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Advantages and disadvantages
of pet ownership for the elderly
Throughout history and all over the
world, animals have brought love,
laughter and companionship to the peo
ple whose lives they share. Today,
many doctors, social workers, and other
health care professionals believe that
companion animals are important in
helping many people lead healthy,
happy lives, especially elderly people.
Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of
owning a dog, cat, bird, or other pet:
Pets fill many lonely hours for elderly people who live
alone or feel isolated from friends and family. Round
the-clock companions, eager to give and receive love,
pets satisfy the universal human need to be needed.
Loyal, devoted, and utterly forgiving, animals accept
people as they are. No questions asked.
Everyone needs to hug and be hugged. A cat curled in
your lap or a dog’s friendly muzzle thrust in your hand
gives reassurance and satisfaction.
Source of activity
Animals are naturally playful and their antics are fun to
watch. Having a pet that requires daily exercise gets the
older person out into the fresh air and sunshine, too.
Feeding, grooming, and exercising a pet helps the
elderly establish and/or maintain their own healthy rou
tine. A pet’s dependence strengthens self-esteem and
motivation to carry out daily taskb.
Pets provide their elderly companions with a very
important sense of security and will alert them when
someone comes to the door.
Promotes Mdal contact
Animals are* great ice-breakers They encourage con
versation andfivite other pet owners to share stories.
Link with Mrture
When social was mote rural, farm animals served to
remind humps of our relationship with the natural
world. In today’s largely urban, industrialized society,
many pcopleMre isolated from nature. Pets help fill the
Positive rolonodcl
Animals fill for the moment. They deal with life’s lit
tle and big omtacles and then forget them. Pets can help
Hold your nose - pollen season’s back
Itchy, wafty eyes. Runny nose. Scratchy throat.
Yellow carflOh, the joys of pollen season in the
South. ■
“Whenever something’s blooming, you’ve got
pollen ‘ said Wayne McLaurin, a University of
Georgia horticulturist. Right now, he said, oak, pine
and birch are the main culprits.
‘. “Pollen’s not all bad,” McLaurin said. “If we
didn’t have pollen, we wouldn’t have any flowers.”
Not only is pollen a flower maker and allergy
stimulator. It’s also a biological marker.
“Archeologists can tell if a desert was once a for
est by the presence of pollen ‘McLaurin said. So
don’t look for pollen to suddenly disappear. And
frankly, it’s the pollen you don’t see that’s the prob
Z “People think goldenrod in the fall gives them
allergy problems, because they see it blooming,” he
said. “But it’s really the ragweed blooms they don’t
see that cause the problem.”
; The same can be said for pine pollen, the thick,
yellow pollen seen now. Large, visible pine pollen
rarely causes allergy problems, but oak usually
' “We have an explosion of pollen in the spring:’
• Super Crossword
31 Leisure
34 Basket
36 Mil. honor
39 Root for Ho
40 Sundial
42 Hit the books
43 Strangelove
and Seuss:
46 Prep school
48 On edge
50 Alfresco
52 Patch up
a pump
53 Leisure
55 Become
56 Access
57 Loaming
58 'I could
horse I'"
60 elia
1 Summarize
' 6 Ilka kids at
. 10 Good
• buddles
• 14 Master. In
• Madras
• 1# Terrier type
• 20 Bring down
’ the house
21 Exclude
22 Old witch
23 Laßelle or
24 Kaiser's
25 Geraldine
■’ mom
26 Gram
27 Bo a thief
■M Fell
29 More morose
10 Ho makes
• money hand
war fist
■ 3RISMP pP I* ■P 0 K' pS - Mp* - '5 '• '•
- - +B+ --- -1 J
Mjs ■ss
■V h raj MP* 35 HHIHB
" ■■pi! rMBF 5 ■F’ 44 45
<7 ■■pj i!s|Miss si
—— jj
irm ff M— —R
JW— 5j 1— _
LJ|7 55 —UpO M ioi
■pW —— —— lO^ 1
m ™ ■■ps —Um ■ m m "
■nr ■nr
■□ ■jj
mrl 1,1 M'"l l-l Illi
61 Lucille's
62 Helicopter
63 Author
65 Link letters?
66 Leisure
68 Leisure
70 Machine disk
73 Like lemons
76 Obligations
78 Mama's boy?
82 City on the
84 Not any,
with ’a"
85 Poorly
86 Imply
87 Slander
89 Leisure
91 Yacht spot
92 Popped up
95 Chewy treat
96 Stocking
97 Lion's don
99 Photo
100 Tricky stick?
101 Pipe finer's
102 Worked the
104 Leisure
107 Cast one's
110 Chihuahua
112 Nabokov’s
last novel
113 Sherpa site
117 The Rolex
of fiddles
119 Ornery
120 Cockamamie
121 Georgia city
122 Daredevil
the elderly focus on the present and
enjoy the small pleasures that each day
brings. Animals’ innocence and
unquestioning trust can help the elderly
overcome cynicism that often results
from feeling isolated from the rejected
by society. Animals and people can
make for a great partnership. But pet
ownership in not for everyone and it is
important to look honestly at its potential disadvantages
before a person decides to share his/her home with a pet:
Some elderly people on limited incomes can’t afford
the costs of feeding, grooming and veterinary care for a
Limited mobility
Pets can hinder travel if satisfactory pet-sitting arrange
ments aren’t available.
Physical demands
Some animals require more exercise than their elderly
owners can give them. Pets that are not housebroken can
soil furniture and carpets. Uncontrolled animals can also
cause property damage to neighbors and to the commu
Although few diseases are transmitted by pets to their
owners, some elderly people in frail health are more sus
ceptible to such diseases.
Concern for animal if owner becomes sick or dies
Many people are reluctant to have a pet because they
fear that no one will take care of the animal should they
become unable to do so.
Grief over death of pet
Many elderly people cherish their pets as beloved com
panions and members of the family. When the animal
dies, its owner may be overwhelmed with a grief as
strong as if he/she had lost a human companion. For
people who are alone in the world, the death of a pet can
be an inconsolable loss.
If you are thinking about owning a pet, think carefully
about how it will affect your life. Know how you will
provide for the animal before you bring it home. Be hon
est with yourself. Don’t take a pet because someone else
feels that you should have one. And don’t let well-mean
ing but overly protective friends or relatives convince you
that you should not have a pet. You know better then
anyone else what you want and what your abilities are.
It’s your decision!
said Pam Griggs of the Atlanta Allergy Clinic, one
of two certified pollen counters in Georgia. “Then
everything will settle back down.”
To measure the pollen in the air, the clinic uses a
special sampler that raises a silicone-greased rod
into the air. After 24 hours, the rod is removed and
examined under a microscope to get the pollen
In the spring, Griggs said, pollen counts of zero to
30 are considered low. Counts of 3,060 are moder
ate, 60-120 high and anything over 120 extremely
The count on March 31 was more than 1,500.
That kind of pollen doesn’t just invade your eyes
and nose. It invades your house, too.
“This is certainly no time to air out your house,”
said Dale Dorman, a University of Georgia
Extension Service housing specialist. “Keep your
house closed, and turn on the air conditioner for
But just keeping the doors and windows closed
may not be enough.
“There’s really no effective way to keep pollen out
of a house ‘Dorman said. “You just have to take
steps to reduce it.”
123 Future ol
the present
124 Nick ol
125 Tine
126 Medieval
127 Sundance's
128 Odysseus
or Onassls
1 Moves Ike
2 Roman
3 Quote an
4 Take —at
5 Leisure
6 Leisure
7 Summer
8 Conductor
9 Eur. nation
answers to
Friday's crossword
I a I r I a|r Utt ■ itefflt |E|rl
IEI L|E IV EIN ■■ N1 fl A|C 11 |H|
I s I t hIdUT ■ si (liliTsß
10 Leisure 69 Beethoven
activity wrote one
11 Romance 70 Sky streaker
12 One- 71 Texas
dimensional landmark
13 Gotcracklng 72 Fracas
14 Leisure 74 Nest eggs:
activity abbr.
15 Fiery felony 75 Wash or
16 Piltdown rinse, e.g.
man, for one 76 The Cisco
17 ’Picnic'' Kid's horse
playwright 77 New Haven
18 Oktoberfest hardwoods
offering 79 One at
29 Attack (singly)
32 Close as 80 Board
can be 81 In any way
33 tone 83 Word on a
(bakery buy) pump
35 Grocer's 86 Leisure
measure activity
36-Throw down 88 Patricia of
the gauntlet 'Hud"
37 Tantrum 90 Sonata
38 Stans fishing movement
41 Spot In 91—'War
the sea (racehorse)
43 Nile feature 93 Expa'nds
44 Spit apan 95 Leisure
45 Bergen activity
dummy 98 Carry away
47 Column style 100 Least Smiled
48 Sell staHer? 102 Rocky
49 Class Mountain
51 Max range
Sydow 103'82 Barry
53 Big Three Levinson film
conference 105 Corday's
site of 1945 prey
54 Five o'clock 106 Uruguayan
shadow bile
57 Violinist's 107 Siren
need 108 Ho was In
59 "Jaws" sotting tents
62 —room 109 Enchilada
(family alternative
hangout) < 111 Leisure
64 Quick activity
solution? 114 Drained
67 Leisure 115 Kick In
activity 116 Season's big
By Abigail Van Buren
Universal Press Syndicate
DEAR ABBY: We have a problem. We just heard
from some old friends we haven’t seen in a while.
They are coming for a visit and plan to stay at our
home. They told us their arrival date, but didn’t men
tion when they plan to leave.
I am having a disagreement with my husband over
this. I say it is OK to ask our friends how long they
plan to stay. He insists that it would be in poor taste
to do so.
(Aries - March 21/April 20)
You get yourself into a pretty difficult situation at
the beginning of the week, Aries. Don’t try to lie;
people will see right through you. Just be honest,
and try to work out a solution. Turn to loved ones for
help. They can offer you good advice. A close friend
needs to talk. Be there for him or her.
(Taurus - April 21/May 21)
Be persistent when it comes to what you want,
Taurus. If you don’t go after it, no one else will do it
for you. You’ve got the talent and the knowledge to
be successful. An acquaintance reveals his or her
true feelings for you. Think about what you really
want before responding to his or her advances.
(Gemini - May 22/June 21)
Be patient when it comes to a business situation
this week. You’ve done all that you can; now, you
just have to wait for others to make a decision. Even
though it’s difficult, there’s nothing else that you can
do. Romance is in the air when you meet an intrigu
ing stranger late in the week. Don’t let him or her get
away. Aries plays a key role.
(Cancer - June 22/July 22)
You’re the center of attention, Cancer, but this isn’t
necessarily a good thing. A problem is placed in
your lap. Do your best to come up with a solution.
Others are counting on you. A loved one asks for
your help with a family event. Do what you can, but
don’t take on more than you can handle.
(Leo - July 23/August 23)
You are given total control when it comes to a busi
ness venture. Do your best and use sound judgment.
This is your chance to shine. If you do well, a lot of
doors will be open to you. That special someone
wants to step up the relationship. Say yes you
know that this is what you really want.
(Virgo - Aug. 24/Sept 22)
An important personal relationship has you worried
early in the week, Virgo. You want everything to
work out, but don’t know if it will. Don’t stress
about it. Just be yourself, and everything will work
out for the best. A loved one needs your advice. Be
as supportive as you can.
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FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS - Sunday, April 12,1»M
Who’s right?
DEAR UNSURE: There is nothing wrong with
asking guests how long they plan to stay. A hostess
needs that information in order to stock the refrigera
If their answer is “Indefinitely,” then I’d say you
have a problem.
(Libra - Sept 23/OcL 23)
You’re restless, Libra. No matter what you try to
do, nothing feels right. Take some time for yourself.
Relax, and pamper yourself. This is sure to set you
back on the right track. An old friend calls you out
of the blue. Don’t be too eager to get back into a
relationship with him or her. Remember why you
two haven’t spoken in a long time.
(Scorpio - Oct 24/Nov. 22)
Don’t let a problem at the beginning of the week
get to you. Try to stay in control, Scorpio. That’s the
only way to work things out. The person you’ve
been seeing stops calling. Don’t get discouraged. He
or she wasn’t the one for you anyway. Cancer plays
a key role on Wednesday.
(Sagittarius- Nov 23/Dec 21)
You have a difficult week ahead of you. There is a
lot to get done and no one to help you. Stay focused,
and don’t let those around you set you off on tan
gents. With a little organization, you can get it all
accomplished. A close friend needs your help with a
relationship. Give him or her sound advice. Leo
plays an important role.
(Capricorn - Dec 22/Jan 20)
Your shyness actually helps you get ahead this
week, Capricorn. An influential person is touched by
your personality and makes you a great business
offer. Take it. A family member turns to you in a
time of need. Be there for him or her and do what
you can.
(Aquarius - Jan 21/Feb 18)
Don’t let yourself get pinned down early in the
week. Someone wants you to take on a great amount
of responsibility. While you could handle it, you
have too much of your own work to do. Put your
foot down and say no. You meet an intriguing person
while running errands late in the week. He or she
returns your interest.
(Pisces - Feb 19/M arch 20
All is right with the world, Pisces. Everything is
going your way, and you make great progress in pro
fessional and personal relationships. You also get a
financial windfall at the end of the week. However,
don’t spend it all in one place. You’re going to need
it soon.