The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, September 24, 1908, Image 5

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f; 44 44 44 44 ++ ++ ++ 44 +4. 4*4* 4.4. .f„» t TV -t.-t. TT TT -f-.t- VT 4* -t—f- II IV 44< t--t. TT 14 TT f. 4 4 V 4 ,t—t. *4 4 JUJU TV 4 4 t. 4$ 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4*4* TV 4*4* 4*4* 4 4 44 4* 4* NEW FALL GOODS * * • 1oc x xx x x x x x x x x x^x x x x x x We have just returned from the EASTERN riARKETS where we selected a large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing) Shoes, Hats, Notions, Etc. All the latest styles for our various departments are arriving daily. We invite you to call early and examine them before being picked over. We extend you a hearty welcome. : : i ::::::::::::: : +J ' +4- 4+ 4* +4 % 4*4* 4.4. 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* +4* 4*4* 4-:* 44 44 4*4* 4..*. *4 44 4*.% 4«.;* 4-.;. 4*4- 4*-l* 4"i* 44 44* 44* 44. 44 44 44 44 44* 44 ■444 4* 44 4 1 4* 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 .{. 4 .j. ,j..;. .j. 4 4 4* 4* 4* 4 4 4 4 4 4 444 Banking Hints. To Open an Account. The teller who takes vour first deposit instructs the ledger keep er to give you a pass book, the credit entries on which, will al ways be made by a responsible officer of the bank, and will be your receipt for the various sums deposited.. This book should be left at the bank monthly to be balanced, and will be returned to you on application a day or * two later together with your can celled checks. It is your duty to examine carefully the account and check, and report at once any possible errors. The pass book, while kept by the customer, is really the prop erty of the bank, and nothing should be written in it by the de positor. The custom of some per sons using their bank pass books ai personal memorandum books cauBes endless annoyance and la. bor to the book-keeper, who has to handle large numbers of these books in a short space of time. At the time of opening an ac count yonr signature will be tak en on a card kept for that pur pose, and all subsequent signa tures and endorsements by ynu should be written ^precisely the same, to avoid confusion. For instance, if you should give your signature to the bank as G. \V. Smith, do not afterwards sign as George W. Smith, or G. Wash ington Smith. Millions of bottles of Foley’s Honey and have been Bold without any per- son ever having experienced any other lhnn beneficial results from Its use for coughs, colds and lung trouble. This is the genuine Foley’s Ilouey and Tar in the yellow package, contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Guard your health by refusing any but the genuine. Coop er’s drug store. Every woman has an ideal husband before marriage, and a very real one after it. \\ / A. <• irp-' ■US . ,, uA Bank of Dallas THE BANK THAT MADE PAULDING COUNTY GROW Populists Ticket. With Chairman J. J. Holloway presiding the state executive committee of the populists party met in Atlanta last w ek and named its electoral ticket. The meeting was attended by repre sentative populists from all sec tions of the state and the electors as named from the state at large and from the various districts are as follows: Electors from the state at large —T. G. Dorough, of Franklin county, and Joint II. Spence, of Carroll county. Alternates: J. W. McGarity, of Paulding, and J. J. Barge, of Fulton. First district—Donald H.Clark, Effingham; alternate, Donald T. Newton, Tattnall. Second district—G. B. Crane, Brooks; alternate, John H.Chas tain, Thomas. Third district—F.D. Wimberlv, Pulaski; alternate, Jeff D. Mc Gee. Fourth district—J. M. Bagwell, Heard; alternate, Dr. W. A. Sapp, Chattahoochee. Fifth district—W. F. McDan iel, Rockdale; alternate, D. H. Kent, Fulton. Sixth district — Dr. 11, \V. Mayes, Butts; alternate, D. F. Lee, Upson. Seventh district—A. H.Tallev, Cobb; alternate, W. H. Bird, Whitfield. Eighth district—J. J. Brown, Elbert; alternate, J. W. Bright- well, Clarke. Ninth district—Thad Pickett, Pickens; alternate, B. H. Brown, Forsyth. Tenth district—S. A. Walker, McDuffie; alternate, James Bar rett, Richmond. Eleventh district—H. C. New ton, of Appling; alternate, J. T. Ferguson, of Johnson. Given Over to the Devil. In England many vears ago an infidel in his will left his farm to the devil. The courts decided that the legacy must st ud and commanded that it shouJd be un touched by human hands. Now overgrown with briars and brush no human being walks upon it, nor cultivates it but it lies a curse upon the community. “Un touched by human hands’’ in rec ognition of the devil’s rights and claims! What a tremendous plea for svmpathv, for helo, for the touch of human hands to uplift men and deliver them from the bondage of the devil! Do vou say, let the boy grow up without restraint or discipline? You are tightening the grip of satan on his soul. Whoever is “untouched by human hands’’ is most likely to be recognized as the devil’s property.—Christian Observer. For a Spralnc 1 Ankle. A sprained ankle may he cured in about one-third the H ue usually required, hy applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely, anil glviug II absolute rest. For sale hy E. II. Robertson, druggist- | Make hay while tht-J-mn shii • J and you won’t have to borrow un umbrella when it rains. Kodol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon Hands crooked and bruised from husk ing, skin disease, tan, fredkles, cuts re lieved nt once with Pine salve Oarbnlizcd (acts like u poultice). Draws out inUaui- inatlou, Price 26c. For sale at Cooper's drug store. 4 Plneules for the kidneys, HO days’ trlat $1.00. Hundreds of people testify to the merit of this preparation 1 1 the relief of kidney trouble, rheumatism, lumbago backache. Plneules act directly un the kidneys, purify ipe blood and make you feel like a new person. They tone the system. Sold by Ceoper’s drug store. 4 The b tter we know people the less politeness we waste on them. A woman is alwas looking for a change—either of dress or com plexion. When Trifles become Troubles. If soy person Buspccts that their kid- neys are deranged they should take Foley’s Kidney Remedy at once and not risk having Bright’s disease or diabetes Delay gives the disease a stronger foot- held and you should not delay taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy. Cooper’s drug store. Any man will tell you what he would do if he were in your place, only he probably wouldn’t. Don’t lie afraid to give Ohnniberlain's Cough Remedy to your children. It con tains no opium or other harmful drug. It always cures.’ For sale hy E. H. Robert son, druggist. Every woman lives to congrat ulate herself that there was some man she didn’t marry. Rings Little Liver Pills for biliousness, sick headache, muddy complexion. They tone the liver; do not gripe They keep you well. 26c. Sold by Cooper’s drug store. 4 Burying the hatchet often means war to the knife. Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferer*. Foley’s Honey and Tar affordslmmedlatt relief te asthma sufferers in the worse stages and If taken in time will effect a cure. Cooper’s drug store. t>, attar u,lnv a botlla of Kodol, you can hone,ll, ftar It haft not benefited roll, we will rebind ynnr money. Try Kodol today on Ihla guarantee. Fill out and ilgn the follow ing, preftant it to tha dealer at Iba lima of purehaea. If It fails to aatlftfr you return the bottle lo the Irons whom yon bought it, and we will refund your money. Tn»" Mont people give advice about the things they don’t understand and get it about the things they do. Tickling or dry coughs will quickly loosen when usIngDr, Klioop’sCougli Remedy. And it is so thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Hlioop tells moth ers to use nothing olso, even for very young hahles. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrqb glvo the curative properties to'Dr S hoop’s Cough Remedy. It calms the cough, and heals , the sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloro form, nothing harsh used no injure or suppress. Demand Dr. Bhoop's. Ac cept no other. Bold hy E. H. Robert son. When an heiress marries a title that is about all she gets for her money. Digests WhatYouEa And Makes the Stomach Sweat B. C. Da WITT * GO.. Cblsajio, Ui. Sold by A. J. COOPER & CO. “It’s when a fellow is going lo the bad that he gets the reputa tion of being a good fellow. If a man doesn’t want to be spoiled with success, let him get a job with the weather bureau. A woman trying to conceal her age always reminds me of an os trich hiding its head in the sand. Wood’s Liver Mcdicioe la liquid form for malaria, chills and fever, reuulstes the liver, kidneys and bladder, brings quick relief to biliousness, slck-headacbe consalpullob. Pleasant to tako. The $1.00 bottle contains 2 1-2 times the quantity of the 50c size. First dose brings relief Its Ionic effects felt at once. Sold b) Cooper’s drug store. 4 -, ui rkiaOat- (Mf A few doses of tbls remedy will in variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depended npon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and' sweetened it U pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Bny it now. Price, 25c. Laroe Size, 60c, JNO. F. BAKER Contractor and Builder::::: Repair Work A Specialty