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Take the edge off your yard
After a day’s work in the lawn,
most of us like to sit down, sip a
cold drink and look with pride at
the work we’ve done. But when
all is said and done, we often
think our lawns just don’t have the
“finished” look we desire. Rather
than getting upset, take the edge
off... with a lawn edger.
An edger will give your lawn a
neat, straight border along walk
ways and driveways and around
flower beds. To fit your needs,
Fresh herbs make
healthy diets delicious
In an ideal world, we would all
eat foods low in fat, high in fiber
and at least five fruits and vegeta
bles a day. Sound impossible? Not
only is it possible, it can be both
tasty and satisfying with the help of
fresh herbs from your local garden
center. Follow these creative sugges
tions from the American
Association of Nurserymen (AAN)
and you’ll be on the path to healthier
menus and a healthier life.
Fresh herbs can assist you in the
fight against fat without sacrificing
flavor. Omit oil and use herb fla
vored broths to cook vegetables. Pat
Reppert of Shale Hill Farm and Herb
Gardens in Saugerties, N.Y., makes
water-based pestos with fresh basil
and garlic. She mixes the herbs in
her blender, then freezes them in ice
cube trays for later use.
If you think potatoes without
butter aren’t worth eating, try Mrs.
Reppert’s herbal recipe. Spritz pota
toes with canola oil, garnish with
rosemary and bake in a heavy bak
ing dish. When sauteing meat, pour
New wonder spreads blue
flower carpet in landscape
A blue fan flower (Scaevola
aemula) named “New Wonder” is
one of the most exciting new bed
ding plants on the market today.
From Australia, this low-main
tenance, nonstop bloomer has small
babyblue, fan-shaped flowers from
spring until the first fall frost. In
the landscape, in planters or in
hanging baskets, New Wonder
makes a dramatic color statement.
t -New.-Wonder blue-fan flowpr
9 adds so much beauty to the 'land-.
* *-WJ J J.- U-J X j:
choose from two types of edgers -
walkbehind and hand-held.
Gas-powered hand-held edgers
offer a lightweight option with
added maneuverability for home
owners who don’t have lots of
edged areas to maintain. There are
also some products on the market
that are multipurpose... easily con
verted from trimmers to edgers
and back again.
Once you’ve found the right
product, take time to review the
off the fat, deglaze the pan with
herbal vinegar for a wonderful sauce
with one quarter the calories of
flour. Another gravy substitute: roast
garlic until you can spread it like
paste; whisk paste into chicken
broth. This emulsified liquid pro
duces a delicious, slightly thickened
sauce. Add most herbs during the
last ten minutes of cooking to make
flavor come alive and maximize
Home-grown herbs often taste
better than their store-bought equiv
alents. Generally, herbs have a life
span of one year. Store in tight con
tainers away from heat. If you still
need an excuse to include herbs in
your diet, celebrate National Herb
Week, May 5 through 11, 1997.
Your taste buds and waistline will
thank you.
Ask your nursery professional
for the growing requirements of the
herbs you like. Sunny kitchen win
dow sills are ideal for many light
loving herbs and keep them near the
cooking area.
scape for so little effort that it has
been named the 1997 Georgia Gold
Medal winner for annual flowers.
A single plant of New Wonder
blue fan flower grows as a circular
four to six-inch mat of radiating,
vine-like stems. It may grow to
four to six inches high. It’s good lo
combine it with petunias or other
low-growing plants.
operator’s manual before turning
it on. A few things to remember:
place your unit so that the edge
guide rests against the edge of the
paved surface (i.e., sidewalk)
before starting your edger;
• move your edger at a slow
pace, keeping the guide pressed
lightly against the pavement edge;
• edge only when the grass and
soil are dry - this will help prevent
clogging; and
• before removing any clogged
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ROUNDDOWNSPW' , tl safegN , , i a'fIUTWFQUMW i i-nifw ■Gl.’ osaJwd?
FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS - Sunday, April 6,1997 I
material, turn the unit off and use
a stick or tool to clear the clogged
For safety’s sake, check out
the area to be edged first, remov
ing any objects such as rocks,
branches and other yard debris.
Then check to be sure the edger
blade is firmly attached. When
edging, wear eye protection and
proper attire - long pants, sturdy
shoes with traction soles and a
long-sleeved shirt with shirttails
tucked in. And remember:
Children should never operate
lawn edgers or other yard care
equipment. In fact, it is recom
mended that children stay inside
under the supervision of another
adult while you operate lawn
This season, create that “mani
cured” look in your yard by taking
the edge off with a lawn edger.