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Home Depot to offer
home improvement,
gardening classes
Home Depot in Market Place
Shopping Center will be holding a
variety of clinics to help individu
als learn more about home repair
and gardening.
These clinics are free and open
to the public.
Beginning the week of May 7,
the following clinics will be
How to install Pergo flooring -
Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.
How to install ceramic tile -
Tuesdays, 7 p.m.
All about water gardening -
Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m.
How to build a deck - Mondays,
7:30 p.m.
Interior painting techniques-
Thursdays, 7:30 p.m.
Chinese Loropetalum provides
clouds of pink flowers
Billowing clouds of hot-pink
flowers and ruby-red to purple—
red foliage make pink Chinese
loropetalum (loropetalum chinense
var. nibrum) one of the most excit
ing new plants for Georgia land
First found in the Hunan
province of China, pink Chinese
loropetalum is available in many
flower and foliage colors and
VINES from 24D
• Arbors and trellises are tradi
tional vine growing backdrops, but
just about any vertical feature in
your landscape will suffice . Fences,
utility poles and even tree stumps
are good places to grow these cre
ative climbers. Brick or concrete
walls are more pleasing when
accented with greenery. Ivy is a
popular choice, but it can be
destructive to mortar. Climbing
hydrangea is a great choice, with the
added summer bonus of large,
creamy white flower clusters. A
trellis positioned against the wall
will bear some of the weight of the
plant and keep roots from getting
too tenacious of a hold in crevices.
• The yellow blooms of Carolina
jessamine make mailboxes come
alive with color in spring. Clematis,
slower/ growing tart worth the wwV
How to repair your screens -
Saturdays, 1 p.m.
Replace and finish your wood
decor - Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.
All about wood fencing -
Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m.
Home Depot is scheduled to
open for business on Thursday,
May 1.
Market Place shopping center is
located off of Ga. Hv/y. 20 East at
the intersection of Hwy. 400 and
growth forms. At least 10 cultivars
are on the market.
Two of the most widely avail
able selections are Burgundy and
Blush. Burgundy has bronze-purple
evergreen leaves and dark pink
flowers. Blush has hot pink flowers
and light bronze new leaves that
See CHINA, Page 26D
is another beautiful selection for the
mailbox or a chain-link fence.
• The benefits of climbing roses
or wisteria are three-fold; they hide
ugly views while providing fra
grance and color. Wisteria is so vig
orous it can be trained to form a
fence between yards. Brightly col
ored trumpet vines are hardy and
attract humming birds. Once estab
lished on arbors, grape vines delight
birds and humans alike with their
fruit and shade.
• While most gardeners plant
vines to grow upward from the soil,
you might allow them to cascade,
from the top of a wall or window
box. Consult your garden center
professional for planting instruc
tions and vine varieties suited to
uyour growing-iMM/v.”’ i n|
Make yard cleanup a blowing breeze
Don’t let the thought of leaf
cleanup blow you away! Yard
cleanup can be a breeze with a little
help from a gas-powered leaf blow
er. When shopping for your leaf
blower, look for a powerful, hand
held blower that easily converts into
FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS - Sunday, April 6,4997 I
a vacuum with the addition of a vac
uum reusable collection
Also look for a blower that’s
lightweight, weighing in around 10
pounds. The blower should also
have enough power to generate air
at about 150 miles per hour.
For best results, blow or vacuum
leaves when the lawn is dry and leaf
coverage is light. Heavy leaf cover
age and wet leaves make blowing a
lengthy chore. Also use a shoulder
strap to reduce fatigue.