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Newspaper Page Text
FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sunday, April 12, 1998
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. , , Photos/submitted
Spring additions at Big Creek Elementary
Angie Brown's first grade class welcomed Fluffy, George and Sunshine into the world at Big Creek
Elementary School. The students recently studied a unit on hatching baby chicks, and to com
plete the study, they cared for their own little chicks throughout the incubation period. Above left,
Alli Irwin holds Sunshine. Above right, the whole class witnesses the first few moments of the
' hicks’ lives.
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. r . Photos/Laura Lavezzo
Caring for pets
Dr Handy Esbeck, veterinarian at Sawnee Animal
Clinic, visited Kim Bellamy’s kindergarten class at
S twnee Primary School April 2 to talk to the stu
'J-' about pet care. The class has been studying
p ' in conjunction with a language arts program
c.iii' d Playful Pets.” Above, Esbeck introduces
Shelby the Golden Retriever and Dixie the Bull
M tiff to the students and explains the importance
<>t brushing your dogs’ teeth. Right, Esbeck demon
t ; h »,v well-trained his pets are.
•school events
? m vvth Central High School
•H 1 South Pacific" in din-
• ■ on April 23, 24 and 25.
i >c s|B each. A tabic for
Is $l2O. Tickets for the
hi. ilin .■ on Sunday. April 26. arc
' I ! '‘lull and $6 per student. To
m 2 reservations, call Nita
' uloish at (770) 887-8151, ext.
i loi more information, call
v Harvey at (770) 844-6368.
4 md Mountain Elementary
v. ill hold its annual spring yard
I on Saturday, April 18 starting
ii 1 i ni. For more information.
• di Leigh Motz at (770) 887-
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School
Ail) hold a presentation about
ih< school on Thursday. April 23 at the Park and
i< ci .uion building in Dahlonega.
P ’bun Gap-Nacoochee School is
a ’ independent, coeducational col
it preparatory school serving
, | -•"■• / /
Your hard work and '•• jOTpn
dedication are greatly \ /a I
Thanks for doing a
~ \ MARCH 1998
I HxiNitdMAl (770) 887*2311
• in, mouth w tin ncwonta a* V w / *v i
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day and boarding students in
grades 6-12. For more informa
tion, call (800) 543-7467.
Special Education Advisory
...Committee will meet Monday,
April 20 al 7 p.m. at the Forsyth
County Central Office. For more
information, call Charlotte Phillips
at (770) 887-2461, ext. 224.
Registration for new students
...will be held at each elementary
school on Wednesday, April 15
from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Bring child's
certified birth certificate, proof of
residence such as a utility bill and
certificate of verification for
vision, hearing and dental check
ups. For more information, call
your local elementary school.
Kids Care Fair
...will be held Saturday. April 25,
at Otwell Middle Schoo) in the
cafeteria. The free event is being
offered by Scottish Rite Children's
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Medical Center through the
Forsyth County Council on Youth.
Free dental, vision and hearing
checks will be provided, as well as
free immunizations.
North Forsyth High School
...Fine Arts Department presents
"The Shoemaker and the Dancing
Princess," on May 5 at 7 p.m.
Tickets arc $2 each. Performances
will also take place at several local
elementary schools at 8:45 a.m.
during the end of April and early
May. For more information, call
(770) 781-6637.
Safety Town
...a pre-school day camp, needs
volunteers for this summer to
assist with campers for three to six
hours a day for a nine-day camp.
Registration for the camp will take
place April 15 at local elementary'
schools. For more information,
call Forsyth County Parks and
Recreation at (770) 781-2215.
TiAf- jM Baskets of Easter joy
T First grade students from Chattahoochee
Elementary School collected enough
1 items to fill 55 Easter baskets for dona
te f tion to The Place. Chattahoochee
K > -'"Elementary parents volunteered their
xtgtjg/' time to assemble the donated items. The
llXt v £7' r baskets were then handed over to The
I Ar'Place, who organized the distribution of
I \ the Easter items to the needy children
and families °f our cornmunit y-
k, Photos/submitted
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Photo/Chris Pugh
Early Childhood PTA to host Ga. Psychological Association president
Dr. Michael Sessions will speak about communication differences between the sexes on
Thursday, April 16 at 7 p.m. at Lanier United Methodist Church. Above, Dr. Tony Levitus, Ph.D.,
spoke about parenting styles, sibling rivalry and discipline at the group's March 19 meeting.
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