The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, May 18, 1917, Image 1

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Vol. 9. No. 20. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Col. H. L. Patterson wa3 in Marietta on business Monday. Rev. F. T. Wills filled his ap pointment at Norcross Sunday. Mr. C. B. Otwell spent last Friday in Atlanta on business. Several from Cumming atten ded Quarterly meeting at Pied mont Saturday afternoon. Miss Ollie Merritt was on the sick list the last of the week, but is some better at present. We are glad to say that Mr. B. L Fowler who has been quite sick, is improving rapidly. - The Presiding Elder preach ed an able sermon in Cumming Friday night. Mr. F. G. Rberts of Cordele spent the week-end with his family in town. Mr. Eugene Kirby has been visting relatives in Buford and Atlanta. Mr. R. E. Harrison and daugh ter, Miss Ruth, spent Sunday night and Monday in Atlanta. Mr. T. P. Burruss and family and Mr. Jake Burruss spent Sunday with relatives on route four. Mr. Grady Allen has joined the Navv, and is on board the Training Ship Franklin at the Norfolk Navy Yard. Mr. James Poole and family of hear Buford spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. H. C. Poole and family. The many Triends of Miss Leila Bishop and Mrs. Lou Rhodes will be glad to learn ii-si-tLvy ha^ r e again elec ted as teachers in the school at Maysville. Miss Mamie Lee Shirley who i-, as been spending sometime ith Mr. R. E. Hope and fami ly has returned to her home at Ocee. The trustees have elected Prof. Seabolt as principal, and Misses Douglas, Henderson and Allen as teachers for an other year. We wish them a successful term. Messrs. A. W. Pruitt, Silas Pruitt, Paul Pruitt, and Mrs. A. i W. Pruitt visited relatives in Adairsville Saturday night andj Sunday. The people of Wild Cat trict are requested to meet the members of the Food Council at Wild Cat Saturday after noon at 2 o’clock. The Cumming Garage has a heavy stock of the best makes of automobile tires. Save mon ey by buying your tires now be fore anther advance in prices, which we believe is due in a few days. We are requested to announce that Rev. Jennings will preach at Friendship the first Sunday in June at 11 o’clock. Every; body invited to come and bring the Christian Harmony song books, as they expect to have some good singing also. We are requested to announce ; that Rev J. L Wyatt will preach at Friendship Saturday night before the third Sunday in this month. Everwbody invited to -me out and hear him. LOST: Between Brookwood church and S. G. Clements store, a brown winter lap robe last Sunday night. Finder re turn to S. G Clements store and I will settle with him. Edgar Hansard. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Echols left last Thursday for Atlanta. Fur man has been appointed to an important place at the train ing camp, and has many good friends here who wish him suc cess in his position. The Forsyth County News A good rain is greatly need ed for the growing crops. Dr. and Mrs. W. W Pirkle, and Mr and Mrs. T. J. Pirkle, spent Friday in Atlanta. The farmers report a very poor stand of cotton, and lots of :t dying on account of cold weather. Rev. J. W. Gober filled the pulpit at the Baptit church in town Sunday at eleven and at night. Miss Cassie Brannon, who has been attending a business col lege in Atlanta for several weeks, has returned home. Mr. Charlie McDaniel of Cu ba went to Atlanta first of the week to join the Navy. We’ve not 1 "urd whether he passed the examination or not. Miss Ruth Pirkle, who is at tending the Georgia Normal & Industrial College at Milledge ville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Pirkle. Mrs. Emma Hutchins and daughter, and sons James and Griffin, of Atlanta spent Satur day nightjind Sunday with Mr. A. G. Hockenhull and family, and other relatives in town. We are requesed to announce that Rev. J. W. Thomas will preach at Roanoke Saturday night. . His text will be from Romans 3-4. Everybody invit ed to go out and hear him. Your attention is called to change in advertisement of Mr. G. W. Heard in this isue. He has a good line of Rugs to close out at a low price, and it will pay you to call to see him. All persons having loved ones buried at Friendship are reques ted to meet at the cemetery at that place Saturday the 19th to clean off the cemetery. Let ev erybody interested be on hand. All members of the Methodist church of Cumming are request eel to meet Friday night at 8:30 o’clock, at the Methodist church. At this meeting the kind of brick to be used will be finally settled. Don’t forget the meeting of the Club Members at the court house in town Saturday. Ever y one interested be sure to be on hand. Automobile Repair Work. Have your automobile repair work done at the Cumming Gar age. All work guaranteed. A full and complete line of tires and accessories. Work done at reasonable prices. Free air for auto owners. To The Club Members. If you have not made arrange ments to get your cans to can the surplus perishable vegeta bles and fruits, please furnish me with the number of cans you expect to need this season next Saturday at the Agricultural meeting at Cumming. I think 1 will be able to supply you at a reasonable price thru the ex tension work. Don’t fail to act promptly as cans are very scarce, and we may fail to get them at any price. Vry truly yours, S. J. Smith, Cos. Agent. Pigs For Sale. I have 9 Registered Berk shire and Duroc pigs for sale, ready for delivery June Ist. This is a good chance for the members of the Boys’ Pig Club. H. W. Tollison. Cumming. Ga., route 2. Sunshine in The Home, Power in The Life. From. Hon. Thos. M. Bell. Hon. Thomas M. Bell, con gressman from the 9th district, was opposed to the conscript ion law, and is writing a letter to many inquirers. We print belo\y a copy of this letter: “Congress has appropriated seven billions of money, most of which will be loaned to the Allies for munitions, stores and provisions, which, I believe, is all they need to bring the war to a successful conclusion. I can not, therefore, with the lights before me and with a con sciousness of a duty I feel with in me, cast my vote for conscrip tion which I believe means the sending of our boys and young men to a foreign soil to engage in war. We have won all the wars we have engaged in without resort ing to conscription and con gress recently appropriated 30 thousand dollars to repair the flags we have won through the volunteer system. If our beloved country was invaded by a foreign foe, our men would, without waiting for a conscript act, take up arms in its defense and the men and wo men would never allow the A merican flag to trail in the dust With best wishes, I am, Your friend, Thomas M. Bell. LONGSTREET. A large crowd attended ser vices at this place Sunday. There was two fine sermons de livered, one by Rev. Tucker and J. I. Holbrook in the a. m., Rev. R. A. Roper preached in the afternoon. Mr Pierce Cobb and family spent Sunday with Mr. Marvin Cobb and family. Miss Collene Puckett is spend ing a few days with relatives and friends around Longstreet. Misses Kate Myers and Edith Whitaker were guests of the Misses Ramsey’s Sunday. Rev. Tucker and family vis ited at Mr. F. E. Buice’s Sunday Mr. Fate Nix and wife visited at Mr. W. H. D. Pucketts Sun day Miss Ellie Elliott was the guest oi Mias F:. l >fc Hall Sat urday night and Sunday. Mr. Tom Wilkins and family spent Saturday night with his father, Mr. J. L. Wilkins. Mrs. W. J. Carter and son. Jessie, of Atlanta, are spending a few days wfith friends near here. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Holbrook died Wednesday and was buried at the Campground Thursday. Leila Mae was about seventeen months old. We extend sympa thy to the bereaved parents. Mr. Jesse Hall of Atlanta vis ited homefolks Sunday. Charlotte. Velvet Beans. You will find velvet beans for sale at Allen & Harrison’s ware house and at M. J. Hoop ers residence. This is the early variety that matures in 100 days. Some of these beans were planted in June last year on very poor land and matured by Oct. These beans are most recom mended by the government in •this great need for food stuff. Every farmer should have some on his farm.. We are selling them at actual cost to us, at $2.50 per bushel. Hooper Gin and Seed Cos. CUMMING, GA., MAY 18TH, 1917. Farmers Work for May Owing to the very wet winter and late spring, the preparation for all crops has been very im perfect. But this seemed to be necessary in order to get the seed in the ground early enough to get a full crop. Especially with cotton. A great deal of this imperfect preparation may be overcome by rapid cultiva tion. Therefore to get the best results you must keep the weed ers, harrows and cultivators running as much as possible. Don’t stop for dry weather but keep them going,, for the finer you get the surface the better you can retain the moisture in the soil. Don’t allow clods to stay on your farm but crush them up and make the plant food that is in them available for your crop. I had rather have rocks than clods to grow a crop among. Don’t have eith er, crush the clods and use the rock to build dams to hold your soil. Everyone has noticed the good effects of having a dust mulch to catch the light show ers that frequently fall during May and June. If the soil has been ploughed to a depth of 6 or 8 inches either in the fall or spring it will not be necessary to cultivate more than 2 inches deep. The thing to do is keep going with shallow running tools. After the plants get to large tear up the tender roots of the plants for the plants need them all. May is the month for plant ing a great m; oy Legumes such as cow peas, velvet beans and soy beans, and every farmer should attend to these crops at the proper time. The velvet bean requires almost the entire -season in this latitude to ma ture a crop. Hence it should receive your attention at once. It seems that this crop grows well with corn with practically no damages to the corn. Plant ing should be between hills of corn, when the corn is about 6 inches high plant 2 beans be tween every other hill. The vines gather a large quanity of nitrogen from the air and de posit it in the soil. Some of the experiment stations have found that the vines on an acre when turned under are equivalent to 1400 lbs of cotton seed meal as a fertilizer. I know this is a val uable crop for cattle feed. Plant the 90 day or speckled variety Soy beans grow somewhat like cotton and should be plant ed by itself, for hay prepare land well and plant in rows 30 inches wide and 6 or 8 inches in drill cover 1 */•> inches deep, they wont germinate over 2 inches deep, cut for hay when bean gets grown. For beans as soon as pods get ripe they are apt to pop open. Plant Mammoth Yellow they are ex cellent for man or beast and a good soil builder. I wouldn’t advise planting very extensive ly of this crop until we are bet ter acquainted with how to cul tivate the plant and cure the hay. The value of the cow pea is to well known to require much comment. I'll say however that its value as a food and hay crop is to great to be neglected for any new or untried Legume. It is most to early to plant the pea yet. It may be planted the last of May between the hills of corn. Or it may be sown broad cast in the corn at laying by time. Be sure and sow all wheat and oat stubble in peas and The Unheeded Warning. God is ever warning the children of men against sin, for sin always has deadly effects Every human being with whom we have been acquainted that has passed over the border from time to eternity should re mind us of the fact that we, too, must go sooner or later; their passing away is really a call to us from God to get ready for death. Then the object lessons that mature affords us the dying of seeds which are planted in the ground that they may be mul tiplied through a resurrection from mother’s earth is a contin ual warning or call to us to get ready for death, besides the many warnings that come from God through the instrumental ity of His people. But there is a warning, or call which I have termed “the” warning viz; the downfall of Europe, of which I want to say a few woi'd-s. This great warning from God has been sounded to America, especially these United States of America, for nearly three years. Rut with what results? From bad to worse is my an swer. To my mind we, as a nation, are more sinful now than three years ago. It seems that we entered into this war very hopeful, thinking victory would be very soon. But God only knows to what extent we will be plunged into this bap tism of suffering. One great evangelist ; said; last year that if we had no oth er national sin but Sabbath desecration that that would be enough to call down the wrath of almighty God upon us. As I think of the business that is transacted, joy-riding in auto mobiles, buggies, etc., and oth er sinful pleasures that are car ried on during the Sabbath, I am made to believe the words of the evangelist. Although Europe claimed to be Christian, she depended up on culture and refinement ar mies and navies to save the na tions. But Alas! How different is the scene! The arms of civiza tion were too short to save! Say, friends and fellow-cit izens are we not following in their footsteps? Oh, is it not high time for nation-wide, yes, world wide penetence and pray er. If God turn from His fierce anger that we perish not. If God was willing to spare Sodom for the sake of ten righteous men and if He spared Nineveh when they repented, will He not spare us if we repent? Someone will say yes, but will they do it? The question is “will we do it?”. Reader do not think you lose your individual responsibility in National responsibility. For Nations, like families, are what the individuals make them. Oh, then dear reader, let us as individuals heed this solemn warning, turn away from and turn to God, that God, “My turn away from His fierce an ger that we perish not,,. P. H. Stokes. If you want jitney business done call on R. E. Harrison. He will haul you at a reasonable price. sorghum at the rate of 1 bushel of peas and 1 gallon of sorghum seed per acre for hay. Very truly yours, S. J. Smith, County Agent. The Georgia Baptist Hospital. The Baptist Sunday schools of the state, more than eighteen hundred in number, will have a special day on the first Sunday in June, at which time there will be a special offering for the charity work of the Georgia Baptist Hospital. This day is observed every year. The superintendents and teachers of all the Baptist Sun day schools of this county are putting forth unusual effort to make this year’s offering the largest they have ever had. What This Money is For. The Georgia Baptist Hospit al receives the sick from every section of the state. There is scarcely a county in the state that has not some time during the past four years sent some of their sick, poor and depend ent ones to this hospital, where they have been treated free. More thtan fifty crippled and deformed children have had their little limbs straightened and many of them made to walk. The most of these were from the homes of the poor, who were unable to furnish hos pital care for these little ones. More than five hundred s ' r, ople have received medical ; id hos pital treatment free, and more than a thousand have received free medical treatment, paying only a small part of the actual cost of their board while in the hospital. It is for this work the Sunday schools are asked to make a special June ..3rd, _ , - . . ’ ; This is True Christianity. A Christian is Christ-like, and Christianity is doing the things which Christ did. One of the things which He devoted more of His time and thought to was in treating the sick and reliev ing the suffering, causing the lame to walk and the blind to see. This is the work to which the Georgia Baptist Hospital is devoting its efforts, and while its aims are primarily to care limited only by the gifts of the for the poor, yet ts efforts are churches and Sunday schools. None are ever turned from its doors except for a lack of rooms and funds. Here every class, condition and creed are welcomed. Here all can find opportunity to express the spir it of Jesus in their gifts. To fail here is to fail in the fundamen tals of Christianity, for here we .-re pr viding for hose o our own land and country. “He that provideth not for his own hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.” $20,000.00 will be needed this year from the Sunday schools to care for all the sick poor who are coming to the Georgia Bap tist Hospital. Let every Super intendent work the plan which he has received, and this sum will be raised. Jesus will say to all who give, “As ofl as ye have done it unto one of the least of these sick ones, ye have done it unto Me.” Mike Wilbanks is expecting a car of Jackson G. Smith bug gies in this week. Call ami get one for cash or good note be fore they are all gone. Call on Clay Bagby, Flowery Branch, Ga., route 2 for hogs and cattle; also for lumber of all kinds. He will cut it to measure for you. News and Jeff or Magazine for $1.25. 75c per year. Shady Grove S'-nging. Shady Grove singing opened after Sunday school by Pres. A J. Phagan. The class led by J H. Darricott 3 pieces. Miss Bet tie Conner organist; M. M. Mullinax 3 pieces, Mrs. H. G. Marshall organist; 10 minutes intermission. Mr. A. J. Phagan 2 pieces, Mrs. 11. G. Marshall organist; Mr. J. 11 Darricott 2 pieces. Mr.* 11. (J . Ml ;M. M. Mullinax, Mrs. If. G. Marshall organist; A. J. Phagan, Mrs. H. G. Marshall organist; Intermission 1 hour 15 minutes. Singing opened with A. J. Phagan leading, Mrs. H G Mar shall or;.uivst. W. E. Floyd led 2 piece) Mis. 11. G. Marshall or ganist; Tom Pilgrim 2 pieces, Mrs. H. G. Marshall, organist; J. 11. Darricott 2 pieces. Miss Bettie Conner organist; M. M. Mullinax. Wade Orr organist; Homer Eight 2 pieces, Wado Orr organist; Intermission 15 minutes. A. J. Phagan, B. C. Henderson organist; Eee Floyd Wade Orr organist; Jim Eight., Wade Orr organist; M. M. Mullinax, Brice Henderson organist; A. J. Pha gan, Mrs. H. G Marshall organ ist; There will be a singing at this place every second Sunday afternoon. Everybody invited to come and bring your new books, and help in the singing.. A. J. Phagan, Pres. S. A. Mangum, Secretary. - ■ t Oh.'bosh! why tt thig^con sense about the glory for one’s country? Like as if a country was of any more use to a dead man than hip pockets would be to a billy goat. There was no singing here Sun day. Most everybody went to Union Hill. Miss Mattie Comer spm t Sat urdav night with Miss Mona Bagley. Mrs. Satira Mouder of Su wanee visited relatives u this part first of the week. Mr. Early Harris visited his brother, Willis, Tuesday of last week. Mr. B. F. Gantt and family visited in this part Friday ught The many advisers ah r. g eco nomic and food coservation lin es, though their instru Cons have been voluminous a pVnty, have seemingly overlookc l the fact that the average size bis cuit is now costing abort V->• They should wake up and tel! the people to cut out them vis iting and let folks eat -orn bx*ead for breakfast. You have foten heard t e lit tle addage which says Ciat, "those who live in glass h )uses should not throw stones.” The revised version carries better advise than that. It savr that “those folks should wait until afer dark to go to bed.” Uncle Jcsh. Card of Thanks. We do thank our relatives and friends from our old home in North Georgia for th many letters and kind words o' con solation we have received thru the mail since the death foi r little boy. Hope God will bless them with the rich st of blessings. Sarah Milford, Montezuma, - —— ■ v Don’t forget that Noa! -ornery will rent you a "good bottom pasture for your (*attie at 50c per head. ggggggggggggggg