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FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sunday, April 6,1897
Travel raffle will be part of Relay for Life
Tired of going around in circles
all day for no good reason? Well
now you can go around in circles
all sight for a very good cause
fighting cancer! Form a team and
join the Forsyth County American
Cancer Society (FCACS) 4th
Annual Relay for Life at Forsyth
Cental High School on Friday
and Saturday, May 16 and 17.
The Relay is again promising to
be FUN! FUN! FUN! for every
onegThe excitement this year gets
starred with a great announcement
that a Raffle for a travel trip is in
the process of being organized
with raffle ticket prices and trip
designation to be announced soon.
There will be one trip Raffle up to
event with the ticket
bemg drawn on Friday night.
ThWe will be several other raffles
during the Relay which will
include prizes such as free auto
rerttil and airline tickets. These
prises are being donated to the
Refiy for Life by Carlson
Travel in Forsyth
Cdiinty. The locations for the
Raffle tickets will be Carlson
Wagonlit/Conway Travel on
Peachtree Parkway at 888-8800,
ancf'Taylor, Turner and Hartsfield
treasure hunt for
Recycled products
rtil on your hunting shoes for
Forsyth County Clean and
Beautiful Hunt for Recycled
Products on April 12. In celebra
ticnjLof Keep America Beautiful
MOTth and Earth Day, volunteers
w ® be “searching” for consumers
w£ purchase products that con
ta® recycled materials at Publix
ar® Wal-Mart in Cumming from
9 |.m. - noon.
These consumers who can pre
North woods Medical
a ■»*
Specialists expands
diagnostic equipment
Northwoods Medical Specialists
his added a General Electric CT
9aoo Quick to its inventory of
diagnostic equipment, according
to Northwoods administrator
Barbara Noon.
The CAT scanner, one of the
rrfcst widely used throughout the
industry, allows Northwoods
technologists to speed up the
e>am process and add to the
range of diagnostic procedures
th<u can be done-on-site.
By utilizing the GE CT 9800
Qi|ick, Ms. Noon said, “It will
ufacturer’s recommendation for
special treatments for a particular
nonstick surface.
Mike it a habit to clean the exte
rior and interior of a range hood
regularly, especially after cooking
greasy foods. Remove the filter
ctffVer and wash in hot sudsy
water. Rinse and dry the cover
thrtffoughly before replacing.
COWIE from 7B
ndW roots anal shoots develop.
Pfetot the pieces 2-3 inches deep,
sftate them about 12 inches apart
vWthin the row, and leave 24-36
itfelhes between rows.
’N6w tubers that will become
this year’s harvest generally
begin to form sometime in early
summer and continue to grow in
siae as long as adequate mois
ture, air, and nutrients are avail
able. The tubers can be harvested
as “new” potatoes before they
reach full size and before the
sWHs start to toughen. New pota
tbel are tender arjd tasty, but they
don’t keep very long
Sface the plant must be pulled
djno harvest the tubers, yields
are generally small. If you want
bigger yields of full-size tubers
3E it
at 889-8600 on Main Street.
Former and current cancer
patients, their families, and the
public are invited to take part in
this exciting team relay event.
The teams consist of individuals
representing corporations, clubs,
organizations, neighborhoods, and
families. Relay for Life is the
American Cancer Society’s ver
sion of a relay but with a new
twist. It is a family oriented team
event where participants can walk
or run on a track relay style for 24
hours. Participants camp out
around the track, and when they
aren’t taking their turn, take part
in other fun activities.
The money raised by the Relay
for Life will enable the American
Cancer Society to expand its ser
vices to cancer patients and their
families, to offer more programs
that will teach people to reduce
their risk of getting cancer, and to
expand its cancer research pro
There will be plenty of fun
activities and plenty of food for
everyone who participates. All
participants will get all FREE
food all night long! Starting with
dinner by Tyson’s for the adults
sent the recycling symbol on a
product will be eligible for prizes.
The prizes, sponsored by the
American Beautiful Fund and
Louisiana Pacific, are free trees
(Dogwoods, Crepe Myrtles and
Sawtooth Oaks) and seeds (veg
etables, herb and flowers).
So come join the search or com
plete the loop, buy recycled on
April 12 and help keep our county
clean and beautiful.
significantly enhance the services
we are able to provide to our
community.” The scanner was
added to the roster of equipment
at the beginning of the year.
Northwoods also provides diag
nostic services, Northwoods
houses a family care center and
offices for 24 physicians span
ning more than a dozen special
North woods is located at 1230
Bald Ridge Marina Road, a quar
ter-mile east of Georgia 400 at
exit 15.
Wipe the blades of the fan. Clean
the metal mesh filter.
Special filters on non-vented
rangehoods should be replaced
Remove stains on wooden coun
tertops with a solution of 1/4 cup
of chlorine bleach in 1 quart of
warm water. Rinse dry and coat
with oil.
it’s best to leave the plants until
they begin to die back on their
own. As the plants begin to turn
brown, gently lift the tubers with
a digging fork and remove them
from the plants. It the potatoes
are going to be used immediate
ly, no further treatment is need
ed. However, to be able to store
the potatoes for later use, you’ll
want to allow the tubers to
“cure,” or air-dry, for 1-2 weeks
to allow the skins to thicken and
The biggest challenge for gar
deners is finding dark storage
conditions with a cool tempera
ture. Both light and warmth pro
mote sprouting of the buds. For
best results, store only the best
quality tubers that are free of
cuts, bruises and diseases.
and hamburgers and hot dogs
from Publix for the kids to smores
by Ingles, pizza at midnight
donated by CiCi’s, Dominos,
Little Caesar’s and Pizza Hut. The
food continues at 2:30 a.m. with
Krystal burgers being delivered, a
big country breakfast and drinks
during the entire event by Kroger.
Charlene Harrell, who is a vol
unteer for sponsorship for the
event stated, “The activities will
include a new 22” Giant slide not
only for children but for adults,
You will see many activities
going on at each campsite which
you can join in and enjoy, too.
There will be activities and enter
tainment going on around the
track at the same time. So you
will want to walk around to see
what all you and your family can
Eddie Taylor, co-chairman, con
tinues, “There will be clogging,
musicians, line dancing, a dunk
ing tank at the Sheriff’s tent along
with a special set up called Jail &
Bail that once you get put in
“jail”, someone will have to pay
to get you out! But, again like last
year, we want all residents of
Forsyth County to know they are
welcome to attend the event for
all of the fun activities even if
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> - ,
they are not on a team. We know
everyone who attends will have a
great time!”
A very special ceremony will
take place right as the sun goes
down for the illuminaries that will
be lit with the names In Honor Os
or In Memory of people who have
fought cancer. Please call J. D.
K. w—> SSwm! (fib
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rlfe r 4K&* real
Above (back row) Stephanie Bowker, Jennifer Conway, Fred Bousquet, Kathy Sullivan.
Seated, Mary Jo Meineker and Joann Parisen.
Fanning at Baptist North Hospital
844-3264 to get your loved one(s)
on one of the luminaries. At the
same time, you will hear the har
monious music of more than 200
voices from local church choirs
singing in the celebration of life
that this event is meant to symbol
If you are interested in having a
team participate, the deadline for
team registration is Friday, April
18. You are urged to call as soon
as possible to get your team regis
tered. For further information,
please call Diana Buntin at 889-
9704, Eddie Taylor at 889-8600
or Charlene Harrell at 887-5921.