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73 ways to live big in a small space
Ask David Copperfield. You
don’t really have to saw a person
in half. You just make it look as if
you did. And in small-space land
scaping, the yard doesn’t magical-
Iv grow bigger. It just looks that
“Illusion of space is one of the
things that I use, making space
feel larger than it is, similar to
theater props,” says Wisconsin
landscape architect Bill
Wandsnider. “I start by looking at
borrowed space—what’s beyond
the property line. Your eye doesn’t
obey property lines.”
The first thing Wandsnider
does is divide the large space up
into small spaces, adding interest,
creating views and putting square
inches to well-rounded uses. His
“magic” consists of 73 spaces
tretching tricks of the trade,
described in detail in an award
winning article. The following are
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some highlights from that piece.
• Eliminate some deck railings
if your deck is less than three feet,
or choose a railing element, such
as narrower slats of a coated wire,
with less visual weight.
• Prune trees high, or choose
small-leaf species, such as honey
locust, flowering cherry or
Japanese maple.
• Mix the geometry of angles,
circles and lines into structures,
paths, borders and fence lines to
create fresh perspectives at every
• Use color. Red draws closer;
blue fades away.
• Add motion, such as a wind
chime or ornamental grasses.
• Build raised beds. They bring
plant small material higher, allow
material to drape casually down
and like a bookcase, create a dis
• Layer plantings. Create a lot
of action in a small space by
planting big bulbs under small
bulbs. Grow perennials and annu
als on top, and let a vine or shrub
stand above the entire vignette.
• Espaliet small trees into
space-smart shapes.
• Create one or two focal
points (a birdbath, artwork or
attractive plant) for each seating
• Choose trees with foliage,
fruit, bark or branching habits that
inspire you to look up.
• Plant along the side of the
house. Trellis some vines, plant
some containers, and use a path.
FORSYTH COUNT/ NEWS - Sunday, April e, IW7 -1
• Create views from inside,
such as a covered bench or pond
that looks great from your win
• Paint cumbersome structures
a neutral color to downplay them.
• Use lighting to highlight the
best features and to draw the eye
JUNGLE from 8D
to the soil. Also, vacuum leaves to
be placed in a natural area. Make
sure that your blower is light
weight - weighing about 10
If you want a manicured look,
but don’t want to maintain and
store four different machines, con
sider an expandable unit with mul
tiple tools to save time, money and
space. A few manufacturers pro-
to the far end of the property.
Above all, do what you enjoy.
If the space has personality and
you like it, it won’t seem small.
Says San Francisco landscape
architect Bruce Torell, “I have all
my points of interest, but noth
ing’s very big. People are pleas
antly surprised with what they can
have in a small space.”
duce trimmers that convert into
blowers, edgers and brushcutters
so that all of your jungle’s chal
lenges can be met with one prod
uct. And for ease of maneuverabil
ity, purchase products that are gas
powered so the extension cord
won’t get in your way.
Make braving the jungle a
tamer task by purchasing the right