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Loaves and fishes,
in the right hands
Do you mean to tell me that
5,000 people were fed with five
small loaves of bread and two
fish? Surely you jest! But that is
exactly what happened. Luke
Jesus and the 12 Disciples
were on the coast of the Sea of
Galilee near Tiberius. Luke tells
us the Disciples had returned
from a preaching tour through
the nearby villages. To this
place, Jesus had gathered them
for debriefing. As always, the
people heard that Jesus was near
and came out to where Jesus
As night fell, the Disciples
became concerned that the peo
ple would be caught in the dark
with no food.
“Send the people away to go
into the village for shelter and
food for we are here in this lone
ly place.” Jesus’ response
shocked the twelve.
“You give them something to
eat,” He responded. Looking out
over the 5,000, they must have
exclaimed, “Hello, are you kid
Philip said, “Two hundred
danari would not buy enough for
each of them to have a little.”
But Andrew sensed the possibili
“There is a little boy here who
has five barley loaves and two
fishes. B ’f what are these among
so many?” he asked.
What follows some have sim
ply called a miracle, leave it at
that and walk away. To do so is
to miss a central thrust in the
ministry of our Lord. Something
tremendous came into focus in
this picture.
Jesus takes the five barley
loaves and two fish, hopelessly
inadequate ingredients, lifts them
Marine Pfc. Billy M. Hodges
Marine Pfc. Billy M. Hodges, a
1996 graduate of South Forsyth
High School, recently completed
basic training at Marine Corps
Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C.
Hodges successfully completed
12 weeks of training designed to
challenge new Marine recruits
both physically and mentally.
Hodges and fellow recruits
began their training at 5 a.m., by
running three miles and perform
ing calisthenics. In addition to
the physical conditioning pro
gram, Hodges spent numerous
hours in classroom and field
assignments which included
learning first aid, uniform regula
tions, combat water survival,
marksmanship, hand-to-hand
combat and assorted weapons
training. They performed close
order drill and operated as a
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to heaven with thanksgiving,
then gives them to the Disciples
for distribution among the peo
This is a preposterous thing. In
the real world, you and I know
things like this don’t happen.
What is happening is unreason
able, isn’t it? Maybe, just maybe,
there is a God-related, theologi
cal principle being demonstrated.
A principle that works in real life
and one that can be practiced by
every one of us.
A little boy placed into the
hands of Jesus, five loaves ?nd
two fish his lunch. In Jesus’
hands, the insignificant became
significant. Little becomes
much. The unreasonable
becomes reasonable.
The adventure of entering into
a partnership with God, linking
our gifts with His ability, pro
duces marvelous results. Most of
us do not trust God like that, and
as a consequence we live timid
ly, with very few dramatic occur
The story of the loaves and
fishes always prompts the ques
tion, “What have I that I can
entrust to Him?”
How about your talent? Every
one is gifted in some area.
Enthusiasm positive, ener
getic persons are not the norm.
Entrust your energy to Him and
see what He can do with it.
Resources it is difficult for
some of us to entrust our
resources to God. By becoming a
channel through which God can
let benefits flow, entrust your
resources to meet His purpose.
What are we working for, or
better yet, who are we working
for? Placing our profession as an
offering adds a new dimension to
our work, making it an adventur-
small infantry unit during field
Hodges and other recruits also
received instruction on the
Marine Corps’ core values
honor, courage and commitment,
and what the words mean in
guiding personal and profession
al conduct.
Hodges and fellow recruits
ended the training phase with
The Crucible, a 54-hour team
effort, problem solving evolution
which culminated with an emo
tional ceremony in which the
recruits were presented the
Marine Corps Emblem, and were
addressed as “Marines” for the
first time since boot camp began.
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■B Dr. Hugh
ous ministry. WOW!
What about our age? God uses
our age, our maturity. Did you
hear about the lady who was 100
years old? The whole communi
ty was there to celebrate. A
newspaper man interviewing her
asked, “Do you have any chil
dren?” She replied, “Not yet.”
We are never too old for God to
use us.
Can he use illness? You bet He
can. A lady in our church has
suffered from cancer, arthritis
and troubles you would not
believe. She volunteered to help
with sick and abused women,
and went to college in her 50s to
prepare to work with those who
needed her. She has been there
and done whatever needed to be
done for others. God used her.
How about your grief? Grief is
an expression, but in God’s
hands, it can liberate. Among the
most effective people I know are
those who share the time of loss
with others. One cannot know
how it feels until they have expe
rienced grief and no one can
encourage like that person who
has worked through it.
Do you see it? That principle
that works in everyday life. It is
in the story of the loaves and
fishes. When we place what we
have in God’s hands the right
hands watch out, a miracle is
about to happen.
Hodges joins 41,000 men and
women who will enter the
Marine Corps this year from all
over the country.
Army Pvt. Mitchell S.
Army Pvt. Mitchell S. Meredith
has graduated from the light
wheeled vehicle mechanic
course at Fort Jackson,
Columbia, S.C.
During the course, students
were trained to perform mainte
nance and assist in the repair of
automotive vehicles and associ
ated equipment.
Meredith is the son of Jerry R.
Meredith of Cumming.
American Red Cross
Registration open for annual aquatic school
The Red Cross in Atlanta
announces the opening of regis
tration for its 1997 Aquatic
School. The school offers life
guard, lifeguard instructor, life
guard review, and water safety
instructor courses at 13 sites
including one at Swim Atlanta at
John’s Creek located on
McGinnis Ferry Road near the
Forsyth County, Fulton County
line. Red Cross certification is
often a pre-requisite for employ
ment in the water safety industry.
There will be three sessions. The
first session is April 21 - May 2.
The second session is May 5-16.
The last session is June 2-14.
Registration deadlines are April
16 (session I), April 30 (session
II), and May 28 (session III).
Class sizes are limited so early
registration is encouraged.
Lynne Stark, school director,
emphasized that anyone thinking
about taking a course should
Change your clock change your
battery in your smoke detector
Spring is here and on April 6
Georgia residents will change
their clocks to daylight-saving
time. While changing your
clocks, the Georgia Firefighters
Burn Foundation urges everyone
to change the batteries in your
smoke detectors.
In 1996 nearly 150 Georgians
died due to fire-related injuries.
Many of these deaths occurred in
house fires where smoke detec
tors were either not present or
not operating.
Nationally, approximately
4,000 people die in residential
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FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS - Sundiy, April 6,1887 -
already be a strong swimmer.
“Course pre-requisites are strin
gent and the instructors strictly
enforce them,” Stark said.
For example, for the lifeguard
training course, candidates must
pass a skills pretest that includes
surface diving, retrieving a 10
pound brick from seven feet of
water, treading water using legs
only, and swimming 500 continu
ous yards demonstrating profi
ciency in the crawl (freestyle),
breaststroke, and sidestroke.
Stark explained there is a large
demand for Red Cross certified
lifeguards and water safety
instructors in the Atlanta area dur
ing the summer. Red Cross con
ducts a job fair during the training
to allow students to meet prospec
tive employers.
There is a fee for the courses.
According to Stark, “The fees
help the Red Cross recover the
fires each year. Nearly 80 per
cent of all houses involved are
equipped with smoke detectors,
but more than one-third of them
do not function properly.
If your home does not currently
have a functioning smoke detec
tor, the Burn Foundation urges
you to install one (or more)
immediately. The number of
detectors you will need depends
on the size of your home. Ideally,
detectors should be installed on
each floor of your home, in each
bedroom, and in the basement by
the stairs.
In Appreciation
We would like to thank all the people that came by and said a kind word or
prayer, or brought food in the sudden loss of our sweet Mother and
Grandmother. We will sadly miss her so much. Thanks to doctors & nurses at
Baptist North Hospital, Ingram’s Funeral Home. All the beautiful flowers and
eadi pallbearer. Doug and Dorothy Collins for their beautiful songs. All the
prayers and kind words from Rev. Steve Chadwick, Bud Sutton, Glenn Phillips
and Donald Richards. May God Bless each and everyone of you. Mother will be
missed so much she was a rich jewel gone to Heaven and we will walk with her
someday on the streets of gold. _ _ . ..
The Bessie Mae Chadwick
costs of presenting the instruc
tion.” The courses available are
the lifeguard training course:
($115); Lifeguard Training
Review ($75); Lifeguarding
Instructor ($115); Water Safety
Instructor ($115); Water Safety
Instructor/Crossover Program.
($115); Lifeguarding Re-'
entry/Crossover Program ($115);!
Community First Aid and Safety
Instructor ($125); CPR for the
Professional Rescuer ($45); and
the Community Water Safety
(Hispanic) (sls) course. All
courses include texts, materials,
use of equipment and a t-shirt.
Information brochures which'
include an application and sched
ules, locations, dates, and times
may be obtained at one of six Red
Cross service centers located
throughout the metro Atlanta
community. Information about the
school and locations of the ser
vice centers may be obtained by
calling 404-876-3602.
If your home is equipped with
functioning detectors, assign a
family ember to be the “detector
monitor.” Their job will be to
ensure that the new batteries are
placed in each detector and that
every detector is functioning
properly. Once in place, detec
tors should be checked monthly.
For a free fire safety brochure,
send a self-addressed-stamped
envelope to GFBF, 1750 Century
Circle, Suite 3, Atlanta, Ga.
30345, Attn: Smoke Detector, or
call at 404-320-6223 or 800-273-