The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, August 08, 1940, Image 7
Gumming, Georgia Judge Harold Hawkins Announces For Judge Of Blue Ridge Circuit TO THE voters and citizens OF THE BLUE RIDGE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT: Subject to the rules o£ the State Democratic Primary to be held Sept ember 11th, 1940. I hereby announce my candidacy to succeed myself as judge of the Superior Courts of the Blue Ridge Circuit. If again honored by election to this responsible office, I pledge to you that I will in the future, as I have in the past, exert every ounce of energy and ability which I possess to fully comply with the oath of this office, which is prescribed by law as fol lows: “I swear that I will administer justice without respect to person, and do equal rights to the poor and the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially! discharge and perfofrm all the duties incumbent on me as judge of the superior courts of this State, according to the best of my ability and understanding, and agree ably to the laws and Constitution of this State and the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.” With deep and sincere appreciation of your kindness in the past, and soliciting your support and influence in the coming primary, I am, Respectfully yours, J. H. HAWKINS FOR CONGRESS TO THE PEOPLE 01- THE NINTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF GEORGIA: I hereby announce my candidacy for representative of the Ninth Con gressional District of Georgia, in the Seventy-seventh Congress of the United States, subject to the rules of the Democratic Primary of Sep tember the 11th, 1940. Should you honor me to this high position of public trust, I pledge to you that I shall diligently, faithfully and honestly represent the interest of this District and the interest of our Country to the best of my ability. I shall deeply appreciate your vote and influence in my behalf. Sincerely yours, G. FRED KELLEY. J. E. Boling Announces For Representative Of Forsyth County TO THE PEOPLE OF FORSYTH COUNTY: I am announcing as a Candidate to represent Forsyth County in the Legislature, subject to the will of the people in the Democratic Primary of September 11th. Asa citizen of yorsyth, I feel I know our county, our people, our needs. I believe now as never before we need men in public life who can ibe trusted. The threat of war to our own coun try makes it necessary for all citi zens to unite and protect our liberty. Your vote this year is the most seri ous you have ever cast. I STAND FOR— FIRST—RepeaI of Poll Tax and al low all true citizens to vote. SECOND Old age pensions to all persons over 65 years old alike to be handled direct by local county offi cers. THlßD—Better schools, more and prompt pay to teachers. FOURTH— Eliminate useless state officers and jobs. FIFTH—AII mail route roads to be placed on State or Federal system. SIXTH One cent extra gas tax for Forsyth and other small agricultural counties. SEVENTH— Allow farmers to sell their farm products in towns and cit ies free of tax. EIGHTH—Repeal of all useless taxes on business. NINTH Revise election laws to pre vent fraud in elections. If elected I will try my best to make you a good representative, I will represent the people of the coun ty and not an individual or corpora tion. If at anytime I can be of service to the people of this county, I will glad ly do it. Due to my crippled condition I will not be able to canvass the county. I ask you now for your liber al support and vote. All help will be appreciated. Sincerely, X E. BOXING A great part of the family canning needs can be supplied from the home garden Kudzu Ites gained great favor as a grazing crop in Georgia News for publication in The Forsyth County News, nre always welcomed but the whiter should sign his or her name for proper idemtifi cation. cannot prtnt anonymously contributed articles of any kind. PRICES •v- . : : - 7 • SLASHED . I Utli. i A A MBT ON" rt lP Pi HOME H r' and AUTO SUPPLIES RADIO BARGAIN! NOW _ A real buy—smart plastic cabinet * with built-in antenna. BICYCLE BUY OF THE YEAR A V streamlined bike. VrtLi Sturdy—well-built. C 1 m S QQ Balloon tires. ’ I # * * LIMITED QUANTITY I # ““ An Amazing Value! RCA AUTO RADIO Do not confuse .J V Iki"YT this radio with inferior sets, has RCA label and guar- (in antee; super- ?7* J n , heterodyne Value LJniy circuit and A Q C many fea- ? 9 ‘Z tures. Limited quantity ■ h 50% OFF SLTiresfon* SPARK PLUGS High Speed and Standard wNovn/t Eat |, fot* only A, Q InSets SENTINEL GARDEN HOSE Double braided ply hose. Tough. COCE GASOLINE rl ' tt CAN WITH CHAMPION MOTORS TFf&t Dollar for dollar, IfW the best motors. j|l _ $3995 UP mA* Limited quantity. l SA VE! NOW FIRESTONE HAS A BATTERY $095 WAS tow AND YOUR OLD BATTERY r(\a/ BIGGER TRADE-IN 3U /o ALLOWANCE ON FIRESTONE PASSENGER CAR BATTERIES LOOK! ',7 9 9 K AND YOUR OLD TIRE K SIZE 6.00 xl6 FOR A ' Tir*ston* BUY NOW! PAY LATER! BUDGET PLAN TIRES AS LOW AS 50* WHK SMALL CA3PYING CHARGE Otwell Motor Company, Inc. / Cwnming, Georgia The Forsyth County News JUSmpOK AT ?Sff LOW mess TVrssfottc wbo' m T D F C 1, Jj |S /r /v / v if\lr * fiv • W • ’ * e A AS LOW AS • '.. . v --v 4, i .%* ‘ v V . , _ -•.- AND YOUR fl tiri § L-EADING the Darade of 40th Anniversary values is the Firestone Convoy— built with Firestone patented construction features which provide extra protection against the dangers of blowouts and deliver longer non-skid mileage. And more, it is backed by a written Lifetime Guarantee. Equip with a full set of Firestone Convoy Tires today. Os BIGGER TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE CHAMPION & HIGH SPEED TIRES //// V wL\ sW t DURING THIS SALE £lj (< k' • V >J / / anJ Firestone Hilda Speed Tire arc now available for you I * \ f | .Id Wjr Il( V y with 50% greater trade-in allowance for your old tire. f* ff ff far *4*l g GET OUR LOW PRICES ON THE FAMOUS FIRESTONE STANDARD TRUCK TIRES Listen to the Voice of Fireitone with Richard Crooki, Margaret Spealo and the Fireitone Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Alfred Wallenstein, Monday evenings, over Nationwide N.B.C. Red Network. J ll I § |g i B TO T'iresfon* CONVOY SIZE PRICE 4.75/5.00 SCIS -19 JP 5.25/5.50 s£*ls -17 W 6.00/16 9^85 AND YOUR OLD TIRE T//f /M Hi / See Firestone Champion Tires made In the Firestone Factory and Exhibition Building at the New York World's Fair. Thursday August 8, 1940. LIFETIME GUARANTEE Every Firestone Tire carries a w ritten lifetime guarantee not limited to twelve months, or eighteen months, or twenty four months, but for the full life of the tire without time or mileage limit.