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Newspaper Page Text
- FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS - Sunday, April 6,1997
Cutting grass at 200 m.p.h.
Have you ever lived through or
witnessed the results of a hurri
cane or tornado? The high winds
can be extremely frightening and
dangerous, reaching speeds of 150
-180 mph. The destruction these
storms leave behind can be devas
tating. No one would argue that
tornadoes and hurricanes should
not be taken seriously.
Well, did you realize that the
tip of your mower’s cutting blade
can average speeds of 200 mph?
That’s faster than a typical tropi
cal storm. That’s why mowers
should be considered serious cut
ting tools that should be treated
with respect. And regardless of
how long you’ve been mowing,
it’s important to consciously think
about measures you can take to
ensure your safety.
Safety measures and mowing
techniques vary depending on the
type of mower you have, but there
are some things that always
remain the same. Like proper
clothing—always wear long
Rock & Recycle
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102 Towt-i Ro _ „ * nll 2 ue l*[?
GA 30130 CaH Our
tai— mm**
slacks, sturdy, shoes with traction
soles and tucked-in shirttails.
Walk the lawn before mowing and
remove any yard debris or toys
that could be thrown by that
speeding cutter blade.
If twigs or other yard debris
clog your mower’s discharge
chute, John Deere recommends
that you turn off the mower. With
a walk-behind mower, disconnect
the spark plug wire. This will pre
vent the engine from restarting if
you accidentally turn the blade
while examining the mowing
chamber. Never place your hands
or feet near the blade; use a stick
or tool to dislodge any clogs.
Avoid touching hot engine or
exhaust surfaces.
Mow across slopes with a
walk-behind mower. That way, if
you slip and fall, the mower will
be less likely to tumble on top of
you. Mow up and down slopes
with a riding mower for greatest
stability. Hills too steep to mow
safely shouldn’t be mowed at all.
Add a decorative groundcover or
plant the area in native wildflow
ers. Steer clear of embankments
and dropoffs. Level with soil any
low spots or depressions that
could cause you 40 turn an ankle
or make a bumpy ride for a lawn
3L Hei s hb fef
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Regardless of the type of ter
rain you negotiate, be sure that
children and pets are far away
from the area you’re mowing to
protect them from flying debris.
Be particularly careful to check
behind you when backing up.
Remember: Even if you move
in slow motion, your mower’s cut
ting blade is operating at hurri
cane speed. Take it seriously.