY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Franklin, lltnrd County. Ga. Will attend to profes-ional bu-ines* in the counties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Favette, Meriwether and Troup. Utfrrrnrr —lion. E. Y’. Hill. La Grange. Ga.; Hon. David Irwin. Marietta. Ga.: Col. M. M- Tid well. Fayetteville, Ga.; Mr. William Dougherty, Columbus. Ga. sept 17—ly j(Jj|V POOLER WHni.aaai.vt and rktxii. nrat.aa ix PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINE AND VARNISHES,* Ftrnrh ami Arnmran Window lifuu. Paint. Y'arni.-h and White-wash Urn-lie*. Sabel aud (!mol Ilair I'eneils, Badger A Camel Hair Blender*. Graining Combi, Artit’ Brushes. A.• Ae Puper Hangings. Borders, and Klre Board Print*. SOUSE, SIGN AND SHIP PAINTING, Gilding. Grainiug and Glazing, done on rea.oua cle term* by JOHN PtVOI.E. aug 20 No. It Wliitaker-st. GREENWOOD. MORRIS tc RIDGAVAY, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. NO. BIT CAMP STREET, Henry T Greenwood, | Jusiuh Morris. | New Orleans. John I. Ridgwa ) sept 2a Cm MILLER AH ALL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oglethorpe. Ga , Will practice in ihe Superior Courts of nil the Countie* of the Maron cireuit. in Lee, Baker and Sumter, of the South-We.torn cireuit, and ill Marion and Taylor, of the Chattahonehee cir cuit. Also, in the Supreme Court at Macon, De catur, Columbus and Americas. ttTXriIEX r. MILLLKH. BXUVEL lIALt.. Sept. 14. 18M. ly GREENE fc SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Tliomaston, Gro. JAMES W. GREENE. U. F. SMOOT. OCt 20 siikw m ak i: iTMV§rrooM eh%\ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro*, Ga., ill practice law in copartnership, in civil bu *inc**, in Baker County. JOBS T. SUKWMAKK. W. W. MONTGOMFRT joii.y c. nriu u. ATTORN EY AT LA W, Cliattunooga, Trnnrvsrr. Practice* in Hamilton ami the a ljoiuing coun ties, Tennessee, and w ill continue to practice in Murray. YVbitficlJ, Walker, aud Dade counties, Georgia. ept II ALLEN h BALL. Factors and Commission .Merchants, 112 BAY’ STEET, jixis w ball. } Savannah, Gn. HENRY E. BALL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Macon, tin. Liberal CASH advances made on consignment* to Allen A Bail, Savauuah. 11. E. B. sept Iff JOHN H. HULL. FAC (CR COMMISSiRN (NO FDR WARDING MER .. „ CHANT. A0.1,2 Buy Strut, Savannah, Georgia. Bept. 2-ly. ■•BBT B. FORT. T. K. 11l Ml \ q. FORT V nr MI AM. FACTORS.ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, oct 7 Nava man, via. ROWLAND .V CO.. GENERA!. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 172 Bay street. Savannah. Jons T. BOWLA.NI>. AIUIX T. ROWLAXD, JR. aug 8 AVION*.. LIN A- l>.. WARE-HOUSE.COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND GEN K It A L A G E NTS, l.u-rnig-, Ga. B. B. AMOS*. K. 11. 1.1N.X. AESBI B LENDOX. r.rferenre —Wa-hburn. Wilder A Cos., and Fid win Parson* A Cos., Savannah, 44a. Cm—.sep 12 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rjVRE sub-crilar. having retired from the Auc- X tion Business, and associated with hi 3Dr T. K DCNIIAM. of Camden county, will continue the Factorage and 4,rnrrnl I oiiiiuisvioif llu ■ine, under the name and style of FOKT A DUNHAM. UEMIY It. FOUT. Savannah, Oct 1, 1552. COPAIITNERNIIIP NOTH E. F|MIE uuder-igned having formed a copartner- X ship under the name style of KtIIUKE A IIiIDGK US. for the trunsactioif of a wholesale gro cery and Provision business in this city, take pleasure in informing their friend* and tiie pub lic generally that they have ou hand and-will l,e receiving weekly a large, new and well selected stock of OHOCUtUES A PKOVISIONS. which will Iw sold on accommodating term*. Special atten tion will be given to order* from the country. KIBBEE A RODGERS. J. M. KIBIIKK, f. 0. nOGEK.S, tv te of the firm of E. A late of the Hrm of It R. Grave* A Uo. Grave* A Rodgers, New Y'ork. Macon, Ga. oct 3 indc a8e t s PATENT DOUBLE ACTION* SUCTION PUMP.4rA ■ Patented Anguat, IMB. ‘ f--- - f|d|ll.) PI'MP i*now extensively u*ed, and eve* X ry day'* exjHrrience proves it to be the most efficient, simple and durable in use. It w ill rui-e water from well, of any depth. One man can raise water from a well 80or 1041 feet deep; and with the application of hose and pipe, can throw it upon the top of any common two-story that in rase of fire, or for washingenrriages, front* of houses, and ship decks—also for watering flower yard* or garden*, it i* unsurpassed. Laige sizes can be had for lire engines, stationary or port able, for ware-house*, public building*, steam boat*. Ac.; also for farming, mining, manufac turing and railroad purpo-es. F'or th* purchase of pumps, town or county rights in tUe Btate of Georgia, apply to Mason A Dibble, Macon, l.a. or their agent. oct 29 ts A. McyUEEN. TIIE LAST AND GREATEST IMPROVEMENT! ARNOLD'S IMPROVED PATENT Metallic Indestructible Sarcophagus, ‘ Or, AIR EXHAUSTED COFFIN. Clf. S. HOG Alt Ill'S haring been made the AGENT, of the ohore for the City nf Savannah, would respectfully cat! attention to their vast superiority over any thing of the kind that has yet been before the public. It i* now well known tliat the entire exclusion of atmospheric air will prevent decomposition, and it is on this principle tliat the superiority of these Cof fin* i* na*ed. By the application of an air pump • lie air is removedtand the contents will remain without effluvia o. change of appearance. Ilnw gratifying to surviving friend* and relative* to thu* ladiold the hand of decay arrested in it* course, ami the necessity of an unseemly hast* in burial entirely removed: and in ca-e of a re moval to a distance, they offer a perfect safeguard against any unplea-ant odor or infection/ even slroubl remains ldisinterred an placed in them for that purpose. A number of certificate* can im shown verifying cases that have remained un changed for different periods, up to two year* and four month*. A liWral deduction will l*> made to Cabinet-maker* in the city. The fol lowing Certificate i* selected from the number* which can bo shown, as it refers to a case ni our vicinity. Certificate. Mr. McKenzie’* children were put on board of steamship Southerner for Charleston on Satur day last, and they were both as natural as they were the day that they were put into the coffin* three niontii< ago; neither of them had turned black in the least, and the bunch of rose* were as fresh a* when they were picked from the stem, not a particle had dropped off oi fallen to piece*. A number of ladie* aud gentlemen by invitation went on board to see them, and ail were nstnn |*bed to thiuk it was so, but so it was, and I have no doubt but they will remain In their present state for any length of time. 8. BMITII, M. D. New-York. Nov. 21. IM9- dg* The undersigned having examined the above, do not hesitate to say that io their opin ion they are fully calculated to answer the in tended purpose*. 8. N. 1148818, u t>. R WAYNE. M. D. J. tIABERBIIAM, M. D. C W. W E*T. w. P r M. KOLLOCK. w. D. YV. O. BULLOCH, w. n. K. LACIILUGN, Machinist. Eavajukah, G*. Am 23, 1812. —aug,2d NEW-YORK AND NEW-ORLEANS TYPE FOUNDRY & PRINTERS’ WAREHOUSE HU. GREEN ••Ifer* for sale at hi* Type • Foundry in th * Bun Buildings. New-Y’ork, and at his office in New Orleans, a very extensive assortment of Book. Job. and News Type. Fancy Letter. Script. Borders,Ornaments. Ac.', including al-o many entirely new face* of the most fa vorite style of Type, and many other novelties of recent introduction. He is ulso now getting up, and wilt soon offer in the market, a in w and lieautiful series of Smtrh Faeei , Seriate, and Four and Six Line Pica Burden, firnain ate. tfe. He al-o offer* for sale Printing Presses ,-f every kind, Chases. Cases, Bras* Rules, Wood Ty|ie, luk, ana every other ar ticle used by Printers. Durability In connection with the most tieau tifut style and finish, i* tiie characteristic of the Type. Ac., manufactured and furnished at the New Y'ork amt New Orleans Type Foundry, and the suh-rrilMT feels justified in asserting with con fidence that in all particular* he is able to offer superior inducement:, to purchasers; his con fidence being f>uTided on the numerous high tes timonial* of approbation and satisfaction which lie has receiv ed from customers in all parts of the Union. These materials are . Ifered cither for cash or ap prove.! city acceptaorwa. on term* moie mod erate than they caiHie had at any other ---ment in the country— For further partieular*. Mr. Green refer* to 8. T. Chapman, of the Cuurier office who has been appointed Bole * ent for C .or—la i Ito whom a*! orders for .. p* mar be ;dlressea. *ug T H E W INTER IRON WORKS, Montgomery, Alabama. qdliE LARGEST IRON WORKS South of Phil- X adelpliia, their average yield being an engine and appurtenances weekly. Tiie-,* work* manufacture to order Stationary STEAM ENGINES, ot from *5 to 1041 horse power, and of approved design*, together with BUILEKS. SUGAR MILLS, and Saw and Grist MILL IRON'S of every description. Hand's patent and fully perfected Seini-Pnrta blo. Upright amt direct act ing STEAM SAW MILL, with lloxie's patent Continuous Feed Work. Cooper'*Direct Acting GANG MILL ENGINE and appurtenances, the best mill in use; Together with Retila-n Rich'* justtv celebrated IRON XV ATKIt-WIiEEL. and IRON SCROLL, and such other machinery as is usually made in the large establishment* of the North, and upon terms a* reasonable. All sates cash, or approved paper with aix months to mature, interest added. . Drawings furnished without etiarge. The superiority of the work from this Compa ny is well established and fullv warranted. Address A WARNER. Sec.. or. J. S. WINTER A CO.. Agent*, ang TO ts Mnntgn.nerv, At. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA THE ‘-’IST COURSE OF LECTURES IN tlii* Institution, will romtnence ou the First Moxuit i.x NovKuni.a nkxt. Anatomy—O. M NEWTON. M. D. Surgery—L. A. DUGAS. M, D. Institute* and Practice of Medicine—L. D. FORD. M. D. Phvslology and Pathological tomv—ll. Y‘. M. MILLER. M. D. Materia Medica and Therapeutic*, and Medical Jurisprudence—l. P. GARVIN. M. D. Obstetrics and Disci., e* of Women and Infants J. A. EVE. M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy—A. MEANS. M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy—ll. F. CAMPBELL. M. D. Assistant Demonstrator—ltOß'T CAMPBELL. M. D. Clinical Lecture* will Le delivered regularly at the City Hospital, and ample opportunities will be afforded for the study of Practical Anatomy. Important additions have been made duriug the present year, to their means for Demonstrative teaching in llbstetrie*. Pathological and Surgical Anatomy, Disease* of the Skin. Ac., Ac. For further information, application may bv made to any member of the Facnliv. or to G. M. NEWTON. Dean. Auonsta July. Y *n v -jO MEDICAL COLLEGE ~ —or THE STATE OF SOUTII-CAROLINA. qdHF. Annual Course of Lectures in this institu- A tion rommenres mi the first Mondujr in No vemlier. on the following branches: Anatomy, Lv J. E. HOMiRouK. M. D. Surgery, by K. GEDDINGS, M. D. lii-titutes and Practice, by S. HENRY’ DICKSON, M. D. Physiology, hy JAMES MOULTRIE. M. D. Materia Medica. bv lIENRY It. FROST. M P. Obstetric*, by THOMAS G. PHIOLKAU, M. D. Chemistry, by U. U. SHEPARD. M. I. Comparative Anatomy, by L. AGASSI/.. M. D.) Deiiion-trator Anatomy, ST. JULIAN R.YVKNEL. M. D. Assistant Demonstrator. F. T. MILES, M. D. Prosecutor to the Professor of Surgery. J. F. M. GEDDINGS. M. I>. CLINICAL IXSTIirCTIOS. D. J. CAIN, M. I> . Physician to the Marine HospiLit and Clinical lu-tructur, lectures twice a week on the Disease* of that institution. J. FORD PIUOLEAU. M. I) , Physician to the Hospital of the Alin* House, at which lectures are delivered twice a week on Disease*, the lliag no-i* discriminated, and the student indoctrinated in their treatment. Demonstrative Instruction in Medieine and Sur gery. nl the College Hospital,by the Piofea-orof the Meitical College. At a special meeting f the Trustee* and Facul ty of the Medical College of the State’ of Smith Carolina, held on the 3d day of Jainary, IS.V2, Dr. L. AGASSIZ wa unanimously elected Profes sor of Comparative Anatomy, with the distinct understanding tliat collegiate expense* of the student are not to bo increased by this addition to the course. * aug 20 lIENRY’It. FnoT. Yl. D.. Dean. MERI LII I.MVFRKITY, Penfleld, Greene County, Georg'i. aTI’PIRS. ffYUE Studies in this University are:—A Theo- X logical Course of three year*, designed for those who are preparing for the Go-pel Ministry ; A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other College* in the country; A Scientific Course of three year*, including, with *nmu addition*, all the studio* of the Colle giate Course except tlio Ancient Language*; An Academical. Course, including whatever I* necessary to prepare for admission into College. APSHNSIOiV. The regular time fur the admission of Student*, Is at the opening of the Fall Term, the last Wed nesday in August. Candidate* for admi*slon into Ihe Collegiate Course must sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography, Arithmetic. English, Latin and Greek Grammar, I’a— ar, Virgil. Cicero'* Select Oration*, and Jamb'* Greek Header;, nnd must be at least fourteen years of age. Candidate* for nlmi*-ion into the Scientific Course must siistaT i a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arfhinetic, Knglfsh Grammar, Simple Equation* in Algebra, and two book* in. Geometry ; and uiu-t be at lea-t sixteen yeur* of age. EXPENSES. Tuition. Spring Term. Fall Trrm. In Theological Seminary,. .Nothing.... .Nothing. In College fii on 00 Scientific Course i 23 Off 15 Off In Academy- Preparatory Class 25 00 15 00 Sernlid “ 2> 00.-. 12 00 Third “ la 4)0 t 4*l Elementary “ 10 110....... 600 Room Rent 0 <<o 4 00 Contingent Expen-e* 2 00 1 no The-e expense* are required to be paid in ad vancu. From Student* who lodge in the College build ing*, fifty dollar* w.H be received as full payment for the tuition fee*, room rent, and contingent expense* of the year. The price of Roard In the village I* JlO per month ; of washing, room rent, and fuel. S3. COUMEXCEMENT AMI VACATIONS. The Commencement U held ou the last Wed neoday in July. There are two Vacation*,dividing the year into two term*, as follows; First Term—from last Wednesday in August to Decemtier 15th. Winter Vacation—from December 15th to Feb ruary l*t. Second Term—from first day of February to Commencement. Summer Vacation—front Commenrement to last Wednesday in August. B. M. SANDERS, Secretary of the Board of Trustee*. Any friend, by application to Dr. J. L. DAftG, President of the University, wilt receive a cata logue, containing the course of studies, aud all other necessary information. B. M. 8. WINDOW CURTAINS” RICH Embroidered Muslin Window Curtain*. Landscape and tiegfeje W in.low Shades, some entirely new de-ignat Buff Holland* and fixtuiu*. Jnst received foe aale by •ct 7 DtWXIT.Jt MORGAN. . THE CHEAPEST ASH STOREI^I ! rpiIEUNDEILsICSNLD have for sale, a large mid ( -m. entirulv new Block of DEY GOODS: Consisting partly of DRESS GOODS I thsf are “TIIE 4!VX|O” „f i THE BEST IMPORTATIONS FOR THE FAU TRADE, INCH DI.NO j Very rich Embroidered 4 rape Scar ft A .shaxvlt. I Printed and Plain THIBET WOOL SHAWLS. : Plaid, Square amt Long shawl*. Very ri< >• Hi ade Black and Colored SILKS, t Chameleon SATIN BE CIIENEB and BILK.S. I Plain Black Silks of every kind. MUUSSKLLINES and Nlu-lln tie Lainra, from In cent* to $1 per yard. j French Xlerlnn*. PAUM ATTAS. and Poplin*. | MOURNING liltE.-S I.OOIiS. Gingham*, Calicoes I Ac. EMBROIDER lEB. ; Chemise**. Habit-.. Alhoni and Frilled Collar* nleeve*. Cuff*. Bkirta, Cap*, Ac-—a new *tyle of Wristband* Embroidered. Hemmed. A Tape Bordered Hand kerchiefs—very cheap Spun Silk. Cashmere raid Cotton Hosiery Ladie* aud 4Seiitlemen-s Glove*, in great variety. A large lot of Ladie-’ nr.-T tirALiTvFrench white, colored and Mark Kid tilovt a—.-lightly im perfect. at 541 cents a pair Best qualities Black Silk LACES, of every width Th nr Store ts The De/Ktf for irbtdinirtsr the BEST HOUSEKEEPING GOODS at tiie Chcapo-t price-: particularly White A IS row n Table Linens in cterv uiiltli an*l quality. Napkins. Doylii**. Toweling*. Hird’b Eye Diaper s. I>4ma !:is- Totvi'N. Ilti(’ku)ti**k4. Scotch Diaper*. &u. ntIIKTIW AX If 1M1.1.0W C* Aft !£ LIMIN'*. WHiIE AND t GI.OKKH UHI.TS, DLD TICKS. BLANKETS, of all -i/e-and qualitie*. SHIRTINGS aud SHEETINGS \ t 3 y ards wide. EXTHA aicu Nrttlle Work and irrttrit l ace Curtain*. IU-4 Vor.teJ Ihtn.-i >k :tn*i Kuihroidcrci CLOTH TABLE COVERS.: Their Linen Goods Are Warranter! ALL ITHE FLAX, nnl tlieir con* nections in liable enable them to sell llritish and Iri-h tioo*l* rtry muth Cheajrer than the Mime styles and qualities cun he hud cLewliere inS&v'k Their Stock of Broadcloths, Cassimers, Tweed-, Satinets. Jeans. I'lai-t- lor bov*’ wear, While, lied uni Yellow FLANNELS; Wool. Merino, and Cotton CN'DEII-SIIIP.TSaad DRAW ERS. is complete. ALSO, Everything Kept in the Largest Stores. Tiie attention of PLANTERS isdirected to-our Stock of LIJkEVS. KKPSKVSand OSNABCItUS. heXvy CHEAP BLANKETS, - Together with almost everything needed for Plantation Use. which are fixed at the eheape-t price*. Piirchn*er* are invited to -criitiui/e our whole we rely on the di-criminatir.g J!y our diffusing reciprocal interest-1 for increasing I'lpfort. McCOSKLR ft TREAKOR, C’UAKL & lIOLCOJIBE, WHOLESALE GROCERS, L. 0.1 167, 189 ft ICI VW 3 U bay-st,, savannah, i ~ ->5. llare Jim irnl hy lirceut Anintls, awl Of/rr l'or Sale on tlienio t Favorable Terms, The following : SUGARS— S*l till I*. I'orto Rico, fair to ilioico. 2‘> lili l*. Prime St. Croix. 25 lilid*. Fair Cutia. 2uo hhl*. Stewart's B. 2c C. 25 bbl*. Cru-hud. 25 tioxes Loaf. corriiK— -504) l>ag* Rio. fair to prirao. 100 bag* Jamaica liK) paikagesOtd Java. .50 bag* 4,'uba. RAGGING to RtlPC— ’ guO I ale* Gunny. 10 bale* Dundee. IKI coils Hope. TOBACCO— WO l>oxev, various brand*. CTILiiSE -150 boxes Cream. 50 boxc* English Dairy. NI AC KI: It LL— -25 t.urrel* No. 1. 25 half barrets Xo. 1. 50 barrel* No. 2. 25 half barrel* No. 2. .50 barrels No 3. BACON -60 cask* Side*. 25 cask* Shoulder*. Nl OLA SSLS— -st) tierce* Cuba. 60 l•arrel* Cutia. 541 l>arrels New Orleans. CANDLLS— -50 t>oxe* Adamantine, 100 boxes Star. 25 Ihixo* Pearl. 1041 tioxes Hull 2t ReadeU*. PICKLKK— -50 boxes Underwood's. 25 boxes Remingtou's. LIQUORS— -100 barrel* E. P Gin. 50 barrel* Connecticut River Gin. 60 barrel- N. E. Rum. 25 Idd*. Ext. Choice old Monon Whiskey. 60 barrel* Baltimore Whiskey. 25 quarter ea-k* pure Maiaga Wine. 25 quarter caks Signotte Brandy. 10 half pipes lltnrd Riandy. 5 pipe- Rutland Gin. 15 quaatcr ca-ks Madvria M ine. SOAP -50 boxes. Colgate’s Xo. 1. 60 boxes Colgate'.* Pale. 100 boxes Boston No. 1. TEsIS— -25 quarter chest* Green. 10 half chest* lllaek. 10 quarter chest* Gunpowder. FLOUR— -50 half barrel* Extra 50 barrel* Hiram Smith’s. J 60 barrel* juireGenessee,[.New Wheat. 150 barrel* lialtimore, J STARCH— . 50 boxes Pearl. 25 quarter boxes Tearl. RAISINS— -25 tioxes Bunch. 25 half boxes Bunch. ALNION lIS -15 frail* Jordan. BUCKETS— -100 dozen Painted. 50 dozen Varnished. oct 8 WHOLESALE GROCERY?” a WEBSTER fit PALMEB, Corner Itureaid .1 Huy Slrrrn,, fit SAVANNAH, CA, til*'Jk Hove on hand. Hr nre constantly receiving, Avery large assortment of Groceries, Liquors, Ar. Which are offierf‘l to City Dealers, Pin alert and Country Mrrrhauts,at Wholesale. On Accommodating Terms. 1 OHA BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kind*. ’ em\l\t 70 lilid*. Fair and Choice P. 11. SUGAR. ! 40 do. Cuba and Ncw.Orleau* ilo. luo bbl*. Refilled do. 7.5 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf doi 31W bag* Itio COFFEE. 2*l and. Porto Rico aul st. Domingo COFTF.E. 75 do. Java do 150 ), and chest* Hy-oh TEA. 40 1% do. Btack do l: boxes SOAP 100 do. MC.-TARD, PEPPER. ALLSPICE and GINGKIt. .SO bbl*. Butter, B<ata, and Sugar BISCUIT. ?'IO % ilo. do. do. do. 5) Si BEGARS. assorted kinds. 20 bag* Black PEPPER. 250 blit*. New Urlcau* WHI.-KEY. • 100 do. White do. 60 do. Monongahela do. 20 do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E Phelps’ GIN. t!0 do. Be-t I*. A 11. Ryo GIN. 0 pipe* Holland do. 50 u cask* Sherry, Madcria, and Tcnrriffe, WINE. 00 ba-ket* Champagne do. 40 bbl*. American BRANDY. 25 cask* do 10 ), do. Cognac BRANDY. I In Cu-tore House 20 *4 pipe* do. |. Store 160 keg* Gun and RiHe POWDER. &•*) bag* Drop and Buck SHOT. With a compete assortment of Groceries. For sale on favorable tcrmbv oct 5 WEIIyTEIt A PALMES I'M DR ELLAS, PARASOLS, fcC.. JCBT received and for -ale bv oct 3 U BOCUE, FOWND ft CO. [Hailed, in Wrappers, 5 Cents.j V ll s fi!X)RGIA 1./i SSL MILITARY INSTITUTE, f JS MARIETTA. OA. jgg f I SHE Next Term of this Institution will y„m- F. mence on Monday, July I*. 18.52 Addition al building* having been erected, there w ill be aicoinmodation* lor 130 Cadet*. A copy of the Regulation* will be sent to any person desiring Luther iufoiniatiun. on application lo the uu der-igne I, A. V. BRUMBY. Sup’t. Marietta. Oct. 19. 1552. oct 22 DR Y_ GOODsT ~ HENRY Ltl'llkoVa iO., offer forsalo at luwcnl ]iHi>s coons. French printed de Lniuei. I*nrli-vh mii*l American Muslin de I.ninus. l*Ltin hifrli colors do uo PiTHiiu ClotlK Plain Raw Silks. French and Merino*. , French un<l Scotch Cit;?ham*. ltirh Itrocade Silks. I Glue'.# dm Dluck Silks, a large rarietv. MOI It.M \G’ COODSe French.ami DiiKlivh It<nuLe.fities. Dlk. 1 hally. Tamiuir**. Mu lin de Ltines. Alpacas, Canton am! Orleans Cloth, ic. K:MHKoii>i:it 4 i;s. Mtt'lin an 1 Lace Collars ami Cape*. . Cheini-vettc*- un ler Si*eve- atidCaju. Swit> and Cau.*ric IMl'ih;: and luvjrtu'gi. ‘luwlin aii 1 Catnhiic hands. Thiead an*! Valencia Laces, lllaek Silk an l Dimple laces. Rich Lawn and Cambric Handkerchiefs. G'LOVKS. Ladies. Ocntlctucn and Cliildivn's—a full assort ment. HOSIERY. Ladies. Misses. M*n ami Dojs’—a full assortment. Kiiglidi and Herman. Laiii j s's, Men ami Dovs’ Merino Ye&ti. LI.M-.NS; Ic. 4-4 Superior l:i-h Linen, bust mako. 3-4 and 7-8 1M to I*2-4 Barnsley Sheetings. 4-4 to 0-4 I illow Ca -v Linens. Scotch and Irish DUpcr*. HuukaVacks. o-8 to 4-4 Damask Napkins. 8-4 to 1M Brown ami Ilru.*Damask Cloths. fi-4 to IU-4 ltleac!i**d and Brown Damasks. Cotton and Wor.-ted Tatde and I*iano Covers. l-4 to 13-4 Toilet and li.))veriat Quilti* 7-8 to 5-4 Furniture Dimity. Liu*toil*ie l :iel uo; !* <! Skirts. Figured and Fl.iin Swisz* Mu-lins. Flaid and l’laiu Caiohries am! Jaconets. Welsh and American Flannels. Col*d French do. Fancy Wool Fluid for Itoy.s.’ Plain and Fancy CasiinerVs. Tweeds. Jun*’ Satinet-, c. &c. oct 17 5 0 0 PARLOR AND COOKING STOVES FOR SALE 115 BROUGHTON-STREET, BY JAITII2S SILLIVA.T, . SAVANNAH GA. WM'f.LIVAN'S ••S4)UTIIKHN IRON WITCH” COOKING STOVE is the ino-t simple, and peifeet in operation, of any in this country.— Made expressly for Southern u-e. and .warranted. Thu must ignorant per.-ou cun hum to n-e it in a few dav* oct 14 No. 1,>5 Bay-wtreel. Savimnnh. f|AIIK undersigned would respectfully inform -1 lii* niimeriMi* Irien I*. and Ihe puldic gener ally. that he ha- re-fitted and re-opened hi- Re tauraut. lie ha-al-o fitted up a room itinuinec tion w ith the Oyster Saloon, for the arcoiniiio la tion of Diii!ir or Supper parties. During the pa*t Summer he ha* added a third story to hi e-taldishment, which is fitted up in good style, with FIVE SUPERIOR BILLIARD TABLES. lie takes this occasion to inform the puldic tliat he lias made arrangements at home and at the Nurtli. hy onr-team-hip.*, to have his Eating Saloon amply supjdied with CAME, FISH, OYSTERS, and nil the choice delicacies, in tlieir sea*on; and that with the aid of exp’ rienced and atten tive managers, cooks.waiter*. Ac., lie is prepared to entertain his customers in a style Inferior to that of no other establishment of tho kind in the country, lli* determination is to keep a pu'die hoit* tliat shall t* in every re-pei t credi table to him-elf aud the city, tlf hi* slice,—* he leave* the public to judge. A. B. LUCE. net 12 . AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, 170 BAT-STREET: SAVANNAH, CA. The -uh-rrilx-r is prepared to furnish Planters. Country M'-r ---chant* ami other* at YVIIULK -BAI.K or RETAIL, every varietr of AGRIUI LTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Consisting chiefly of Plough*. Cultivator*, liar rows, Corn Shelter*. Straw Cutters. Power and Hand Corn Mill?. Fun .Mill-. Smut Mill*. Bark Mill*, and ISri-t Mill*. Ito-id Scraper*. Root Pull er*. Grain Cradles: Grain, ttrass.ivlul Bn-h Scythe*. Reap Hooks, ttarilni ft I'riiitlng linplrments of ail kind*. Mill and I'nttou 4■ in 4tciiriiig.* Mill Pecks nnd Mill Iron*. Saw Gutumer*. Rate* and Screws for lifting Mill Stone*. Best Du'cli An chor Itoltiug 4’lotlis. lSogardit* ft Truitil>uH's Patent Horse Powers. Kicc auil Grain Thrashers of variou- makers. Blake’s Patrnt Ohio Fire-Proof Paint llvd ran lie CEMENT ami Calcined Pla-ter, (iu ‘ quantity.) R**t Sperm and other 4IILS for Lnnt|i*. Paint and Machinery. Patent Lcatder IIELTINti. dontde and single, from 2 to 18 itirlie* width; xtitrlied. cemented and cnppcr-rivcttcd. India Ituldier ditto. 3 and 4 ply. nt all widths. Patent Lace and Picker String leather. Copper Rivet and Itorr*. Dougin**’- Patent I'o'rre ft Suction Pump*:.Chain Pump-; Hydraulic Ram*, lead Pipe to fit. Collins'an 1 other makers approved Axe* and llat, list*. Wood and Hand Saw*. Ame*’ Shovel* nnd Spate*. Knglidi Patent and Crown line*, and American he*t ir.nnufartuied Hoes ol all site*. Hay ami .Manure Fork*: Chi**els; Hum mer*. aud Nails, a—oitod. Garden au l Canal Wheelbarrow*. Colton Warehouse and Store Trucks . Patent Platform. Counter, and D'.aui SCALES of all size*. Wire Clotli, ftc. Pricrs Rcasonr.blr, Terms Arrommodating. : WOOL. HIOES, FURS AND BEES’ WAX BOUGHT at all times, utid paid fur iu cash at current market nrices. - - aug 23 CIIAS. It. CAMPFIELP. AGENCIES. Tiie undersigned i* Agent for the sale IKliy] or Georgia Burr AllllMoue*. dressed I Iff I HI ‘ni furhisliel witli all tiie nece—arv paied to forni-ti Frendi Durr.Cologne and L.-o- : pus Mill Stone* of every dimeli-ion. Vnidrr's Uatcnt I irr-Proof Safes, | - At Mannfartnrer's Prices. Ilnrn* ft Griswold s Sea I iatrJ C’oltuu acd Cotton Nave Gin*. Taylor's Patented Georgia Straw Cutter, the ino-t competent of anv in u-e at present. IT7~ Specimen* of ail the atnivc to lie seen at the Warehou.-e 111 llny-st.. Savannah, ang 28— CIIAS. 11. CAMPFIKLD jTdUUAND ft lO’Sm CELEBRATED FRENCH BITTERS. TIIE Suli-critsT ha* bceu appointed Agent for tiie above BITTERS, so well known in this city for tlieir remarkable qualitie* in ruling Flatulency. YVeakues* of tiie Stomach. Debility, Pysnep*i.x. Fever nail Ague, and all complaint ari-lng fruiu v Derangement of the Nervou* System. It may ne u-ed in wine and spirits with out at all injuring it* medicinal propcJtiua. Uau be obtaiued by tho bottle or dozen o; J. BkMARTIN 151 Pay-s - ang 22 4me llarut'en s Express < bice LINEN. DAMASKS, SIIIKTINGS. ftc. BLEACHED and lirown tatde Uama-k of every width; Linen Shirting of ail widths; pillow ca-e Linens, bleached aud brown Dauva-k Table Cloth*; Dama*k Napkins and. Doylies; bordered French Towel*: llurabuck*; Scotch and linen Diapers; colored Merino-: colored worsted Dam asks. ft r. Rccclvad and for sate by **jtf. 17 K£KRY LaTUBOT ft CO. BLANKETS, KERSEYS ANO feafrH WOOLLEN GOOD3. AIKIN ft BURNS. HAVE THIS DAV ODK.NLD their extensive stock of PLANTATION GOODS. To which tlu*y woubt inn-t re-pyclfuliy rail ih. i attvntion of |ilantvr* vi-iting tlii* cityl a* th-y are determined to make it to the interest of ait who may favor them with a call. COX9ISTIXO or 30TO pair col’d and white Duffit BLANKETS. 100 ‘l* *uper 10-4. 11-1.12-4 Whitney bed do 50 do green, blue and red Mackinaw . do * 20 bale* Carolina PLAINS. 20 do Iteorgia do 30 do white and M.X'-k W.x hington JEANS 25 do DR heavy STRIP IS 15 do twilled and plain e.| FLANNEL 20 dc heavv cotton O.VNAIII 40 do 34. 7-Sand 4-4 BIIIRTINGJ. 10 do il.-zr-rd'* t cavv PLAINS 20 do Manchester PLAIDS 5 do Plaid LI VSEYS, 4; 2<h) M OT4 II BONNETS AND CAM 150 doz blue, ronial and c,;l'd II ANDKURCn'FS 300 romnnoi plaid and lung SIIASV LS 5 bale- Fall rive, STRIPES 10 case* common 4SINGIIAMB. 3 do DEMINU and blue TY4 EEIIS 20 Uo 3-t.T-R. 4-4,4i-4, 10-l, 12- J GOODS. 5 do bleached and bro. CANTON FLANNEL 3 do FLAI OSNAIiI'UGS 3 do ItEIITII K. e. •tton and linen. . 15 do American anl Engli-h PRINTS’ 3 bales roiomon and -uj*w 4 1114 KS 150 t'.tltl’FT HAGS, various *tvles—al-o, Blue, black, and gre. n ItltirAD l LOTUS. Blaek and fancy FAN! >4 ER E.S, do TYYULBfi KATIN PINTS and KENT! IK JEANS, Together will, a verv ext.-n-ive a—ortir'-nt cf FINE DRES9 GOODS, Whirll they arc de tel mined to’ sell at very ro duced price*, by AIKIN ft BURNS, ort 8 Monument Square, Savannah. CARPET ANO FLOOR CLOTH Curtains, Curtain Goods, Ac., Ac., Ar. t \o. 110 Congress ft No. 57 St. Jnllffl-'trfcts. r JS!IE Suh*rrilH-r. knowing tliat the citizen* of A- Savannah have felt a great in tire-1 in tUw c-tabti.-hing of a i arpf.t tVAttr.iimsr, i In thi* city, and being aware that many have been awaiting the completion of the New Store, so tliat they could make their selection of the various article* fur furni-hit. - their liou-e*, would respectfully inform the public, generally, that lie will this d.,v open the mo-t complete assortment of all the various style* of GOODS usually kept in ximil .r e-UMi-hiuent*. Th* Stock of tiie dilfarent department* will cuu.-ia., in part, of Hie following Good*, viz : CARPET DP.I’ARTAII.NT. Royal Velvet; Tape-trv liu *-*-l - ; Moeet Brus sel*. Bru--el-; Velvet: Ta,-*tiy and Rio—el* for Stair*; Three I’ly, Sup.-,fine. Fine and Com mon Ingrain: Plaii’i ar.l Twilled Venetian for Stairs, llatl*. Ar.; Drugget*. 0-4. 124 and I<>4 in width, of every variety of patterns; Hearth Rugs; Parlor and Stoop Mat-; Table and Piano Cover* : Silver and Bras.- 41,al ai.d Octagon Stair Hods; Stair Linen, ftc . fte. Oil, t LOTUS, Os every wi-lth; f.otn nne to eight yard*, for Itall*. Dining Room*.Steiimhnat*. Saloon*. Ar.; Rose Wood. Mahogany and Small-figured Furni ture Oil Ulotli*. 4-4.54 and 04 wide; Figured India Rubber Cloth for Stair*. t U It TAINS. Silk and Worsted li.ima-k DeLaine; Wor-led and Linen Dama-k DeLiine*; Figured and Plain Damask.*, variety of color* ; YVhile and Buff, for Shade*. WINDOW SHADES. Transparent Land-eape. Medallion. Garland and White atel Gold, entirely new style; Coni; Loop*; Tassel*: together witli all the variou* Trimming- for Curtains and Shade*. GILT CORNICES. Band*. Loop* and Pin*, of the greate-t variety and pattern*, of the latest importation; all if which will lie sold at wholesale or retail, on tho most liberal term*. YVM. If. 4iUtON*. Agent, nov 7 140 Congress and 57 St. Julien-st*. liIPOIiTED LIQUORS, WII7T.'?, SEC AES. And FL\CY (iBOIERILN. r"” a THU sub erila'r ll:icini*l:iiit-/W33 L k?'J ly “h Ibdilil. a rhoiee stotk n;F" w dßßfcwM I’UKXCII BRAMHKS.rn.mtC ; &. tiie lu-st.exportliig houses in France Also, a lull supply of various brand-of old Madeira. Sherrv, Port and Champagne WINKS, of hi* on u importa tion; Jamaica and St.Cr • x Rum : Scotch and >lo nongahela YVhi-key; Kn ti-li Porter and Scotch Ale; GermanYVine-; French Cordials; llautSail term* and Clar‘t YVine*, by the cask. ease, and iu demijohn*. A choice stink of llat ana Sc gar*. Al-o, a fre.-h supply of FANCY GROCURIK.4, viz..: F.ngli-h Pickles, Sauce*. line*. fre*h Sal mon. Pre-erve*. French and Engli-h Mu-taril. A choice lot of sugar cured llani-. Judd's Sje-rm and Patent Sperm CnndU *. Ac., which’ he offer* for sale on reasonable ter ins. J. ROUSSEAU, corner of Bull and Bay street*. . opposite new Custom lloii-e, aug 241 Savannah. 1)4. TO NlV.ttVti \NTs AND ILEHKft T MURPHY'S Patent Utoftei. and Green'-* Ink and Pencil mark Eraser-. No perou I should be without either of tile above. Fnrralu at the Dooktoro of S. S. SIBLEY’. hcv 4 l !5**—treet. K 1 YV A II li LO V E L “ Manufacturer and Inifiirt- r of Singh and DuuKe Barrel GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS, No. 10 ilarnnrd Street. San nnnh. Geo. fIMIK SulocrilMT having made arrangement* i- witti the be-t American. Engti-li and lierihau Gun and Pi-tol makers, and being eonslxntlr supplied direct from th* fa Mery, is enable.,l lo offer Gun*. Pistol*, and every article iu the Guu line, at very low price*. Th large-t us-iii I me,it of every article in hi* line may b- found, among which'aie American, Engli-h and Gt ri..!:,i Double ami Sinsle Barrelled Guns or KW.HY gauTr. SIGN OF TIIE “RED FLAG.” Rifle* with Pe;cO-.iou and Flint Lock*. A. Gotnpf Kilic*. Pi-tols. American.Eng li.-li and German. Rett and Pocket Rifle Pistol*. Single Self-Cocking do. Revolving 6-barrcHtd Pi-tols. U. States Plantation Mn-ket*. Leather and Mahogany Gun Ca-e*. I Walker. Kly. ff. Richards. and ail kind* of im-’ I ■ proved American. Knirli-h and French r k lierssi u .%• r a i*s. Ely'* Cartridge*. Baldwin'* Wad Cult era. Bullet Mould*. Nipple Wrenche*. (luu IViams. Ou'i Wiping Hod*. all kind* of Flint*. A>\ FFFg, F fg. ‘and Fi* Sporting, Itlfie tied UlaMics Pot tier, In whole, half, or quarter keg*. Also—Canister Powder, Bar Lead, Shot of .all wire*, and a'” Spot tinffartidea. Those who are buying linn* and other article* in mg line, are reapertiullv invited to call a id look at my stock, nml judge for Ihcm-clve* I iin* rc-*to> kcit. Flint Lock* altered to I‘errua. aion. and all kind* nTlinn work done promptly ! Also—llSHlNti TACKLE. Ac. Kiel/, Trent and Sea. Limerick and V glnia llooka. lieela. Bod*, and Float*: SHARK HOOKS; a full *. aortiuent of Silk. Flax ai.d Cotton Line* ; Ilockx Upon gut and wire, with and without ailiCcial Flic*. Ac. Ac. Order* front the country prnmptlr attended to, and forwarded without delay. EDW.VUU LOVE Lie N. B.—K. L. will oid'-r direct from the factorie* of the celebrated gun makers. Wcstlv, Richard*. , Purdy, Lancaster, or any of the London j uit maker*, any gun to order. ang‘d! *• THE MONT BEAL'TIf Pl** FLOW Ell* THAT BLOOMS.’* CAMILLA JAPOriICAS. jjUfr-OT ALMOST EVERY VARIETY. fcfijp j I>ETWE.EN two hundred Cnmilla Ja jJ3 ponicas, es almost every rarietv. large<lou , tile Flowers. The following are a lewofalarga | assortment Al>a Plena. A!h* Noa. Conapiea, i Fiiuhriata. Imbricata, loearuata. Landrethu. j Pruttu. Ru*a Mundi. Tri-color, Douklaari, Co j qcwtle, Ac. Ae. The above plant* are all In a healthy condition, cowered with hod*, la irinning to bloom, warranted double, t.nd from the rele '■rated Conservatory of Janie* and. Fulton, former-’ ly owned l.y D. taudrvtb, Philadelphia. fotaaloiy JOHN A MATER, I ct 51* I*4 Bioughtoattret. NO. BG. Steel amt Iron Ri|t Barrel*. Bra—ft tierman Silver, for luounting. Gun Stock* and Mate rial* for Gun work. Gun Leek* of all kinds. Dixon's Powder Fia-ks. Shot Pouches ft Belts. Game Dag*, Di iukii g Cap*, ftc. Deg Collar*, Whi.-tle , . ftc. ftc.