The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, June 29, 1917, Image 2

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The Forsyth County News. Published every Wednesday at Cumming, Ga. By J. B. Patterson. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. ' Per Year 75c. Six Months 40c. Three Months 25c. OFFICIAL ORGAN FORSYTH COUNTY. Entered at the Post Office at Curnming, Ga., August 10th, 1910, as mail matter of the second class. Advertising rates made known upon application. Cumming, Ga., June 29th, 1917. Many new county projects will loom up in this session of the legislature. Governor Harris hAs declined to grant a par don for Mrs. Godbee. Russia will stick to the United States in the great world war. Uncle Sam will whip Germany before you can say skat, is our opinion. Submarine destroyers are the main war weapon needed against Germany. Thirty two British ships were sunk by U-boats last week. Terrible to think about. A large canning factory has been organized and put in operation in Atlanta. There will be lots of fruits and vegetables canned in Forsyth county this year. __ Cotton reached the highest price of the sea son Saturday when it hit 261/oC. The United States government has contract ed for fifty million yards of cotton ducking. The Georgia railroads'have asked for fifteen per cent increase in freight rates. Our government is trying to raise seventy thousand volunteers this week. A Baptist school, to be Lanieh Urii versity, will open in Atlanta September 11th. Hugh Dorsey will become Governor of Geor gia next Saturday. Payments to the government on income tax has reached three hundred and thirty five mil lion dollars. We would be mighty glad to see John Hol der elected Speaker of the House of Represen tatives. Judge Sam L. Olive of Augusta will likely be chosen as president of the state senate with out opposition. Congress has passed the food control bill and forbids the u.ic of grain and other foodstuff sup plis for making liquor. The president of the United States is author ized. under the food control bill, to take over all whiskey on hand for war purposes. A man by Ihe name of Coffin is head of one of the large munition plants. The name is very suggestive. Whiskey drinking is the biggest fool habit in the world. If you use it quit now before it is too fate. It is useless for anyone to try to deal in liquor thinking they will not get caught. The officers will get ‘ern sooner or later. With the meeting of the legislature will like ly come some soft drink bills to hit coca cola. This bill will be introduced for a purpose. _ We welcome the Greensboro Herald-Journal to our exchange table. It is neat and well edited paper. The Ligget & Myers Tobacco Company have donated fifty thousand dollars to the Red Cross society. The United States district attorney says that he is going after the people holding the anti draft meetings. Be careful how you word your petitions Conscripting will be done from \\ ashington. The department will draw the people by their number on the registration card. Then the cause for exemption will be handled by the local board. Fleecing ihe People of lyiolions a Month Herbert Hoover spoke conservatively when he told members of The Senate that in wheat alone speculators have taken fifty million dol lars a month Horn the American public during the last five months. Sixty millions a month would not be excessive estimate. At the low er reckoning, however, we are paying up wards of half a billion dol'ars a year o a wolf ish puck of wheat gamblers,' while thousands of families struggle against ever-increasing odds to get dailjHbread. And if other necessar ies over which speculators and monopolists now hold a price-fixing dictatorship were taken into account, the total tribute which those un scrupulous interests are wringing from the peo ple would exceed the amount of the liberty loan. x The sole beneficiaries of this extortion are the gamblers and monopolists themselves. The farmer does not share in their preposterous gains; in fact, every farmer knows that they are his inveterate foes. Honest merchants and manufacturers are injured almost as much as consumers are by the food gamblers’ game and it is significant indeed that not a single national trade association is opposed to the Food Con trol legislation. The productive interests, whether of field or factory, the interests that sustain the country and make it prosperous, are entitled to protection against those that are sapping the nation’s lifeblood* This woull be true at any time; but it is su premely imperative at a time when America’s security and happiness and very existence as a free nation depend vitally on the effectiveness with which we meet the food requirements of our people, our arfnies and our allies.—Atlanta Journal. Our friend, The Journal, hits the nail on the head in the above editorial. The Journal, like every other paper, Jgome times goes a little wrong in the opinion of some people. We should give them credit for be lieving they are right in their opinions and con victions. We have believed, in fact known, for a long time that the high price of food and everything the people huye to buy, is all caused by spec ulation. This editorial appearing in the Journal, is so near what we believe to be the truth of the vjhole situation, we print it for the benefit of our read ers. Our government needs a cil to see that too much food is not to other countries. This would stop a faminji. __ Thousands of hogs are dying of choleiii in four south Georgia counties. The people pave began the use of serum treatment. . Bishop Candler says that the American people stand more in need of religion than Rutabagas. A twenty inch knife was found on a negro ar rested in Atlanta Saturday night. This coon was evidently loailrid for bear. Brooding over the war caused J. S. Sherman, a farm hand living near Decatur, to commit suicide. The first convention of Georgia Sheriffs will be held at the Red Mens; hall in Atlanta June 29th and 30th. A hot fight will be waged in the coming leg islature on .he bill to abolish the offie of city recorder in the city of Savannah. In his annual report to the legislature, Super intendent Brittian will ask -that women be al lowed to serve on county boards of education. The comptroller of the currency has issued a call for the financial standing of the national banks. Morton Turner, representative from Brooks coi'.nty, will urge thirty day session of the legis lature. Thirty days is really too long for them to stay in session. Judge W. E. Thomas of Valdosta is being prominently mentioned as Judge of the federal dourts ofaSouih Georgia to succeed Judge Lamb din. The net earnings of the Western & Atlantic railroad for the year ending May 1, 1917, a mounted to 5721,416.61. This was some earn ings. A. C. Fitzgerald, former book-keeper for the Kirby & Stark umber company of Atlanta, plead guilty to embezzlement last Saturday and was put on probation by Judge Hill Judge Hill directed a verdict of not guilty Monday in the case of the State against Charley Gowan charged with the murder of Hurbert Jones in Atlanta. fn Leving Memory. Of httie Jesme Ehzebeth, in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. 1). Jones, who departed this life April 20th, 1917 at 7 :30 a m.., age 2 years and 13 days. Oh, how hard it was to give lit tle Jessie up and know that nev er more we could feel the clasp of the little hand and hear her sweet voice again, how sad to stand by the bedside and see the bright blue eyes close to open never agaifi in this world to stand and watch the snow white casket all covered wi£h lovely (lowers lowered in the cold dark grave, to hear the clods fall with a heavy thud up on our darling and to return to our home” so saddened by the death angels visit, where everything seemed to speak of Jessie. She was a loveable child and while God only spared her two short years she had so entwined her self-about our hearts that her going has left them torn and bleeding. She was so sweet about taking her medicine even .o the last. She was sick 9 days and everything that loving hans could do to save her was done but loving parents and kind friends could only go to the riv er brink with our darling Jessie, where she was guided oer by die angels band. Boatman pale, carried our darling, the houshold pet, The gleam of her snowy robe I see, sweet little Jessie I can’t for get, In Mt Zion cemetery lies the little mound all covered with a •vrath of lovely flowers, but lit tle Jessie was only a flower .vhich God plucked to shine in heaven. It is hard to give her up but God knows best and he who said “Suffer little children to come unto me,” sent the an gel band to carry little Jesie home, what ever may come in after life and of this we can not tell, we can always remember little Jessie isolate with .our jfles -;ed Savior. Ob how sweet she looked in her coffin dressed in pure white, with the sweetest of smiles upon her little face, none could doubt the perfect rest of our baby. Jessie is gone but not forgot ten. Weep not dear parent re member the Lord giveth and he Lord taketh away. Who was beter fitted for heaven than Jessie and what can lead one near heaven than having little Jessie to call to you to come home? That little voice is si lent nown Those litle hands are still. It has caused our head in grief to bow, but it is the Sav iors will, cheer up weeping lov 3 cl ones, there is a silver lining to" every cloud tho dark and threatening it may seem now, tomorrow the sun will shine more brighter, the birds sing sweeter. Only a few short years you too will list to the song of the boatmans oar, you will cross the river with the boatman pale and your soul will rest on heav en shore when the joys of the glory would burst upon your vision it is then you will meet little Jessie again, and how sweet the meeting who knows but what when death calls you if JessW doesn’t come to bear you home. Farevell darling thou hast left us, how we love thee none can tell,but we trust to meet in heaven vhere there will be no sad farewell, loved her, Erie Wil son, Ashvfile, Ala. BEWERRUIN. Not much visiting this week, most every ?ne went to the June j singing. Mrs, Mari McGee and ch'ld ren visited lN(rs. W. J. Bennett Sunday. Mrs. Edith'Gravitt and Mrs. Clura Hansard were visiting Mrs. Isabella Oook one day last week. Mr. Noah Staples and fam ily and Mr._T.JG. Smith spent Sunday at Mr. Guy Heard’s. / Thomas. Smith visited Ernie Bennett Sunday. Misses Birdie and Beulah Smith and brother, spent one c.fternon last week with Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Fowler. Mrs. C. O. Wheeler and three children and Mrs. W. J. Ben nett spent one afternoon last week with Mrs Mary McGee. Mr. Gartrell Pugh visited rel atives near Beaver Ruin Satur day and Sunday. As news is scarce this week will close by asking how many times is eternity mentioned in the bible? Hazel. ROUTE 3. Hot. dry and dusty. Mr. Elliott Castleberry and family visited Mrs. Emily Cas tleberry Sunday. Mr. Millligen Southard and son, Drew, of Branywine visited Mr. Allen Southard and family last Wednesday. Mr. Will Holbrook spent Sat urday with his mother, Mrs. Nancy Holbrook. Most everybody from around here attended the singing at Cumming Sunday. Misses Mary Castleberry and Gertie Mangum visited Mrs. Othcll Satterfield Saturday af ternoon. Mr. George Glover and fami ly visited relatives in Atlanta Saturday. Mr. Cleon Jourdan of Au burn is visiting homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Poole spent the latter part of last week with Mrs Hassie Vaughan Mr. Bascomb Fqwler and wife visited Mr. J. H. Castle berry and family Friday. ' Mrs. Alman Pruitt spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Koxie Anglin, who is on the sick list, nope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. John Collins happened to the JMjjjjortune of getting his last .a to crank hi< car. D. E. B. MAKES RAPID HEADWAY . Add This Fact to Your Store of Knowledge. Kidney disease often ad vances so rapidly that many a person is firmly in its grasp be fore aware of its progress. Prompt attention should be giv en the slightest symptom of kid icy disorder. If there is a dull pain in the back, headaches, dizzy spells or a tired, worn-out feeling, or if the kidney secre tions are offensive, irregular and attended with pain, pro cure a good kidney remedy at once. Thousands recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills. Read the state ment below. A. N. Shackleford, jeweler, Lawrenceville, Ga., says: “I can honestly recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills. I use them for an attack of kidney trouble and they gave me more benefit than any other remedy I ever tried. They are surely excell ent! ” Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Kidney Pills—the same that Mr Shackleford had. Foster-Mil burn Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. PLEASANT VIEW. Well it looked like every bod y was at Gumming Sunday. The writer was made to wonder how many of the same crowd would jbe there next June. It was a right serious thing to think a "bout and things like they are. No doubt some will be dead and maybe way off on the battle fields I want to say that I be lieve our preachers ought to preach every time they possibly can and tell the people how bad it would be for a young man to go to the battle field unprepar ed to die. I hope all the young men that are not Christians will be before the summer meetings I are over, and ail churches ! ought to go to work to make our I faithful soldier hoys good chris lian boys: Now don't under stand me to say the church can save -folks for it can’t but we know that the preched gospel is the way that we have of cans ing folks to see their lost condi tion. Well I think Bro. Light got up a good program for the U nion meeting here. Remember that Next Satur day and Sunday are regular meeting days here, but the*tinle for the Saturday meeting ha3 been changed to 3 o’clock p. m. Don’t forget that brother Southard will preach here at 3 o’clock next Sunday. Well I will say I am expect ing to see all of you good corres pondents the fourth of Juy if you want the meeting please come this time. After we meet once it wont be any trouble to get us together next year, and l think we can make our county paper still more interesting. So if Joe will look at this thing just like it is he will know that it wont take but very litle candy, aint that right. Pat? Let us meet at 9 o’clock. Subscriber I am looking for you. Hill Billey. ROUTE 3. Well I guess most every body went to the June singing. We did and had a fine time. Mr. Gladston Green and wife spent Tuesday night with Mr. Ab Gilbert and family. Mr. A. J. Green visited his sjster in Fairburn last week, who is real sick. Little Dnrell Bennett spent two days last week with his grand-parents, IVir. and Mrs. A. J. Green. Miss Gladys Mae Green spent Wednesday night with her brother, Mr. Press Green. __ Mig. Lenar Green "ter, DorthjC spent Thursday with Mrs. Lavada Hutchins. Those visiting Mrs. Lener Green Wednesday afternoon were, Mrs. A. J. Green and Mrs Juel Green arid Mrs. Lizzie Green and Miss Lura Green. Miss Gladys Mae Green spent Wednesday afternon with Miss Marie Hutchins. Miss Lura Green spent Thurs day night with her sister, Mrs. lillie Bennett. Mrs. J. YV. Phipps and daugh ters spent Wednesday at Mrs. M. G. Hutchins. Mrs. Mamie Green and child ren spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Barker. Mrs. Era Sargent has been very sick but is some beter. Mr. L. P. Green and wife and litle son Willard, spent Fri day with Mr. A. J. Green and family. Mr. and Mrs. Castle Vaughan is all smiles—its a boy. MIDWAY. Miss Beulah Hansard spent Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Wills. Of course most every body went to the singing Sunday. Mrs. Mary Smith visited at Mr. Marion Hooper’s Saturday night. Mr. MfF. Gaddis of Pitts, Ga spent Saturday night with Mr. J. M. Lance and family enrote to visit his parents, in Union county. I guess most all the correspon dents was at the singing Sunday but you know I didn’t know any of them. The way of the transgressor is hard. There was not much visiting in this part Sunday. Mr. James Hudson has ty phoid fever, we hope he will soon be well again. Those visiting at Mr. W. J. Kemps Sunday were, Mrs. Ann Martin, Miss Guy, Eu!a Rogers, and Mrs. Harriett Hooper. Mr. W. M. Hunter had a stroke of paralysis Sunday. J. B.