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DREAM from 1A
The winner will advance to
national finals during May in
First prize for the school of
the regional winning team is
$3,000; grand prize at nationals
is $5,000.
“I thought it was kind of
fun,” says Cody Brain, a fresh
man at Forsyth Central, of the
Enrolled in an auto tech class
that has spent the school year
designing a dream vehicle, he
says it has been a great experi
“It showed us how to sell a
car,” he says of the curriculum.
“We had to make a financial
plan, a marketing plan, a flow
chart and everything we’d have
to have to put it out on the street.
“Teamwork was a big part of
it,” says Britain.
“Without teamwork, half the
stuff couldn’t have been done.
We never would have designed
JAIL from 1A
and 13 and will bring their fee
schedules. We will select the best
qualified then begin negotiating
Hammond, Superior Court
Chief Judge Stan Gault, Superior
Court Judge Jeff Bagley, Sheriff
Ted Paxton and Chief Deputy
Robbie Hamrick are on a commit
tee that will interview the finalists
and make a recommendation to
the board.
The board is not bound to
accept that recommendation and it
can also select another company
or ask the purchasing department
to reopen the bidding process.
The Forsyth County jail cur
rently has the capacity to house
134 prisoners.
“We keep about 115-120 pris
oners and usually house out about
40 to Floyd and Gilmer counties,”
Paxton said.
Sheriff’s office Capt. Tom
Wilson, who oversees jail opera
tions, estimates it costs county
taxpayers about $35 per day, per
prisoner, to house them at other
JURY from 1A
“It seems the last time we
revised the jury pool list, many
of the same names were reused
and it caused some repetition
over a two- to three-year peri
od,” Sorrells explained.
“We’d like to get a whole
new, fresh group of jurors and
take out the names that have
been in there for a while.”
In the past, names were
drawn entirely from voter regis
tration records.
Sorrells said that process has
changed and his office now
draws names from many
resources, including property
tax listings, home owner associ
ation lists and church member
On the other hand, because
state law requires Sorrells’
office to categorize the pool list
ing by age, race and sex, many
resource possibilities could be
A fact, he added, that sup
ports his decision to advertise
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the actual truck that we’re going
to present. Designing and
remodeling old cars has always
been something I wouldn’t mind
doing and that made me want to
do it even more.”
With the competition loom
ing in just a couple of days, the
student admits the jitters are
closing in.
“I feel kind of frightened
because I’m not good in front of
people,” he says.
“We have to get in front of
five judges and there can be 45
people in the room. Still, I’m
excited. I hope we can win and
go to Michigan.”
Such excitement is exactly
what the corporate executives
had in mind when they devel
oped the comprehensive curricu
lum seven years ago.
“More than anything, we use
this as an opportunity to whet
the whistles of these kids, to see
what kind of fun they can have,”
“I think it goes without saying
it would be more economically
feasible to house our own prison
ers whether that means building a
new facility or modifying the cur
rent one, something’s got to be
done,” said Paxton. “We have a
growing population with no signs
of it slowing down.”
The Forsyth County Court
house, the annex building across
the street and the Magistrate Court
building are also suffering from
growing pains.
The courthouse contains space
for two superior court judges, a
state court judge, their secretaries,
law clerks and court reporters, the
clerk of court’s office, district
attorney’s office, solicitor’s office
and court security.
The annex building houses the
Juvenile and Probate courts, the
juvenile district attorney’s office,
victim/witness assistance office,
law library and juvenile clerk of
court’s office. The Magistrate
Court occupies its own building
down the street from the court
for volunteers.
Historically, he said, there’s
been a 70 percent return on the
summons for jury duty his
office sends out.
The most common reasons
for unanswered summons are
that residents have moved and
left no forwarding address.
For that same reason,
Sorrells said revisions are com
mon because it is futile to keep
the same list for more than 10
years, especially when you con
sider the population growth and
changing demographics in the
state’s fastest-growing county.
“We hope to increase the pre
sent list from 6,000 names to
about 10,000 using information
we hope to get from the ad and
other resources,” he said.
“Down the road, we’ll take a
look at the latest census figures
and ratios and attempt to extract
a whole new list of names to
keep the list as current as possi
More than any
thing, we use this
as an opportunity
to whet the whis
tles of these kids,
to see what kind of
fun they can have.
says Brown of the competition.
“I’m amazed when I see what
these kids do.
“When I was in school, we
just regurgitated information,”
he says.
“To be honest, I don’t think
we did things like this even
when I was in college.”
And, who knows, he con
cedes, perhaps some innovative
student will direct the future of
automotive design.
It could well be the vehicle
for a dream of a different sort.
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TAXES from 1A
to volunteer for next year. Classes to learn to pre
pare tax returns start each December and continue
through January.
“We learn a lot about taxes and meet a lot of
great people. It is also a great way to help the
“Anyone who would like to help can call me at
(770) 781-8574, or stop by the library while we
are there on Thursday.”
Joey Mauldin, postmaster at the Cumming Post
Office, said people at the post office will do every
thing possible to make the annual rush to mail in
returns on the deadline day as smooth as possible.
Business hours on April 16 will be from 7:30
a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
“Since tax day will fall on Monday, we are
going to open an hour earlier and close a half hour
later,” said Mauldin.
“All of our windows will be fully staffed inside
the service area and we will have people in the
box lobby to help taxpayers.
In the parking lot, we will have a clerk who
will be happy to stamp the envelope with the April
16 date.
Anything dropped in the lobby of the post
office or the collection boxes just outside the post
FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sunday, April 8,2001—1
office before midnight will be stamped.
The collection boxes around town will have the
normal pickup times and mail will not be picked
up at midnight.”
Other post offices in the area that will be open
until midnight are in Sandy Springs, Gainesville
on Green Street and in Norcross at 265 Mitchell
Mauldin recommends that taxpayers use pre
addressed labels whenever possible and be sure
there is sufficient postage on the envelope.
The IRS does not accept postage-due mailings
and tax returns bearing insufficient postage will be
returned meaning taxpayers will be penalized
for filing late tax returns.
“The best way to ensure returns will have an
April 16 postmark is to use the local mail collec
tion boxes and avoid the rush at the post office,”
Mauldin added.
Other tips to help the taxpayer are to make sure
the name and the Social Security number on the
tax forms match those on the taxpayer’s Social
Security card.
Also, one of the most common mistakes is the
failure to sign the return before sealing it in the