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Fort Valley Middle School honor roll
'Third Nine Weeks
A+ Honor Roll
6th Grade
Deanna Askins, Krystal Brinson,
Cherolyn Davis, Will Doles, Aja
Ellis, Shannon Howard, Tanell
Johnson, Teneal Johnson, Brad
Lowe, Jonathan Phillips, Marcus
Roberts, Sydney Scott, Marsha
Thomas, Cindy Torres, Justin
7th Grade
Jessica Armstrong, Jeanie Banter,
Angel Beal, Alvin Brown, Ariele’
Bryant, Anthony Butler, Justin
Carroll, Foster Carson, Afton Ellis,
Carlos Harper, Brandon Hatchett,
Dina Johnson, Christopher Lindsey,
Arrielle Mathis, Ines Medina Kristen
Miller, Tim Morrill
8th Grade
Becky Carroll, Jason Franklin,
Jennifer Green, Jennifer Hudson,
Jimmell Hughley, Motiere Marshall,
Holly Spinks, Juliene Turner
A Honor Roll
6th Grade
Stephen Adkinson, Dave Allen,
Children fish
free in June
Organized groups of children are
invited to fish at the Georgia
National Fairgrounds & Agricenter
during National Fishing month in
One of the Agricenter’s lakes,
which has been stocked with
catfish, will be available at no
charge on a reservation only basis.
Organized groups include boy and
girl scouts, churches, schools, civic
clubs, etc.
Fishing is open to children only
up to 16 years of age. Each child is
permitted to keep up to 10 fish.
“This is the sixth year the
Agricenter has provided the free
use of one of its lakes to allow
children to fish,” said Michael A.
Froehlich, executive director.
Sponsors are to follow these
guidelines: bring groups of children
only, supervise and assist their
group, and provide all fishing gear
and bait.
Rest room facilities and picnic
tables are located near the lake.
Fishing is limited to any three
hour period during the hours of
8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday
through Saturday during the month
of June. Please contact the Public
Relations office at 800/987-3247
(Georgia only) or 912/988-6483 to
schedule your group’s fishing trip.
United you stand
... and raise the kids, pay the bills, and take care of the
house. You do it all by sticking together. This anniversary,
celebrate your love with the gift that keeps the two of y ou
standing . .. even while it takes her breath away.
104 Main Street • Fort Valley, Georgia 31030 912 - 825-5434
HOURS: Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri. 9:30 - 6 p.m. • Wed., Sat. 9:30 - 12 noon
Leader-Tribune Wednesday, April 9,1997
Kyle Arnold, Tamara Brown,
Sekemia Caldwell, Brittany Ellis,
Christopher Floyd, Brandon Gassett,
Jessica Harris, Keenan Henderson,
Tanesha Homer, Frederick Howard,
Crystal Ivory, Alvontee Jackson,
Jessica Jefferson, Deidra Johnson,
Cedric Jones, Trey Kemp, Ursula
Lester, Sarah Logan, Darrius Lowe,
Maureen Lucas, Shatoraca Mallory,
Monica McGhee, Tiffany Payne,
Zaneta Perry, Heather Preskitt,
Stacey Price, Russell Quick,
Kenneth Rumph, Bridgett Tabor,
Charlie Teece, Ashli Tillis, Curtis
Tucker, Janesa Walker, Delestin
7th Grade
Brooke Adamson, Adam
Arrowsmith, Shanika Brown, Holly
Coleman, Eyndia Crawford, Joshua
DeFore, Francesca Duncan, Jessica
Floyd, Bemail Fluellen, Phillip
Fountain, Ricky George, Laura
Griffin, John Harmon, Natasha
Harris, Kendra Harris, Andrea
Khoury , Crystal Lawhorn, Allison
Lester, Andrea Lyons, Kaleema
Mills, Amy Mugerditchian, Corey
Public Health Week 7-13
The North Central Health District
will celebrate Public Health Week
from April 7 through 13, according
to Dr. Joseph Swartwout, District
Health Director. The district
includes: Baldwin, Bibb, Crawford,
Hancock, Houston, Jasper, Jones,
Monroe, Peach, Putnam, Twiggs,
Washington and Wilkinson
Alumni Chapter seeks applicants
for annual scholarship to FVSU
The Scholarship Committee of the
Fort Valley Area Aumni Chapter of
the F.V.S.U. National Alumni
Association announces its annual
search for candidates for our full
tuition scholarship to Fort Valley
State University.
Interested seniors are directed to
for individuals and small groups
1 ( 800 ) 923-3790 *
Palmer, Kenneth Payne, April
Pilgram, Marquita Ross, Charles
Schofill, Charlie Talton, Ania
Thomas, Jennifer Turner, Tia White,
Stephanie Williams
8th Grade
Justin Arnica, Chris Arnold,
Angelica Barajas, Jennifer
Belflower, Rachael Biron, Tiffany
Brown, Stephannie Brown, Michael
Carswell, Austin Davis, Jeffery
Ezell, Ieshia Ford, Litonya
Granville, Sherri Green, Jessica
Harris, Kenya Hollingshed, Dana
Hughes, Nicole Hunnicutt, Shenida
Jackson, Heather Jackson, Amy
Johnson, Joseph Jones, Lucilia Lee,
Wilbert Mallory, Donnia McCrary,
Elisha McGhee, Cameron McGhee,
Monica McGhee, Kyra Miller,
Maegean Nottingham, Christopher
Paster, JoBeth Purvis, Jennifer
Ridley, Nekeyta Smith, Kristal
Stripling, Jarrod Sullivan, Helen
Teece, Randy Varner, Jessica Ward,
Taneshia Williams, Shelaun
We want everyone to know that a
strong public health program is our
best investment to assure a healthy
future for our children and our
communities, . . „ says _ Dr. Swartwout.
Governor Zell Miller has
proclaimed , . , April ............. 7-13 Public Health
in Georgia. Other states wil
also participate in the national
celebration, whose theme is “an
investment in your future. H
contact their school counselors.
Applicants from 14 counties in
middle Georgia are considered.
Deadline for submitting materials is
April 29. For further information,
contact Mrs. Louise Powell at 825-
8646 or Mrs. Wilmetta Jackson at
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'95 Oldsmobile Achicva ( 2 ) ‘95 Chevrolet Prizm 4 Dr. M/T
'95 Ford Club Van *95 Pontiac Grand Am
'94 GMC C1500 Pickup *95 Chevrolet Geo Prizm
'96 Dodge Stratus ( 2 ) ‘93 Ford Probe
*96 Jeep Grand Cherokee ‘92 VW Passait S/Wagon A/T
‘96 Plymouth Voyager ‘94 Chevrolet Cavalier 2 Dr., A/T
'94 Ford Explorer 4WD ‘96 Chevrolet Corsica
'91 Oldsmobile Cutlass '96 Chevrolet Corsica 4 Dr. A/T (2)
'97 Chevrolet C1500 Pickup '96 Oldsmobile 88 Royale
'96 Chevrolet C1500 Pickup ‘96 Bulck Regal 4 Dr. A/T
*80 Jeep CJ M/T *94 Chevrolet Caprice
'96 Cadillac 4 Dr. '94 Saturn 2 Dr. A/T
'95 Chevrolet C1500 Pickup (2) ‘95 Pontiac Firebird 2 Dr. A/T
*94 Chevrolet Blazer ‘94 Chevy Geo Prizm
'91 Chevrolet S-10 Blazer A/T ‘95 Dodge Dakota Pickup
*95 Oldsmobile Cutlass ‘94 GMC C1500 Pickup
*94 Chevrolet Lumina Euro A/T ‘94 Chevrolet S10 Pickup M/T
*94 Chevrolet Lumina 4 Dr. A/T '94 Mazda Protege
'95 Chevrolet Geo Tracker M/T *94 Cadillac El Dorado
‘92 Honda Accord LX '94 Chevrolet C1500 Pickup
‘92 Ford F-150 Pickup *96 Chevrolet Lumina LS
'95 Chevrolet Tahoe LT Pickup 4 Dr. '93 Coachmen Cricket
‘94 Dodge Dakota Pickup '93 Geo Tracker
'92 Chevrolet Lumina '93 Ford Taurus
'95 Olds Ciera 4 Dr. A/T '91 Chevrolet K1500 Pickup
*76 Chevrolet Custom Pickup *96 Pontiac Grand Prix SE
'96 Honda Accord IX '96 Oldsmobile Cotlatl Supr. 4 Dr.
*94 Chevrolet C-1500 Pickup *95 Chevrolet Geo Prizm 4 Dr.
‘92 Cadillac Sedan Devllle ‘96 Chevrolet Monte Carlo 2 Dr.
‘94 Chevrolet Cavalier 2 Dr. A/T '95 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supr. 2 Dr.
'95 GMC Sierra *92 Jeep Cherokee
‘96 Oldsmobile 88 Royale 4 Dr. (2) ‘91 Chevrolet C1500 Pickup Ext.
'94 Chevrolet Sonoma Pickup '96 Geo Metro
'95 Dodge Neon *92 Dodge Ram Pickup
*95 Chevy Corsica 4 Dr. A/T '94 Chevrolet Cavalier
'88 Chevrolet Astro Van ‘89 Dodge Ram Pickup
Excluding Tahoe , Suburban & Z71 Trucks
L ‘ f yj
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97 Chevy Blazer LT 97 Chevy Tahoe LT 97 Chevy K1500
4 Dr., Auto, I eather, loaded 4 Dr., Aulo, Leather X-Cab, Z7I, 4x4. 3rd Door, Air
MSRP $27 447 Option To Purthate $16 44 2 79 At MSRP $$2,072 Option To Pun bate $2 \ .801.96 At MSRP CiO.IO.S50,1,on Tu Punh.x 1 lAJ 52 24 At
Irate I nd M Mot 12 OOO Mtlei Per Ym. $2,000 CAP Irate I nd SI Mot , 12 000 Milet Per Year $ 2,000 TAP LtJttEaC 51 Mov, 12.000 MtlnP,, Year S2.000CAP
( oti Reduction Pint I ti Payment, foil Reduction Plut lit Payment. Lott Reduction Plut Ivt Payment.
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97 Chevy C1500 97 Chevy Cavalier Cpe. 97 Chevy S-10
MuaI See Air, Alloy*, AM/FM Ca,s. Air, Alloys, AM/FM Cass.
MSRP $ I 7.904 41 f>p««on To Purchate $9 M* MSRP 511417 Option ToPu,ch,»r In,217 *5 Al MSRP 11 U S* 12 0,ik>n roPv.,<h.„ 1* 2 V 14 Al
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1-75 Exit 46 Byron, GA
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