The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, July 30, 1959, Image 1

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Volume 50. YOUR HOSPITAL NEWS Here are a few questions that we have been asked. The answer to them are insimple LAY-TERMS. We are trying to publish each week some news about pour hos pital and what we can and will do for our patients. Q. Why are Hospital Costs Higher Today? A. There are three main reasons: 1. Hospitals have had to raise wages and salaries to secure enough nurses, technicians and other personnel to care adequately for patients. 2. Next to salaries, the most ex pensive item is food which has doubled in cost. 3. Everything a hospital uses costs more today. The cost of X-ray machines and equipment has in creased 100 per cent. Even the coal and other fuels that heat the hos pitals have doubled in cost. Q. Why Pass Increased Costs On To Cs The Patients? A. You will surely agree that those who get service should pay for it. It is the hosypital’s responsibility to safeguard the health of all pat ients to provide, day and night, all the scientific skills and resour ces yoyu may need. When life is in jeopardy everything possible must be done for the patient, re gardless of cost. Q. Is Everything You Bill Cs For Necessary? A. Yes. Q. How About All Those Laltora tory Tests On This Bill? A. Your doctor ordered them as a help in diagnosis; these tests are necessary in order to safeguard your health. Q. But Why Should They Cost What They Do Just To Stick A Needle In My Finger To Draw A Little Blood? A. You’re forgetting the man be hind the microscope, and the train ed technicial staff required in the hospital laboratory. The man who checked your laboratory test is a doctor of machine whose specialty is laboratory research and analysis. His laboratory finding might tell whether or not tht piece of tissue means cancer, or when the slow clotting time of your blood indi cates danger under surgery and manv other things. He and his highly trained staff give your doc tor a detailed picture of you. Some tests require hours to complete. Q. What Alwiut The Operating Room Charge? Isn’t Tat A High Renta! Just To Use A Little Room For So Short A Time? A. If it were an ordinary room the answer would be “YES' . But it’s far more than that. Preparing the room for an operation always requires the services of a number of people. The operating room must be surgically cleaned. That requires endless scrubbing, laund ering of all gowns, towels and j Inens: sterilization of bundles eon taining sponges and othi r mater- j ial, of rubber gloves and instru- j ments. Every detail must be hand- i led with the utmost care and pre cision. Q. You Do That For Every Oper ation? A. Yes. Without exception. And we provide the staff that assists your surgeou and anesthetist at least three nurses, as well as internes and resident doctors. Their services are a]l included in your operating room charge. Q.I Realize That No One Makes A Profit From A Voluntary Hospital Such As This, But Still The Charges Seem High. A. You may be sure that this hos pital’s charges are no higher than are necessary. Even with today’s higher charges most voluntary hos pitals lose money. Q. Why? I Thought You Said The Increased Costs Were Passed Along To Us, The Patients. A.Not entirely. Not only are there many patients who cannot pay the cost of their care, but there are The Forsyth County News OFFICIAL ORGAN OF FORSYTH COUNTY & CITY OF CUM MING DEVOTED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF FORSYTH. FULTON, CHKRO KUE. DAWSON, LUMPKIN. HAM. AND GWINNEIT COUNTIES. (City Population 2,500) other general expenses which can not be absorbed in charges to indi vidual patients. For example, hos pital equipment is expensive. A single serilizer may cost $5,000; a portable X-ray machine $2,000 more. The equipment for an X-ray department might well cost over SIOO,OOO. Q. But You Can Use Hospital Equipment A Long Time And Get Your Money Back, Can't You? A. No. Much hospital equipment becomes obsolete before it wears out and must be replaced to give the patient the full benefits of modern medicine. To keep pace with the progress of medical science in fighting disease, new equipment is being devised con stantly to do a more efficient life saving job. Q. What About Your Daily Room Rate? That’s Much Higher Than It Used To Be? A. You have a room especially de signed and equipped to care for the sick. Numerous changes of linen are required and you know what has happened to the price of sheets and laundry costs. Special foods are prepared for you, on your doctor’s orders you are served three meals in bed. Our dietitian’s staff figures out to the fraction of a fram the patients diet. Only the best foodstuffs are used top I quality vegetables, fruits, and 'meats; fresh eggs, milk and butter. Well you know what yyour groc ery bill is like these days, so you should understand what all this costs the hospital. Q. I Suppose Your Payroll Cost Has Gone Up Too? A. Yes, salaries and wages are the highest in history and it requires a large personnel to provide the service necessary in a hospital. Staffs greatly reduced during the war are being brought back to normal. Not only doctors and nur ses and highly skilled technicians, but maids, laundry Workers, kitch en employees, engineers, office workers an dall the rest. To opec ate all the departments a hospital, each patient requires the service of approximately two hospital employ ees, whereas even the finest* hotels have only one employee for on guest. These people have to ho paid adequate salaries, such as they might receive elsewhere. Q. But What About Patients Who Can’t Afford To Pay? A. When care is needed admission to a hospital must not be denied because the patient is unable to pay. Therefore, all voluntary hos pital give free service to the poor. Patients treated in our wards and out-patient departments pa v what ever part of the cost thev can afford to pay, or are treated with out cost. Q. What About City Hospitals? A. City hospitals do not have room to care for all indigent sick. A substantial number of indigent pat j ients come to voluntary hospitals, j The city pays a fixed rate for j their care. The difference between j payments by the city and our j costs must be made up by philan Ithropy. Yes. Aside from what pat | ients 3re able to pay, voluntary j hospitals must depend on private donations, income from endowment funds, and other contributions. Q. I’m Beginning To Understand What Hospitals Arp Up Against. But That Doesn’t Pay My Hospital Bill. I Need Every Penny To Cover Everyday Uiving Costs. iA. There are several ways of tak |ing care of your hospital bills by , having a Family Group Insurance of your choice, or on prepay ar rangements with the hospital and doctors on maternity cases. Your hospital and doctors will be glad to inform you of these plans. FOR SALE Ten room house with gas heat and other modern conveniences. Locat ed at Silver City, near Dawson County Lockheed project. Imme diate possession. Bargain DR. BRAMBLETT, Tu. 7-5055 or Tu 7—5691 Gumming Georgia, Thursday, July 30, 1959. Summer Revival At Methodist Church Sunday, Aug., 2 '%n>; : -. < ’- .r ; /^.jglggr Reverend Blake Craft | The CUMMING METHODIST CHURCH will hold its annual sum mer Revival beginning on Sunday evening, August 2, at 8:00 o’clock. The Reverend Blake Craft, pastor of the Burns Memorial Methodist Church in Augusta, eorgia, will be the evangelist. ' The Rev. Mr. Craft has served three churches in our county: Mid way, Shiloh and eßthelview. He has had wide experience in the evangelistic field; he has also serv ed as a Navy Chaplain in World War 11, and as Secretary on the State Board of eterans’ Service. I Our evangelist is a graduate of ATS Foundation, Vanderbilt • School of Religion, with a B. D. degree. He holds a Doctor of Laws degree from the Atlanta Law School. In addition to the evening ser vices Sunday through Friday, there will also be a morning fellow ship group Monday through Friday from 8:45 until 9:00. The schedule is as follows: MONDAY—Mize Brothers Hard ware Cos. —Clyde Mize, host TUESDAY Pittard Insurance Agency—John Pittard, host WEDNESDAY Lipscomb Rural Electric Appliance Cos. W. E “Bud” Llipscomb,’ host THURSDAY Western Auto Asso ciate Store—Frank Bragg, host FRlDAY—Jackson Building ioffice of Attorney Watson) —Col. Jess i H. Watson, host Everyone is cordially invited to attend these services. Why Men Join The Veterans Of Foreign Wars Of approximately twenty million veterans in this country today, less than five billion belong to any veterans organization. Many veter ans of World War 2, have never understood that the V. F. W. and other similar groups, paved the way for G. I. veterans benefits. As a result too many World War 2 veterans do not understand why they owe it to themselves to join the veterans groups to which they are eligible. You may not be in need of bene fits today, but sickness and mis fortune have been known to wipe out fortunes overnight. No veteran knows when he or his loved ones may be in need of the assistance provided by veterans benefits if you as a veteran participate in any of these benefits and do not belong to a veterans organization. You are not doing anything to pro tect you and your family against possible emergenices— SO JOIN YOUR LOCAL V. F. W. POST TODAY. Dorsey Tinsley Senior Vice Commandder REV. MARCUS REED RETURNS FROM TRIP Rev. Marcus C. Reed has return ed from his trip to the Bible lands, and plans to tell of his experiences each Sunday night, beginning this week, at the First Baptist Church. Cumming. He will show color slides of each ol the ten different countries which he visited. The public is invited to attend these services each Sunday at 8:15 P. M. Labor Reform Bill Reported Congressman Phil Landrum of Georgia announces that the Edu cation and Labor Committee of the House of Representatives has re ported out a labor reform bill. It is anticipated that the bill will reach the floor of the House of Representatives for final action within the next few days. The bill is composed of seven sections which provide for (1) a bill of rights for union members (2) a reporting and disclosure of union financial statements (3) rules governing union trusteeships over subordinate unions (4) rules governing union elections (5) safe guards for labor organizations and fiduciary responsibilities for union agents (6) miscellaneous provisions and (7) amendments to the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 The purpose of the bill is to prevent abuses to rank and file union members and to give all members a voice in union affairs. Recent investigations into the prac tices and policies of various unions and union officials show an urgent need for corrective legislation to protect the public and the union member from these abuses. The bill as reported from the Education and Labor Committee is a some what weakened version of the re cently passed Kennedy-Ervin Bill in the Senate. In discussing the reported bill. Congresman Landrum had this to say: “The american people are de manding that legislation be enacted to correct the widespread abuses of some labor union officials. A few of the many abuses and forms of corruption uncovered by the House and Senate labor commit tees are as follows: some union j officers have appropriated union moniy to their own personal use: union members have been denied the right to nominate and vote for j officers of their own choice; many unions are becoming deminated by gangsters; many small business men have been forced into bank ruptev by the use of illegal pickets and boycotts and many others have been coerced into recognizing a union as the representative of his employees in order to avoid the consequences of illegal picketing and boycotts, even though the era ployees did not wish to join that particular union; ad in one case three union members in California were expelled from their union on charges of conduct unbecoming a union member because they had supported the right to work law in that state against the wishes of union officials, “This disregard of the basic and inherent rights of American citi zens, union members and small businessmen must be halted. Un fortunately, the bill as reported by the Committee does not adequately deal wwith these violatons and abuses. A stronger and more posi tive bill is needed and I am sure that an all out attempt will be made to strengthen the b’ll when it reaches the floor of the House of Representatives.” Congressman Landrum is Chair man of the Subcommittee on Labor Standards and ranking member of the Committee on Education and Labor. Georgians Save Under New Fire Rate Schedule ATLANTA Certain classes of Georgia propert owners are expect ed to save approximately $260,000 annaully under new insurance rat ing schedules on fire-resistive and non combustible properties effec tive as of July 22. 1959. Insurance Commissioner Zack D. Cravey an nounced. Prepared by the Georgia Inspect ion and Rating Bureau, the sche dules were necessitated b new meth ods of building construction which have come into practice in recent vears, explained Commissioner Cravey. He said there would be some cases where the premiums perforce would be moderatelv increased, de pending on the risk of the build ings involved. U. S. not worried by reported Khruschchev threats. County Population 15,000. Revival At Midway M. E. Church Starts Sunday, August 2nd. * ■. Reverend Forrest L. King The pastor, Rev. William M. Winn, preaches the opening ser mon of the weeks Revival, Sunday at 11000 A. M. The Revival Evangelist, will preach the evening sermon of the opening day at 8:00 P. M. and each evening thru the week at the same hour. He is the Revernd Forrst L. King, prsently pastor of the Lake wood Heights Methodist Church of Atlanta, and comes as one of the forceful soul winning preachers of the OLD TIME GOSPEL. ANOTHER HIGHLIGHT OF the REVIVAL will come on the closing Sunday, August 9th. which has been set up as HOMECOMING DAY, with Dinner on the Church grounds and the preaching in the morning worship hour by the new ly appointed District Superintend ent of the Atlanta-East District of The Methodist Conference, Dr. W. Rembert Sisson. After the fellow ship Dinner on the grounds. Dr. i Sission will hoi dthe first Quarter |ly Conference for the Midway iOcee Charge in the Sanctuary of I the Midway Church. EVERY ONE IS CORDIALLY | INVITED TO ATTEND THESE SERVICES. Health Department (Carried to Society Page) The local Cancer Society has been conducting a campaign to raise funds for the various activi ties in which they participate. I don’t know how successful this j campaign has been. | Since this work is going on at ! present it might be good to look jat some facts concerning one typo jof cancer. j I know of at least one family iin the oounty who is vitally inter lested in the research work con j cerning leukemia. They have a I child under five years of age with I leukemia. i Here are some facts which might be of interest to others in the community. The general public be lieves that leukemia ooccurs mostly iin children. Quite the opposite is jtrue. Though leukemia is one of jthe foremost killers of children be tween the ages of 1 -15, it actually kills five times more adults. The impression persists that leu kemia is a rare disease. It is not. It now takes about 11,0000 Ameri can lives annually not far short jof the national death rate from all forms of tuberculosis. It is not widely enough known either that leukemia is a growing health problem in the United States and is almost rampantly on the in crease, more so than any other form of cancer except lung cancer. This increase occurs in both males and females in the older age groups. For some reason as yet j unknown, the death rate among has shown a tendency to : level off within the past decade. The above is taken from an article on Leukemia published in the Spring edition of Cancer News. Contact your Cancer Society and secure information on their func tions and how you or your neigh bor may get their help should the need arise. Need for young blood is mutual ■ funds cited. Number 31. RESOLUTION IN MEMORY OF BROTHER JOHN HENRY' WORLEY BE IT REMEMBERED, that on Wednesday June 24, 1959, Brother John Henry Worley departed this life and answered the summons of the Grand Master of the Universe. Brother Worle v fulfilled the dut ies of life well, by serving his country, his neighbor, his brother and his Lodge, unselfishly and un tiringly. The cherished memory of our departed Brother will be inshrined in our hears and memory forever. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. e extend his family our deep est sympathy. 2. This Lodge stand a few min utes in silence in memory of our departed Brother. 3. This resolution be recorded in the permanent records of the Lodge. 4. A copy of this resolution be sent to the family. 5. A copy be furnished Forsyth County News for publication. Respectfully submitted, in open Lodge, this 21st day of July, 1959. L. W. HOLBROOK CLYDE BANNISTER LLOYD G. WRIGHT OPEN HOUSE AT HOSPITAL, AUG„ 19 The Forsyth County Hospital will celebrate the Second Anni versary of it’sopening with OPEN House on Wedndesday August 19. The public is cordially invited to visit t*he hospital between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. , The Auxiliary Volunteers will be on duty to conduct visitors on a Tour of Inspection. All “Future Citizens” have been born in the hospital since it opened ,wi!l have their picture displayed in the lobby. Water Supply Contami nation Greater During' Dry Summer Months j Insects and rodents seem to bo I the major cause of rural water I supply contamination during dry ] summer months according to our [local health department. It is said that insects and rodents [are finding their way into many 'dug wells due to faulty coonstruet ion of well curbs, faulty construct: ed covers and through openings [around piping where it goes thru the casing into the well. The local health department re commends that every one using a dug well, examine condition around the well and make repairs where ever necessary. These repairs are far less expensive than having to clean out and sterilize wells after contamination occurs. Mr. Nelms, County Sanitarian is always available and ready to as sist you in any way toward de veloping water supplies to assure you of pure drinking water. Forsyth County Jaycettes Met July 21 At Community House The new club of the Forsyth ■ County Jaycettes met July 21, 1959 at the Community House, Cum ming, Georgia with seven members of J. C’s wives present. Those present to help organize the new club of our Forsyth Coun [ty J. C‘s wives Were: Mrs. Frances Sosebee, President of Canton Jay [cettes, Mrs. Frances Poole,, Mrs. Rachel Pettis, Mrs. Joanne Ehler, [Mrs. Liz Bramblett all of Canton. [President Mrs. Roy Otwell, Jr. V. President Mrs. A. Y. Howell Secretary—Mrs. Joe Spooner Treasurer—Mrs. Bob Gordon .Publicity Mrs. Lawrence Gordon Those in charge of our Constitu tion and by-laws sre Mrs. William Fagan and Mrs. Julian Gravitt. j The next meeting will be August .3rd at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Gordon at 8 O’clock. Those who seek further information call any of the above officers. On August 31st there is to be an outing by the J. C’s for all J. C’s and their wives Ask yowr husband J. C. for details. Al] Jaycettes must be a wife of a J. C.