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i - FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sunday, April 6,1997
A bouquet of wedding gifts available at garden centers
Spring and summer...traditional
ly a time when wedding bells ring,
invitations arrive in the mailbox and
the pursuit of a special wedding gift
begins. Traditions are wonderful—
except in the case of the traditional
three-blender-per-couple gift occur
rence. Depart from the usual and
discover the unique gifts at your
local garden center. The American
Association of Nurserymen (AAN)
urges you to consider the following
gift suggestions:
• Gift certificates. Always
appreciated and useful when you’re
not sure what the new couple needs
or wants.
• Equipment and tools. Well-
Three ways to make
your landscape
work for you
If you’re going to put time, toil
and legal tender into your land
scape, the end result should reward
your efforts. Consider these ideas
from the American Association of
Nurserymen (AAN) and put your
landscape to work to help enhance
your quality of life.
1. Sales appeal. An attractive
landscape can make the difference
between a house that sells quickly
and one that languishes on the
market. According to Gallup
Organization, Inc., home buyers
estimate that landscaping adds an
average 14.8 percent to the value
or selling price of their home.
Landscaping is the first thing your
prospective buyer will see, so
make sure it’s attractive.
Establish a regular lawn main
tenance schedule— consult a land
scaping professional if you’re
unsure when to fertilize, seed or
sod. Install colorful annual flower
beds near the front entrance for an
impression that’s low cost but high
Add a layer of fresh mulch
around flowers, trees and shrubs
for a tidy, well-maintained appear
ance. Repeat plants to give your
yard a unified look and replace
outmoded plantings with more
contemporary colors and varieties
to refresh your home’s exterior.
Consult your garden center profes
sional for suggestions.
2. Increased security. The right
' 4 planircß
made items are enduring and reli
able—similar to good marriages.
• Trees. Symbolic of perma
nence, trees are a clever wedding
gift selection. Provide planting and
care directions with your gift, or
include installation by a garden cen
ter professional.
• Plants. For the young couple
starting out in a new home with
minimal landscaping, plants are the
perfect choice. Consider growing
conditions and time constraints
when choosing plant material. Ask
for suggestions at your garden cen
• Houseplants. Potted plants that
thrive on patios or balconies make
and reduce crime. Installing sharp
textured plants like hollies or
spike barberries near your home
creates a colorful barrier that will
deter prowlers from entering
through windows or hiding
between house and foliage. Many
plants, once established, form a
natural fence.
The dense growth of the
screening shrub elaeagnus, for
example, is very difficult to pene
trate. Another critical factor in
controlling crime is maintenance.
Don’t let shrubbery or trees
obscure windows; prune back any
overgrown plants. To save your
self work and worry, install dwarf
or low-growing varieties next to
your home.
3. Energy savings. While
you’re landscaping to add value
and security, why not enhance
your home’s energy efficiency?
Consider planting deciduous (leaf
dropping) trees on the south
and/or west side of your house to
shade in summer and allow sun in
the house in winter. Evergreens
work well as windbreaks, if plant
ed on the west or north side, about
50 feet or more from the house.
To conserve water, use time
tested, effective techniques, such
as using adequate mulch and
selecting drought tolerant or hardy
plants native—or adapted—to
your area. Ask your garden center
professions) je^qmmeqd^qqns,
when dCalgrtinf'a’Witer-wise yard
**• -
nice presents for apartment
dwellers. Ponder the more unusual
selections your nursery has to offer
like salad, herb or fragrance gar-
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dens in attractive containers.
• Bird houses, fountains, statu
ary. These elements make gardens
truly distinctive, but many newly-
weds may not have the budget for
such items. Delight them with a
piece of statuary or a well- made
bird feeder from the garden center.