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i FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sunday, April 8,2001
Vickery Creek Middle School
band earns 'superior' rating
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Honors Day conference set for April 17
For the sixth consecutive year,
a diverse and accomplished group
of students, faculty and guest
speakers will converge on the
campus of North Georgia College
and State University for the
Annual Honors Day Academic
Conference on Tuesday, April 17.
Spread across the entire cam
pus, Honor’s Day replaces all on
campus day classes. The confer
ence is stage every spring as a
forum to showcase student excel
lence and achievement. Each
department selects student papers
or projects to present at their
appropriate panel. The panels run
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and are held
in Hoag and Shott auditoriums, the
Oakes Center and the Education
Building, among other locations.
Presentation and activity par
ticipants include individual stu
dents, honor societies and other
relevant academic or professional
groups, with subjects ranging from
a sociology conference-within-a
conference, special panel by the
Phi Alpha Theta history honor
society, the School of Education
and the Masters of Public Admin
istration Program, to poster ses
sions by the departments of psy
chology and fine arts.
When visitors find themselves
flagging and in need of a little
revitalizing via a good ol’ caffeine
fix selected presentations from
Mountain Laurels, the university’s
literary magazine, can be found at
St. Ives on the Hill —a local cos-
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fee shop located just outside the
campus’ main entrance.
In general, student presenta
tions involve significant original
research or thinking, often in the
form of multimedia presentations.
In the past, a number of Honors
Day presentations have gone on to
win praise at other academic con
ferences around the country.
Presenters may also publish their
work in the “NGCSU Journal of
Undergraduate Research.”
The day is traditionally capped
by “The Big Debate,” an annual
debate about a pressing social or
cultural issue, with this year’s
topic being sexual harassment.
The brainchild of Eric Link,
Ph.D., Language and Literature,
the Big Debate is described as
“something fun and even a bit
rowdy, yet with a very high level
of academic debate.”
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Vickery Creek
Middle School
band members
made plenty of
noise cheering
“We’re No. 1” all
the way back to
school from the
North Forsyth
Performing Arts
Center on the
campus of
North Forsyth
High School
after they had
received “supe
rior” ratings
from all three of
the judges at
the District IX
Middle School
Band Festival
on March 16.
The school’s
band also
received “supe
rior” ratings
across the
board from the
Attendance is free and open to
all who are interested. For more
information, contact the confer
ence organizer Carl Cavalli, Ph.D.,
at (706) 864-1872, or look in
“Academic Programs” at the Web
jT + |
We’d love to celebrate the life-changing miracle of Easter with you this year. Join us Easter Sunday,
April 15 to celebrate the glory and triumph of Easter. You will enjoy powerful music, friendly people
and an inspirational message that will explain how the Easter miracle relates to YOU!
Easter Services at 7:00 AM and 10:30 AM New Song Meets at the |
Pancake Breakfast at 8:00 AM • Sunday School 9:30 AM
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Book Fair a big attraction at local school
The recent Otwell Middle School Book Fair attracted a crowd of students and parents,
including above, from left, Josh Blake, Jennifer Christopher, Shawn MacElhaney, Josh
Boleman and Jay Boling. The event raised $1,700 to be used for Accelerated Reader
books, tests and prizes. Also, Boleman purchased a book from student cashier Jamie
Conlan while parent volunteers Debra Poirot, Lyn Conlan, Susan Porter and Roe
Woodhead look on.
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