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Man lies for two years about his identity
By Michael Kurtz
Staff Writer
A Fulton County man is facing
felony charges in Forsyth County
after lying to local law enforce
ment and court officials for the
past two years.
Bradford Wayne Bowman, 24,
was arrested by Det. Thurmond
Atkinson Wednesday night after it
was learned Bowman had been
arrested, tried, convicted, and
served probation in Forsyth
County under a false identity.
According to Atkinson,
Bowman was originally arrested
by Forsyth County deputies on
August 17, 1995 for traffic offens
He told the arresting officer
Sheriff moves office to administration building
By Michael Kurtz
Staff Writer
Sheriff Denny Hendrix has
packed up his office and
the Administration Building.
Tuesday, Hendrix relocated his
time workers include a computer
systems coordinator; a materials
assistant to help order and catalog
library items; a cataloger; an
. administrator-one employee,
which is a county position, to
back-up the library’s bookkeeper
and existing administrative spe-
all of Karr Road and the roads and
subdivisions that enter and exit
Karr Road. Travels to the intersec
tion of Hendrix Road and John
Burrus Road with the south sec
tion of John Burrus Road being in
the Sawnee district. The line then
travels to the eastern intersection
of McCoy and Spot roads, incor
porating all of McCoy Road and
subdivisions that enter and exit on
McCoy Road. Proceeds to Bettis-
Tribble Gap Road at the gap
where it joins the Coal Mountain,
Cumming and Sawnee district
lines for the completion of the hew
proposed Sawnee Elementary dis
• “Grandfather” redistricted
11th- and 12th-graders at South
Forsyth High. Students living in
the quickly growing Mashburn
Elementary district have been
rezoned to the Central cluster, but
next year’s juniors and seniors can
opt to stay at South, as long as
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that he didn’t have any identifica
tion and gave the name Brant
Jamason Epps.
Under the Epps name,
Bowman bonded out on the traffic
charges, and appeared in State
Court on October 3, 1995.
He entered a plea of nolo con
tendre and was placed on 12
months probation.
Bowman regularly met with
his probation officer and paid all
the fines and fees of his sentence
under the name Epps.
He was again arrested for traf
fic offenses in 1996 by Alpharetta
police, and again gave the name
No one knew the difference
until February of 1997 when the
real Brant Jamason Epps, a child-
office and that of his secretary
from the jail to the County
Administration Building.
He said the move will open
office space for his other com
mand personnel, and will give him
a space which is more professional
cialists; and an information spe
cialist. The part-time employee
will help with the branch’s popular
children’s services.
Last year, commissioners did
not give the library all it asked for.
It received $983,086 in local dol
they provide their own transporta
The school board also decided
to allow South’s ninth-graders
(next year’s sophomores) to stay at
South. Member Paul Kreager
pointed out that South and
Central’s schedules are different,
and South students are already
accustomed to South’s schedule.
• Redraw a confusing “finger
area” near the Sawnee and
Cumming elementary school lines.
According to the recommendation,
“The new boundaries will be as
they exist today (i.e. prior to any
redistricting). Students in this area
currently attending Sawnee will
remain at Sawnee. Students cur
rently attending Cumming will
remain at Cumming.”
• Avoid a split subdivision.
According to the committee, “The
previously proposed boundary
between Midway Elementary and
hood friend of Bowman’s, was
fired from his Buford wrecking
job for having too many points
against his license.
After investigating on his own,
the real Epps filed a report with
the Forsyth County Sheriff’s
office on March 28, 1997.
Atkinson said he obtained a
picture of the real Epps, and then
found out it did not match up with
the photo given to either the pro
bation department or the
Alpharetta Police Department.
Bowman was arrested at his
job Wednesday night and has been
charged with making false state
ments and writings within the
jurisdiction of a political subdivi
sion and impersonating another in
a legal proceeding.
than his old jail office.
Hendrix’ office is now located
on the second floor of the
Administration Building where the
Marshal’s office used to be.
The sheriff’s office received
the space when it incorporated the
Some start-up money and addi
tional employees were needed in
1997 so the library could operate
independently. The branch found
itself on its own after the break-up
of the Gwinnett-Forsyth Regional
Library. Gwinnett County’s library
board voted to split the system.
the new Post Road school has
been moved north to include
Valley Stream Drive, Valley Court
and Valley Way. Students from
Valley Stream and Wills Orchard,
including Rogers Road, Lively
Way, Lively Court and Wills
Orchard Road, will attend Midway
Elementary.” The school board
first approved boundaries March
25 for the new elementary school
opening on Post Road in August.
• Revisit district lines periodi
cally. The committee recommend
ed “a procedure be implemented
to identify all new rezonings and
monitor the progress of all new
subdivisions on an ongoing basis.
This information should be contin-
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V i * s
Bowman reportedly gave a full
verbal and written confession at
the time of his arrest.
“He has turned a simple fine
for traffic offenses into serious
felony charges,” said Atkinson. “I
asked him why he did it and he
said ‘I just did’.”
Each felony charge carries a
one to five year prison sentence
and a $5,000 fine.
Atkinson said the district attor
ney could also bring perjury
charges against Bowman.
Bowman is out on a SIO,OOO
property bond and is scheduled to
appear in Superior Court on May
Marshal’s office in February.
Internal Affairs, the Public
Information Office, and the county
Solicitor’s office are also in the
See OFFICE, Page 3A
The proposed budget will be
presented to commissioners
Monday during a 5 p.m. meeting
in the Commissioners Conference
Room on the second floor of the
Forsyth County Administration
Building. All meetings are open to
the public.
ually updated to allow accurate
growth patterns to be monitored
and to facilitate future redistricting
The school board also voted to
place a moratorium on all requests
for students to attend a school out
side their district until May 8.
Between now and the school
board’s May 8 work session, the
out-of-district policy will be
reviewed. The policy may eventu
ally be tightened by the school
Large maps of school district
lines are on display at the Board of
Education’s Central Office on
School Street.
BRIDGE from 1A
The Poole’s Mill covered
bridge is on the National Historic
Annette Bramblett, president
of the Forsyth County Historical
Society spoke about the bridge’s
history. «
Bramblett said, three different
names were given to the bridge as
it passed through the hands of var
ious owners. In 1832 John
Maynard drew the lot for the park
area in the Gold Lottery. The
commissioners restored the bridge
after it collapsed into the creek in
the 1980’s. The structure had been
previously rebuilt after a flash
flood destroyed it in the spring of
The Dept, of Transportation
will fund the bridge restoration.
Students from eight elemen
tary schools entered 275 rendi
tions of the covered bridge in an
art contest sponsored by the coun
ty parks department. Fifth grader
Christina Vidal of Sawnee
to Big Creek.”
Harwell has worked in Forsyth
County schools since 1979, when
she started teaching at Cumming
Elementary. In 1992, she became
assistant principal at Cumming
Elementary. She went to Daves
Creek when the school opened
this year.
She earned a bachelor’s degree
in elementary education at Tift
College in Forsyth, Ga., a mas
ter’s degree in early childhood
education at North Georgia
College and a specialist’s degree
in education at the University of
Jill Potts, assistant principal at
Chattahoochee Elementary, will
take Harwell’s place at Daves
Creek. David Reynolds, assistant
principal at Otwell Middle, will
be assistant principal at
Chattahoochee. There is now an
opening at Otwell for an assistant
Virginia Smiley was hired as
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The Dept of
Transportation will _
fund the bridge
restoration. -7
Elementary won first place, David
Myers, a Sawnee Elementary fifth
grade student won second placfej
and fifth grader Matthew Hucks
of Cumming Elementary won
third place. Havilah Miller, a
fourth grader at Chestatee
Elementary, won the special
award for best of show. The win
ners’ art work was displayed at
the ceremony.
Floyd presented awards to Tini
Holtzclaw, Carl Martin, and Brad
Dorsey, former Recreation Board
Dorsey thanked Jerry Kinsey,
director of the county Parks and
Recreation Dept., and the staff for
all their hard work.
principal of the primary (kinder
garten through second-grade,)
school being built on the Sawnee
Elementary campus. The school,
which is scheduled to open in
August, will not have an assistant
Smiley is now assistant princi
pal at Roswell North Elementary
School in Fulton County. She has
also worked in north Fulton
County as assistant principal at
Medlock Bridge Elementary
(1993-94) and an acting assistant
principal intern at Roswell High
(summer 1992). She taught sci
ence in Fulton County high
schools from 1987 to 1993.
Smiley earned a bachelor’s
degree in biology at the College
of Charleston, a master’s degree
in educational administration at
Georgia State University and a
specialist’s degree in educational
administration at the University of