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EVENTS from 7A
One Stroke Painting II
... will be Monday, April 23, from 7-9
p.m. at Midway Park. The fee is $35, sup
plies included. Learn an easy painting
technique to paint the wild rose, a bird
house, blueberries, leaves and more. This
is a continuation of the earlier classes, but
you need not have taken the first class to
learn these new techniques. You do not
need to be an artist to learn this easy tech
nique. Cindy Farrell is the instructor. For
more information and to sign up, call the
Forsyth County Parks & Recreation
Department at (770) 781-2215.
Spring ‘n’ Cumming 5K Run/Walk
... and 1 Mile Fun Run will be
Saturday, April 28, at 5 p.m. at the
Cumming Fairgrounds. Preregistration is
sls for adults and sl2 for children. This
benefits LEADER driver safety program.
Come run. For more information and an
application, call (678) 546-3787.
Kids Public Safety Expo
... come see the men and women of
public safety April 28, from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. at the Cumming Wal-Mart parking
lot. Chad’s BBQ will be sponsoring din
Leadership Forsyth Alumni
... The second annual Spring *’n’
Cumming 5K Run/Walk will be Saturday,
April 28 at 5:30 p.m. The IK Fun
Run/Walk starts at 5 p.m. The event will
feature age-graded starts. Proceeds will
benefit Lanier Extended Area Driver’s
Education Resource [LEADER] which is
sponsored by the Lanier-Forsyth Rotary
Club. For more information, contact co
chairs Pres Eaton, (770) 889-8067 or
Dee Anne Clowes (770) 831-8114, Ext.
Sounds of Sawnee Community
... will present Dr. William Prescott’s
farewell concert on Saturday, April 28, at
the Sawnee Cultural Arts Center located
at 1090 Tribble Gap Rd. in Cumming. A
banquet in Prescott’s honor is planned at
6 p.m. followed by the concert at 8 p.m.
The cost is $25 per person for the dinner
and concert or $lO for the concert only. In
addition, the band is looking for alumni
band members interested in rejoining the
band for this special concert. Alumni are
invited to rejoin the band for the entire
concert or on the finale “Stars and
Stripes.” Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:30
p.m. at the Sawnee Cultural Arts Center.
For tickets or information, contact Rich
***a*** - The Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce
» American A Strategic Visioning Tian
| Ifome Week Mr
W : Forsyth County News Georgia General Assembly
Bloc/it/ow/ Location! Location! |flK update Luncheon
■St Offering “Prime Advertising Acreage “
fe WOW Available In This Special Section! The Georgia Delegation and
■K Don’t Miss Your Chance to Reach Your Target Market Special Guest
K' and Support the 400 North Area Board of Realtors U.S. Representative
A K£_jm Nathan Deal
K / CALL TODAY! AwIWTI u.s r“u«v.
/ ~ kin N\\ Nathan Deal Wednesday
■TO© /DON’T MISS L-f// l\\\ The Georgia April 11 2001
/ THIS ! mX* 11:45a.m.-1:00p.m.
[•REALTORS/AGENTS / SPECIAL Wl tJ M busy 2001 General 9 Cost: SIB.OO
HORTGAGE BROKERS / Ll / 1 ill ' ■ \\\ Assembly Session. In addition, special guest speaker U.S. Representative
/ ISSUE!!! KJ/ Wii Nathan Deal will update members on politics on Capitol Hill in Washington
HSING ATTORNEYS / Jy /I \\ including President Bush’s Tax Plan.
fiIERAL CONTRACTORS // L \ For reserva tj ons contact the Chamber via fax
Km niNC- HSTFRUi Section Publishes April 22, 2001 j Place: Chamber Event & Business Facility
SUPPLIERS * n 111 ■■ m ■ i
Subers and April 25,2001 MfrgJß
Atricians in the Dawson Cornmumty News I »
||j|boFEßS Contact Lesa Moseley-Ward HKMIM Im
HHMniture stores NOW to reserve your space. HHBI HHMH HHHH MIE fl w
accessories 770-887-3126 GA Senator GA Senator GA Representative GA Representative
Billy Ray Casey Cagle Bobby Reese Tom Knox
Mn care equipment t 1
JSiHI j|||iiiiiiMli. nfeSsar -asss..
„|J . I |""ll 111111 II Illi Illi II Illi II II J | UU u Uli Senii* Isa twiner Cvmrnimihi Suue i9t4 Phone: 770-887-6461
Tftfh I I-=|H == ' Email: Fax:77o-781-8800
22nd-2otn LJ LUI L Webpage:
i Z-j Il *
•”?■•■Y. V i .1 I K >
Grimshaw at (770) 318-7774. New mem
bers are always welcome.
Rubber Stamping
... is being offered at the Cumming
Recreation Department, lower level, April
24-May 29 or June 12-July 17 on
Tuesdays from 6:45-8:30 p.m.-The cost is
S7O for a six-week session for ages 10
and up.
... the musical, will be presented by
The North Stars drama department at
North Forsyth High School, May 3-5 at
7:30 p.m. and on Sunday, May 6 at 2 p.m.
General Admission is $6. For tickets,
please contact the NFHS Drama
Department at (770) 781-6637, ext. 355.
The Annual Tour of Homes
... and the Cruise aboard the Amistad
to benefit The Place will be on Mother’s
Day weekend, May 11-13. Those who
have participated in the past will soon be
receiving a letter with details. To get on
the mailing list, call Fran Eaton at (770)
889-8067 or fax to (770) 781-9240.
Car and Truck Show
... will benefit the Bethlehem Baptist
Church Camp 2001. The show will be
Saturday, May 12 at 5528 Post Road from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is open to all
types of vehicles. Top 25 and six special
ty trophies will be awarded. Pre-registra
tion is sls, day of show is S2O. For more
information, call Allen Prather, (770)
844-0596 or Ricky Carder (770) 889-
Golf Tournament
... No Longer Bound, a Christ cen
tered drug and substance abuse recovery
center for male adults will have its sixth
annual “Round for Bound” charity golf
tournament at the Trophy Club, formerly
The Champions Club, on Monday, May
14. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m.
followed by the putting contest, deli buf
fet and team photos; announcements will
begin at 11:45 a.m.; and the shotgun start,
Fort Lauderdale Scramble will begin at
noon. For more information, call (770)
... “Seniors in Motion” is being
offered May 15-June 21 on Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 10-10:45 a.m. The cost
for a six-week session is $25. The class
will be at the lower level of the Cumming
Recreation Department.
Relay for Life 2001
... is scheduled for Friday, May 18,
and Saturday, May 19, at South Forsyth
High School stadium and track.
Committee meetings are Mondays at 5:30
p.m. at the Baptist Medical Center
Medical Building on March 12 and 26,
April 16, May 7. Team captain meetings
are Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. at
Chattahoochee ES Media room on March
20, April 24, and Bank night on May 15.
For more information, call Major Mac
Kelly at (770) 781-6637, Ext. 227, or
Chris and Diana Buntin at (770) 889-
American Heart Association
... the Forsyth County unit of the
American Heart Association will hold
their second annual “Spring Fling” on
Saturday, May 19 at the home of Chantail
and Tommy Bagwell. Banks and Shane
will provide the entertainment. The theme
this year will be Hawaiian. For more
information, call Joy Riddle at Regions
Bank at (770) 887-1031 or Marion Wise
at Wachovia Bank (770) 781-6400.
Summer Camps
... Are your kids looking for some
thing creative to do this summer? We’ve
got two separate camps designed specifi
cally for your elementary and middle
schoolers. Our art and drama camp for
grades K-5 will be at the Forsyth Central
High School during the week of June 11-
15. The drama and music camp for grades
6-8 will be at the Sawnee Cultural Arts
Center during the week of June 18-22. If
you would like to receive more informa
tion or an application, contact SCAC at
(770) 889-4977.
The Ed Isakson/Alpharetta Family
... offers six fun weeks of gymnastics
summer camp. This camp is open to boys
and girls ages 6-13. Participants must be
age 6 by Sept. 1, 2001 to enroll.
Participants will train on all four events:
beam, bars, floor and vault. Other activi
ties will include recreation swim, dance
instruction and arts and crafts. The camp
is from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday-
Friday. After care is available for facility
members only from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Camp
fees are slls for facility members and
$l4O for program members. For more
information, call (770) 664-1220, Ext.
The Cumming Chapter
... of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s
Fellowship International is a Christian
fellowship network that meets twice a
month at the Shoney’s restaurant in the
Tri-County Plaza at Exit 14 and Ga. 400.
Morning meetings begin at 7:30 a.m. on
the second Saturday of each month.
Lunch meeting begin at noon on the
fourth Thursday of each month. For more
information, call Bob Homing at (770)
Host families
... for foreign teens are needed. P.I.E.
needs host families in the community for
academic year and semester home-stay
programs. If you are interested, call P.I.E.
at (800) 828-9001.
Forsyth Disability Coalition
... is a nonprofit networking and sup
port group for all citizens of Forsyth
County with a disability and their family
members. There is no membership fee.
Meetings are the fourth Saturday of each
month, if the meeting falls on a holiday it
will be the third Saturday, at the
Cumming Soda on Hwy. 20 at 10:30 a.m.
For more information, call (770) 889-
2859, leave a message.
IRS-UITA Program
... will offer free income tax help on
Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. until
April 14 at The Place. For more informa
tion, call (770) 887-1098.
Forsyth County Civil Service Board
... will have its regular meeting on the
second Thursday of each month at 10
a.m. in the large conference room of the
Forsyth County Administration building,
110 East Main St., Suite 210, Cumming,
unless otherwise posted. These meetings
are open to the public.
Forsyth County Head Start
... has immediate openings for its full
day, full year program for children ages 3
and 4. If your child’s birthday was on or
before Sept. 1,1997, he or she could
qualify. To find out more about this free
program, contact Irene Street for the 3-
year-old program, Valerie Rhoads for the
4-year-old program or Bonnie Ray-Boss,
county coordinator, at (678) 513-8611 or
(770) 889-0656. Space is limited, call
Forsyth Disabled Citizens Coalition
... is a nonprofit support group for all
citizens with a disability. No membership
fee. Meetings are the fourth Saturday of
each month at 10:30 a.m. at the Cumming
Soda located on Hwy. 20. For more infor
mation, contact Marc Gunter at (770)
889-2859, leave a message.
GED and ESL Classes
... Lanier Tech can help you get your
GED. They have in town classes that have
started at the Family Center, 133
FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sunday, April 8,2001 I
Samaritan Dr. in Cumming. These classes
are Mondays and Wednesdays from 9
a.m. to 12 p.m. All residents of Forsyth
County. 16 years and older, who do not
have a high school diploma or GED are
invited to attend these classes. Classes,
material and instruction are free and suit
ed to the individual. Classes are open
entry, open exit, to meet the needs of
every student’s schedule. English as a
second language classes will be Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Day and evening classes are also offered
at Lanier Technical College on Majors
Road. For more information, call the
Adult Learning Center at (770) 781-6987.
The Cumming Kiwanis Club
... invites you to visit the club at one
of its Wednesday lunch meetings to see
and learn more about civic opportunities
in the community. For more information,
call Tim Holcombe at (770) 886-8554 or
Ed McCrimmon at (770) 457-2011.
The Veterans Alliance Honor Guard
... is looking for honorable discharged
veterans to assist with visiting the
schools, take part in military funerals and
participate at other patriotic ceremonies.
The honor guard meets for training on the
second Tuesday of each month at the
Cumming City Hall at 6:30 p.m. (during
the summer at 7 p.m.) Meetings last one
IRS-UITA Program
... will offer free income tax help on
Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. until
April 14 at The Place.
For more information, call (770) 887-
... in conjunction with IRS, is offering
free tax counseling for the elderly and
low income on Thursdays, until April 12,
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Forsyth
County Library on Hwy. 9.
New Charter of Sons
... American Legion Post #307 meets
the second Monday of each month at the
Sawnee Cultural Arts Center on Tribble
Gap Road at 6 p.m.
For more information on the member
ship drive, contact Mike Shirley at (770)
475-4608 or email
“Old Time Cruisers” Cruise-In
... is the fourth Saturday of each
month, March-October, from 6-9 p.m. at .
the Home Depot and O’Charley’s
For more information, call Ed White
at (770) 889-7319.