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r/i/s week we ask Peach residents: What,
1 if any, effect do you think the execution of
Saddam Hussein will have on the war in Iraq?
mm n
“All we can pray Is that his “Well, I think it’s too soon
death sends a message to : to say. He was our enemy
tyrants all over the world, £& j for so long, and I’m just
especially in Iran and North glad he’s gone.
Korea. They always lose in . —Patsy Ammons
the end.”
—Bailey Perdue
“Nothing. It seems only a
W handful of the killing
U.S. soldiers were loyal to f
Saddam Hussein anyway.
I think justice has been
served though.”
—Dalia Quintanilla
“Whatever happens, it felt
good last week to see jus¬
tice served after all these
“If anything, the violence years. And the fact that
between the Shiites and . the Iraqis were able to do
Sunnis will worsen, as * it themselves made it
we’ve seen during the | mom historic.”
past few days. They were’ & —Doreen Farmer
already moving closer to Wm
all-out civil war, and now
Saddam will just be a mar¬
tyr for the Sunnis.”
—Cameron Emerson ,
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O.K., I gaveittheoldcollege
try. What, you ask? Keeping
my New Year’s revolutions.
Do you mean resolutions?
No! Can’t you read right? I
said REVOLUTIONS ‘cause
what I did was just recycle
those I made last year and
didn’t get around to keep¬
ing. This is the second time
around and we’ll soon see if
this is going to work.
It’s not that things are
not going according to my
best laid plans, but I seem
to have a monkey on my
back already; nothing big,
just little things that break
our backs - like filling the
washing machine to the
brim with clothes, pushing
the button to turn it on and
nothing happened.
I had instant flashbacks
to childhood when we used
to wash clothes in a tin tub
with a rub board. The call
for Handsome Husband
Doyle went out over the
airways. He came posthaste
and noticed right away that
someone had unplugged the
machine. There are only
two of us here. He said he
didn’t do it. I know 1 didn’t
do it. That tells me I have
started the new year with a
booger in the house. What a
comforting thought.
My new perfume that was
on a shelf above the com¬
mode somehow inched its
way to the edge and took a
nosedive into the toilet. If
I smell funny to you, don’t
say a word. My feelings are
already hurt - and I am in
the process of putting up
a unit on the other side
of the room so my goodies
won't keep getting flushed.
Fishing for combs, deodor¬
ant, etc. in the toilet is not
on my list of things I like
to do.
How did you celebrate
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New Year’s Eve? We went
to the home of Helen and
Harold Major in Lizella.
Their kin from Kentucky
came. Everybody was too
full of good food and too
tired to last out the evening
so we came home early, had
a warm bath and watched
that dumb ball come down
the pole in Times Square.
I can’t for the life of me
see why a million people
would gather in the streets
of New York when half of
them can’t see that ball any¬
way. They must stand there
for hours and hours just
to yell “Happy New Year.”
There’s either something
wrong with me or some¬
thing bad wrong with them.
Where do they park? Where
are the bathrooms. That’s
a lot of people, you know,
and one would assume that
at least a few had a cup of
coffee before leaving home.
Wonder if they pack a mid¬
night snack or if they just
drink themselves into mom
H.H. and I have never
been party animals. We love
home visits with friends
but not “parties” as such.
I always thought one. was
supposed to play games at
a party but most parties
these days are mostly office
talk and booze. I’m getting
old and boring folks. Just
ask H.H., he will agree that
somewhere along the line
we’ve lost a lot of pizzazz!
We’re happy just to know
we made it through another
year. We don’t have to cel¬
More bad news on the
home front is that of this
writing on Friday, Jan. 5,
2007, the Christmas is still
standing in all its lonely
glory in the “yellow room.”
Gifts that were opened
—Birr —rilUafinn—J
Magnolia Moments
Faye Jones
LT Writer
Christmas Day are still on
the couches and coffee table.
The garland still outlines the
glass doors and looks pretty
cool even if it is a tad late
being taken down. Nobody
is perfect. And although I
intended to put a bit more
effort into perfection in
2007, I haven’t burned a
lot of rubber making tracks
yet. Oh well, tomorrow is
another day.
It goes without saying
that sooner or later I’ll get
my second wind and turn
the old homestead upside
down and inside out. There
won’t be a two-foot dust web
left in the house. The floors
will be clean and friends will
no longer be able to auto
graph my furniture in the
dust. Until then, I sho’ have
enjoyed getting a little rest
for the first time in many
moons. I slept three days
through - just getting up for
necessities. I could adjust to
that kind of living fast if it
became necessary.
Where is all this rheto¬
ric leading? Nowhere! Just
thought I would mention
that my personal new year
is running about a week
late. What else is new?