The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, August 31, 1917, Image 2

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The Forsyth County News Published every Wednesday at dimming, Ga. by J B Patterson tiUBSCKimON PHIC*. One year 75c Six months 50c Three months 30c Entered at the peat office at Cun. •ninK Gu. Aug- 10th, aB mail matter i he second class. Officia Organ frorsyth Cos Cumming, Ga., Aug. 31, 1917. Dog days will soon be over. New cotton is on the market in South Georgia. Fodder pulling time is about on the people. John, get your books. School opens next Monday. judge Speer holds that the draft law is constitutional. The federal child labor law will become effective Sept. Ist. The Texas legislatur has vo ted to impeach Gov. Ferguson. A Georgia Products dinner will be served in Baltimore in November. Germany is going to get a licking. You can put that in your pipe and smoke it. The government has pu sweet potatoes on the bill of fare for the soldier boys. The price of cotton is a drap ping a little. We don’t like this much. The United States will test areial roadster invented by R. H Harris, with a view of putting them into war service. The government has cut the price of coal considerably. Good. The Barrow Times of Winder has been changed to a semi weekly. Bro. Flanigan is get ting out a good paper. If the U. S. Senate puts a tax on profits of over four thousand dollars a year on newspapers, it will not effect us one bit. The anti-draft meeting which was called to meet in Macon last week, was called off, on ac count of Watson receiving threatening letters. The federal trade commiss ion is after the book print pa per trust for charging such an enormous price for their pro ducts. Three suits totalling $55,000- 00 have been entered against the Atlanta & West Point Rail road for injuries in auto acci dents. They are having a big shake up in the detective department down at Macon. They now, doubtless, need a “stain roll er” convention in that city. If the people would quit having rice showers at the high muck-a-de-muck weddings, it would help conserve the food of the country. About five thousand men have volunteered in Georgia for ser vice in the great world war. This state ranks second in the southern states in volunteers. The district appeal board are turning down the claims of those engaged in agriculture who seek discharge from draft, unless they put up a mighty big showing. _ A little rain right at this time would be beneficial to the crops. The United States Senate is still at work on the war tax measure. A presbyterian church has been organized over at Duluth with several charter members. Brooks county furnished her quota of 202 men out of 602 call ed for examination. Mrs. Sarah A. Hemphill of Athens celebrated her 100 birth day on Aug. 28th. The production of food stuff in Georgia has increased thirty per cent in 1917. Cherokee county has certifi ed 113 men for army service, and only have to have 23 more to secure their quota. We do not envy Bro. Hoover, but would like mighty well to have control of the food for a few days. The old soldiers over in Gwinnett county held a reunion last Thursday and had a great time. Plans have been completed with the railroads for moving the Georgia troops to Camp Gordon, The world war is costing Un cle Sam twenty four million do lars a day. We couldn’t stand this preassure half a second. It is rumored that Judge Thompson will resign at Ordi nary of Milton county before the end of the year. Under new rulings of the pro vost marshal general County School Commissioners are ex empt from war service. Not a married man has been certified for service from For syth county. The board can get our quota without it. The Alpharetta Free Press didn’t reach us until Sunday, which reminds us that we have some trouble with deliveries at that place too. An old bible is said to have been found that shows the line age of James M. Smith. It ought by all means to be brought into court. Marvin Underwood of Geor gia has resigned as Assistant Attorney General of the United States to become chief counsel for the S. A. L. Ry Cos. The Charleston Navy yard will need about one million dol lars worth of supplies every ninety days. Atanta people can bid on this material. The jitney bus association of Atlanta says they will trans port persons to and from Camp Gordon if the city will build the roads so they can make the trips with ease. 5 per cent of the soldiers will report at the camps on Sept. 3rd; 40 per cent Sept. 19th, and 40 per cent on Oct. 3rd. The remaining fifteeen per cent will report when called for. F. E. Coffee has resigned as Atlanta manager of the Wes tern Newspaper Union and en tered the advertising field with Fred Lewis. This will make a strong combination of advertis ing experts. You should be interested in those Wash Suits for children and Muslin Underwear for la dies Edmondson & Pirkle are offering at such wonderful bar gains. Avail yourself of this op portunity while it lasts. | CENTERVILLE Several from around hre at tended camp-meeting at Lump kin Sunday. Mr. Mitchel Sams and family visited Mrs. Linnie Tallant Sat urday night. Mr. Homer Sams wife of Va. are spending a while with Mr. A. J. Sams and family. Rev. T. P. Tribble and family spent the week-end at Mr. W. N. Tribble’s. Mr. J. L. Chadwick and fam ily have returned from a visit to Bartow county. Mr. Marvin Cobb and family visited at Mr. A. J. Slams’ Sun day. Mr. H. O. Durham and son of Savannah vi&ited at Henry Carne’s Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Tallant and son, Thomas, visited at Mr. Edd Tal lants at Canton Sunday. Mr. C. E. Sams visited A. J. Sams recently. Miss Fleta Bramblett was a guest of Miss Mattie Tribble Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Ezra Tallant and Lin ton Tribble and wife spent Sun day at Waleska. Mr. W. A. Purcell attended the reunion at Mr. Anderson Brown’s Saturday. Mrs. Thad Bramblett and children are spnding a few days with her mother, Mrs. Linnie Tallant. Mrs. Caroline Tinsley is visit ing Mr. Doc Sams. Mr. G. W. Bramblett and fam ily visited at Mr.— P.rambletts Sunday. Mr. C. L. Tribble and child ren visited his father Sunday. Mr. Royston Smith and fami ily visited at Mr. Newton Smith Sunday. ' ACT QUICKLY Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger In time of kidney danger, Doan’s Kidney Pillij> are most effective. Plenty of convinceing evi dence of their worth. / Mrs. J. O. Well Maker, E. Pike St., Lawren’eville. Ga„ says: “I was all run down and felt very weak from a dull, con stant pain in my back. Dizzy spelb were frequent and dark spots floated before my eyes. After using Doan’s Kidney Pills a couple of days I fee a great deal better.. My back was strenghtened and all symptoms of the trouble soon went away. Whenver I feel in need of a kid ney remedy now. I at once use Doan’s Kidney Pills and they bring the same good results. Price 60 cents at al dealers Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mrs. Well maker uses. Cos., Buffalo, N. Y. Rush Woodliff of near Silver Shoals has two cows with young •alves for sale at areasonable price. Go see him. I have about twenty thous and feet of pine lumber from four to twelve inches wide, all 1 inch thick. Will sell on yard or deivered. See me at once. M. V. Hawkins, Heardville, Ga. Land For Sale. I offe r for sale my home place near Sharon church, con taining 160 acres; about 80 a cres in cultivation, balance in timber and pasture. Good build ings, etc. Will sell all or a part at a reasonable price. Willis Thompson, Suwanee, Ga., route 2. G. W. Heard is overstocked on clothing. He’ll give you a special bargain in a suit if you will go see him before they are all gone. Notice Two, 2 or 3 horse farms for rent, 2 miles of Flowery Branch, M. L. Light, Flowery Branch, Ga, _ fe ft. ■ I ffl ' J} !! I :\J K \ ! I • N i|i .)j < ' I keJ s® •*> **■■•* *■**"'*" ■■ I II “~~ See the Remnant Counter at ( Edmondson & Pirkle’s. Some special items to close out. Call on Edmondson & Pirkle for Tennis Oxfords. They have a line at special price of 50c per pair, either white or black. For Sale or Rent. I wish to rent my shore stand and dwelling for 5 or 10 years. One of the best stands in North Georgia., for business and a lovely home. I also have two good two horse crops for rent. Also one 1 hore crop. I desire to rent standing rent or so much cotton. If you are interested in buying either or all of above please see me I will make terms to suit purchaser. O. P. Bennett, Gumming, Ga., route 7. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JARRET P. FOWLER Attomey-at-Law CUMMING, GEORGIA Will Practise in All Court* Over F & M Bank DR. J. C. GILSTRAP Calls Attended Day or Night Office at W. B. Bagwell Place. Cumming, Ga., Route 3. DR. J. L. HARRISON Dentist 301-302 Jackson Building Gainesville, Ga. W. W. PIRKLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. humming, - Georgia. Office at Residence. Phone 88 DR. J. ROBERT SIMPSON Specialist in Diseases of The Eye, Ears, Nose and Throat JO2-303-304 Jackson Building, Gainesville, Ga. DR. M. F. KELLEY, Dentist, Gumming, Ga. Office in Dougherty Hotel All Work Guaranteed O. W. SETTLE Funeral Director & Embalmer Norcross, Ga. Day and Night ’Phone. If you should take a look at the shoes in G. W. Heard’s store you wouldn’t blame him to sell ’em cheap in order to make room for other stocks for the winter. Now’s the time to act. EDMONDSON & PIRKLE Have on hand a full line of Canning Outfits, Canner’s Supplies and Tin Cans. They are pre pared to supply the Canning Club girls, or any one else who desires to conserve and save their surplus fruits and vegetables and put them in a marketable package that will appeal to the pub lic and demand a fair price. They will assist you in securing labels for your Cans, etc. Don’t delay securing ycur Outfit and supply of Cans too long. Be ready to take care of your tomatoes and other produce as they rip en and are in the proper stage for canning. By doing this you will have tcod of quality that will be worth while, and wdll be easy to place on the market. IF YOU DON’T TAKF|THE NEWS, SUBSCRIBE. FORD UNIVERSAL CAR A little extra attention to your Ford car, a little adjusting now and then, will help to keep it in prime condition and add to its ability to serve you. Bring you Ford car here. Why take any chances? Let those who know how, those who use genuine Ford parts, take care of your car. To be sure of getting the best service from your Ford car let skilled Ford men care for it. . Prompt attention assured. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Sedan $645, Coupelet $505, Town Car $595—a1l f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by [ STRICKIAND & WISDOM, Agents Forsyth &’J)awson Counties.