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A ‘grand’ Grand Opening
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Schuster Enterprises opened its 50th Burger King last Wednesday in Fort Valley and it was a record
first day for the company. Ribbon cutting cerermonies were held Thursday when company officials
reported that the restaurant had done over 3,000 transactions in one day. (Photo by cindy Moriay)
FVSU sponsors
task programs
The Counseling and Career
Development Center at Fort Valley
State University will sponsor the
Ralph P. Malone Youth Motivation
Task Force Program. This program
will bring over thirty minority
professionals on campus April 22-
23, 1997, to discuss career
opportunities with students.
Reverend Samuel Wayne West,
Senior Pastor and Dean 0 f
Believer’s Bible Christian Church
will be the guest speaker for the
annual Ralph P. Malone Youth
Motivation Task Force Assembly
Program scheduled for Tuesday,
April 22, 1997, at Fort Valley State
University. Reverend Samuel West,
a 1986 graduate of FVSU, will
speak at 10:30 A.M. in the C.W.
Pettigrew Center.
According to Dr. Cynthia Sellers,
Director of (he Counseling and
Career Development Center, the
primary objectives of the Task
Force are tp introduce students to
tbCrpfjyate and public job marketito
offer students insight into the skills
and attitudes they will need to
succeed in their careers; and to
introduce successful role models to
Education Commission
plans monthly meeting
The Citizenship Education
Commission will hold its monthly
meeting Wednesday, April 16, at
7:30 p.m. at Trinity Baptist Church.
Please plan to attend.
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LEADER - TRIBUNE AND LT Plus deadline:
Noon - Monday
1 he Leader- lVibune Wednesday, April lb, 1997
Joshua David DeFore, of Fort
, has been named an All
Scholar by the United
Achievement Academy.
DeFore, who attends Fort Valley
Middle School, was nominated for
*be honor by M.J. Banter. His name
will appear in the All-American
Scholar Yearbook, which is
published nationally. Joshua
DeFore is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jackie DeFore of Fort Valley. His
godparents are Margie Collins of
Macon and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
DeFore of Lizella.
John Whitman Moore, a junior
communication major from Fort
Va,le y- has becn honred at Berr y
College with the Berry SOAR
Program. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs - Jamcs c Moore -
Sean. C Gourley, of Fort Valley,
was named to the Auburn
University Dean’s List. AU
students must he enrolled for 15 or
M 1*
more graded credit hours, pass all
courses attempted for the quarter
and earn a GPA of at least 3.4 to
meet AU’s requirements for
inclusion on the Dean’s List.
Air Force Airman 1st Class Britt
M. Warren, has arrived for duty at
Kunsan Air Base, Kunsan City,
South Korea. Warren, a military
security specialist, is the son of
Billy M. and Teresa E. Warren of
Shawnee Circle, in Byron. He is a
1991 graduate of Peach County
High School.
Air Force Senior Airman
Kristopher S. lutrson, has arrived
for duty at Kadena Air Base,
Okinawa City, Okinawa, Japan.
Larson, a crew chief with the 909th
Air Refueling Squadron, is the son
of of Veneta K. Larson of 6830
Walerga Road, Sacramento, Calif.
His wife, Mary, is the daughter of
George F. Durham, of Albany, and
Mary Paula Hodnett of FJArk A ve -
Fort Valley.
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