Newspaper Page Text
The Sawnee Art Association
... will meet Monday, April 9,
at 7:30 p.m. at the Sawnee
Cultural Arts Center at 1090
Tribble Gap Rd. in Cumming.
Please bring art work in the media
you wish to share with fellow
members. The Sawnee Art
Association’s artist of the month
is Sawnee Elementary School’s
fourth grade.
Golf tournament
... The 2001 Oak Grove Open
annual golf tournament will be
Monday, April 9, at Lanier Golf
Club with the four man Ft.
Lauderdale format. Shot gun start
will be at 1 p.m.; check-in will be
from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; and
lunch will begin at 11 a.m.
Proceeds will benefit the Oak
Grove Baptist Church. The entry
fee is S7O per person. Mulligans
are $lO each, limit two per per
son. Deadline for entry form is
March 31. Prizes are awarded.
Golf cart tickets are $lO each or 3
for $25. For more information,
call Lisa Hood at (770) 889-9275,
Steve Cochran at (770) 317-9435
or Bill Mills at (770) 889-1441.
Xi Alpha Chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi
... will meet Tuesday, April 10,
at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Vickie
Wagnon. The program for the
evening will be “Facet of Grace
Living Gracefully” presented
by Vickie Wagnon. For more
information, call Joyce Shaffer at
(770) 886-7280.
The Forsyth County Public
... will begin its Spring
Preschool Programs through April
10, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Program times are according to
age levels. For more information,
contact the Children’s Department
at (770) 781-9840, Ext. 353, or
visit the Web site at
Earth Day Expo Committee
... will meet each Wednesday
at 7 p.m. at the Forsyth County
Library. Volunteers are needed.
Earth Day registration will be
from 7-8 p.m. during the meet
ings. Earth Day Expo 2001 will be
Saturday, April 21, from 8 a.m. to
1 p.m. at the Cumming
Fairgrounds. The exhibits and
wildlife show will be rain or
shine. There will be a huge yard
sale, Earth Day exhibits and free
trees. For registration information,
call Pro Earth Group at (770) 886-
9377. For info on The Great
American Clean Up, call Keep
Forsyth County Beautiful at (770)
... will have its monthly meet
ing Monday, April 9, at 7:30 p.m.
at the Shoney’s in Tri-County
Plaza. FOCUS is a nonprofit orga
nization that provides families
with emotional, informational and
physical support as a result of
their children’s illness or disabili
ty. For more information, call
Suzanne Campbell at (770) 889-
Daughters of the American
... the monthly meeting will
begin with coffee at 10 a.m. on
April 9 at the East Roswell
Recreation Center, 9000 Fonts Rd.
in Roswell. Mrs. Alice Quandt
will speak on “New Immigrants to
America.” For more information,
call Marcheta Weitz at (770) 475-
Women in Networking
... will have its monthly meet
ing Tuesday, April 10, from 6:30-
9 p.m. at the event facility at the
Cumming-Forsyth County
Chamber of Commerce, 212 Kelly
Mill Rd. in Cumming. To make
reservations and for directions to
the meeting, call (770) 662-9946.
The reservation deadline is
Monday, April 9, at noon. For
more information, call Cheryl
Brown at (770) 888-3772 or fax at
(770) 888-3733.
The Forsyth County
Planning Department
... will have a community
meeting to discuss future land
uses for the Etowah Subarea
Thursday, April 12, at 7 p.m. in
the North Forsyth High School
library. The planning department
staff will present the proposed
Etowah Subarea Plan and to solic
it input from the public. These
meetings are open to the public.
For more information, call
Gretchen Dukes at (770) 886-
Northeast Georgia Regional I
Board j
... for Mental Health, Mental !
Retardation and Substance
Abuse Services will meet
Thursday, April 12, at 5:30 /
p.m. at the Commerce j
Presbyterian Church, 89
Lakeview Dr. in Commerce. '
The regional board meets the
second Thursday of each
month. The Forsyth County rep
resentatives are Dick and
Charles Barnett. For more infor
mation, call the office at (706)
336-6822 or (800) 518-5436.
AARP Kollege of Knowledge
... The Spring Kollege of
Knowledge, sponsored by AARP
local chapter #2386, will be every
Thursday, through April 12, at
First Christian Church, 1270
Sawnee Dr. You can enroll at
Regions Bank at 515 Atlanta Rd.
and save $5. Early registration is
suggested. For more information,
call Virginia Burke at (770) 887-
4211 or Mel Butler at (770) 889-
Libertarian Party of Forsyth
... will have a public meeting
at Shoney’s restaurant in
Cumming on Thursday, April 12,
at 7:30 p.m. For more informa
tion, call (770)205-1211.
Midway Elementary PTA
... will be sponsoring Bingo on
Friday, April 13, from 6-9 p.m. at
the Midway Elementary gymnasi
um. There will be great prizes,
refreshments and fun for all. Kids
activities/care will be provided for
a nominal fee.
Faux Finishes
... Learn many of the popular
faux finishes used in decorating
today for both walls and furniture.
You will learn faux marble,
sponging, ragging, feather dust
ing, crackling and frottage.
During this class, you will create
sample boards to take home with
you. The fee is $45, supplies are
included. The class will be at the
Sawnee Mountain Park on
Saturday, April 14, from 9:30 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. Cindy Farrell is the
instructor. For more information,
call the Forsyth County Parks and
Recreation at (770) 781-2215.
Fostering and Adopting
... There will be an informa
tion meeting on becoming a foster
or adoptive parent at Forsyth
County Department of Family and
Child Services, 426 Canton
Highway, on Tuesday, April 17,
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Child care
is not provided. Call Carolyn
Allen for further information at
Forsyth County Child
Advocacy Center
... is offering training for vol
unteers interested in helping with
the center’s community outreach
program. This program seeks to
address the needs of children
affected by abuse and neglect as
well as developing resources for
families in crisis. Training will be
Wednesday, April 18, from 10
a.m. to 12 p.m. at the center locat
ed at 104 Kelly Mill Rd. For more
information, contact Kim German
at (770) 844-0031.
... will meet on Thursday,
We offer a free service that can closely estimate
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Rex Abbott, CFP Scott H. Mason
Investment Representative Investment Repraentative
April 19, at 11:15 a.m. at the Polo
Golf and Country Club in
Cumming. The luncheon will be
followed by a fashion show fea
turing clothing provided by
Kohl’s. Reservations are required.
Please call Joanne Horwitz at
(678) 947-4551 by April 13.
The Forsyth County Health
... will be hosting
“Immunization Day” Monday,
April 9. All kindergarten and pre
school children needing immu
nizations for entrance into school
are urged to attend.
Prizes, clowns, face painting
and fingerprinting will also be a
part of the day’s highlights.
Please bring all records of pre
vious immunizations. For more I
information, call (770) 781-6900.
The City of Cumming
... will host a community yard
sale on Saturday, April 21, from 8
a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cumming
City Fairgrounds. Call (770) 781-
3491 before April 17 if you are
interested in renting a space.
Little Misy Dixie Beauty
... The Buford Chapter #317
Order of the Eastern Star presents
the pageant on Saturday, April 21,
at 2 p.m. at the T. Carl Buice
Center on Broad Street in Sugar
Hill. The proceeds will benefit the
“Irene Loudermilk Scholarship
Fund.” For more information or
entry forms, contact Melody
Entrekin at (770) 932-1908 or
Hazel Bryan at (770) 945-7361.
Christian bands
... needed to perform at the
March of Dimes Walk of America
2001 at Forsyth Central High
School on April 21. If you would
like to volunteer, your group’s
time and talent, call Venetta Long
at (770) 889-4796.
Stained Glass Stepping Stone
... Create a beautiful stained
glass stepping stone for all to see.
Glass is precut with several
designs to choose from. Examples
are at Sharon Springs Park. The
class will be at Midway Park on
Saturday, April 21, from 9:30-
11:30 a.m. The fee is $25, sup
plies are included. Anne
Singletary is the instructor. For
more information, call the Forsyth
County Parks and Recreation at
(770) 781-2215.
Spring Break
... will be Saturday, April 21,
from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at
Lakeland Plaza featuring live
music, radio station 102.3 and an
Old Time Cruisers Car Show. The
fee for the car show will be S2O.
Twenty trophies will be awarded
for the choice cars. There will be
food and drinks and lots of prizes
and surprises. For more informa
tion, call (770) 889-9568.
Golf tournament
... the fifth annual Norman’s
Landing Charity Golf Classic will
be at the Chestatee Golf Club on
Tuesday, April 17. Events begin at
10 a.m. All proceeds from this
tournament will benefit The
United Way. Entry fees are tax
deductible to the extent allowable
by law. The entry deadline is
April 10. For more information,
call (770) 886-0100.
Cumming Care Center
... will be offering a Parent
Training workshop April 18-May
23. This six-week workshop will
be at the center every Wednesday
from 10-11 a.m. The class is free.
For more information and direc
tions, call the center at (770) 889-
9070 or Pat Wood at (678) 513-
Kids Night Out
... Children ages 4 and up will
have fun playing games, making
special crafts and much more.
Refreshments will be served. The
classes will be at Midway Park on
Fridays, starting April 20 from
6:30-10 p.m. Future dates are May
18, June 22, July 20 and Aug. 17.
Preregistration is required. All
supplies are included. Anne
Singletary and Becky Pruitt are
the co-directors. The fee is $lO.
For more information, call the
Forsyth County Parks and
Recreation at (770) 781-2215.
Creative Gifts
... Learn to make greeting
cards, gift bags and boxes.
Techniques taught include rubber
stamping, embossing and water
colors. You will make two cards, a
gift bag and a box to take home.
The class will be at Sawnee
Mountain Park on Monday, April
23, from 7-9 p.m. The fee is sl2,
includes supplies. This is a great
class for mothers and daughters.
Julie Auten is the instructor. For
more information, call the Forsyth
County Parks and Recreation at
(770) 781-2215.
Golf tournament
... will be Monday, April 23, at
1 p.m. at the Olde Atlanta Golf
Club. The tournament will benefit
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FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Sunday, April 8,2001 -1
The Place of Forsyth County
Inc. All golfers are invited to
participate in a fun day for this
worthy cause. The fee is
$125 per golfer and SSOO per
foursome. For a brochure or
to sign up, call Nancy
Mcßrayer at (678) 533-2211
or Fran Eaton at (770) 889-
Golf tournament
... will be April 23 at the
Chestatee Golf Club. The pro
ceeds will benefit Jesse’s House.
Shotgun start will be at 1 p.m.
There will be a cookout and silent
auction at the Lakeside Pavilion.
The fee is $125 per player. Some
corporate sponsorships are still
available. Jesse’s House is a short
term emergency shelter for girls,
ages 7-17, dealing with the crises
of abuse, neglect or family con
flict. Presently, the shelter can
only house seven girls at a time.
Many are turned away. Funds
raised from this tournament will
go towards increasing the capacity
for the youth shelter by almost 50
percent. For more information,
call (770) 640-7773.
AARP 55 Alive
... is offering driver safety
classes Tuesday, April 24, and
Wednesday, April 25, from 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. at the Baptist Medical
Center, 1400 Baptist Medical
Center Dr. in Cumming.
The eight-hour classroom
refresher course is for drivers, age
50 and over. It provides many
ideas on how to avoid accident sit
uations and and enjoy safe dri
Class participants are required
to attend both days to receive
credit for the course. Participants
are entitled to a discount on their
auto insurance premium. For
reservations, call Ralph Szweda at
(770) 343-9500.
The fee is $lO per person for
course materials.
Vickery Creek Elementary
... will have its fourth annual
Viking Golf Tournament Tuesday,
April 24, at Polo Golf and
Country Club. The Fort
Lauderdale event will provide the
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players with a chance to win the
hole-in-one contest, the Viking
Putting Contest, closest-to-the-pin
and longest drive prizes. Anyone
interested in participating in this
tournament, contact Stan Bettis at
(770) 475-7067 or Gary Hess at
(678) 947-0938 or pick up a regis
tration form at the Polo Golf Pro
Tennis classes
... are being offered on
Tuesdays, April 24-May 22, at the
City Park Tennis Courts.
Beginning classes for ages 8-12
years, 5-6 p.m.; advanced begin
ning classes for ages 10-14,6-7
p.m.; and adult classes for ages 15
and up, 7-8 p.m. Wednesday
classes for beginners, age 8-12,
are being offered March 7-April
11 or April 25-May 23, from 5-6
p.m. The cost is $35 for a five
week session.
Basic Painting
... Learn about the color wheel,
artist portfolios, practice tech
niques in acrylic painting to
include texture, collage, abstrac
tion and more.
Classes will be at Midway
Park on Thursdays starting April
16. For ages 6-8 the class will be
from 3-4:30 p.m. and 9 and up the
classes will be from 4:30-6 p.m.
The fee is $65 for a four
weeks, plus a supply list.
Stephanie Caldwell is the instruc
For more information, call the
Forsyth County Parks and
Recreation at (770) 781-2215.
Samuel Hill and Emily Bell
Cain Family Reunion
... will be Saturday, April 21
beginning at 11 a.m. with a cov
ered dish luncheon at 12 noon and
family meeting at 1 p.m. at the
Salem Baptist Church Fellowship
Hall. The chicken and ham will be
provided. Bring vegetables, sal
ads, deserts and drinks.
For more information call
(770) 420-2469, (770) 887-9844
or (678) 513-6372. All relatives
and friends are invited to attend.
See EVENTS, Page 11A