The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 14, 1786, Image 3

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If tseafurc tint A’ tandem? to *n forage tbfun. And the k itornc> ij.-uern.: \he: eby urre.ted tu profccitc, au3 i>t >n< i cun-sign jHi the ringleaders rbettorf. ofanv violation in iy-.e, whenfocver or wherelLevcr it thail »c perpetrate 1 wiiJi,^; us Gncu at tU C<mr\i Chamber ft's z l day of irityt. >v»i <\«sir Lord I and in :’ie i sth year of the ~iyi4£[-c:}<iCi2l of the United States of Ami' La. - ... .\ \ JAMES BOWDOiN. Ej bis F.v&Usncv's ' • AV EKY, juaLsecretarjr. Sep. 9. As the account*] ready puhlithetf of the nroceed pjjs of the iu»b at-W orcedr, ©n_Tucfday and Wednelllay I*l m dipping the Courts V Juflice, which were then ap umreu hy la.v to be held place,, have only been ge erai air 1 curiory, and as the.Lblie appear anxious to he afc iu;ntcd wi'.h the particular! attending hr treasonable a leafjrc, we have F account of the whole tfanfaYjon,. which we have in !ct- Irs from a rcfpertable gc;nlcma\ there to his correfpondcnt lti»:s town, and we are happy i\ presenting it, as it ihews *’• no «xcr<funs were wanting, A tiic part of the Court, to ■d ihc.fcflioa, and difcovcrs the Ambers and icntimcuts of I mob- The extrarts arc as folldk, : W . \ t€ Tuefday evening. m Knowing you would be .anxious If the tranfartions here, now endeavour to give you thcWiculars. A Cape. hceie., of Flu bbard'don, apptars to be the cum- Scdc- <k'ti>*-;nob, though he will it-; one Bcnia- MOmvcrs is his Lieutenant ; the otW principal odicers R a Capt. Haxlennc, of Hardwick, Ll a Capt. Smith. »ly m the morning I went among themAo get acquaintance «■> their commander, and to Ice what was Wing on : I went ■u«gh the ranks, and think there weic n\t more than toy NB r arms, and about as many with flicks- who were af ■bled on the Courhoufe bill. The Court cW out of Mr. S proceeded to the C. onrthoule, and went through the who °P c,lcd to the rijjlu and left withoit molcftatiou, arrived at tr.c foot of the Courthouf* licps, where ,M ,r five men were placed with arms, and a man before ■ with a drawn fwurd. The Sheriff was ordered by Ward to open the Courtboufe, but was opposed; hovv- Bridge, C ricr of the Court, «wt flituugh them ; and iv t;,e | ii- t lt.dre Ward followed dole on to the Shs , Jgztam drew- back and pfefemed their fixed hayo jptflg d) tea it ami hues of Judge Ward; the undaunted J|B e wdiich the Judge here difeayered was to the admira every one nrefent; he turned to the commanding of 'jß*heeler, and asked who commanded these people; 0 Wheeler’s not anl’vvering, he repeated it again ; at .■teder anfwercd, but did not own tlfc command. He he would fpcak to the grievances they complained vHcii- psl ’* r t!,cv to the ( ourt - Capt. Smith told what he had to fay he mull reduce to writing ; but do, but, if they would take awuy their ba al*'B, and let him Hand on lomc eminence, where he might 2R d heard by all toe people, he would speak, and not ‘ ,C W /I f c > that he did not value their bayonets; that they VW ■ j u,l £ e his heart, and, flamping, told them, S ’l /determined to do h:s duty, and that, when opposed m Bhis* hfc was but of little conlcquence. Some of the of ert-.Jiidge Ward to flep back three or four flops, ldV! B c K uai 'd pre ding upon him so that his cioathes were bayonets, but he would not, nor. did he ° f inally the guns were ordered up, tonwßuthe |ud, e got upon the flops,, and told them that it :U l^*e C1 °f the Court to adjourn without day; co »rtaw to the law; and that the fafety of the ut,v iß“‘[•ended on heir cioiely adhering to the law-. He cu J* 1 ® r c P°*s he hard heard, and proved the fallacy “Am"' T^e T°^ e two hours ; during ids f;.;cccli lie a * ; ‘ etl tt, AlK)urn the Court without day, as in fhu,l ß -‘; e c, tintv, but h would give no anl'wcr to anv nue- L; T SilltCl ' r °K a \s would tell their names. ’Capt. C:U Ml 1 • WCr * ci :uillcd ,I(Jt leave the ground n.,t ™icy hao hdffartion. g apt . Baker then told them the , lD M 4*^ c 1 ‘‘ i *’ ica * !!! e, hid thev might take their own. aV lMY fr *!’ U,n Y t(> W,,c *tr» told him, he had better ?hri^B- : n * C 'i v *\|J it they w, c waging war, which was •voiv^R * j l C ) )!lit '* UCiKC voubl be (here he made a C,r 1A i “««»? v4e, the siibws. el >j ‘‘■•'<£•-1 i.c moved oiT -•id . . 1 , ,r ' 11 » on vet., ordered the men lllKl ‘B to open to lba, Ik. withßcU-ie- -c, Pni -r S l ' :o ( ourt vvc,,t i B ia\cru, ,st,..a j i.^l mobility. ic-vc:rj c. mniiuces ti tLa- <?«ms to treat with them j and the Coin t agreed that n« 111*.->t■ i.! he tried, only when both parties agreed • ™ actions, excepting criminal cue?, ftjould he co:;!;v.)3ra cember term. Tint osT.cers wete ail latisiie i vvitlt v/iteu they made report to their rne:i, they would UoigfiJEk to it ; lo that the mat\?i reals for tc-uight, they &t&tilHL the CutiJihouie all night.” ir-cm. \ 1 l*’ v c mdy time to teli you {tut this morning a party traVtfH Holden and Ward came in to the a ffi fiance ftf the mob ; they got embodied they confided of about jyo armed mcmSk-' and about the lain#-number with llicks. The Court fcldinifl alter lending out to ilie leveral, regiments, that tliev coubßj place no dependence upon liipporc from the miiitia, the Couth o: Common Pleas without day; the mob del) red t*4l have it in writing, which was complied with. T!r* norj . proving iatisfaciory, the Court of beilious was likewise ajJB journed line die, uiul the malecuntcnts have retired to Icvcral homes.” N E W-Y O R- K Augulf, a7. JM Extra <sl of a letter from a gentleman at Momcgo-TJav, to his. 1 f. iendin this city, received bythelaft lli p from Jamaica. “ Were Ito give you a detail of our dit* relics in ton- ™ sequence of our trade with America being Hopped, it would 1 take too long time for the prefeu: opportunity—Cod kuown Vvhat will become of this iiland—many negroes 0.1 vhe diffc* rent curates liarviug— Scarce a barrel of flour to be had— aud then at the exorbitant price of fifteen dollars. The merchants of this country in that trade daily enrich them le.ves ; and many even take advantage of the times. The planters as well as owners of negroes with property unani moully curie the firft perpetrators of that aft which deprive* this country of the trade to the United States. J molt heartily Willi to he with you. I hope it will not be long.” * • •RICH M O N D, August 5 0. Advice has been received in town of two American ves sels being taken off Cape Corrientcs by the Vali d’Ornphal Algerine corfajr, whole Captain double ironed the mailer of of tlie veil'd* for nut linking when he was ordered. S A V A N N A H, October 5. • On Thursday la ft was held at: examination of the scholars at the Rev. Mr. Nixon’s academy in this t own, ami we aro happy to hear that the gentlemen present upon the occafion* viz. sudge Burke of Soutli-Caroli-u, Col. W/liy, Williaia Stephen, El<|.' Dr. Brickell, and John Peter Vyaid, Esq, wen?-: agreeably furpriled at the rapid progress which the Latin clal*- bad made, owing to a new, easy, ami most judicious method of teaching that language, adopted by Mr. Nixon, and hi* indefatigable iaJuftry aud attention to the advancement of' his scholars. ~* * * AUGUSTA, Oct. 14. Extrafl from the fount ah of Congreft , Augujl 9, * Rejhlvtd, That ths Sec retary for Foreign Affairs cause to be nnd* out separate lifts of the numbers, names, and owners, of ill* Negroes belonging to.the citizens of each Hate,, and carrie t away by the Uritiih,.in contravention of the late treaty x»f peace; and that he traufmit the laid lifts to the Executive#.of the Hates to which they rel’pe ‘lively belong.” The Comminiouers appointed to treat with the Creek In-* duns, lot off yesterday to the place appointed ; which J* where the upper trading road croifes the (Jcouce river, nsa~ the mouth of Shoulder bone creek. We hear a number of the Indians arc come down to trc2t: •with the Comniiffioners. bo rapid is the population of the commonwealth of Penn-* fylvania, that, by returns laid before the Alfembly, it ap pears, that in tiie period of seven years, their taxable pcrfiM* have cncrealed one-fifth. A letter from Frankland, of July 24., fays, « You no doubt have heard of the various provocations givqn by part of the Cherokee Indians that live at Chiokamogga, in murdering, at different times, in the /Kentucky and Cumberland Settle ments, and on the north fide of Holftcin. The Indians hai often been warned, that the firft blood died would be taken as a declaration for hoftikttes. it apparently has that effect; for all seem inllantaneoudy to !:c inlpiicd. with an hofiile mind, I ?m pretty certain, that in a ie-v days jea uisu will hr * on their inarch to detaand the w.trJw , rcx*. M * N • Ts