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WINNERS from 21D
autumn fems. The roots will
have the winter to get estab
lished and ready to support new
spring growth.
Winter no problem
If the foliage scorches dur
ing a harsh winter, just prune it
off to make way for the new
spring growth.
When new growth emerges
in the spring, apply a light
sprinkling of 10-10-10 or 16-
4-8 fertilizer. Keep it away
from the crown of the plant.
Repeat the application in
Once established, autumn
ferns can withstand drought.
It may lose a few leaves,
lay down and look bad, but it
will spring right back when
rain returns.
Autumn fern Has few pests
and is resistant to deer brows
It’s widely adaptable, too,
and should perform well from
the Georgia coast to the Blue
Ridge mountains.
j Kitchen & Bath Cabinetry • Home Theater * jctSSF FEI
HSHL f Countertops: Solid Surface, Granite k Jr™ JK
For a decade, builders around the state and individual homeowners have
x. * <nown Qn trust mer ’ can Woodcrafters to build top quality cabinets
Bl -- « a ® and t 0 provide service in a professional, reliable manner.
* 3' American Woodcrafters can meet all of your home cabinet needs, from the
JKfef \ ’ A's fej kitchen to the bathroom to the home office, and even home theater cabinets
<MMII In enterta * nment room. Owner Steve Forrester and his staff have a
jhl r proven reputation for quality work, and the sort of local credibility that
w Sil tomes from d° in ß what the X promise, when they promise it.
** aa ftsmanship necessary to provide a top-quality product and
S W the expertise to do any sort of custom work, American Woodcrafters prides
1 41 ’ ""TT" dself 011 providing personal service to its customers. By paying attention to
|| 'jjjß Ml V . 1 the smallest detail on every cabinet job and being completely honest with
||. fBHEMMBI " | customers, American Woodcrafters has established itself as the company to call
H i - J for traditional, European or custom cabinetry.
18. " M Bald Ridge
HHUB jff IUL- f-«H ; BP ifa Q L tWfl c nl
'<■- ■ £e d ■- Jl AOCWi
ifcffl . .HomBBI ujo
f. ( I | * 4<x>
" Hw v ?o I
New Showroom: 238 Atlanta Hwy. • Cumming, GA 30040 • Phone 770-781-5180
sweet potatoes
in landscape
Who would have imagined
that sweet potato, a tropical root
crop, would suddenly become a
prized landscape plant?
Few vegetable plants can
bbast such a dramatic crossover
from the garden to the land
scape, where shoots, not roots,
are the focus of plant breeders
and the envy of Southern gar
Ornamental sweet potatoes
are no different from edible
types, except their roots are not
as tasty and their leaves are
more attractive.
Blackie sweet potato, with
dark purple leaves, was the first
sensation. It was soon followed
by Margarite, with chartreuse
foliage that glows in the land
Tricolor, with shades of
pink, green and magenta all in
See WINNERS, Page 29D
I BEK »i A ft 1X
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Few vegetable plants can boast the ornamental sweet potato’s dramatic crossover from the garden
to the landscape, where shoots, not roots, are the focus of plant breeders and the envy of Southern