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PCHS Quiz Bowl team has banner year
Peach County High School’s Quiz
Bowl Team competed in Northeast
High School’s Valhalla Quiz Bowl
Tournament during the Fall
The team brought home the third
place trophy.
Among the teams defeated were
such academic powerhouses as
Woodward Academy and
Westminister from Atlanta.
In November, the Quiz Bowl team
competed in the Middle Georgia
RESA Quiz Bowl Tournament.
The team successfully defeated
each team in its bracket, making it
eligible for the final round against
Northeast has one of the
strongest teams in the Middle
Georgia area.
Peach County defeated Northeast
in the final round and brought home
the first place trophy.
On February I, Macon College
held its annual Academic
For the second consecutive year,
Peach County High School’s team
finished in first place at the
The Georgia Academic Team
Association tournament was held at
Baldwin County High School
March 21 and 22.
In this tournament, Peach
County’s team competed against
other AAA teams.
Peach County’s team brought
home the first place trophy in
Region 2-AAA.
This is a consecutive win for the
team, also.
Daniel Wilder won and All-State
Player Award which was decided
by votes of AAA coaches.
Between 75 and 100 players were
competing for five positions. This
is a signal honor for Daniel, as well
as the Peach County team.
Mrs. Betty Duke, coach of the
Quiz Bowl Team, is very proud of
LiteraryTeam participates in region meet
The Peach County High School
Literary Team competed against
eight other schools at the Region 2
AAA Literary competition held at
Crisp County High School in
Cordele on March 15.
On the Literary Team were James
Ballard, Benjamin Beck, Adam
Goins, John Harden, Tameka
Howard, Heather Hcwdeshell,
Derek Jefferson, Katie Mathews,
Darlene Miller, Todd Williams,
Stephen Allen, and Latasha Burke.
Benjamin Beck and Heather
Howdeshell both placed 4th in
Derek Jefferson placed 4th in
Dramatic Interpretation.
The quartet, consisting of James
Ballard, Adam Goins, John Harden,
and Todd Williams, placed 3rd.
James Ballard won a 1st place
medal in Boy’s Solo. James then
represented our region at the State
Literary competition at Houston
County High School in Warner
Robins, Ga., on March 22, 1997.
These students were coached by
Mr. Stephen Beaty, Mrs. Elizabeth
Duke, Mrs. Jacqueline Prater, and
Mr. Christopher Rader.
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Project Number GA 205-002/ Project Number GA 205-001
The Housing Authority of the City of Fort Valley will accept sealed Bids to renovate the Community
Center at 302 Alabama Avenue, and the Office at 500 Warwick Avenue. The work will consist of
repairs and replacements as the need dictates and determined by the Housing Authority to include
electrical work; plumbing repair, carpentry work; flooring (indoor/outdoor carpet), security windows,
security doors, interior and exterior painting. Interested Bidders may make an appointment to visit
the sites by calling 825-5056.
Bids for these projects will be received until 2:00 p.m. Local Current Standard Time on April 14,1997
at the Main Office of the Fort Valley Housing Authority at 201 B West Church Street. All bids
received will be publicly opened and read aloud on April 16, at 6:00 PM. 1997. Proposals submitted
by mail should be addressed to the Fort Valley Housing Authority, P.O. Box 10, Fort Valley, Georgia
31030 and plainly marked as indicated in the instructions to Bidders. Proposed Contract Forms and
Specifications, are on file at the office of the Housing Authority, City of Fort Valley, 201 B West
Church Street, Fort Valley, Georgia 31030, (912) 825-5056. The successful Bidder will be required to
furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond(s) each in the amount of 100% of
the contract amount.
Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the
Specifications must be paid to workers on these projects.
The Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive any informalities/for¬
malities in the Bidding Process. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days subsequent to the
opening of bids without the consent/approval of the Housing Authority.
Edward T. Kendrick Executive Director (912) 825-5056
LEADER - TRIBUNE AND LT Plus deadline:
Noon - Monday
iA L “ > t -
Members of the Literary Team are: Stephen Allen, Heather
Howdeshell, Latasha Bruke, James Ballard, Derek Johnson, John
Harden, Ben Beck and Darlene Miller.
■* L.
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Betty Duke, sponsor for the Quiz Bowl team, is pictured with
Rebecca Howie, Matthew Kerr, Daniel Wilder, Preston martin and
this year’s learn.
Team members are Daniel
Wilder, Captain, Kristen Hawkins,
James Ballard claimed a first
place medal in Boys Solo
competition. He then
represented the region at the
State Literary compstition at
Houston County High School
in Warner Robins.
Rebecca Howie, Matthew Kerr,
Preston Martin, and Doug
Raynor artwork
on display
The art work of Joy Madden
Raynor of Warner Robins will be
on display in the Pettigrew Center
of the Fort Valley Slate University
during the month of April.
The exhibits will be on display
during regular business hours, 8
AM. until 5 PM., Monday through
Friday, and during any special
events at the Center.
Raynor will be exhibiting pottery
in the Center’s display case and
photographs in the Center’s
hanging gallery.
A graduate of Michigan State
University, Raynor worked 25
years in the Florida Public Schools,
and has participated in the art
program at Arrowmont School of
Arts & Crafts in Gatlinburg.
Her photography on display
includes black and white photos as
well as hand tinted infrared photos
of some of Macon’s historic
buildings. She was an artist in
residence a the 1996 Georgia
National Fair and has been honored
for several years for her works
entered in the Cherry Blossom
Festival Art Show. '
The Peach County Commissioners Office will be .accepting Sealed Bids for the next three weeks
pertaining to the following: Peach County E-911 Communications Center Console Equipment to be
located in the E-911 Center. The consoles will be configured so as to allow for four (4) operating
positions that will have the capability to handle ten (10) radio channels.
Bid Specification Packages are available in the Peach County Commissioners Office. They may
be picked up Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. in the Peach
County Purchasing Office. Specification Packages may also be obtained from Mr. Jeff Doles, E-911
Director, 115 Jailhouse Alley, Fort Valley Ga. 31030.
Closing date for Sealed Bid #96032 shall be April 17,1997, at 10:00 A.M.
The Bid opening shall be April 17,1997, at 10:15 A.M., in the Peach County Commissioners
Office, Peach County Courthouse, 205 West Church Street, Conference room, second floor. Any
questions concerning the Communications Center Console Equipment, please contact Mr. Jeff
Doles, Director of E-911 at 912-825-3687, to make an appointment.
Peach County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities, to readvertise
and/or to award the contract in the best interest of the County, and to retain al Bids for a period of
thirty (30) days after the date of bid opening.
Bids should be mailed to:
Peach County Commissioners Office
Attn: Sealed Bid #96032
P.O. Box 468
Fort Valley, Ga. 31030
Michael P. Heidt, Peach County Purchasing Agent
The Feach County Commissioners Office will be accepting Sealed Bids for the next four weeks
pertaining to the following: E-911 Phone Equipment.
Bid Specification Packages are available in the Peach County Commissioners Office. They
may be picked up Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 PM. in the
Peach County Purchasing Office. Specification Packages may also be obtained from Mr. Jeff
Doles, E-911 Director, 115 Jailhouse Alley, Fort Valley, Ga. 31030
Closing date for Sealed Bid #96031 shall be April 16,1997, at 4:00 PM.
The Bid opening shall be April 16, 1997, at 4:15 PM, in the Peach County Commissioners
Office, Peach Country Courthouse, 205 West Church Street, Conference Room, second floor.
Any questions concerning the above E-911 Phone Equipment, please contact Mr. Jeff Doles,
Director of E-911 at 912-825-3687, to make an appointment.
Peach County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities, to readvertise
and/or to award the contract in the best interest of the County, and to retain all Bids for a period of
thirty (30) days after the date of bid opening.
Bids should be mailed to:
Peach County Commissioners Office
Attn: Sealed Bid #96031
P.O. Box 460
Fort Valley Ga. 31030
Michael P. Heidt, Peach County Purchasing Agent
The Leader-Tribune Wednesday, April 9,1997
Peach Area Civic Theatre, with the help of Ben and Sarah Rincon,
selected the winning raffle ticket of Dr. Kendrick matthews, and was
the beautiful Maple Leaves quilt as a prize. The quilt was
made by Victoria Stewart and donated to PACT as a fund-raiser.
quilt was on display during the Camellia Festival, and the
selection was made during intermission at the PACT production of
Tom Sawyer.
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