The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, March 16, 1917, Image 1

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The Forsyth County News Vol. 9. No. 11. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. W. N. Baldwin of Atlan ta was here on business Monday Dr. W. W. Pirkle spent Mon day in the Gate City on business Mr. G .W. Heard and family spent Sunday in Atlanta. Miss Fannie Harrison has re turned from Atlanta. Mrs. W. A. Robbs is reported on the sick list this week. We hope she will soon be out again. Mr. H. T. Pirkle and family spent Sunday with Mr. W. C. Hardin and family on route 4. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strickland report the arrival of a fine boy at their home. Mr. F. G. Roberts of Cordele spent the week-end with his family in town. Read the ad of McClure Tay lor & Cos., in this issue, and go see ’em when in Duluth. Mr. N. H. Strickland of Du luth has an ad in this issue to which your attention is invited. Master Joe Burruss and I'r. Jake Burruss are both confined to their rooms with measies. Rev. F. T. Wills filled his ap pointment at Norcross Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ellen M. Barron of Coal Mountain spent the last of the week with Mrs. A. Strickland. Mr. J. B. Patterson was in Ma rietta and Duluth on business Friday and Saturday. Misses Genie Mitchell and Ollie Fowler of Gainesville spent Sunday with homefolke here. Rev. J. W. Gober filled his ap *p ointment at the Baptist church here Sunday at eleven-and at nighr. E. 11. McGee & Cos. of Duluth have a car load of horses and mules on hand. See their ad elsev. here in this paper. The many friends of Dr. J. H. Kcckenhull will be glad to learn that he is able to be out again. The many friends of Mr. Wes ley Hawkins will be glad to know that he is able to be at home again after an operation. Mr. Clarence Nuckolls of Gainesville visited Mr. M. A. Nuckolls and family here Sun day. We are requested to announ ce that Rev. J. M. Anderson will preach at Friendship the foux'th Sunday in this month, the 25th. Everybody invited to go out and hear him. Has your wife been after you about the garden work yet? Our’n has, and we want to get to work and make some veget ables to eat. They are too high to buy. " Don’t forget the Carriers ex amination over at Buford Sat urday week, the 24th. If you want a job go over and get the highest grade and you will get it. We hear it rumored that there will be a wedding in Cum ming pretty shortly. This would add some life to the town as there hasn’t been a wedding here in several months. Our advertisers have crowd ed us this week, which forced us to give you six pages. We will willingly print eight or ten pages if they will just come with the advertising patronage to justify it. Your attention is invited to the Professional Card of O. W. Settle of Norcross, in this issue Olen is an old Forsyth county boy, doing well in Norcross, and he will appreciate your calling on him when in need of funeral supplies or embalming. ; Easter comes on Sunday, A pril Bth, this year. I-.we you got you anew hat yet? Misses McClure and Douglas spent the week-end with their parents at Norcross. Mrs. Marcus Mashburn was in the Gate City shopping Fri day. Mr. Taylor Pirkle has return ed from a trip to Memphis, Tenn. Mr. R. E. Harrison spent Wed nesday night in the Gate City on business. Mr. Elijah Bramblett was in Gainesville on business last of the week. Messrs J. L. Phillips and Roy Otwell were in Atlanta Satur day. Col. J. P. Fowler spent Wed nesday and Thursday in the Gate City on business. Harrison & Fowler have two second hand fords in good con dition and repair for sale. Call to see them. The Tax Receiver has anew notice in this issue. Look it up and be ready to give in your tax es when he comes around. The farmers are hauling fer tilizers now, which makes a fel low feel like spring of the year in on hand. Mr. Sam Porter and family spent the last of the week with Mr. R. C. McDaniel and family on rote l._ Messrs S. 11. Allen and J; S. Harrison were in the Gate City on business a day or two this week. Mr.— Hendrix of Chamblee was here on business Tuesday and dropped in to see us while here. Call on H. C. Bagby for good milk cows of any style. Beefers and growing cattle of any kind. Will trade for cash or good note Misses Ola and Louie Adair and Mr. Jim Knight of Buford spent Sunday at Mr. E. S. Har ris’. Mr. Raymond Merritt and John Alexander of Buford spent Sunday at Mr. F. G. Mer ritt’s. The offer of the News and Sunday Constitution, without Monday, at $3.95, will be good until March 27th. Send us your order before that date. The Buford mail has been traveling by auto for the past several days, and we get our mail pretty soon evei-y morning and afternoon. Your attention is called to the large ad of Lowe, Pittard & Cos., of Duluth to be found in this is sue. If you are in need of a Range the Majestic is a jim dandy. We are glad to say that the measles have not entered the school yet. We know of no new cases except at T. P. Burruss’, and hope that the epidemic will soon be over. Geo. Merritt has had his bi x trucks on the road to Buford a day or two this week. Thy do say that these trucks are big ones and can carry an immense load. They say that the people down in Wild Cat District are certainly working the roads ac cording to law. They are put ting them in tip top shape, and citizens in other portions of the county are doing the same thing The weather for the past sev eral days has been fine and it makes the farmers feel better. A great many of them have been plowing this week, and will soon be ready to go to planting if the weather will re main good. Sunshine in The Home, Power in The Life. CUMMING, GA., MARCH 16TH 1917. Meeting of Georgia Teachers. The Georgia Educational As sociation will hold its annual meeting in Macon, May 3rd, 4th and sth. This association is composed of all the white teachers in the state, and in cludes all lines of educational work, from kindergarten to college. Some of the prominent speak ers are Hon. M. L. Brittain, the State Superintendent; Senator Hoke Smith; Dr. E. W. Newton of Boston, MasvS.; Dr. Bruce R. Payne, Pres, of Peabody Col lege for Teachers at Nashville, Prof. W. H. Kilpatrick of Co lumbia University, and Kon. P. P. Claxton, United States Com missioner of Education. The County School Superin tendents will hold their annual convention on the two days pre ceding the Teachers associa tion, and they, with their teach ers, will remain to the latter meeting. This will be the greatest ga thering of educational forces ever held in the state, and its effect will be far-reaching up on the development of schools of Georgia. The Greensboro Herald-Jour nal gives Henry Branham cred it for this good joke on the Meth odists: Brother Henry Braham, the only original Branham in the world, was in Greensboro the other day, and he told us one, which ran something like the following. Henry is a rock ribbed Methodist, and doesn’t mind getting a good joke on ’em occasionally! He said it was a sermon by “Brudder” Jason, which ran like this: ; Bruc’ders bn Sisters, I has got a great and gran message for you all dis ebenin. I went and dremp dat I dide an went to heben. Glory! An when I got dare I seed many strange sights. Away in de north I seed all the Presbyterians. Yes, sah, I seed all de Presbyterians in de north away from de frone. Den in de east I seed all de Baptist; yes, sah, I seed all de Baptists in de east away from de frone. Den I seed all Campbelites in de south; yas, sah, seed all de Campbelites in the south aw r ay from de frone. Den I looked to de west and seed all de Catholicks in the west away from de frone. Den I looked on de frone, an reckon what did I see, brud ders, reckon what did I see? Mefodists, Mefodists, brud dern nuffin* but de Mefodists on de frone. Glad we is Mefodists? An I axed de Lord wdiy he had nuffin’ but de Mefodists on de frone. What did He say, bruddern, reckon what did He say? He say dat dem dare Mefo dists is sick unreliable saints dat he has ter keep him whar he kin get his hands on ‘em. Teachers Notice. As our last teachers’ meeting was rained out, I hereby ask each teacher to meet us on the third Saturday, (March 17,) at ten o’clock a. m. sun time. Please be there promptly. Jesse Bales. Mill Notice. I have an up-to-date corn mill and am ready to grind your corn. Will grind every Friday. W. L. Chadwick, Cumming, Ga., Route 1. O. W. SETTLE Funeral Director & Embalmer Norcross, Ga. Day and Night ’Phone. \ PROGRAM jOf Ihe Ninth District Medical I Society, Which Meets at t Gainesville, March 21, 1917. Call to order 10:30 a. m. Prayer—Rev. E. M. Munroe, Jr Welcome Address—Dr. J. B. Rudolph. Response to Welcome—Dr. J. C. Bennett, Jefferson. PAPERS. Case Report. Dr. F. M. Hub bard, Commerce. “The Relation that Should Ex ist Between the General Prac titioner arid the Specialist.” Dr J. R. Simpson, Gainesville. Two Case Reports. Dr. P. Y. Dcckatt, Cornelia. “The Hygiene of Pregnancy.” Dr. L. C. Allen, Hoschton. “Results Obtained by the Use of Radium in the Treatment of Cancer of the Cervix and Other Uterine Troubles.” Dr. O. D. Hall, Atlanta. “Syphilis: Some Unusual Man ifestations in a Case.” Dr. D. C. Kiliey, Lawrencef ille “Prophylaxis of the Mouth” Dr W. J. Carter, Gainesville. “The Mouth and Throat as a Source of Systemic Infection.” Dr. W. B. Hardman, Commerce TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE I will be at the following places on the dates states for the purpose of receiving Tax Returns for the year 1917. Settenciown District. Chadwick store Mar. 19, 9 a m. L. L. Martin, do 10 a. m. J- Hi/Mom-je, 1 do 11 a. m. Bill Holbrook, do Noon. C. D. Gilbert, do 2 pm. Coal Mountain District. Court Ground, do 4, p. m. Return all property held on January Ist and be sure to have your land numbers correct. Please don’t ask me to take your neighbors returns. So come your self. Don’t send. Judge C. Williams, R. T. R. Mrs. Ida Myers. Mrs. Ida Myers was found dead in bed last Friday morning by her husband when ho. return cd from hi s work. It is not known how long she had been dead when found. She was a daughter of Mrs. Sarah Goswick of this county and a niece of Mr. J. N. Tutton of route 2. Her remains were brought to Friendship for funer al and interment, which took place last Sunday, Revs. J. M. Anderson and G. W. Forrist conducting the funeral services She is survived by her husband and three smail children and a host of other relatives and friends to whom we extend sym pathy. Mr. M. J. Pursell Dead. Mr. Matthew J. Pursell, an aged and respected citizen of the county died at his home on route 3 Monday, and his re mains were laid to rest at Brook wood Tuesday. Mr. Pursell was a quiet, peaceable citizen and will be greatly missed by the people of his community. He is survived by several children to whom the News extends sympathy. Notice. I want the teachers to send me by April Ist the names of their pupils who have enrolled their names, as memebrs of the different Clubs. Those teachers who have not sent in their contract with the Board of Education, please do so at once. "" A. C. Kennemore. Safe Farming, A Balanced Husbandry. I ———— ■ To Farmers, Bankers and 'Business men in Cotton Terri- Itory: Whenever the greed for a money crop unbalances the wis dom of husbandry, the money crop is a curse. When it stimu lates the general economy of the farm it is the profit of farm ing.” These worde were written by the late Henry W. Grady, many years ago. They are true to day. You are face to face with a great question. Are you go ing to permit the agriculture of the South to again become an unbalanced husbandry or are we still to push forward toward Safe Farming? High prices of certain farm products may tempt farmers to pursue an unwise course. Now is the time to take stock, to make an inventory and consider the situation. Think back to 1914 before the war, when cotton was a round thirteen cents a pound. How much did you pay for meat flour and other food proudcts at retail? Go back in the nineties when cotton was still lower in value and what did you pay at retail for food products? Then compare the present prices of food products with the present price of cotton ; the test is the exchange value of cotton. How much will a pound of cotton pur chase in food and feed products By growing all cotton and ex changing it for a living you are* simply swapping a high priced product produced by your la- bor for a high priced product produced by the labor of the other fellow. When you follow safe farming, however, you pro duce your own food and feed at cost and sell your cotton for the other fellow’s dollars. The South has made great progress and has enjoyed won derful prosperity in the past year because it produced so much of its own living. What do we mean by safe farming? Here are the items which should constitute your program: 1. A home garden for every family on the farm. From one tenth to one-fourth acre, well located, well tilled and tended as carefully as any other crop on the farm, planted in rotation to time the vegetable crops so as to have a continuous supply for the family table a smany days in the year as possible. To this should be added one-fourth of an acre of potatoes, either Irish or sweet or both, to be used as food for the family. An acre of sorghum or sugar cane should be produced to supply the family with syrup if means can be found for grinding the cane and making the syrup. 2. Produce enough corn on each farm to last the family and the livestock with certainty for one year, with a little excess for safety. 3. Pi-oduce sufficient oats and other small grain to supplement the corn as food for one year with certainty, remembering that these small grains conserve the soil in winter and provide cr**v* n vipfr for livestock. . . ,uuu; me hay and forage I crops necessary to supply the livestock on the farm for one year, with a little excess for safety, not forgetting the le i gumes which add fertility to the soil and produce the best hay. I 5. Produce the necessary 75c per year. i meat, eggs and milk for the fam ily. The meat should be produc jed by increased attention to poultry and hogs because of the rapidity with which these can be produced. Every family should have at least two cows so that one can be in milk all of Lhi time. A sufficient number of brood sows should be kept :to produce the pork for the fam ily, with some excess for sale. The number of laying hens should he increased and care fully tended to produce eggs and poultry for the table with sufficinent excess for sale. The average number of poultry per farm should be increased to at least fifty. The livestock on the farm should be gradually in creased as a whole so as to con sume the otherwise waste pro ducts of the farm and make the unprofitable feeding of poultry and hogs, beef cattle, milek cows, etc. G. When the living has been amply provided for, grow cot ton for the main money crop. 7. Plan to sell or exchange the surplus products of the garden, the orchard, the poultry, the livestock, the eggs and the feed crops, to cover the necessary running expenses of the farm and save the cotton as the real cash crop. The fact that cotton has been up to eighteen and twenty cents per pound should not in any sence tempt farmers merchants or bankers to depart in practice or in influence from this pro gram. Are you going to play safe or gamble on the European war and bet that cotton will be high and food products low? One of the serious problems of this Nation today is the produc tion of food. At this time no man is the South can afford to be tempted to reduce the pro duction of food and feed crops. Rather should they be increas ed. It is the only safe plan. The agriculture colleges of the Southern States, in coopera tion with the United Staes De parment of Agriculture, are con ducting, through the Extension Divisions and County Agents in every State, campaigns to sus tain the production of food and feed crops in the South. We need more of the three F’s, Food, Feed, and Fertility. Let us feed the people feed the livestock and feed the soil. Whn we have done these three things then raise such acreage in money crops as we have the labor to tend. Yours very truly, Bradford Knapp,, Chief. Big Money: Sweet Potatoes. Break away from the one crop system in sweet potatoe culture. Learn how and when to harvest, how to cultivate and how to store. Anew, a big op portunity is opened to the enter prising farmer by following ex act methods described in our splendid new book “Sweet Po tato Culture”. Price, delivered by mail, only 75 cents while they last. Rush! Crow & Brog don, Seville, Ga. Card of Thanks. I wish to thank my friends and customers for their patron age in the past and wish to an nounce that 1 have opened up a Barber Shop in the building partially occupied by the Cum ming Garage, and earnestly so licit your business. Phone 87. W. J. Mashburn. Get the News and Daily before March 27th. $3.95.