Newspaper Page Text
- FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sundiy, April 8.2001
11111 BWn
Photo/Tom Brooks
.Tickets for the May 12 Tour of Homes are sls. Upgraded tickets are available.
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ments of the bodies.
Since the Cherokee Tribe later
used the mound as a site for their
townhouse and ceremonial rites,
they were obviously ignorant of
the original purpose of the artifi
cial hill. They also erected an esti
mated 300 dwellings in a village
on the surrounding flatland near
Lunch will be provided.
For more information, call
Jeanette Bledsoe at (770) 887-
Easter Egg Hunts
* Deer Creek Shores
... children’s Easter Egg Hunt
will be at 12:15 p.m.
For more information, call
(770) 887-6801.
Lake Lanier Islands
; Creekside
' x ’ K ■
Cfattyty LM Mty, GnMnf, MdSauhnf
Good Friday Service
@ 7:oopm 4/16/01 in the
cellar at Creekside House
'.®&, Sunrise Service 7:30
14/14/01 at our new location
673 Peachtree Parkway
Easter celebration 10:45 at
South Forsyth High School
www rrcuatciefo naf
the river.
Os the 75 skeletons unearthed,
56 were of adults, seven of ado
lescents, four of children, and
eight were unidentifiable as to
With respect to orientation, the
dead were interred with the head
directed in varying compass direc-
... Visit the Easter Bunny at
the Summer House behind Emer
ald Pointe Resort.
An Easter Egg Hunt will take
place at 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m.,
1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Call
(770) 932-7200 for info.
Easter Passion Play
... Brandywine Baptist Church
at 7 p.m. The church is on
McFarland Road in Alpharetta.
For more information, call (770)
“God With Us”
... a musical, will be presented
tions. One was buried in a sitting
position, two were buried in a face
down position, but the direction of
burial bears no special signifi
cance as to age. Os the deter
minable burials, 47 were flexed in
varying degrees. Six were flexed
backward and four were buried
fully extended.
during the 11 a.m. service at
Trinity Worship Center, 315 Kelly
Mill Rd.
Easter Musical Drama
... at 10:30 a.m. at Sawnee
Mountain Church of God, 610
iaith & Earthlike products, concrete,
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furnishings and chandeliers, the
home has been a labor of love.
“I like the kitchen, because my
kids are always in there,” says
Bagwell. “It’s more of a family
type place. Everyone congregates
there. And my reading room is
very relaxing.
“I wanted a Mediterrean-style
house with a big, sprawling roof
and every room with a nice lake
view,” says Bagwell, looking
around her lovely home with an
affectionate smile. “It’s not a thick
house, but it’s long.
“It took four years,” she
recalls. “Tommy said if our kids
had started high school, they’d
have graduated by the time we
moved in. But I learned an impor
tant lesson.
“If you want something fin
ished, plan a party,” she says,
chuckling. “We decided to have
one in the house, even though it
Mashburn nature trail dedicated
Elicia Parvin’s Gold Award project, the nature trail at Mashburn Elementary is now complete.
Parvin, with friends and neighbors, cleared the area, identified trees and plants, rerouted
drainage problems and coordinated the state’s Quality Core Curriculum with activities to be
used alohg the trail. Pictured, from left, are Carla Parvin, Gold Award committee member
Marge Higgins, troop leader Carol Corner, Elicia Parvin and Mashburn Elementary Principal
Cecilia Garcia.
Artifacts were found with only
27 of the burials, the others had
no accompaniments of any
The Nacoochee Mound is
located in White County, two
miles south of Helen on property
belonging to the L.G. Hardman
Estate. Dr. Hardman was a for-
Canton Hwy., in Cumming. For
more information, call (770) 889-
“Beyond His Resurrection”
... a drama, will be presented
at Christ Fellowship Church of
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wasn’t finished and, about three
weeks before the party, we started
cleaning. Within a week, I real
ized we could move in soon. The
closing was on Tommy’s birth
Parents to two sets of twins,
Remi and Kirsten, 6, and Monique
and Leland, 4, the Bagwells have
taken in stride the mammoth
Ticket Information
The Bagwells’ home will be
featured among this year’s Tour
of Homes to benefit The Place.
The tour is scheduled for Satur
day, May 12 from 11 a.m.-4
p.m. Tickets are sls.
For a more glamorous day or
evening, plan to have dinner
Friday or Saturday evening,
May 11 or 12, at 7 p.m., lakeside
under a tent on the Bagwell
property, followed by a cruise on
mer governor of the state of
During the summer of 1980
Nacoochee Valley, in which the
mound is located, was placed on
the National Register of Historic
Places as a historic district. It is a
beautiful place to see from the
road during any season of the
Dawsonville at 8:30 and 11:30
a.m. Children’s church and nurs-
<■ '
I 5
undertaking of building a massive
home while raising a family.
“I don’t know why it wasn’t
overwhelming, but I guess you
-just deal with what you’re given,”
she says, shrugging. “You just do
As she well knows, sometimes
even a broken leg can lead to
amazing and wonderful things.
their yacht, The Amistad. Tickets
are $55 and includes the Tour of
Homes on Saturday.
A luncheon and cruise will
be offered Saturday at 11:30
a.m. or 1:30 p.m. A Mother’s
Day Brunch with cruise will be
Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Tickets for
the brunch or luncheon are S4O
and includes Saturday’s tour. For
tickets, call Fran Eaton at (770)
Bill Vanderford has won
numerous awards for his writing
and photography, and was induct
ed into the Freshwater Fishing
Hall of Fame as a Legendary
Guide. He can be reached at (770)
962-1241 or at his Web site:
www. fishinglanier. com
ery are provided for ages 11 and
under. Call (706) 216-3248.