The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, July 30, 1959, Image 7

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Curnming, Georgia. While there are occasions when an honest man cannot meet his obligations, most of the time failure to pay is due to something else. .. jf GAME 5-v I ,lSi .1 iv - f: .. na Wp ,0 FISH U ™* —■ ■ .1 ii’Jh By FULTON LOVELL Director, Georgia Game and Fish Commission STRIPERS FOR SEMINOLE A I? 0011 ?* 11 ? clap of thunder ushered in dawn on Lake Semiole. A few feet from the boat, two mallards shift ed into second and hotrodded into the crisp, morning air. Juo: ahead, in a clump of wild grass, a fishing py jgmum*, boat was anchored, t red-haired gentleman, in V-b j his fifties, smide-l as he hoistered a string of bass up in the air. J Across the lake, another boat swayed in the ' •••'"* r‘ channel a few feet from shore. The occupant* i ”j|v „. if °f this boat, no doubt, were after striped bass. V This is :hc lake the Game and Fish De- V partnents of I'loilJa aril Ceorgia hope to ■■d pj . turn into paradise for striped bass i v t i fisherm°n, like the Santec-Cooper ar-> in Fulton Lovell ScutJl C “ ro ‘ na - f> % Biologists from both stages have met and agreed that such a thing is possible. Of course, it will take time and effort and sweat and labor. The end product, however, should justify all these. As every fisherman knows, the striped bass, called rockfish along the Atlantic seaboard, is highly treasured in fresh water environs. Seminole Mcy Be Gocd "Fishing Hole" Aside from its potential as a top striped bass lake, Seminole has some of the best bass fishing to be found anywhere. Frishery biologists report it has sufficient shallow water in the right places to encourage a large population of bigmouth bass. 0 • I have only fished Seminole a couple of time3 but the other anglers tell me it is very productive. Bill Roper, the Izaak Walton Club booster from Atlanta, says he usually picks up several nice bass on weekend trips there and dock operator Jack Wingate of Bainbridge seldom hesitates to sound off when a good string comes out near his landing. Seminole also bears a great potential as an attracter of ducks. As we traveled the lake this morning, we spotted several flights of mallards, blacks and some reds around the lake. With the Butler Island refuge on the other side of the state and Lake Seminole on this side, ducks are certain to use one or the other on their southward flights. But Seminole will become one of the top fishing lakes in the country. Besides bass, anglers can find stripers, shellcrackers hand sized and beiow, bluegill and channel cats. Fortunately, the rough fish problem in Seminole does not seem to be as big as it is in some lakes. This will help game fishing. The Outboard Boating Club of America has announced its gigantic Chicago National show will be held February 5-14, 1960 in the Inter national Amphitheatre. The reason for this announcement is that many Georgia boaters, manufacturers and dealers attend the festival in Chicago, which is considered one of the top boat shows in the world. The show features exhibits of the sport and industry out boards, inboards, sailing boats, accessories and supplies. Guy W. Hughes, overseer of the show, predicts “if the present sales trend continues through the rest of the year, iho*e is no question that the industry’s total volume for 1959 will exceed the ?2-billion plus figure of a year ago.” 9 t And who says boating is not a growing sport? — ~ ~ ~** ■*. — JI- #/vr Your money goes further during our Ford Summer Swapping j Bee! STOP threwtnq money dom AWp ~ JEgglp?Vi f ttw drain repairing your . jWf Ut& present car and burning extra j gas and oil as older cars do. STOP matching your car go down in resale value before your eyes... missing the I ■' mn ' SWAP while am tremendous FORD GALAXIE CLUB SEDAN \jHfe \ sales let us give the most a i'\ i] tremendous trade-ins in our '*■ i\ 11 history. SWAP before your " isS^| vacation ... when you can get w fire ~ JIFW'TI i c3r ' ® w * p ° n 3 car h l3 * jf MU§ vjjfr j nd®*) \i > ?*?y in style ... stay worth J& _ M.. i more ... the world's most i g“'TT? * ■""■ ••• • '”""7 • _|Sj ' beautifully proportioned car. | BIV SAVE on first equipped cost ft ... up to J 55 a year on gas ", \\ and 0i1... with an aluminized with no-wax Diamond Lustre BBJ Finish ... with a long-lasting, 'ir standard 68-plate battery. FORD COUNTRY SEDAN I; SAVE on a honey of a deal [ Every Ford has FORD CUSTOM 300 TUDOR SEDAN j. SAFETY GLASS in every windoo Come in and get a honey of a deal on the 59 FC RDS i TOE worn's MOST EEAOUHIIIY FROPOKHOMD ! CAK f-d-a* OTWELL MOTOR COMPANY, Cumming, Georgia Phones: Tu. 7-2311-12 “The House Service Built” You’re Interested in an AI USED Car Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer The Forsyth County News ! SPEAKERS NAMED FOR SHORT COURSE ON BEEF CATTLE How to improve the quality of beef cattle —from the viewpoints of the growers, the packer, and the research man, with reports on re cent developments in pelleting of forages and concentrates—will be the underlying purpose of a beef cattle short course, July 31. The short course is an annual event, sponsored by the animal husbandry department of the Uni versity of Georgia. Beginning at 9:45 a. m., following registration which gets underway at 9:15, the short course will include four talks by outstanding livestockmen, a panel on pelleting feeds for beef cattle, and a tour of the new live stock —poultry building and the beef cattle hard at the University. The meeting will be held in Hard man hall. Db. C. C. Murray, dean and co ordinator of the University’s Col lege of Agriculture, will make the welcome address. Two Agricultural Extension Service livestockmen— Harold Clum, marketing, and Dr. O. G. Daniel, project leader—will speak during the morning session. The director of beef cattle im provement for Armour and Com pany—Robert J. Norrish, and Dr. O. B. Ross, head, department of animal science, University of Illi nois, will present the packers’ view point and a report on research. According to Dr. R. A. Long, head, animal husbandry department at the University of Georgia, Nor rish will tell about methods being used to develop a superior strain of beef cattle both from the stand point of performance and carcass quality. Of Dr. Ross, Long said: “He en joys an outstanding reputation in the livestock industry. He was known as a top man in beef cattle research when he was in charge of beef cattle nutrition at Okla homa State University. He has managed a large commercial feed mill in the midwest and has done a great deal of work on pelleting. Dr. Ross is ccepted by purebred breeders as a qualified judge of beef cattle.” STRAYED —Four White-face Steers in vicinity of Gilstrap Lake. Any one seeing these Steers please noti fy J. C. HAMNER, or call 2795 Buford, Georgia. NOTICE—Fuller Brush Company has opening for local man to take over established territory in For syth County. Earnings over $70.00 I per week. Permanent. Car Needed. Write R. M. Pritchett, 526 E. Spring St., Gainesville, Georgia, Phone Lenox 2 —6971. FOR SALE Registered Jersey Bull about two years old —Contact LON LITTLE, Rt. 4, Curnming. I FOR SALE —Household and Kitch en furniture Saturday, Aug., Ist at 10 o’clock at my Residence Egbert Henderson on Canton Route, 1. | NOTICE—LIBERAL REWARD for lost Brown and White spotted mix ed Terrier Bob tailed female nam ed “Boots” in vicinity of Brown's Bridge May 3rd. Call Newspaper or Atlanta, Cedar 3—4167 (Collect) FOR SALE -14 Acres on Lake Lanier, 30 thousand feet saw tim ber. Pleanty of shade and deep water front.—Edwin Otwell, Phone Tu. 7—2244 Day night Tu. 7 2367. Edward H. Shannon OPTOMETRIIST OFFICE IN HOWELL—BRAMB LETT PROFESSIONAL BLDG. FIRST A THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH FOR SALE One Bag Mueller Plaster Mixer in goad condition BALD RIDGE MARINA. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED AT ONCE. Man with car for Rawleigh Business in For syth County. Buy on time. See Guy Duncan PO Box 365 Canton, Ga„ or write immediately to Rawleigh’s Dept. GAF—22O—3Ol, Memphis, iTenn. —June 4 —l8 —July 16 ’ WELL DRILLING OASIS Well Drillers, Inc. CUMMING, GA. Phone Tu. 7-5460 FORSYTH COUNTY PARK AREA NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC The Forsyth County Park Is Now Open For Pleasure And Relaxation - Picnic Groups, Boating And Swimming For Child* ren And Adults. Concession Booth Directly On Beau tiful Sandy Beach For Your Con venience. Hot Dogs, Drinks, Candy, Cigaretts, Watermelons, etc. We Will Greatly Appreciate Your Support. Park Sponsored By FORSYTH COUNTY JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE I NOTICE— Those who have rela tives buried at Ebenezer Cemetery will please meet there Thursday July 30 to clean off the cemetery. Also will appreciate the nelp cf the community in getting this work done. CEMETERY WORKING Everyone interested in Mars Hill Cemetery please meet with us on Saturday morning early August Ist We can use several Lawn Mowers CEMETERY WORKING There will be a Cemetery work ing at Mt. Tabor Saturday August Ist. Come early with tools so that we can get work done quickly. FOR SALE—S-room dwelling house and 30 acres of land —Will divide anyway to suit purchasers, located near Frank Stripland Store —Con- tact Claude E. Terry, Phone Tu. 7 —6411, Curnming, Georgia. REGULAR MEETING OF GUM MING CHAPTER NO. 346 O. E. S. W Will be held each Second and Fourth Tuesday Nights at 8:00 O’clock. All members are urged to attend JOI.ENE WALLS, W. M. CLARA MAE COX, Secretary Come Early! Look Us Over GIANT AUCTION Furniture Antiques Over 1000 Items To Choose From And That’s Not All! SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 8:30 A. M. TILL ? H. & H. PIANO COMPANY Herman H. Roper, Proprietor Office Ph: 6206 Roswell Road ROSWELL, GEORGIA Thursday, July 30, 1959. NOTICE CEMETERY WORKING All who have lovedones buried at Zion Hill Baptist Church and all who wi]l help are requested to come and bring tools .and help clean off the cemetery Saturday August Ist. Come Early. By request of the Church. Call Alpharetta 5243 FOR Asphalt Paving- Driveways— Parking Lots— Soiling— C. R. SIMS Contractor Alpharetta, Ga. FOR SALE 1 Wringer Type Wash er, Also Cash Register Adding Machine com bination Call Tu. 7 5571, Curnming, Ga.