The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, August 08, 1940, Image 5
Cumming, Georgia mmmm Telephone 72 Miss Mildred Pirkle, Society Editor Telephone 72 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Otwell were in Atlanta Tuesday it;; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wheeler were in Atlanta Saturday ;;;; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stripland were visiting Mrs. S. M. Stripland Sunday t; ; i Miss Dova L. Partridge and Mrs. W. N. Poole spent Sunday in Helen. ;t ; ; Miss Helen Arrendale spent the week-end in Marietta tit; Mr. J. E. Johnson spent the week end in Athens ill; Rev. Henry Warren is conducting revival services at Antoich this week ;t ; i Mrs. Frank Roper spent last week with her mother Mrs. Dollie Bagley l I! t Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Reid and family visited relatives in Canton Saturday ;; t ; Miss Carolyn Exum is visiting rel atives in Jasper this week !! ! ! Mrs. Mary Wright spent last week with Mr. Homer Wright at Duluth it;; Miss Adeline Brown is visiting frineds at Woodstock this week. ;; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Bagley were in Atlanta Saturday ;; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wills spent the week-end in Dallis lit; Mrs. Paul Holbrook and Mrs. Ralph Holbrook were in Atlanta Friday ii ; t Mrs. A. J. Fowler of Athens spent the week-end at home ;i ii Prof, and Mrs. C. C. Walker spent the weekend in Dahlonega ;i ii Mr. Ivan Otwell was in Atlanta Friday on business ;; ; ; Mr. Edwin Otwell was in Atlanta Saturday, on business ;t ; c Revival Services will begin at the Cumming Baptist Church August 18. iii; Mrs. Irene Tidwell of Buford is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Phagan ;; ii Mr. Loy Pirkle of Atlanta spent the week-end in Cumming i; ; i Mr. Bob Hughes and Mr. Wilson Brown were in Atlanta Monday on business i; i t Mr. Reece Neil of Acworth spent a few days with Mr. Bob Hughes last week. i; j i Mrs. Ralph Otwell, son Larry and Miss Lillian Hayes spent Sunday and Monday in Athens till Miss Lunette Swanson of Acworth is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Swanson this week. 111 l Mr. and Mrs. Len'ton Moore and family of Silver City visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherrill Sunday i; i ; Mr. and Mrs. Hoyl Day spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roys'ton Smith near Friendship iii; Miss Ann Gann spent the week-end in Atlanta with her grandmother Mrs P. F. Reynolds iii; iMr. “Red” Gastley and Mr. John Merrell of Roys'ton spent the week ■end with friends in Cumming ii ii Mr. and Mrs. Paris Bennett of At lanta visited relatives and friends in •Cumming this week-end ii ii Mu. and M>rs. Junior McPherson attended the McPherson Reunion in Cherokee County Sunday ;; ; ; Mrs. Nora Samples and children of Gainesville spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pruitt i; ii Miss Jerry Otwell of Atlanta spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Olen Phillips. ;; ii Miss Ima Pruitt of Gainesville was the weekend visitor of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pruitt iii; Mrs. Lillie Milford and son Ralph of Atlanta spent the week-eiid with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Milford. ;; ; ; IMr*. S. H. Allen and daughter Mary of Decatur were in Cumming Satur ■day. ;; i ; Miss Helen Elliott of Atlanta spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Holbrook and family have returned from a week’s mountain trip. iii; Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McCord of Kinstree S. C. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chancey ;i i ; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crawford attend ed the Shelton Reunion at Flowery Branch Sunday till Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Clement Sr. were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mrs. Crawford Roe and Mrs. G. W. Nalley ii i t Mrs. R. L. Bagley is spending this week with Mr .Stanton Singleton in Athens. ;; ; i Rev. G. C. Light of Atlanta was in Cumming last Friday, also attended revival services at Coal Mountain iii; Mr. U. J. Martin of near Drew was carried to the Georgia Baptist Hos pital in Atlanta Sunday ;; ; ; Mrs. Lena Fowler who has been quite sick for 'the past few weeks is much better. ;; ; t Mr. and Mrs. Emory Gilbert and daughter of Atlanta spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowler i; ; ; Mr. Kazy Bennett of Silver City is spending a few days with Mrs. E. O. Hall III! Mrs. Lona Jones spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bennett at Silver Ci'ty !! ! i Miss Geneva Green of Tate is spend ing this week with Miss Helen Mat thews ;; j ; Mr. Jewell Barnett left last Thurs day to attend college at Toccoa Falls Institute. ;; ; ; Miss Monteen Barnett left Saturday to attend craft school at Penland, North Carolina. ;; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Reid and fam ily spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. L. A. Hardin ;; t ; Mrs. O. L. Myers and daughters Carole and Wynelle of Atlanta spent Sunday with Mrs. L. A. Hardin ;; i ; Miss Sara Ramsey of Atlanta was the week-end guest of Miss Helen Elliott !! ! ! Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hardin and family of Atlanta are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hardin Till Mr. and Mrs. Tom Matthews and baby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brooks ii ; ; Miss Edna Grace Burruss spent the weekend with Miss Frances Bagwell near Sharon ;i i ; Mr. Lanier Banister of Athens spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and (Mrs. Julus Banister i; ; i Col. and Mrs. H. S. Brooks spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Brooks ;; ; i Miss Ruth Dixon of Cleveland wai the week-end guest of Miss Myrtle Lee Turner i; ; ; Rev. G. G. Humphries of Gainesville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Terry tii; Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of Atlanta were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Puett Sunday ;; ; ; Mrs. J. R. Samples of Alpharetta spent the week-end with Mrs. Bulah Payne ;; ii iMr. and Mrs. James Mcßrayer spent the weekend in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Gilbert ;; J J Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bates of Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R- Holbrook Sunday afternoon iii; Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jones of Atlanta spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Sewell ;t i ; iMr. J. W. Smith, Mr. L. T. Sosebee and Mrs. E. C. Smith were in Gaines ville Saturday ii;! Mr. and Mrs. Olen Chadwick spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Don Lawson in Atlanta. ;; i ; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Butler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Chad wick War Dept, urged to conduct more officers' training camps The Forsyth County News Miss Doris Flanagan of Athens is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson ■.his week iii; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Henderson and son Jimmie were in Gainesville Tues day ;; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fowler and chil dren of near Atlanta were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen Sunday Till , Mrs. J. Wesley Hawkins was in At lanta part of last week visiting her mother Mrs. Joe Dodd ;;; ; i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wheeler of Mab elton were visiting relatives in Cum ming Sunday ;; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Thad Wood and Miss Edna Grace Burruss spent Sunday af temoon with Miss Lillie Wood *• • * Mrs. J. A. Otwell Jr. has been vis iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen in Atlanta for a few days ;; ; ; Misses Lonnie Mae Denson and Martrelle Merritt were in Atlanta shopping Saturday ;; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Buster Hayes of Bu ford spent Saturday and Sunday with Col. and Mrs. J. P. Fowler ;; ; ; Mrs. J. D. Morris has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darnell. ;; ; * Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Durham were in Gain esville Saturday afternoon Rev. T. P. Tribble of Chattahoochee has been assisting Rev. Lee Buice in a two weeks meeting at Roswell ;; ; ; Mr. Alton Porter of Atlanta spent the weekend with his wife and other relatives ;; ; i Mr. Mac Roper of Ellijay spent last Wednesday afternoon with his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Roper ;; ; i Mr. Charles Burruss is visiting Mr. Claude McClure Jr., at Gainesville this week. ;; ii Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Banister spent last week with their son Mr. Jay Banister at Anderson S. C. ;; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pirkle of Jasper spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Banister and family iiii Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pruitt of Silver City announce the arrival of a boy born Monday August 5. Messrs Ford Banister and Buck Bailey have returned home after vis iting several days in Atlanta. Miss Marie Pirkle is spending this wteek with Miss Laura Reeves at Flowery Branch Misses Mary Lee Betty and Carole Dean McClure of Gainesville have been visiting Misses Nannie Lee and Barbra Burruss ii ; i Mr. Claude Brown Jr. who has been visiting Rev. and Mrs. B. D. Brown for several days has returned to his home in Flowery Branch ;; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Eli Henderson of Reidsville spent awhile Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Gordon. Mr. Henderson is the Warden at Tattnall ;; ; ; Miss Monteen Barnett of Toccoa Falls Institute spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bar nett ;; ii Mrs. H. G. Barnett has returned home after spending last week with her sister Mrs. Launa Matthews at Athens. iiii Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Westbrook and daughter Rosalyn of Athens vis ited friends and relatives in and near Cumming last week. ;;;; Mrs. Merrell Banister and children are spending this week with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Pomp Westbrook near Bethelview. tii; Miss Catherine Summerour enter tained quite a number of her friends from Atlanta and Cumming at a house party at Lake Alice Saturday and Sunday ;; ; ; Miss Dorothy Henderson of Alpha retta is visiting this week with her Grandfather Mr. Albert Day and fam ily 111! Mr. Floyd Garrett of Silver City and Miss Kate McGire of ftirrettsville were married last Tuesday. Mr. W. A. Thornhill has returned to Cumming after visiting relatives in Logan ville and Athens for several days. !v r : Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Day and Mr. Collie Day attended the Day’s Reun ion at Balwin Springs near Birming ham Georgia Sunday ii i ; Miss Frances Davis of Athens and Mr. Frank Davis of Bainbridge spent the week-end with their mother Mrs. Jimmie Davis t; t ; Misses Voncile, Dorothy, and Lola Bell Hansard and Mr. Egbert Sud derth of Buford attended the McPher son Reunion near Canton ;i ii Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Phagan and children and Mrs. J. G. Hammond visited Mr. Gordon Cagle Sunday near Gainesville Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gravitt, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gravitt and sons Stan ley and Jewell spent Sunday at Young Harris with Mr. Tommie Gravitt 111! Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Evans and fam ily of Atlanta spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lum mus ;; ; i Revival services are being held at New Harmony this week. Rev. Coch ran of Nelson is assisting Rev. P. W r . Tribble in the meeting. ;i ; ; Messrs Bob Crawford, T. J. Martin T. D. Green and Luther Holbrook at tended the Redwine Reunion at Gain esville Saturday Messrs Maynard Mashburn and Wal lace Potts of Tate spent Sunday in Cumming visiting friends and rela tives. iiii Messrs Cecil Pirkle and Marcus Mashburn are spending a few days in St. Petersburg and other places of interest in Florida. it ii Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Phagan of Ac worth visited Miss Mollie Kemp Sun day. Mrs. Phagan will be remembered as Miss Vivian Brooks. Ml! Misses Myrtle Lee Turner, Mary Ruth Poole and Ruth Dixon of Cleve land spent Sunday at Lake Wnifield Scott fill Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cawthorn and Mrs. Juno Pruitt of Atlanta visited Mrs. J. R. Holbrook Monday ;; ii Miss Helen Arrendale and several members of the Forsyth County Home Demonstration Club are attending Farm and Home Week in Athens iii; Mrs. J. P. Holbrook has been quite •sick for the past few days. Many of her friends hope that she may regain her wanted health. ;; ; ; Revival services closed at Concord with 23 converted members. Rev. 80l ing, pastor was assisted in the meet ing by Rev. Henry Buice Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bell Orr and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Orr and Mrs. Annie B. Phillips. !! I ! Miss LaTrelle Otwell who is going to summer school at the University of Georgia spent 'the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Otwell ;i i ; Miss Annie Laura Smith who has been spending several weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith has returned 'to Cumming. • * * Mrs. F. C. Pilgrim and daughter Marion of Ft. Thomas, Ky., left Sat urday after spending several days with relatives and friends in Cum ming. ;i ii Mr. Julius Bannister was brought home from the Piedmont Hospital last Thursday, and is reported as doing nicely and his many friends hope that he will soon be able to be out again. ;; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hughes and fam ily hav.e recently moved to our city from Acworth. Mr. Hughes is con nected with the 'theatre here and we welcome he and his family. ;; ; ; Mrs. Dean Barrett and Mrs. Carl Kennemore who are attending sum mer school at the University of Geor gia spent the week-end wifh their husbands. ;; ; t Mr. Truman Kellogg spent last week with his brother Mr. C. T. Kellogg at Jasper Mr. John A. Whealer who is con nected with the J. B. McCrary Corp oration in Atlanta and has been en gineer in Forsyth County for the past I seven months has returned to his of fice in Atlanta. ;; ; ; The supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Phagan Sunday night were Misses Lonnie Mae Denson, Eloriee Vaughan, Catherine Phagan, Messrs. J. E. Hansard, Edsol Martin and Wil liam Phagan ;; ; ; Mrs. Jewel Roebuck, Mrs. Flonnie Bryant, Mrs. Maude Terry, Mr. Glen Day, Rev. Gus Hughes and Rev. G. G. Humphries were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Terry Sunday ;; i t Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Thomas and daughter Dor is of Atlanta have returned home af ter spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Holbrook and other rela tives here ;; ; i Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Williams and son Raymond and Mrs. M. C. Pearson and son Jimmie Wayne were in Cum ming visiting Miss Marjorie Williams Monday. tii; Mrs. Joe Bramblett, Mrs. J. A. Stew art, Mrs. R. B. Tallant, Miss Fleeta Bramblett, Messrs A. E. and J. W. Bramblett visited Mr. and Mrs. E. H Tallant in Smyrna last Wednesday. ;t ; i Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ledbetter and family of Atlanta are spending their vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Ledbetter and other rel atives at Ducktown. iiti Mr. T. N. Bazemore, Miss Ruth Bazemore, Mrs. Sara Holland and Ift tie daughter Joann of Monticello and Mr. T. E. Bazemore of Gasden, Ala., spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Gordon. They were ac companied home by Miss Frances Gordon who will spend several days with them. ;i ; i Mr. H. B. Smith of Dahlonega who is a candidate for Georgia Public Ser vice Commissioner in the Democratic Primary September 11, was in town Tuesday shaking hands with friends. Citizens in North Georgia belive they should have a man from the moun tains to represent them as Pubflc Service Commissioner. Jill Prof, and Mrs. R. H. Harris of Smy rna who will be the superintendent at Cumming High School for the 'term of 1940-41 has recently moved to our city in the home that was formerly oc cupied by Prof and Mrs. McGlamery. We welcome 'them to our town and hope that we may have a happy suc cessful year together. ;i ; i Mr. Aubrey Chandler of Acworth and Mr. Ben Hamby of Marietta were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Swan son and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hughes Sunday i; i ; The “Station Wagon Gang" return ed Saturday night after touring the western cities on their three weeks vacation, and were on the job bright and early Monday morning after hav ing a wonderful trip. ittj Acworth baseball team won over Cumming 5—4 last Wednesday. Ac worth played our boys here Wednes day but we did not learn the score before going to press n 1 New Range Interests Carole o * Many a film star maintains an interest in homemaking and attends an occasional cooking school to learn new'tricks in the preparation of foods. Carole Landis, Hal Roach Studios, pictured above in a modern all-gas kitchen used for a recent series of cooking classes in Los Angeles, approves of the positive temperature control provided by this ultra-modern gas range; and the fact that it offers so many convenience features; for example, the covers of the top burners may be stored in a side compartment, or used as extra serv’ng trays whenever they are needed. ' Thursday August 8, 1940. Due to Rev. VV. 11. Warren being en gaged in a meeting In Hall County, services were not held at the Cum ming Raptist Church Sunday. How ever a large crowd attended the tent meeting which began Saturday nigh' and will continue for several weeks j;;* We regret very much to loose Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Swanson, but they will be Acworth’s gain and we wish them well in their new location. Mr. Swanson has accepted a position with Jeff-Collins and Sons, llnderstakers at Acworth and Mrs. Swanson will be the second grade teacher there. They plan to leave for their new home Saturday. Mrs. J. M. McClure of Gainesville who has been in the Georgia Baptist Hospital returned 'to her home last Thursday. She is the mother of Mrs. T. P. Burruss and many friends in Cumming are hoping Mrs. McClure will soon be well. ;; ii IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear fath er who passed away one year ago April 24th, 1939. Written by his heart broken daugh ter,—Gusta Worley it;; SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ENTERTAIN The Men's Bible Class and T. E. L. Class entertained the Home Maker Class of the Cumming Baptist Church last Thursday at 8:30 o’clock at the Rock Garden of Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Otwell. Games and contests were enjoyed throughout the evening after which sandwiches, cookies and bottle drinks were served. Guests Included Col. and Mrs. Hay nie Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Otwell, Mrs. Ralph Otwell, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Otwell, Mrs. Annie B. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Housley. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sosebee, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Harris Moore, Mr. and Mrs. William Poole, Mr. C. H. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Bramblett and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Matthews. ;; ; ; Little Miss Betty Holbrook spent the weekend with her grandmother Mrs. Alice Holbrook lilt Miss Thelma Echols has returned home after spending last week with her sis'ter Mrs. Gene Yarbrough in Atlanta tit; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kellogg spent Saturday night with their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Kellogg ii ii Macon, Ga., Aug. 7,—Hugh D. Sose bee of Gumming, Ga.. Is a candidate for the bachelor of laws degree, to be conferred at the Mercer University Summer School commencement here Thursday. August 22. Twenty two Students will be graduated from the senior college, and five graduate students will receive the master of arts degree. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams had as their dinner guest one day last week, Mrs. C. T. Williams, Miss Mar garet Williams of College Park, Mrs. B. R. Taylor Jr. of Dawsonville, and Billy Blackwell of Miami Florida. As we see the international set up, the other nations of the world are potential friends and potential enemies of the United States