The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 14, 1786, Image 4

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i * * . «Jfc| POETRY. acrostic # \f AIN hopes on glittering follies fct their mind, I n riche* ldiiers hope true bliss to find; II akes, the low joyt of loveless dalliance prize, T o wine the drunkard with impatience flies j U nthinking mortals cannot, will not fee, Eternal happiness contain’d ia me. proposals For priming by Subscription, 1' H E GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE O R independent register. Fa rF.HIE NC F having for ages evinced the utility of die Press, it will be need left for the Editor to recapi the mmy advantages resulting from a well iCynlated N I'. VV S-P A yE K : It is a channel through which the Pt.ldii i.s fttrniiliad with the mod inter'citing intelligence ; a free and ample difoulfion of political topics, through this me dium, may become the object of national enquiry ; and grate fully to legiflcr, and prei'erve from oblivion, the perfor inam-rs of genius and literature, as monument* of future emulation. With thefc confidcrationß, the Editor flatters hiinlelf, the generous Public wilt readily comriiinteao rendertliufc advan tage.'. ie«iprocal.— \n»i he prumifes on hi* part to take the greated pains to collect: with care, the latcll and mod jntcr cfling intelligence, ho*.h foreign and domclticy and also with the meated difpstch to fnrniiii his readers with fucli per formance*, ofa political or litagrv nature, as may he accept tahie to the Public ; paying that lacred regard to TRUTH, that fhali entitle him to fticcefs, if lie cannot command it. C O N D I T I O N S : The annual price, Otic Guinea ; one half to be paid at the time of fubferibing, ami the remainder at the expiration of the year. AdveriiiCmems not exceeding twelve lines, will be in feited tor three ihilling* the Hr It time, and two {hilling* for every coutinuation ; others, of greater length, in pmpoitic.n. From any who will undertake forte » " et mote papers, Indigo writ betaken in payment, of Tobacco if the iubfcrintion amount* to one hogihcad. Publication day to he Saturday morning of ever v week* when ti:e townfuhlcribcrs will be furniihcd with the Georgia Stilt „• Gazette at their reipective places of abode, and the totiiit!) iubferibersat the leveral place* they dull direct. S.tbiVriptious will be taken in at thePrinting-Odicc, in Au gutia. next door to Mr. Fox’s tavern ; Mcii'rs. Brice K Co won Savaoiu.h ; Joint Stith, El'q. at Fair Hope ; Col. john ( lc im-m.s, Burke County ; Benjamin Porter, Esp Richmond; Mr. Dsnial Elam, at the CicrkVOdice, near Kit- mond C ourt home; Ignatius Few, Ef.j. near Brufv.Ti'orou-h ; ( a n. Kicliaidlbu, at i’etwi iburgh, in Wilke* county; David ('rclwe'.l and Holman Freeman, F.lqis. i f Wilkc» • Col. Jcrad Ij win ; Robert Cbrrlrmas, Elq. Gxccoe coumy * ami Mr. lie :* v Harri*, at the river Ogcciiec. JOHN E. S M1 T H. v'-f 'T&s Gazette xilt be printed on large taper (It n• jin ash ri tine. I U B E S()L D, At the Priiitaig-O.Hcc, .if h Dtlao,i> i ''CUvl/iitijUrs Afpflants nv& ' f eding B .o;a ; Jit of Speak* \ trim: Ia \ hup .jin: Lu±r]k bui'i g!! az 3 tr.p.r ; THF. ftibfciiber :r> renf PI. N’T ATI 0« wilhin 10 miles of AugufU/luat v.iil he i‘ur]i*:ie«t> I work frtin 30 to 40 -Negroes. U J OH/ M I I- T O N., . A Otfohfr >, 178*5. / J" TtNGU IN F. K£\V A K ]7. I UJ>i A WAV from rhe lit 1 <■ iler. on Sunday night t J jcih of hep’, ember lap >’>t ml,owing Negroes, vitw, iiaac, a tail black Him ah**nt 35 years of age, /<trV^ btifliy hair, about 5 feet tca’mchcb nigh, has a fear on fj | Juba his wife, a fenliblc/oumry born wench, w ell knwM about Augr.fla. Fate, a ilotu well marl/fellow, fpcaks very thick and J indifferent f.ngiilh, has/ his head, ant! 101 l mkil Ins big toe mils, he is alPut 5 ft%t 6 inches high, and to he about at years of gc* * ■, Ihebc his wife, a fl/it well made Mulatto wench, - lj biufhy hair, fpcaks god Engliih, about 30 years of agf. 1 3attcs, a short we/ made fellow, about $ feet 4 high, Ipeaks good Kyliih, a Cooper by trade, woreajjrJ^ cloth waiftchat and /'eerhes. ■ jJM Qiiahobe his wfi, a ihtirc black wench, about ao y t M_ old, fma 11 eyes,. I>® a/; uncommon war of fpcakiag, (R 1 liie was crying. J A Ned, a flout veli made fellow, belonging to the eftJß. Andrew M‘Lcaie, Efti. deceased, and is well Auguila. x : i hue, his wife a small well made Weach, finooth. fki^Mp* 2 of a yellow caff the carried her two daughters with her.* named CU-e a/out 6 years old, and Sue, a fucking chi Id, .J 10 months yl/. . < .1 Mult of tie afove Negroes lived many years in Florida; it :s supposed they will attempt to get to thefrefl nation or Augulta, where they are well acquainted. \m perfou who witl apprehend laid Negroes, and dclivdieM A to Mr. Tito mas Cole, at Augulta, the fcoaler in Saffnß/j or to the fiibi'cribct at Great Ogechee, lliall receive the.’(Rfem Reward, or one Guinea fur each of them, bclidcs 3 tßnen pences paid. wage WILLIAM CLAlßjoji Mutby HilljSept. |i, 1786. TU BE RE -H-Z e'aJJ • For One, Two, or Three Years? THE HOUSE wherein the fubferiber with fcveral acres of good pasture and a garß lie intends moving down the country. The Houle is in very good repair, and well caleuldH' l. a small family. For particulars apply to t. f. ' THOMAS C'.J U. At a Meeting of the Board of TrujuKt A: Richmond Academy: B l^' 3 Ordered, Birin' CJ H A L nil Lets where the conditions of /ijHhe «a not been complied with, he expo/ed to ac bighejl bidder, on the firjl Tuejday in ttnlejs the whole of the inter est, and one the piinc pal of the bonds, be dijcharmed onu*K‘ IV. the third Tuejday of October injt. B* l^ Ordered, Meaner j hut the Leafing of the Lots <n the (iomm This on the -/bird T uejday otOflobe injt fir of five years — Payments to be made apnumKf which time the public lerr will fi one year. B ave tj< By Order *f the Bojrd, B^ JAMES MjlMMfiM. CIM Jujt pubiijhed an-l to be Jo id it the Office™ AuJtfln, m 7 H Axr Li VV B r °P ul 'cd Os the Genera/fljt’nb D ‘ State /f/rfidjl ScJj’iH, R Tbe 3