The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, April 21, 1787, Image 1

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IS AT U RDAT, April 2 1, 1787, GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE I OR INDEPENDENT REGIS TE R. ■ % I FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, to remain inviolate forever. Ccnflitution of Georgia. ' I U G u S TA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State; Ejfays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertisements , will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed, I ' . \ I To the Public . j Jfc S many of the in oft refpeftable Ladies and Hr ’ Gentlemen in this town have informed the Hibfcriber, that they are very desirous to become Hcholars of his, provided he can furnilh them with Be necelTary Music and Instruments, —he pro- Hoses to have a CONCERT ■ - i Os Vocal and Inflrumental Music , H)n the Evening of TUESDAY, the firft of MAY Hext, at Mr. Wamberfie*s House ; with a view of Haifing a sum of money for the express ptirpofe of Hurchafing Musical Instruments. And as a fuf- Hcient number of Gentlemen of this town have ge- Heroufly offered to assist him in the performance Hf the fame, for the encouragement of a science which is as rational as it is refined, and polishing Bit is entertaining,—the fubferiber hopes, the Badies and Gentlemen in general will be actuated Hy the fame liberal sentiments, and favor him with Beir company. ■The Concert to begin at 7 o’clock in the evening. Bfter the Concert, if the Ladies and Gentlemen Bifh to dance, Music will be furnifhed gratis. S Tickets, at Tin Sbillirgs each, may be had at Be house of the fubferiber. CLAUDE SIMON. ■ Augusta, April 21, 1787. ■IN. B. No person can be admitted without a Hicket, and no money will be received at the door. ■wIATHANIEL COCKE informs me that two H.>l white Sows esme to his Plantation, just Bove Rae’s Creek, some time about last Christ- Bass, marked with a fmnoth crop in the right, Bd an underkeel in the left ear. I WILLIAM FREEMAN, J. P. Mftpril 5, 1787. I A ST RAT MARE. BtrAYED from the fubferiber, near Clark’s B station, on Long Creek, afmall black MARE, Bout 13 hands high, 4 years old, branded on the Bar buttock thus IC, had a small bell on when away. Wbofoever will bring said mare tp He fubferiber, or will give intelligence so that the Bbfcriber can get her, fball have Forty Shillings Bward. . I ' JOSEPH ALBERT. WLong Creeky Wilkes County, April 10, 1757. THE TO BE LET ; By the CommiJJioners of Lewifville, to the lonxtji Bidder , THE making one hundred thousand well fixed merchantable bricks for the public build ings, to be delivered in Government Square; there is clay, wood, and water on the public land. Any person inclined to undertake will please fend their proposals, sealed tip, to Hugh Lawson, at Lewis ville, on or before the firft day of June next, at which time such proposals will be opened, and the lowed terms accepted, on the parties giving secu rity for the performance. Cne half of the money will be paid on the brick? being kilned, the other half to be paid on the bricks being delivered. The bricks to be delivered within three months from the time of undertaking. All persons who are indebted for Lots in Lewis ville, will please to take notice, that unless they difehargethe fame without loss of time, theCom mifiioners will be obliged to proceed according to the articles of sale. N. BROWNSON, ) _ H. LAWSON, \ Cimm ’]F™*rs* Lewifaille, April 7, 1787. Five Guineas Reward . STOLEN or STRAYED from Mr.Thompfon’s enclosure, near the town of Augusta, ou the 26th of last month, a likely blacx MARE, very heavy with foal, eight or nine years old, about 14 hands and an half high ; die has a bald face, all her feet white, a hanging mane, long full tail, and is branded on the off buttock (though not very plain) *GL, having been formerly owned by Mr. George Lumpkins, of Vtfilkes County, of whom • flie was purchased. - If ftraved away only, I will give a liberal Reward, and all expences on her being delivered to me at Augusta; but if flolen, Five Guineas will be paid on conviftiou of the Thief. JOHN MEALS. April ( 5, 1787. LOST. ON the sth instant, about 5 o’clock in the evening, between Mr. Harris’s, Augusta, and the Beaver Dams, A red Morocco Pocket Book, containing a bond of Mr. John Myers, sun dry notes, receipts, accounts, and letters. Who mever finds the said Pocket Book and will deliver it to Messrs. Ross and Currie, in Augusta, or the fubferiber in Savannah, shall receive ONE GUI NEA REWARD. 29-31 MATTHEW CLARK. GEORGIA. TBy Lewis Gardner , Esq. (L. S.) S Register of Ptobats for LEWIS GARDNER, j the county of Richmond. WHEREAS Mary Mathis, Widow, hath ap plied to me for letters of admihiftration on the estate and effefts of John Mathis, late of this comity, deceased : Thcfe are therefore to cite and admonidi all and lingular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear befoic me at my Office, on the 21st day of May next, to fliew cause, if any they have, why letters of ad ministration fliould not b.e granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the 21 ft day of April, in the year of our Lord 1787, and in the Inh year of the In dependence of the ‘United States ol Ame rica. GEORGIA. By Lewis Gardner , Esq. (L. S.) V Register of Probats for LEWIS GARDNER', j the County of Richmond. WHEREAS Elizabeth Noe, Widow, hath applied to me for letters of administration on the eflate and e/fetds of jefle Noe, laie of this county deceased: These ate therefore to cite and admonidi all and lingular the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased, to be and appear before me * at my Office, on the 21st day of May next, tolhew cause, if any they have, why letters of administra tion diould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the 21st day April, in the year of our Lord 1787, and in the nth year of the Independence of the United States of Ame rica. GEORGIA. ~)B y Lewis Gardner , Esq. i (L. S.) > Regifler of Probats for LEWIS GARDNER, j the County of Richmond. WHEREAS John Reeve, Son, hath applied to me for letters of administration on tie estate and effects of Thomas Reeve, late of this county deceased : These are therefore to cite and adinonilh all and lingular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, 10 be and appear before me, at my Office, on the 21st day of May next, to lliew cause, if any they have, why letters of admi nistration ft ould not he granted. Given under my hand an 1 seal, at my Office* the 21 ft day of April, in the year of our Lord 1787, and in the nth year of the Independence of the United States of Ame rica. a [No. XXX.]