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FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sunday/April 6,~15i67
Children bring some
imagination to gardens
If you’re a parent of a picky
eater, you may wonder how to
achieve the “five fruits and vegeta
bles a day” recommendation with
out losing your patience, and per
haps your mind. Try an alternative
to nutritional nitpicking and head to
the garden for help. Many garden
ing families report that their chil
dren eat fruits and vegetables right
off the vine. The American
Association of Nurserymen (AAN)
won’t guarantee that little gardeners
make better eaters, but they will
promise that these familyfriendly
activities will be enjoyed by every
Vigorous veggies. Spring is the
perfect time to start a vegetable gar
den in most parts of the country.
Your local garden center has a wide
selection of seeds and starter plants
asuwell as recommendations on
appropriate planting dates. Choose
hardy varieties like radishes or
beans. Have fun with your gar
den—don’t think you have to plant
in straight rows.
Your child might enjoy planting
his initials in lettuce. When the
seeds sprout, he’ll see his initials
coming up through the soil. Use
stakes to form a bean tepee —the
poles make a perfect structure for
fast-growing climbing varieties.
Children can crawl in the tepee and
pick the beans growing inside of
their green hiding place. Look
aHtead to fall when planning your
garden too. Depending on where
you live, summer is not too early to
start Halloween pumpkins.
Fabulous fruits. Since many
children favor sweet tastes, include
fruit in your garden. Younger chil
dren will prefer quick-growing mel
ons or strawberries. However, even
these require patience-a valuable
lesson of gardening. Older kids
might enjoy growing blueberries or
grapes. Jumbo varieties of fruits or
vegetables are always fun. Always
Versatile vines
a new twist for
your yard
Tired of the same old static
landscape? Add a new twist to your
yard with vines! Whether you want
privacy, fragrance, color or beauty,
there is a vine to meet your require
ments. Try a vertical approach to
landscaping with these hints from
the American Association of
Nurserymen (AAN).
use pesticides judiciously, and con
sider less toxic alternatives when
appropriate. Your garden center
expert can help advise you.
Snacks in small spaces You
don’t need a backyard to garden.
Apartment dwellers can experiment
with container gardens of salad
greens and herbs or hanging baskets
of strawberries. Just as children are
awed by a huge watermelon, they
can be charmed by tender, tasty
baby carrots or cherry tomatoes
grown in a small space. Your gar
den center offers a wide selection
of seeds, tools, plants and amend
ments. Your children can provide
one of the most important compo
nents of gardening—imagination!
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PGR from 22D
fun, riding mowers are serious
cutting tools that should be treated
with respect.
The golden nule in mowing is
this - NEVER take children or
passengers of any age on riding
mowers. And never allow young
children to operate a mower or
any type of lawn equipment. In
fact, John Deere recommends that
children remain indoors under the
supervision of another adult dur
ing mowing time. Pets should also
be kept out of the mowing area
And always check behind you
when backing up with your riding
mower to make sure the coast is
The best way to teach your
children about mowing safety is to
set a good example yourself.
Before you mow, make sure
you’re dressed correctly. Flip
flops, swimsuits and shorts don’t
provide much protection from fly
ing objects. Wear long slacks,
sturdy shoes with traction soles,
and a shirt with the shirttails
tucked in.
Check to ensure that all safety
shields and guards are in place and
working. Walk your lawn before
mowing, removing toys, tools or
yard debris that could be potential
mowing hazards. If twigs, leaves
or other debris clog your mower’s
discharge chute, turn off your
mower immediately. With a riding
mower or lawn tractor, turn the
ignition key to “off.” Don’t touch
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hot engine or exhaust surfaces.
Remember that flesh is softer than
metal—never use your hands or
feet to clear a clog. Carefully use a
stick or tool to dislodge the debris.
Navigate safely on slopes.
With your riding mower, you
should mow up and down slopes
for greater stability. And never
mow when the lawn is wet. Make
time to take precautions—for your
safety and the safety of your fami
And someday, when your chil
dren are responsible enough to
handle lawn chores, use the opera
tor’s manual to teach them mow
ing safety and proper maintenance.
Remember: mowers are rated PGR
- parental guidance is required!