The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, June 22, 1917, Image 1

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Vol. 9. No. 25. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Claude Hope of Winder was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. T. J. Driggers spent Mon day in Atlanta. Read ad of T. J. Pilcher in this issue. Rev. F. T. Wills continues in the meeting at Roswell. Rev. J. W. Gober filled his ap pointment at Pleasant Grove Sunday. Miss Ellen M. Barron is spend ing a few days with friends a round Coal Mountain. There was a good crowd in town Saturday afternoon doing their shopping. Mr. F. G. Roberts of Cordele spent the week-end with his family here. Mrs. Kate Mann of Valdosta is spending sometime with rela tives in the county. Several attended the teach ers meeting at the court house Saturday. Mrs. Lou Rhodes has been spending several days with rel aives and friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patterson of Atlanta spent Sunday with Col. H. L. Patterson and family Mrs. Thad Pickett is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Echols. Master Glendon Merritt spent a day or two last week with Candler Clement at Wild Cat. Misses Grace and Leona Latt ner have purchased a Country Club Overland car. ’Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Puett and Mrr.tW. R. Hall spent Tuesday Misses Grace and Leona Lat ner, who have been attending the University of Chattanooga, returned home last Thursday. Mrs. H. C. Poole and Mrs. H. C. Bagley spent one day last week with Mr. W. C. Jones and family at Brandywine. Rev. R. H. Thompson filled his appointment at the Baptist church in town Sunday. Rev. G. C. Light preaching at night. Mrs. J. C. Hope and little son of Winder are spending this week with Mr. Durham and family. Mr. Geo. W. Heard has been fishing several times this duH season, and they do say he <*n catch 'em. _ . | Misses Eula Fowler, V innie Seabolt, Ellene Strickland and Mrs. Olen Merritt were in At lanta shopping Monday. Mr.— Forrist of Coal Moun tain spent last of the w T eek with his son, Mr. Otto Forrist, in town. Miss Elizabeth Patterson and brothers, George and James, ot Atlanta are visiting their grand parents, Col. and Mrs. H. L. Pat terson, this week. Rev. L. A. Henderson in re newing his paper, says that he likes Columbus fine, but that old Forsyth county always has a warm place in his heart. Mrs. Mamie Foster, Mrs. Eva Foster and Mrs. C. C Foster of Roswell visited Mr. A. G. Hdtk enhull and family the last of the week. Gumming was visited with a nice rain and a little hail Tues day afternoon, but the hail did not damage the crops to any great extent. Quite a number called Satur day and renewed their paper. This makes us feel some bettei , but to be frank with our read ers we are losing mony every day on the News. Expense goes on whether we get in any money or not. So all who can please come and help us. The Forsyth County News Don’t forget the June singing | Sunday. Come, bring your books and enjoy the day. I Quite a number from Gum ming went to Stone Mountain Sunday and spent the day. Mr. Henry Patterson of Atlan ta is spending a few days with homefolks. I Messrs T. J. and C. C. Pirkle | spent Sunday with their mother on the l’iver. Wiley Majors .of Rochelle | was here a day or two last week to see his old friends. You should call and see the swell line of wash skirts on sale by'Edmondson & Pirkle. Mr. E. J. Tatum and family of Atlanta spent the week-end with Mr. J. E. Kirby and family Messrs J. B. Patterson and J. S. Harrison spent last Thurs day in the Gate City on business Misses Mamie and Vera Tuck er of Dawsonville were visitors in town last Saturday. Mr. G. C. Milford of near Lawrenceville was here last Fri day, and called to renew his pa per. The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Evans of route 2 died last Friday. We sympathize i with them in their bereavement. Mr. B. T. Truelove of Fitz gerald sends us a cotton blos som along with his renewal to the paper. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Hocken ! hull have returned from a visit , to relatives and friends at Moul. j trie, Ga. ’Mr', and Mrs. Glen Puett 1 returned to their home in At- lanta after a few days visit to relatives here. Mr. Frank McClurt of the Fourteenth was here Saturday and reported some frost in his section Saturday corning. We regi’et to-’earn of the ill ness of Mrs. T 4 litha Harris, and hope she wit soon be able to be 1 out agin. R ev _ t. A. Edmondson and ; childre' are spending a few I days w 'fh Mr. and Mrs. John ' Etpiondson. | Mr. John McWhorter of Ro- Lhelle spent a day or two last week with his father, Mr. M. L. McWhorter, on route 3. Mr.— Tutton and family of South Carolina spent Sunday night with Col. C. L. Harris an/ family. Forsyth county has rece^' 1 * her part of the auto tax an/ mt ing to $902.54. This amo 111 is to be used on the the j count y- . . counpy. ..11 + We have received sr eral le ters fro publication ir* egarcl to the Sunday school ? Roanoke. We do not think it tM* be of any good to any one to i ' iave this con • . jmpr. and we troversy in the jkP 6l ’ all< t " e j are leaving thes/Rtt ers ou^’ Ordinatkn Service. Beaver RuA Church will or dain deacon/on the Ist Sunday | in July. Ihstors and deacons of sister churches are invited to be present Exchanged by Mistake. Some friend of mine having hung his rain coat up in our i store, on getting it made a mis i take and left his and got the writers, coat light tan color writers, coat light tan color made t>y Hodgman Rubber Cos. Coat got too large for the wear er the one left too small for the i writer. Please return mine and 1 get yours. This exchange was , made in February or since that ! time. T. J. Pirkle, Sunshine In The Home, Power In The Life. , The Singing at New Harmony. The class was called to order ! by Bro. Alfred Roper after our Sunday school which was at tended by a very large crowd and it seemed to arouse and stimulate the people for the singing which was to follow. After a short recess the sing ing class was called to order by Bro. Roper who led a few pieces and was followed by J. D. Ledbetter, S. C. Smallwood, Arthur Fowler, and other good singers. The singing in the morning was in the new books and was pronounced by many especially some of the visitors to be about the best they had heard in quite a while. After an intermission of one and one half hour given for dinner, which there was plenty of it spread around and was enjoyed by all. The class was again call ed to order by Bro. Roper who led a few pieces folowed by sev eral other good leaders, some of whom were Messrs Julius Hen drix, James Smithwick, John Drummond, W. V. Smallwood, John Tillison, Fred Aarons, Tommy Green, Davis Lafayette Nix, Roscoe Lathem and prob- ably a few othrs whose names we did not get. The afternoon singing was mostly in the Old Christian Harmony and was greatly enjoyed by all. The old er people staid it carried them back to their childhood days and made them feel young a gain, and the younger ones to ger a glimps of the wood Md times as'e past and 'Wne.' Putting it all togeher we think the singing was one of the best ever had at this place and not surpassed anywhere and we hope to have more as good or better as this is the beginning our annual June singing v’' c we will have the third in June every year We want ev-WocD to come and be v-n us n*xt June, we W iji also say ve have singing every third Sunday afternoon and wouldALe for as many as can to co ie an d help us out as we hav/ appreciated and will alway/welcome visitors. J. J. Richards, J. D. Ledbetter. M. L. Howard. I Emory University. We call atention to the ad vertisement of Emory Universi ty Acadamy which appears in this issue. This school is de signed to serve the South as the Phillips' fixe ter Academy serves New England. Its splendid equipment, whole some su’roundings, and univer sity corelation make it an un usually good place to send a boy to irepare him for college. The feture of military training | will b introduced with the o peninjof the fall term in Sep-| tembf and this will increase its attra.iveness and excellence. .11 Day June Singing. En’t forget our all-day sing ingie 4th Sunday in June. 1 good singers are espec ialfinvited to come. lerybody come and bring yosong books and well-filled baets. e will have a lesson in the OChristian Harmony in the a’noon. Plenty of good sing evili be with us. M. T. Wallis, Pres. dmondson & Pirkle have on and a line of canning outfits tin cans now. Call and see m. CUMMING, GA., JUNE 22ND, 1917. Program of Unioa Meeting To be held wuh Pleasant View church Friday before the third Sunday July 13-14th, Morning Se-sion. 10:30. Devotional. V .V Braddy 11:00. Introductory. F. T Wills 12:00 Dinner Afternoon Session. 1:00 Devotional. C E. Thomas. 1:30. Organization 2:00. The greatest need of the church. G. W. Forrist. Evening Session. 7:30. Devotional. J. J. Dempsey 8:00. Preaching to be arranged by committee. Saturday mornirg Session 9:30. Devotional. V K Vaughan 10:00. What is the duty of the pastors in the present half mil lion dollar campaig .. L. H. Bur gess 11:00. Preaching. r '? be arran ged by committee. 1 Afternoon SsL'ion . 1:30. Devotional, Q. T. Settle. 2:00. Should a church improve its discipline? If ni>i why not? E. A. Cochran. 2:45. Reports of mummittees and general business, This program goffered by one of the commitlt-a. G.'/C. Light. . —h To My Friends astomers. Since opening up mule bug gy and wagon here in Cuftmiing, Ga., thfbe and one half years ago it 1 ks certainly been my motto to Lind you the very best mule.-Ws/v :nd wag on I could b’ t!l ' jil?) money. several „Ie the, j p .ith of Barnes- Ga., is decidel y the best i ,>c I have ever had (m my floor i have sold five cars ovf these out and I find that every buggy out is an advertisement far my bus iness. I have arranged to?have Mr. Jones, the salesman from whom I buy Smith buggies to spend next Saturday June 23rd here and he wants to talk to every maff in this county if he can a bout Smith buggies on that day. Come to see us if you possibly can and let us show you the strong points of the J. G. Smith buggy. G. W. Wilbanks MIDWAY. A good rain and a litle more hot weather is needed for the growing crops. Most everybody is done cut ting wheat. Messrs Charlie Hendrix and Dewart Brannon atended a sing ing at Juno in Dawson county Sunday. Rev. Sheffield from Oakwood will preach at Bethlehem the first Sunday in July. There seems to be an epidem ic among the stock in this part. We hope it will soon stop. Messrs. J. W. Ramsey, Oscar Ramsey and J. H. Phillips each lost a good horse recently. Mr. Fulton Roper and wife are the proud parents of a lit tle girl. Mr. John Rogers was a visit or at Mr. W. J. Kemp’s Sunday Several from here took in the singing at New Harmony Sun day and report a good singing. Mr. W. J. Kemp and mother, Mrs. Margaret Anglin, and Mrs Neese visited at Mr. Wm. Hun ter’s Sunday evening. J. B. Edmondson & Pirkle are showing a nice line of Patriotic stationery. Call and see them. BRANDYWINE. Taxation without represent tation is tyranny. You are worse than a slack er if you are trying to influence people against our government. “The wages of sin is death.” What will your wages be when God calls you to account for your deeds done in this world? Rev. James H. Couch filled his regular appointment at Mid way last Sunday. Mrs. S. L. Bales is visiting in Atlanta for several days. Mr. Odous Hammond has purchased a Ford. Miss Ira James of Marietta is on an extended visit with friends and relatives here. Do you really believe that the United States is not a Chris tian nation? If I believed that it was not then I would say that there is not a Christian nation in the world. Do you believe that Jesus a rose from the dead? If you do not then you are of all men most miserable. Mrs. Etta Hardin has been quite sick for the past week but we are glad to say that she is better. Rev. L. IT. Burgess has been 7>n the sick list for several days but is some beter. I am in favor of anew law that will give the jury the right to name the sentence on a crim inal. I believe that the jury would come nearer dealing out justice than a judge. When we began to criticise our rulers before our chilib-un we are sowing the seed of an archy and no one can tell how far the harvest will extend in to the future. We should try to teach our loved ones a great re spect for authority for if we do not respect authority then our government will fail. Are you a Wilson kicker? If you are you should get off by your self for a few days and re view the great things that have come up before him to decide. Go over them carefully and then after you have done that if you think he should be crit icised get out your pen and pa per and pen and write to him, and tell him wherein he has er red and I am sure that he will thank you for your interest in our government and your effort to correct him. If it was not for the fact that I am a great coward and have a wife and baby I would like to be in France with Gen. Per shing to help pay France for the help she gave us. Of course Mr. H. L. Wills is happy and is smiling a great broad smile for he has anew daughter born about two weeks ago, mother and child are dong well. Mr. F. C. Baker and family spent the second Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Stone Paw. ’ All Day Singing. There will be an all-day sing ing at Haw Creek the first Sun day in July. Several good leaders will be present. Everybody cordially invited. Bring wellfilltd baskets and your new and old song books. The last lesson will be in the Old Christian Harmony. R. W. Echols, Pres. R. W. Mullinax, Sect If you want a good sewing machine at a moderate price call on Edmondson & Pirkle, they can fit you up. PLESAANT VIEW. The cool weather makes the little cotton look bad. Rev. Braddy has the best wheat in our community. I think we all ought to keep what wheat is made for seed, as it will be a very hard matter to find seed wheat next fall. Rev. Braddy filled his ap pointment at Cross Roads Sat urday and Sunday. E. L. Bagwell and family and Mr. Inman Glover visited relatives and friend near Cham blee last Sunday. A large crowd present at the singing here Sunday, and done, some fine singing. Dr. Gilstrap is going day and night waiting on the sick. We hope all will soon be well. The farmers in this section got the most of the grass laid out last week, it being a fine time to kill it. Rev. Southard will preach at this place at three o’clock the first Sunday. Rev. Dorsey Nal ley is expected to be with him. Let everybody come and hear the young preacher. Well, we don’t know who will have to go to the war, but some body will have to go. The writer heard Rev. i aulk ner preach at Chamblee last Sunday, lie is a fine preacher and he told the fathers and mo thers, also the entire church, not to let any of the young men leave without doing their best to get them to thinking about their souls. He told the young ! men the main Ihijrtg was for them to prepare to meet their God in peace. Hill Billy. HOPEWELL. This is very cool weather for 1 the month of June. Quite a number attended the singing at Hopewell Sunday af ternoon. Miss Penelope Hughes, who has been teaching school at Nor wood, has returned home. Mrs. T. W. Barron and little daughter, Clara Mae, who have been spending awhile with rel atives near Jasper, have re turned home. Mr. Mark Hulsey, who has been in school at Oxford, spent a few days with homefolks and goes back this week to attend the summer schol there. Mr. Jim Singleton of South Carolina is spending awhile here with his parents. Mr. Jack Montgomery and Miss Carrie Blackstone were visitors at Mr. J. B. Carruth’s .Sunday. ! Mr. Paul Hughes of Norwood is spending awhile with home : folks here. Rev. B. G. Hughes and wife spent a few days last week with relatives in Atlanta. Miss Agnes Wallis visited Miss Leona Hughes Sunday. Miss Annie Singleton, who been atending school at Or- angeburge, S. C., is spending a while with her grand-parents. Mr. Claude Barnwell and wife o fAtlanta spent Sunday with the former’s parents. Mr. Will McClure and wife, and Mr. Opp Bennett and fam ily were visitors at Mr. J. C. Sin gleton’s Sunday. Cosette. Now is the time to sow Ruta- Bega turnip seeds. Don’t for get and let the time pass for planting and sowing to pro duce a good heavy supply of food and feed. Edmondson & Pirkle. 75c per year. LONGSTREET. Several from this part atten jiled the singing at New Harmo ny Sunday and report a good [time as well as some fine sing ing. ' Col. Herman Holbrook and Wife of Atlanta, and Mr. O. P. I Bennett and family, were visit ing at Mr. Alfred Holbroks last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cobb visited at Mr. Pierce Cobb’s Sunday. Mr. Ernest Samples and wife visited Mr. J. E. Pharr and fain ily Sunday. Little Eugene Bales of Atlan jta is spending awhile with his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs J. If. Phillips. Mr. F. E Buice and family visited at Mr. J. N. Martin’s Sunday. Mrs. Tom Poole, who has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Poole at Holly Springs, returned home Sunday Mr. 11. G. Puckett and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. D Puckett, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives in At lana and Dunwoody. Mr. Homer Thompson was the guest of Mr. Walton Green Sat Uiday night. We are very sorry to say hat Mr. Samson Clayton is not im proving very fast. Don’t forget that Rev. E. A. Cochran will preach at this place next Sunday night. Charlotte. FRiFjfiDsirr - Several from this part at tended the singing at New far mony Sunday. Mrs. Kate Mann and Mrs. Em ma Tallant and daughter, Blanche spent Sunday at Ball Ground. Miss Maggie Lindsey has re turned home after a visit to her brother in Atlanta. Little Edward Hughes of At lanta is spending awhile with his grand-parents, Mr. and I Irs. J. W. Edwards. Misses Lillian and Li! er Bramblett spent Sunday ith Misses Lizzie and Ruth Hol brook. Mr. Ira Sewell and wife pent Saturday night at Jeff Che iter’s Misses A Hie Mae and Blanche Stephens spent Saturday -ve ning with Misses Lillian and Li Her Bramblett. Mr. Aaron Stapp and wife spent Saturday night with Gra dy Bramblett and wife. Mr. Linton Redd and family spent Saturday afternoon at T. L. Redd’s. Several from around here went to Stone Mountain Sunday and report a good time. Mr. Warren Bruce of A U nta is visiting in this part at pres ent. Us all go to the big si i;;ing Sunday. With best wishes to all. A Rear er. Notice. I have just taken in ai j her pasture and it has got ei ough grass for 25 head of ca t e It is the best pasture I ever tv. from 25c to 7ic per month. W. H. Montgorm’-y Important Notice. If the party who remov and my leather belting from n v gin house between May 2i ' and 28th will return same n ues tions will be asked. Oth r vise the law will take its courfe. \V. M. Allen.