The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, September 24, 1908, Image 2

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We Are Well Fixe Get an ACME RANGE and you’ve got the best. Our Wagons are of the highest quality. TWO CAR LOADS NOW ON HAND. Very Special Prices and Terms on BUGGIES and HAREESS Crockery Sale Still Going On! All Kinds of Building Materials at Right Prices! DALLAS HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY Copper Hill. Yos, wo henrtlly agree with wiiat the editor of the New Nra said under the head of "The Independents" last week. The white people of l’auldlngcoun ty, in I he primary conducted only by white people, aud In which nobody Init white people voted, nominated the ticket for our county ofllcors. Insofar ns the Juno primary is con cerned thoro were two classes of peo ple In the county—that is, those who did or could have voted, and those who couldn't vote In the said primary. Tho first class was white folks, the second class was only negroes. As honest and honorable white peo ple of l’auldlng county, don't go into “white primaries for the purpose or either bucking tho ticket, scratching the nominee or vamoosing the ranch and taking to the tall timber with an independent. It’s quite certain that the gentlemen In question won’t get many white votes. A white primary is something like an arbitration and friendly settle ment of all ditllculties among our selves. Wo go into it pledging our selves to stand firm and take the medicine like men. Should we fall in our contentions, and, being men, we do stand firm and vote the tickot nominated by us and our fellow- white citizens. Of course, the negroes are free to act and to vote for whom they please. They were not bound by tho white primary. “We will take the negroes and dis satisfied white voters and beat you," said a certain independent. Now, if the negroes ate the balance of of pow er in l’aulding couuty, whom will the county be ruled by, blacks or whites? Yes, we art! going to vote the white primary ticket straight, and no oth er white man who voted in the June primary can do otherwise and have a dear conscience. Route Three. Ulie health of this community is Very good at present. Mr. Tant and wife were guests of B. I.. McCurry and wife Saturday. Misses Loula and Jessie McGuire, and Elen Camp were guests of Misses Mamie, Attle and Tonle Lindsey Sunday afternoon. G. W. Dunaway and wife visited G. L. Lindsey and wife Sunday nighh Warner Bone and wife visited Hen ry Brown Sunday. ' There was a largo crowd at Shady Grove Sunday. Mrs. Arnold returned home Satur day after a week’s visit to East Point. Tho little Infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. P. Shelton was laid to rest at Shady Grove cemetery Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Sallie Brown visited Mrs. Motile McGuire Thursday. Glenn Brown was seen riding with his bust girl Sunday afternoon. Jim Lindsey gave his host girl a call Sunday afternoon. Dailey’s Grove. Mr. Editor: If you will bo so kind as to allow mospace inyour valuable paper I'll he very tiinnkful. I’m al ways glad to receive tho New Era. I enjoy reading It very much. Cotton picking Is tho order of the day In tills section, but it Isqotgolng to last long, as cotton Is showing up short. The singing given by Mr. aud Mrs. Jrilm Odum Sunday was enjoyed by all who attended. Arthur Simmons was the guest of Miss Jonnio Wood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hitchcock visi ted tile latter’s parents near this place Saturday and Sunday. Edward Oarruth filled Ids regular appointment Sunday. Miss lluby Dailey and Miss Willie Henderson attended singing Sunday afternoon. Miss Elite Huey has returned home after a pleasant visit to friends and relatives near Lithia Springs. James Carter, of dear Dallas, spent Sunday at the homo of.). P. Denton’s. W. S. Kincaid passed through our beat last week. J. H. Powell, of Atlanta, who has just recovered from a very severe at tack of typhoid fever, is spending the week with his uncle, J. P. Denton. Route Eight. The health of tills community is very good at present. We had a big rain Sunday-night. Mr. J. W. and A. J. Grant are re pairing their house. Boland Gravott aud family were guests of Bill Camp and family Sun day. We failed to have prenching at Shady Grove Saturday and Sunday. Tho pastor being in attendance to tlie arsociation at A'.latoona. Sam Akins has purchased the saw mill outfit of Bill Neel. The farmers are having fine weath er for gathering and are making good use of it. Starling Camp, Jr., saw Ills best girl Sunday. Jim Benson was the guest of Miss Cassle Braswell Sunday. Mt. Zion. At. the present rate cotton wlllsoon all be oiien in tills section. There has boon a lot of fine fodder saved. Mr. Anderson Lawrence anti wife have returned from the Indian Na tion, and will probably make this their home. Misses Lizer atid Nora Conn, of Now Hope, were guests of Mias Ma bel Lindsey Sunday. Tho writer and wife were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wisner Satur- night. Bill Abney and family were visi tors in our soctlon Sunday. , Bartow Bainwaters and sister, Miss Chester, of New Canaan, visited here Sunday. Mr. Isnnc Williams aud wife, of Cross Roads, visited W. L. Crow Sunday. Sir. Jim Smith has joined the sing ing choir—its a girl. Master Leicli Smith got snake bit on the arm which is badly swollen, but not likely to prove fatal. Kev. Jay preached to the wallsand beuchos and hardly a dozen pcoplo Sunday. Mr. David Lord, of Dallas, was tho guest of Miss Fairrie Tibhitts Sunday. Wo couldn’t hardly cultivate our crops for candidates and now we can’t gather it for ’em. Master Oliver Parris and sister, Miss Ida, visited their grandmother, Mrs. D. D. Lester, Sunday. Messrs. J. 1). and O. B.Jarmonand sisters, lAisses Willie and Georgie, and Mr. Grady Parris left Saturday for Bockmart to attend the all-day singing at Pleasant Hill, Polk couu ty. Gloom and sadness were thrown over ourAmtlre community, and the gloomy wave extended far and wide, when the news ran out that Mrs. Martha Pearson was dead. But that gloom and sadness wore soon expell ed when we all realized that her lit tle weak, frail, suffering body thAt had suffered so long, would never suffer again. Our loss is her eternal gain and happiness. Husband and dear motherless children, we, togeth er with the whole community, sym pathize with you in your loneliness. « Notice. I have a store house 88x00 feet and a flne*Vitand, situated 0 miles from Villa Blca at New Georgia church, on the direct road and telephone line to Dallas for rent. It is the right place for tlie-xight man. For further information come or write to L. T. Doyal, Dallas, Ga., Route 6, or Villa Bica, Ga., Boute 3. Both Route lines I run by store. Good 4-room dwelling I goes with it. Toccoy, ltdv. Singleton filled the pulpit at this place Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Parson and lit tle son, Lawton, of Dallas, were- guests of tlie latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.’W. B. Wood, Sunday. Miss Eftlo Huey has returned home from Lithia Springs after a pleasant visit to her grandmother. George Beavers and sister, Miss Mattie, of near Nebo, were guests of Miss Minnlo Grant Sunday. Miss Ruby Dailey and Miss Willie Henderson were guest's of Misses Mallcent and Bpssle \foml Sunday. Mrs. Lonie Fuller, of Hiram, was with friends and relatives Saturday and Sunday. Several in tills community are ex pecting to hear Tom Watson speek at Powder Springs Hie Siotli. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hitchcock, of near Drakctown. were guests of tho latter's parents Saturday and Sunday. Don't forget tlie Old Harp singing at friendship .next Sunday. Every body invited. W. Ji. West had a line mule cut in bai l) wire last week. Quite a la ge crowd attended the funeral cf Mrs. Will Colo at Friend ship Saturday. • Nexi Friday is the day 8)t apart to constitute a church at Pine Log. Services will begin at 10 o’clock a. m. Everybody is cordially invited to be present. Success to the New Era arid its worthy editor. GOOD 1NF0RHATI0N. Arrival and Departure of Trains from DALLAS, liA. Seaboard AIR LINE RAILWAY Effective Sept. 13, 1908. EASTWARD No. 60 Leaves 8:38 a. III. No. 80 Leaves 8:43 p. m. WESTWARD No. 87 Leaves 7:84 a. m. No. 61 Leaves 6:03 p.m. NOTE—No. 60 and 61, Cedartown', Bockmart, Dallas-Atlanta accommo dation, arrives Atlanta 9:36 at in., re turning leaves Atlanta 4:00 p. in. Attention is called to the fact that SEABOARD EXPRESS No. 82 now leaves Atlanta 11:20 a. in., arriving Norfolk 8:10 a. in., Richmond 6:40 a. m., Washington 8:60 a. in., New York 2:46 p. in., following day. Through sleeper aim complete dining car service to New York. No. 88, leaving Bockmart 8:09 p. m., carries through sleeper to Memphis. Good Connections at Atlanta and Birming ham for points east and west. w OODWARD& LOTHRO 10, nth—F & Q Streets.' WASHINGTON, D. C. p Fall and Winter Cata logue Will be Ready for Mailing in September. It will be a beautiful So page book illus!ra ting and describing the latest styles for the Fall and Winter season. It is published to assist you in your Mail Order shopping. If you want one send us your name and address at once. We think our store with its every facility # for furnishing you with men’s women’s and children’s garments — appropriate and artistic fusnishings for the home, jewelry, leather goods, books, etc.—is too well known to need further comment, j This store, with its eight acres of floor spaqe is brought to your door through our large aud efficient Mail Order Department. Orders fill ed same day as received—Exchanges cheer fully—Your money baefc If dissatisfied. Write for information conderning our liber al transportation allowance. If you want one of our Fall Catalogues write Today Bring us your job work.