The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, March 16, 1917, Image 2

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Theforsyth County News Published every Wednesday by J B. Pattkhhon. BUBSCKIPTION PUICH. Per Year 76c Six Months bdc Three Months i®c Officia Organ lorsyth Cos Entered at the post oflice at Cun 4 •uing Ga. Aug. 10th, as mail matter cl the second class. Cumming, Ga., Mar. 16, 1917. DAVES CREEK. Mrs. Dehlia Hall spent last Friday with her mother, Mrs. Nancy Buice. Miss Phloras Anglin spent Tuesday afternoon with her cousin, Miss Beauna Green. Those visited at I- I) (Albert’s Tuesday were Mrs. Davis Green and Mrs. Laudela Anglin and Mrs. Frazier. Mrs. Viola Terry spent Mon day afternoon with Mrs. Geo. Barker. We are glad to say that Mr. Arbin Hall is able to be back at his school again. Hurrah, for Arbin, he sure is a good teacher. Mrs. Chesty Anglin spent Fri day afternoon with her sister, Miss Ollie Buice. Miss Addie Terry visited Miss Nona Hall one day last week. The ring spelling at Daves Creek last Thursday night was a grand success. There will bt a ring spelling again next 1 hun day night. We are sorry to say that Miss Mary Cross is sick at this writ ing. There will be a singing at Daves Creek school house next Sunday afternoon. Everybody invited to come and let’s have one more good singing. A. B. C. BETHEL Rev. Wwfren tilled his regu lar appointment here Saturday and Sunday. Mr Benj. Thompson and wife visited relatives in Buford Sat urday night and Sunday. Mr. M. J-. Wood and famih was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Orr Sunuday. Miss Ethel Wayne spent Fri day night and Saturday with her sister. Mrs. H. C. Bagby. Miss Bertha Thompson spent the week-end with relatives here. 11 r. Loyd Strayhorn and ia;were visitors at Mr. Tom Bagley’s Sunday. Miss Birdie Nuckolls spent a few days last week with hei grandparents . The “Rook” party given b\ Mr. Wade Orr Thursday night was highly enjoyed. Mr. W. L. Boyd and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Pierce were visitors at Mr. B. J. Light s Sunday Miss Moena Darricott is on a visit to her uncle, Mr. Brog don near Keith’s bridge. Miss Ozzie Thompson has returned home from a visit to relatives in Flowery Branch. Mr. J. H. Roberts is very sick at this writing. Mrs. B. A. Thompson spent one day last week with Mrs. Clay Bagby. There will be a singing at Bethel ext Sunday afternoon Everybouy come and bring your new song books. Tht Sunday school here is, going to carry out the program for Missionary day in the Sun day school March 25th.. Let everybody interested come out and take part with us. Wyolene. The offer on the News and Tri weekly Constitution at $1.35 will be good until fur ther notice. This offer gives you a good state paper and one of the best county papers in Georgia for the small sum of $1.35. —* MACHINST GAINS THIRTY-FOUR LBS. A. B. Callaway Says He Suffer ed 8 Years and Felt So Miser able He Didn’t Care Whether | He lived or Died. “I have taken ten bottles of Tanlac and have actually gain ed thirty-four (34) pounds,” said A. B. Callaway, of Atlanta. Mr. Callaway is well known and is employed as machinist at the Seabord Air Line Rail road Round House. He has held his present position for eleven years, and is regarded as one of Atlanta’s most expert machinists. “1 suffered for eight years, with nervous and chronic indi gestion,” continued Mr. Calla way, “and at times it looked like I was going to have to throw up mv job, for I was so weak and worn out I was bare ly able to go about. “I ate very little and what little I managed to get down would always hurt me after wards. 1 was nauseated most >f the time, and often had vomit ing spells. I was hardly ever without pains in my stomach, and at times they were so se vere I would have to have hot towels applied until I was al most blistered. “I didn’t sleep well, and at imes would have to get up and walk the floor for hours at a ime. My nerves seemed com detely torn up and I was often overcome with dizzy spells. 1 >ecame almost desperate over ny condition and felt so miser ible that at times it didn’t make much difference to me whether l lived or died. “1 lost a great deal in weight and became very weak. I did jverything a man could do try ng to get relief, and guess 1 ook enough medicine to drown t man in, but it just looked like he more I took the worse 1 v6uld get. “Four months ago I began aking Tanlac. At that time 1 veighed one hundred and twen y-two pounds. To-day I weigh me hundred and fifty-six lbs, i gain of thirty-four pounds. “Tanlac has entirely relieved ne of my troubles, and I consid ■r myself a well man. Instead )f eating cereals and other ight foods, I now eat cabbage, mions, hot biscuits, syrup and neats of all kind or anything dse 1 want, and I eat a lot, too. >ut everything digests well and tgrees with me perfectly. The nervousness has been ov ircome and 1 sleep like a log. 1 am full of life and energy now md am strong and able to work ill day long without getting ired and worn out. My friends ill tell me that I am a picture of health. 1 am the happiest man in At anta, and anyone else would ie, too, if they had gone thru vith what I have and had found lomething to relieve them as i'anlac has done me.” Tanlac is sold by: Jamming Drug Store. Also by f. A. Wills, Cumming, Ga., R. [<\ I). No. 7, and T. R. Brice, Pleasant, Ga.; Hurt & Heard, üba, Ga. j Ledbetter & How trd, Ducktown, Ga,; Ross A. Bagiev, Cumming, Ga., route 8; 3. G. Cross, Cumming Ga., route ",; S. G. Clement, Cumming, Ga Rt. 3 ; J. D. Buice, R. F. D. Suw anee, Ga; W. H. Hammond, Otis, Ga. (R. F .D. Cumming.) Advei'tisement HEARDVILLE. Mrs. Belle Stewart and Mrs. I. C. Pirkle visited Mrs. E. J. Pirkle Thursday afternoon. Mr. Alonzo Fowler visited Mr. Hansel Haygood Friday night. Just two more weeks of our school. Let’s go every day and study hard. The singing at Mt Pisgah Sun day afternoon was fine. Mr. Zeke Benson and mother have returned back to their home at Dahlonega. Master Lawrence Johnson, who has had pneumonia fever, is well now we are glad to say What you sow that shll ye al so reap. Mrs. William Tallant, who has been very sick with Lagripp is some better, we are glad to say. Mrs. Herman Tinsley visited Mrs. Less Tinsley Wednesday night and Thursday. Mr. Ezra Byers visiter at Mr. 3. J. Pirkle’s Tuesday night. Mr. Ernest Stewart and wife visited at Mr. Oscar Stewart’s Friday night and Saturday. Mr. W. T. Bottoms and fam dy visited at Mr. E. J. Pirkle’s Saturday night. Mr. Newton Sosebee has a ■;mile on his face that wont wear off.—lts a boy. Miss Mamie Fowler visited Miss Alice Mae Fowler one night recently. “Two Chums” I will answer your riddle in the News. The hog would come to slop. Mr. John Dawson and sisters Maude and Annie Belle, visited at Rev. W. R. Cochran’s Sunday Mr. Lemmuel Nix and wife visited at Mr. W. M. Fowler’s Sunday. Mr. Earnest Stewart and wife Mr. W. T. Bottoms and family visited at Mr. J. C. Pirkle’s Sun day afternoon. Sugar and Honey. HOPEWELL. Rev. W. B. Mills filled his reg alar appointment here Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. Durham and Miss Susan Reece of Atlanta are spending a while at Mr. G. H. Glass’. Mr. T. W. Barron and fam ly spent Sunday at Mrs. Ame ia Wallis’. Mr. Belk Godfrey visited at Mr. J. C. Singleton’s Sunday. Mr. Jasper Newton and f®m, ly spent a few days last week at Mr. G. L. Wallis’. Mr. Jarnette Carruth and sis er Lorena, spent the week-end vith homefolks. Misses Maggie Wallis and letilah Barron visited Miss Vin nie Singleton Sunday. Mrs. Maude Hughes and •hildren visited at Mr. J. F. Wallis’ Sunday. Rev. J. W. Hughes of Nor wood is visiting his son here. Mr. W. B. Hughes and family pent Saturday night at Mrs. Amelia Wallis’. Cosette. RENEWED TESTIMONY No one in Cumming who suff ers backache, headaches, or listressing urinary ills can af ford to ignore this grateful man’s twice-told story. It is jonfirmed testimony that no Cumming resident can doubt. R. M. Sanges, blacksmith, 115 Gober St., Marietta, Ga., says: ‘The kidney secretions were ir regular and scanty in passage and contained sediment. I couldn’t stoop over without having pains in my back. The complaint bothered me a great leal while at work and I often had dizzy spells. Doan’s Kid ney pills freed me of the trouble (Statement given April 4 1908) More than six years later, Mr Sanges said: “1 am now in the eery best of health andhaven’t needed a kidney medicine at all since Doan’s Kidney Pills cured me.” Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr.Sanges has twice publicly recommend 'd. Foster-Milburn Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. SILVER CITY. There is nothing which will build up a community quicker than an ever green Sunday school. If you live near a Sun day school don'r neglect the op portunity which it affords. Go ~u—- ~TMi lam■■■!■!■ mu—aiiw— iirt — * "“—^** d —** M *. ii i ■■■— Bessemer Steel Dec cur. YSse Semi-Weekly Journal S'L *| er * And the Safely Document Box Absolutely Free -3 In these days when the whole world is at war. and when history is heir.a made every day of every week, you cannot afford to he without a newspaper such as The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal. In each issue of The Semi-Weekly Journal you yet all the news of the world as reported by the Associated Press, the greatest and most reliable of all news-gathering agencies. In addition to this, l>r. A. M. Soule, Dr. Frank Crane, Frederic J. Has kin Bishop Warren A. Cafidler, Addington Bruce, Loring Brown, Mrs. W. H. Felton, Miss Lizzie O. Thomas and other famous writers contribute arti cles of great Interest and educational value. At the low price of this paper, can you afford to be without The Semi-Weekly Journ.j? \vG i..jn.. not! Sign the coupon, enclose SI and mail to The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal, Atlanta, Ga. The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal, Atlanta, Ga. ! '°- Enclosed find SI.OO. Send me The Semi-Weekly Journal 18 months and the Bessemo: Steel Safety Document Box Free. NAME p R. F. D STATE and make yours as good as any Mr. Jess Banister and wife were out visiting Saturday and Sunday. Misses Annie and Mary Smith were in Gainesville Fri day and Saturday. Mr. Mac Rider has moved his shop up near his mill, so that he may be more accomodating to his customers. Mr. B. IN Pirkle and son Nay, have been in Atlanta the past week trading. Mr. Luther Etris was serious ly injured by hanging on the running board of a car Sunday, the driver ran near a post which struck his head. It is thought that his skull is fractured. Mr.— Reece’s daughter was buried at Concord Saturday. Mr. G. H. Dooley has just ar rived from Clarkesville. The Sunday school and sing ing at Concord Sunday after noon was just fine. Everybody come out and let’s make it bet ter. This fine weather is causing the people in this section to be gin working the roads. We be lieve that they are going to put them in first class condition . Snrnmnnmmmmitnmiiiiiiiimimiimmnne Why not give ynur % opportunity to J make their home j study easy and j hem the same j lancesto win pro- j tion and success | tie lad having the A fw-" 1 WEBSTER’S i HEW INTERNATIONAL j | Dictionary in his home. This new p j creation answers with final author- = 1 ity all kinds o£ puzzling questions | | in history, geography, biography, | I spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, j 1 and sciences. = 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. J Over 0000 Illustrations. Colored Plates. ri The only dictionary with tha-Slvided Page. g I The t ype matter is equivalent to that a of a 15-volume encyclopedia. I More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, I = and Authoritative than any other tng- = ■: titulary. g REGULAR J , set of Pocket jl ou name this j RRIAM CO., i LD, MASS. 3 moinmnraitmauiwuiv We consider this Safety Box one of the most useful and valuable premiums we have ever offered by The Semi-Weekly Journal. It is made of heavy Bessemer steel; finished in black baked Japan; size inches, substantial lock, two keys. This lo\ is for the safe keeping ami preservation of Mort gages, Is, Receipts, Notes, Leases, I’t lid •>, Con tracts. Wills. Stocks, Bonds an 1 ail valuable papers. Kverv man needs one —and if bought in the regular way would ecM about a dollar. We gl\e it to s mi ::*;-• lately free, dm H<• coupon and get this box at once. It might save hi 1 Address orders to The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal, Fdv Lo tion Dept., Atlanta, Ga, FERTILIZERS I represent the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Cos., and A. D. Adair & Mc- Carty Bros., and keep a supply of ih ese famous brands of Fertilizer on hand at all times. ! will appreciate your calling io see me alien in Duluth, and I will give you Hie best goods at the lowest pri ces, and extend to gou a cordial wel come and courteous treatment. N. H.f STRICKLAND Duluth, Georgia. “ POTASH u: We handle Fertilizers with Genuine German Potash OnSy. F These made by Armour, Swift and Ober. Call to see us. We will appre ciate your business. (VlcGure-Tavßor Cos. DULUTH, GA. Too Big for His Job. A boiler washer in Chicago has be come too big a man for his job. and consequently has been discharged. Ho became, literally, 100 big a man. lie grew so fat that ho could not get ii* side the boilers. To Pick Up Glass. Instead of picking up pieces of bro ken glans, wet a woolen cloth, lay on the iioor over the fragments and pat lightly. The tiny particles will stick to the cloth, which may be burned.