The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, December 30, 1786, Image 1

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. * SATURDAY Deumber 39, 1786. j No THE GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE • * -»*j» O R t \ INDEPENDENT REGISTER. FREEDOM of .he PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, «o remain inviolate forever. Conili.u.ion of Georgia. AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State; ElTavs Article. r of intelligence, wi{! he gratefully received , and every kind of Printingperformed! { GEORGIA By the Honorable EDWARD TELFAIR, Ffquire, Captain. General, Governor, and Commander in Chief in and over the state aforefaid A proclamation. WHEREAS good and fufficient in r onnation hath been received that a certain banditti of run away Negroe men, who have been out-layers before and fmee the evacua tion of the town of Savannah, have lately embodied thera felves, aud have with at ms opposed the militia that have been ordered out to suppress them, aud have also committed fun-' dry depredations on the property of the inhabitants of the counties of Chatham and Effingham : I HAVE THEREFORE by and with the advice and consent of the Honorable the Executive Council, thought fit to iffuc this my Proclamation, hereby ottering a Reward of Ten Pounds for each of the said ruu-away Negroe men, being brought to trial, or good and fufficient proof before a Magi ft rate, of each or either of the said run-avvay Negroe men being killed. GIV E.N under my hand and the great feil of the said state, at Augusta, this twemyrfirft day of December, in the year of our Lord one thoufaud fcven hundred apd eighty-fix, and of our and indepen dence the eleventh. , . EDWARD TELFAIR. Bj his Honor's Command, J. MILTON, Secretary . GOD SAVE ‘THE-STATE! IN COUNCIL, December I, 1786. A Communication from the Qnarter-Mafter-General of this day, with }ts enclbfures, was received and read : Where upon Ordered, That the claim for horses against the state, that may have been taken or died in athial service will properly come in the line of duty of the Itifpertor-General/to repoit to the Executive. ' Ext rad from .he Minutes,' JAMES MERIWETHER, S. E. C. I*N S P E C T O R - G E N E R A L’s OFFICE, Augujia, December zz, 1786 AGR.EEABLY to the foregoing Order of the Honorable the Executive, all claims against the state for horses taken or died in actual service, or pay rolls for militia duties pei formed, aie requeued to be given in without delay. Also the Officers of the General Staff are re melted to re port their fcveral departments immediately to 1 GEORGE HAND LEY, In/^dor-General. \i\ GENERAL Aba - ZTuI a Z~T, August 13, 1786, Ordered, FHAT the Commissioners of Coufifcated Estates fbr the year 1775, be called onto lay their books aud papers before the next Legiftature. Extract from the Minutes, JAMES M. SIMMONS, C. G. A. ■ • ■ * *' *■ *'*’*- » THE partnerlhlp o( FORSYTH & MEALS having ex pircd, all persons indebted thereto for dealings m their . (lores, or for lands and lots at Galphinton, fold at the Au gufla Races lad November, and at Wilkes and Walhingtoa . elections December, are requeued to„ make payment to Robeit Foriyth, who will fettle all legal demands againilthQ laid concern, % ■: %r ROBERT FORSYTH. No-v. jo, 1786. JOHN MEALS. ‘ 4 t SFORS A L E, THAT valuable HOUSE and LOT, No. 23, fronting on Broad-street. The terms will be made known by apply ing to Kerr & Brown. Augusta, Dec. $, 1785. ’ * J BIVE ROUNDS REWARD. RUN-AWAY from Mfc Samuel Burges’s, living Beach Maud, South-Carolina, a NEGRO FELLOW named Jack, about 35 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 6 iuches high* he is of a very black complexion, and was formerly hired to , said Mr. Burges, at whose place he has a wife, and well known about that neighbourhood. The above Reward wis be paid to any person who will deliver him to me in Savan nah, or give information upon oath of his being harboured by any person or persons whatsoever. FRANCIS COURVOISIE; Savannah, Nov. 25, 1786. N. B. If he will return to me of his own accord, he wil be forgiven. ' ' 11-14 " 1 WANTED to HIRE, * For the eufuing year, * Ten or Fifteen good Field Negroes, To work on a high land plantation, and healthy situation. ’' A L S O, ' Two House Wepchfs. Apply to ROBERT FORSYTH. Nov. 2 5, 1786. To the P U B L 1 C. I HAVE been credibly informed when in camp at Shoulder bone, some designing fellows took the opportunity of my being in liquor, and prevailed on me to fay several things dif refpeciful of Thomas Porter, Elq. I was at that time wholy unacquainted with, and whose chara&erasagentle >man or honed man"l.have no reason to doubt, as I know nothing to his prejudice, am therefore heartily sorry for any thing I may have laid to his prejudice. JOHN JOHNSON, Witness, IV-llinm Sttth, > Sealurn ’Jones. )