Newspaper Page Text
- FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sunday, April 8,2001
Rebecca Leigh English
Matthew Scott Bourlakas
The parents of Rebecca ate of the Florida State University
Leigh English of Nashville, «« where she earned a bachelor of
Tenn., announce the engage- ',‘£r arts degree in elementary
ment of their daughter education. She is
to Matthew Scott employed at the
Bourlakas of C Westminister
Nashville, Tenn. cbo °' °f
The bride-elect f Z/ Nashville,
is the daughter of Mr.
Sandra Gilleland Bourlakas is a
English of |[N-f 1987 graduate
Dawsonville, and °f the
Dr. Gary English of University
Nashville, Tenn. y °f tbe
She is the grand- /f _ jZ South in
daughter of Pete .y Sewanee,
and Bernice Tenn., where he
Gilleland of earned a bachelor of
Dawsonville. arts degree in English. He
The prospective bridegroom is is employed as the director of
the son of Luke Bourlakas of public relations for the American
Nashville, Tenn., and Judy Harvey Red Cross,
of Chattanooga, Tenn. The couple plans a June 9
Miss English is a 1992 gradu- wedding in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Steven Michael Hill 111
Jennifer and Steven M. Hill II
of Gainesville announce the birth
of their son, Steven Michael Hill
111, bom March 3, 2001 at North
Fulton Regional Hospital at 6:54
He weighed 8 pounds, 10.4
ounces and measured 20 inches in
Maternal grandparents are
Richard and Judee Rzemieniewski
of Cumming.
Paternal grandparents are
Robert and Helen Reuter of
Comwallville, N.Y.
William Christopher
Sheila Proffitt-McGhee and
Chris McGhee of Cumming
announce the birth of their son,
William Christopher, bom March
23,2001 at 8:58 p.m. at Northside
Maternal grandfather is Bill
Church events
The Greek Orthodox
... parish of Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and
Irene will have services during Holy
Week. April 8-10 at 7 p.m. the service of
the Bridegroom; April 11 at 7 p.m. The
Holy Unction service; April 12 at 7 p.m.
the Holy Passion service; April 13 at 10
a.m. Royal Hours, taking down of the
Cross at 3 p.m. and Lamentations at 7
p.m.; Saturday, April 14, the vesperal
liturgy of St. Basil service at 10 a.m. and
the Resurrection service will be celebrat
ed beginning at 11:45 p.m. For more
information, call (770) 945-2750.
Fields of the Wood Baptist Church
... will have its Easter productions
“The Life of Jesus” produced by the 12
and Under on Sunday, April 8, at 11 a.m.
The church is located on Pendley Road in
Cumming. For more information, call
(706) 216-6642.
Georgia Mountains Unitarian
Universalist Church
... On April 8 the Sunday service will
be led by Mehl Renner, a former
GMUUC member. His topic will be “The
Purpose and Place of Humankind in the
McGhee of LaFollette, Tenn.
Paternal grandparents are
Charles and Mary Tucker of
William was welcomed home
by his sister, Tosha McGhee.
Thomas Brock
Melanie and Frank Halstead Jr.
of Cumming announce the birth of
their son, Thomas “Brock”
Halstead, bom April 1,2001 at
12:06 a.m. at Northside Hospital.
He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces
and measured 19-1/2 inches in
Maternal grandparents are Don
and Sandra Mims of Cumming.
Great-grandmother is Edna Whire
of Cumming.
Paternal grandparents are
Frank and Sara Halstead of
Brock was welcomed home by
his brother, Riley, 3.
Universe.” The children’s
religious education classes
will focus on Passover.
Mount Tabor Baptist
... invites everyone to
Spring revival April 8-11 at
7:30 p.m. with Rev. Mike
Ware, Calvin Grogan, Steve
Jones and Lynn Jennings will
be preaching with Pastor
Vemie Worley.
Trinity Worship Center
... will present the drama “Watch the
Lamb” on Palm Sunday, April 8, during
the 11 a.m. service and there will be a
musical “God With us” during the 11
a.m. service Easter Sunday, April 15. The
church is located at 315 kelly Mill Rd. in
Pleasant Grove UMC
... will celebrate Easter with special
services during Holy Week. Palm Sunday
Worship will be Sunday, April 8, at 11
a.m.; Servants Roll will be April 10 at 7
p.m.; Seder Meal will be April 11 at 7
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Lori Imogene Wilson
Jon Thomas McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory James
Wilson of Birmingham, Ala.
announces the engagement and
approaching marriage of their
daughter, Lori Imogene, to Mr.
Jon Thomas McCracken.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Spence W. McCracken of
Opelika, Ala.
The bride-elect is the grand
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reaford
B. Williams of Hartselle, Ala. and
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Nix of Grant,
Ala. and Mr. James Wilson of
The prospective bridegroom is
the grandson of Mrs. George T.
Hippos Montgomery, Ala. and the
late George T. Hipp and the late
Elizabeth P. Hipp and the late Lt.
Col. D.H. McCracken and Mrs.
D.H. McCracken.
Lori is a 1995 graduate of
Forsyth Central High School and
Austin Lee Bennett Northside
Shannan and Rick Bennett > < Hospital She
of Cumming announce the
birth of their son, Austin pounds, 15
Lee, bom Feb 2, 2001 at ouncesand
Piedmont Hospital at 7:59 a.m. measured 19-
He weighed 7 pounds, 13 1/2 ‘P ches ,n
ounces and measured eng ' ,
21 inches in JK M / ternal
length. grand P are " ts
Maternal UAw
grandparents are ■■ llfordof
Joyce and Bob ■■■P SHF Cumming and
Burnett of ° Y
Atlanta WF Milford.
Paternal grand- Paternal grand ’
parents are Nelson wEL P arents are M y rtle Richards of
and Patty Bennett of Canton and the late Hershal
Cumming. Richards.
Lexie was welcomed home
Lexie Alivia WSmB by her siblin ß s ’ Makayla and
Vicki and Bruce Richards of Brooklyn Faith
Cumming announce the birth of •
their daughter, Lexie Alivia, bom VaUgnll
March 22, 2001 at 7:26 p.m. at Allyson and Bradley Vaughn
p.m.; Maundy Thursday will be April 12
at 7 p.m.; Good Friday will be April 13 at
7 p.m.; Son Rise Service at 6:30 a.m.,
Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., Easter
Worship Service at 11 a.m. on April 15.
The church is located at 3150 Pleasant
Grove Rd.
Ridgeview Baptist Church
... will have a revival April 8-13.
Services will be Sunday at 7 p.m. and
Monday-Friday at 7:30 p.m. with pastor
Rev. Austin Pethel and Rev. Larry Allison
preaching. The church is located at 9030
Bethel Rd. in Forsyth County.
is a 1998 graduate of Auburn
University where she received her
bachelor of arts in communication
and political science. She is cur
rently employed as an account
representative for Spring Dot Inc.
out of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Jon is a 1991 graduate of
Robert E. Lee High School in
Montgomery, Ala. and a 1997
graduate of Auburn University
where he received his bachelor of
arts in communication and avia
tion management. He is currently
employed as a corporate captain
pilot for Jet Resource, a Chemed
Company in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The couple plans to wed on
May 5 at a private ceremony at
Trinity Lutheran Church in
Auburn, Ala. After a honeymoon
to the Hawaiian Islands the couple
plans to reside in Cincinnati,
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Mr. and Mrs. Albert the grandson of the late Jim and
Williams of Gainesville May Lingerfelt and the late
announce the engage- Henry and Exer Elzey,
ment and approaching Ms. Tompkins is a
marriage of their graduate of
daughter, Sonya Forsyth Central High
Beth, to Joey Elzey. School. She received
He is the son of ber assoc ' ate 311
Ovie Allen and Don degree in business
Lanier of Cumming administration from
and Rufus Elzey of y Gainesville College
Elberton and the late and she is working
Shirley Elzey. toward her bachelor of sci-
Wedding vows will be ence degree in physical education
exchanged at 5 p.m. on May 19, at North Georgia College. She is
2001 at Pleasant Grove Baptist employed by G. 8.1. in
Church. A reception will follow at Gainesville,
the parents of the bride. Mr. Elzey is a 1987 graduate
The bride-elect is the grand- of Forsyth Central High School,
daughter of the late Arthur and He received his associate of art
Velvia Bagwell and the great- degree in visual communications
granddaughter of Ada Bagwell of from the Art Institute of Atlanta.
Gainesville. He is co-owner of E.C. Signs in
The prospective bridegroom is Cumming.
of Cumming announce the birth
of their daughter, Brooklyn
Faith, born Feb. 2, 2001 at 4:53
a.m. at Northside Hospital. She
weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces
and measured 21-1/4 inches.
Maternal grandparents are
Thomas and Linda Wilkie of
Paternal grandparents are
Carroll and Shirley Vaughn of
Great-grandmother is
Dorothy Vaughn of Canton.
Brooklyn was welcomed
home by her sister, Bailey, 3.
Jackie Dalton Wade
Symantha and Drew Wade of
Cumming announce the birth of
their son, Jackie Dalton, born
March 13, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. at
Northside Hospital.
He weighed 5 pounds, 12
ounces and measured 19 inches
in length.
Cumming First United (
Methodist Church Chu
... will have an Easter Egg
Hunt on Sunday, April 8, at 4 Pair
p.m. (rain date is April 15) Ila
All children from age 0 to Thu
fourth grade are invited. Con
There will be refreshments East
and pictures with the Easter at 7
bunny. The church is located and
at 770 Canton Hwy. in Can
Cumming. For more infor- info
mation, call (770) 887-2900.
Deer Creek Shores Presbyterian
... will celebrate Easter with special
services during Holy Week. Palm Sunday
Worship Service will be Sunday, April 8,
at 11 a.m.; Special Maundy Thursday
dinner will be at 6 p.m. and Holy
Communion Worship Service will be at 7
p.m. Thursday, April 12; Easter Dawn
Service, followed by breakfast will be at
7 a.m., Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.,
Easter Worship Service at 11 a.m. and
Children's Easter Egg Hunt will be at
12:15 p.m. Sunday, April 15. For more
information, call (770) 887-6801.
Sonya Beth Williams
Joey Elzey
Cumming rirsi uni tea memoaisi
... will have Holy Week celebrations.
Palm Sunday on April 8 at 8:45 a.m. and
11 a.m. worship services; Maundy
Thursday, April 12, at 7:30 p.m. with
Communion and Tenebrae Service;
Easter Sunday, April 15, Sunrise service
at 7 a.m., worship services from 8:45 a.m.
and 11 a.m. The church is located at 770
Canton Hwy. in Cumming. For more
information, call (770) 887-2900.
Freedom Tabernacle
... will have a revival “Reliving Our
Redemption” April 8-15. “Triumphant
Entry into Jerusalem” Sunday, April 8, at
10:30 a.m.; “Jesus Clears the Temple”
Monday, April 9, at 7:30 p.m.; “Jesus
Teaches in Parables” Tuesday, April 10,
at 7:30 p.m.; Youth service “Watch the
Lamb” Wednesday, April 11, at 7:30
p.m.; “The Last Supper” (Communion)
Thursday, April 12, at 7:30 p.m.; “Jesus is
Crucified” (foot washing) Friday, April
13, at 7:30 p.m.; Youth service “Arise My
Love” Saturday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m.;
“The Resurrection” Sunday, April 15, at
10:30 a.m.
Maternal grandparents are
Delores Johnson of Cumming
and the late Jackie Johnson.
Paternal grandparents are
Jackie and Dot Wade of
Marisa Leigh Ann
Helen and Jeff Martin of
Cumming announce the birth of
their daughter, Marisa Leigh
Ann, born Feb. 5, 2001 at 6:38
p.m. at Northside Hospital.
She weighed 7 pounds, 5
ounces and measured 20-1/2
inches in length.
Maternal grandparents are
Harold and Sarah Evans of
Paternal grandparents are
Ivan and Jerlene Martin of
Marisa was welcomed home
by her siblings, Nicole Martin,
8, and Braden Martin, 5.