The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, July 20, 1917, Image 1

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Forsyth County N.ev,* Vol. 9. No. 29. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Note change in ad of Strick land & Wisdom in this ssuo. Mr. L. Edmondson of Atlan ta has been here on business a few days. Mr. T. P. Burruss and family have returned from a visit to relatives in Atlanta. Mr. J. E. Kirby and family spent the last of the week with relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Virg'l Bettis re port the arrival of a little boy at their home. Mr. Claude Brooks of route 3 visited his father, Mr. J.E. Broks, in town Saturday. Mrs. M. M. Lipscomb spent a few days last week on her farm at Coal Mountain. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Mash burn of route 4 spent the week end with relatives in town. j Rev. F. T. Wills filled his ap-| pointment at Duluth Saturday and Sunday. Rev. J. W. Gober filled his ap' pointment at Pleasant Grove on route 1, Sunday. Mr. Roy Otwell was in the 1 Gate City on business one day last week. Mr. Ed Merritt and family spent the latter part of last week with Mr. Eon Durham and family in Dahlonega. We regret to learn that Mr. Roy Bettis of route 1 has fever but trust that he will soon be out again. Don’t forget the speaking at the court house next Saturday. Let every one try to make their arrangements to be here. Mrs. W. R. Otwell is spend ing a few days with Mr. Hoyt Brannon and family in Daw sonville. Mr. E. L. Tatum of Atlanta will be in Cumming on August 3rd and 4th to buy mules. See his ad on last page. Rev. R. H. Thompson filled his appointment at the Baptist church here Sunday at eleven and at night. Mr. Joe A. Benson of Ty Ty, Ga., has been spending some time with relatives here and in the county. The rain last Thursday night was pretty general all over the county. The farmers needed it and are feeling much better. Rev. R. A. Edmondson and children have been spending a few days with Mr. John Ed mondson and family. Mr. M. W. Webb and family spent Sunday in Dawsonville as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Brannon. Rush Woodliff of near Silver Shoals has two cows with young calves for sale at areasonable price. Go see him. Mr. Ben Hughes and family and Mr. John Edwards of At lanta spent Sunday with Mr. J. L. Phillips and other relatives in town. Mr. S. J. Smith, our county farm demonstrator, has been on a trip out west, and says the people are certainly farming in that section this year. Mr. W. E. Henderson of Gain esville has been spending sever al days with relatives in the county, and called to see us Fri day. A large number of the mem bers of Cumming order of the Woodmen of the World attend ed the annual meeting of the or der in Atlanta last Thursday. Any improvements in the pa per this week is due to the ab sence of “Sport”, who is atten ding the Georgia Weekly Press Association at Thomasville. We are requested ta announce that Rev V. V. Braddy will prea h at Friendship on the Ist Sunday in August at 3 o’clock, p. m. Everybody invited to go out and hear him. Mr. Claude W. Kemp of Syc amore has been visiting his mo ther near town for several days Claude is well pleased with the country in South Georgia, but like every other person who has lived in this county, likes to re turn and see our people. A great many of the. public of the county began oh Monday morning, and the at tendance was very good consid; faring- the fact that the farmers] not through work yet. : | Col. C. L. Harris is attending Cobb Superior Court this week Col. H. L. Patterson was in Atlanta on business Tuesday. I Mr. Claude Martin, who has been spending sometime in So. [Georgia, has returned home. Master Paul Mullinax of Ath j ens is visiting relatives in the county. | See Harrison, Tollison, route 2, for anything you need in the lumber and cattle line. Mrs Kate Mann, who has been spending sometime with rela tives in the county, has return ed to Atlanta. Mrs. E. J. Tatum and little daughter of Atlanta are visit ing Mr. J. E. Kirby and farnliy. Brick is being laid on the new church building, and we hope it will soon be finished. Mr. Ross Carruth has accepted a position as fireman on the Southern Railroao. Mr. T. J. Pirkle and daugh ter, Miss Ruth, spent Tuesday in Atlanta. j Some from town attended the Union Meeting at Pleasant View the last of the week. Mr. G. W. Heard hos just re ceived a car of the famous Ken tucky bugies and will sell you one of 'em at a reasonable price All parties interested in clean ing off the cemetery at Bethle hem are requested to meet Mon day, July 23, for that purpose. Mr. Robert Bruce, who has been visiting relatives in and around Coal Mt., has return ed to his home at Fitzgerald. Ground is being graded for the erection of the new garage to be built by Strickland & Wis dorn. Mr. J. S. Harrison has been in Athens for several days stud ying cotton grading, prepara tory to buying cotton this fall. Mr. Miles Elliott and family of Atlanta have been spending sometime with relatives on Rt. seven. The many friends of Mr. Bry an Williams are pleased to see him out again after an illness of j several weeks with fever. The rain last Thursday night brought a pretty good crowd to town on Friday, and every one seemed in better spirits than in some time. Mr. Albert Bacon and fami ly of Birmingham, Ala., and Mr Ed Bacon of Moultrie, are vis iting their mother, Mrs. Laura Bacon on route 6. We are requested to announce that protracted services will he gin at Pleasant View on Friday night before the first Sunday in August. We are requested to announce that Rev. J. W. H. Robinson will preach at the residence of Mr. M. W. Brooks next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Every body invited to hear him. There will be a singing at Bea ver Ruin next Sunday after noon at 2 o’clock. Some good leaders will be there and every one is invited to come and bring their books. Sheriff Merritt and his dep uties are capturing the whiskey automobiles a going and com ing, and should have the co-op eration of the people in their ef forts to enforce the law. Mr. J. M. Fowler went tur tle catching one day last week and caught tw-enty three. He claims that it was no day for catching turtles either. What if it had been? Several dots have been crowd ed out this week on account of the editor having to run the pa per without help. We will try to avoid this in the future, and get everything in that reaches the office for publication. The ladies of the Methodist church will sell ice cream in the court house park next Sat urday afternoon, July 21, from 5 to 8 o’clock, the proceeds to go toward furnishing the new Methodist church. The public is cordially invited. Mr. W. D. Chatham, 72 years of age, an old soldier and a good citizen, died at his home on route 7 last Thursday and his remains were laid to rest at Bethlehem Friday, Rev. R. A. I Roper conducting the services. I We extend sympathy to the be jreaved family. Sunshine ir The Home, Power in The Life. CUMMING, GA., JULY 20TH, 1917. i Ordination of Bro. G. A. Pal mer to the full work of the M-n’stry. Concord, June 29th. 1917. Ist. Bro. S. J. Smith acted as mouth-piece for the church, who pres? ilcd Bro. Palmer ti the presov cry. 2nd. Bro. .). P. Fir.i'h examin ed cand' late, after winch the candidate gave his Christian ex perienc? in a brief way. 3rd. Ordination prayer by Bro J. B. Kelley, after which the laying on of hands by the pres- bytery. 4th. Charge delivered by Bro. G. W. Forrist. sth. Bro. C. E. Sexton deliv ered candidate back to church Gth A motion carried that Bros G. W. Forrist and J. P. Sr-d'h prepare and deliver credentials to B• •. G. A. Palmer. Presbytery as follows: Or dained ministers, V. V. Braddy, J. B. Kelley, J. J. Banister, G. W. Forrist, J. I. Forrist, C. E. Sexton and J.P. Smith. Deacons: B. F. Pirkle, S. J. Smith, J B. Smith, R. M. Ham by, W.B. Pruitt, W. A. Linger felt, AV. H. Banister and J. I. Sewell. V. V. Braddy, Mod. J. W. Hughes, Clerk. BRANDYWINE. What would you do about it if you were Pres, of the U.S. ? The News to route 1 was tor peuoed week before last. This is four times our route has fail ed to get its papers this year. I would have been glad to be at the meeting but circum stances forbade my going but I hope to be there next time. Mrs. Bessie Martin is quite sick at this writing. We hope she will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Mila Singleton of Gainesville were guests of the latters brother, Mr. L. M James, the second Sunday in this month. Do you fall out with your neighbor or preacher because he favors the prosecution of the war? You would think it mean of them iftliey were to get of fended at you for thinking it all wrong. About two per cent of the people go to all day singings fo rthe purpose of singing and about five per cent go for the purpose of hearing, and the oth er 93 per cent go for various reasons. Rev. E. M. Stanton, who was on the Alpharetta work nine years ago, will conduct a tent meeting at Midway beginning the stl< Sunday in July and con tinuing perhaps ten days or two weeks. I’d like to know what the ed itor of the Constitution would kick if Hoke Smih and Tom Hardwick were dead. He ap pears to like Hardwick because he did, and Smith because he didn’t.. The gentlemen who run the soft drink stands at Cumming deserve the thanks of all good citizens for keeping their doors closed at the singing. That old idea that it is an ac commodation to the people to have a chance o buy something to quench their thirst is simply a snare of the devil to lead us into temptation. Mr. Geo. W. Ezzard went to Rome last week with his neph ew, John Louis Brannon who was here on a visit. He will go from there to Dalton for a vis it with his son, Prof. Henry Ez zard. -Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our neigh bors and friends for their kind ness shown us during the sick ness and death of our dear fa ther. May God’ richest bless ings rest upon each and every one is our prayer. M. A. Chatham and Family. Notice To Patrons of Schools The time for electing trus tees of the different school dis tricts was set by the Board of Education to be on Aug. 10th, between 1 and 3 o’clock. I kindly ask the patrons of each school district to meet at their respective school houses and elect the most suitable r~t". for trustees. r aucance in price#'" we believe, ’ Su Pt. jSccond Quarterly Report of Far mers Co-Op. Fire Insurance Cos. Gainesville, Ga., June 26, 1917 The Finance Committee of the Board of Directors met in regular session in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer , all members being present. On motion the Board approv ed the Sec.-'freas. report. Report Fire Loss E. L. Clark. Georgia-Hall County. Mr. Jesse L. Thompson, Pres, of Hall-Forsyth Cos. Division of the Farmers Co-Operative Fire Insurance Cos. of Georgia :- Sir:— As director of the Quiliians district, G. M., of the Hall and Forsyth Cos. division of the Far mers Co-Operative Fire Insu rance Cos. of Georgia, and being charged with adjusting fire loss es in said district, I find that Mr E. L. Clark, a membe rof said division, has sustained a loss by lire covered in policy No. 17,095, that was issued to him the 30th day of March, 1917, and that he is the owner of said property lost or damaged by fire in said policy was described as follows: One tenant house IY> miles north of home place, made of wood, roof of wood, 3 finished rooms, 3 verandas, No 5 on said policy. The said loss occurred on the 10th day of May, 1917, and the said property was in said poli cy for $l5O. 1 certify that I have thoroughly investigated said loss, and I recommend that said loss be adjusted at $l5O, and I certify that it is not more than one-half of cash value of the property at the time the loss occurred, and I recommend that the above amount be paid Mr. E. L. Clark in full payment of said loss. Witness my hand this 14th day of May, 1917. J. R. Barton, Direct or of Quillians District, G. M. Aproved: W. N. Edwards, Div. Local Agent. Approved by Jesse L. Thomp son, President. Sec’y Treasurer’s Report for Second Quarter, 1917. Bal on hand Mar 27', $247.19 Colected since that date: Reinstatements 10.35 Notes for premiums 14.87 Premiums 180.71 Assessments 2.74 Total amount 455.80 DISBURSEMENTS Directors salaries 10.00 Sec Treas sal, April. May June 75.00 Agts sal Ap, May June, 150.00 Pub Ist Quar Report 12.50 Books for Agts Inciden .50 Stamps 2.00 E L Clark Fire loss 150.00 J R Barton, Director 2.00 The Herald Prtg Cos. 2.50 R II Haynes, over charge on assessment 1.80 Total amount $406.30 Cash Bal on hand 49.50 Bills and Notes Rec. 37.57 On last report - due Nov. as sessment 16.24 S4OO property sold before levy of assessment and not subject .80 Notes given for as,ments 9.40 Cash for assesments 2.74 One policy of $1650 still due the assesment 3.30 $16.24 Amount paid up insurance, $912,284.00 No. of policy holders 623. No. Widow- pol. holders, 57. Total No. of policies, 678. On motion the Board set Au gust 16th, 1917, as the date for the annual meeting of the stock holders, said meeting to be at the court house at 10 o’clock, a. m. The purpose of said meeting being the election of district di rectors and attending to some important business of very vi tal interest to every stockhold er. This report to be published in the three Hall and two For syth county papers. There being no further bus i.a let uiCommittee adjourned 7*l ess trie ?owm Adderholdt, t. L„ mp „.teji y o jyy Recreta WiSr ..l.| ORDINATION. A presbytery composed of the following ordained minis ters, John T. Bell, R. H. Thomp son, ,1 AV Thomas, V K Vaughn 11 M. Sosebee, G W Forrist, J P Smith and J B Driskell, and the following deacons, E. C‘ Johnson, S. Benson, C. E. Thom as, A. H. Majors, .]. B. Smith, AV. AV. Hill, J. H Thomas. T. P. Thomas, S. L. Coker, C. J. Har bin, S. J. Smith, B. F Pirkle, J. H. AVatson, J. A. Jones, I. C. Bennett J. B. Lamb and J. B. Castleberry, met at Coal Mt. Baptist church of Christ, for thv purpose of ordaining Bro. J. I. Forrist to the full work of the ministry. Organized by electing the following officers viz: John T. Bell, Mod., J. B. Driskell clerk, R. H. Thompson to question the candidate, J. AV. Thomas to lead the ordination prayer, J. P. Smith to give the candidate his charge, and G. C. Light to present the candidate back to the church and give the church its charge. Presbytery called to order by Mod., J. T. Bell. Ist. Bro. C. E Thomas present ed Bro J. I. Forrist to the pres bytery in behalf of the church. 2nd. Bro. It. H. Sosebee ques tioned the mouth-piece of the church. 3rd. Bro. R. H. Thompson pro ceeded to question the candi date on his belief in the Arti cles of Faith. Bro. Forrist an swered to the satisfaction of the presbytery. Moved and second that the presbytery proceed with the or dination with prayer by Rev. J. W. Thomas and the laying on of hands. Motion carried. The presbytery laid on their hands after prayer by J. W. Thomas. 41 b. Bro. J. P. Smith gave the candidate his charge on the doc trines of the bible, and present ed him with the bible. sth. Bro. G. C. Light present ed the candidate back to the church and gave the church its charge in regard to its strength' ening him as a full ordained minister. John T. Bell, Mod. J. B. Driskell, Clerk. Notice of Local Bill. A Bill, to be Entitled an Act Authorizing the Ordinary of Forsyth County to Levy a Spec ial Road Tax, the Manner of Distributing Said Funds, And For Other Purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Georgia, and it is hereby en acted by authority of the same that from and after the passage of this Act, the Ordinary of For syth county be, and he is here by, authorized to levy a special road tax of not more than 25c. on the hundred dollars, and not less than 10 cents on the hun dred dolars. Section 2. Be it further enact ed by the authority aforesaid, That said funds arising from said levy be and the same are to be proportioned and used in each militia district according to the return of taxable proper ty of each militia district. Secion 3. Be it further enact ed by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. July 12th, 1917. Union Singing No. 2. Union Singing No. 2 will be held w-ith Cross Roads church on the 4th Sunday in July, the same being caused by the other singing being held at Concord on the 5 th Sunday. Everybody come, bring your books and well filled baskets. E. G. Chambers, Pres. Hubert Patterson, Secretary. Lumber For Sale. I have about twenty thous and feet of pine lumber from four to twelve inches wide, all 1 inch thick. Will sell on yard or deivered. See me at once. M. V. Hawkins, Hear-dville, Ga. A Glad Surprise. The birthday dinner at Mr and Mrs. AV. R. Stov-DV June the 24th was a cess it being in.’ Stovall’s birthday, i “J.“'iHfe am children having made it up un beknowing to him to give him a glad surprise, all the children and grandchildren and some of the neighbors being present was indeed a surprise to h‘ Four cars loaded with his whss family drove up about nir clock a. m., all hroinrht jm filled baskets, and dinner ® spread out under the lar in the yard and was - joyed by all who v Also the ice cold-lg. which was served whi ner. There was fo> eat dinner, all stand ho eating and talkin,poll ing and haviii-r After dinner >- ved. Those pm and Mrs. Jac* four children mont, Mr. .end en and th> ‘ ville, Mr. a:P'° en, Mr. and l\ c and two ch : ’ Mr. and and six wood, ;f live near friends prose Mrs. Ben Mrs. Normac 1 also. Mr.-i there and to the table an after din.^, It was __ membem™ one. Ail w.V have been there ..-1C t iiourr —yarb., Georgia, Forsyth ■* To all whom it£fw, W. P. Blackstockjists. upon the estate oc ley late of said cj,-- ed, has in due fo4|s mo for leave to sell longing to the estate* u. ceased, and said apj will be heard at the i term of Court of Ordina or said county to be held onnhe first Monday in August 1917. Given under my hand and of ficial signature, this 10th day of July 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Notice to Bridge Contractors. , Georgia, Forsyth County: Will be let to the lowest bid der, at public outcry before the door of the court house in Cum ming in said county, on the 18th day of August, 1917, at 10 o’- clock, a. m., the contract for the building of a bridge across Settendown creek in said Cos., known as Burnt Bridge, said bridge to be a lattice bridge 72 feet in length. 13 feet in width, and 13 feet high. Said bridge 1 to be boxed, strapped, and cov/ ered with metal roofing, and built of lumber free from bark shakes and other defects, in ac cordance with plans and spec ifications now posted in the of fice of the undersigned in the court house in Cumming in said county. The pier of said bridge to be nine feet high, 14 feet long and 3 feet thick, to be built of stone laid in cement or lime mortar. If a foundation for said pier can not be satisfacto rily made at a depth of 4 feet£. piles shall be driven and th® pier erected thereon. All jSrhl terial to be furnished ' V ‘ tractor. Payment to | when bridge is com pi* accepted The right fo ,hl w u, J 75c per year.