The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, June 02, 1787, Image 2

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feutnuents of the ‘<srand Jury as are indidable, in« to indictments, and that the Clerk cause the said presentments, together with the Chief Judice’s charge, to be publiflied in the State Gazette. Extract from the Minutes , DANIEL ELAM, A. C. C. Richmond County, March Term 1787. «* «• m »'—< imm • G E O R G I A,? QRDERED, That the Richmond County. 3 Didrids for holding the Courts ofConfcience in Richmond County be as follows: Fird, The Lower Difirid Line jliall be gin at the mouth ofM‘Bean swamp, on the Burke county line, extending up Savannah river to Glo ver's old place on said river, from thence along a lidge path dividing the waters of Reds and Uchee creeks, leading by the old Sand Hill Mill, and thence along said road eroding Spirit creek at Pride Williams’s old plantation, along said road until it interfeds the Burke county line, on Brier creek ; and the Court for the said didrid lhall be held m the town of Auguda. The second Diftrid diall begin at the aforefaid Glover’s old plantation, on Savannah river, ex tending up the fame to the mouth of the Great Kiokee creek, thence up said creek to Capt. Wil liams Stevens’s plantation to a road leading from said Stevens's to Scott’s ferry on Little river, and along said road to where it erodes a branch of Kio kee creek, called Greenbrier creek, thence up said creek to the head or source thereof, hear Dunn’s old place, and from thence along the ridge divid ing the waters of the Kiokee and Germany’s creeks, and on that direction to where it interfeds Brier Creek or Wilkes county line, the Court for which Di/lnft dull be held at Richmond Court-house. The third Diftrid (hall begin at the. mouth aforefaid Great Kiokee creek, extending up Sa vannah river to the mouth of Little river, thence up Little River to Scott’s ferry, thence along the road leading from said ferry to William Stevens’s on the afoiefaid Big Kiokee, and thence down said creek to the beginning; the court for which Di ftrid (hall be held at Browniborough. The fourth Diftrid dull begin at Scott’s ferry, on Little river, extending tip the fame along the Wilkes’s comity line, from thence to the dividing ridge of the waters of Germany’s and Kiokee creeks, and along said ridge to the head of Green brier creek, neared Dunn’s old place, thence down said Greenbrier creek to the eroding of the road aforefaid, and the Court for said Diftrid (hall be held at the town of Writfborough. Ihe fifth Didrid diall include all that part of Richmond county, lying between Brier creek and Ogechee river, between Burke and Wilkes county lines, and the Court for said Didrid diall be held on Rocky Comfort. Extrail from the Minutes, DANIEL ELAM, A. C. C. Clerk's Office, dpril 20, 1787. B E R L I N, December 28. Tfyere has been sent to all pallors and preachers in the country, by order of the King, diretfions that they lliould add to their catechism, and in ftrudions in chridianity, an account of the punifli ments indided by the laws on such as are guilty of murder, theft, and other atrocious crimes, that all persons may be acquainted with the pains they .tre to exped here as well as hereafter for their wickedness. M A D R* I D, January 8. An express has arrived at Carthagena from Al giers, with an account of the plague having broken out at Condaiitia with such violence as to spread the alarm over all that part of the coast, The number of deaths was said to be from 50 to 80 in a day, and the Confute and other foreigners at Algiers had flint up their houses, and renounced all communication with the rest of the inhabitants. TANGIER S, November fp. The Emperor of Morocco has some time ago ratified the treaty of peace which was offered by the American Congress. It consists of 25 articles, 1 and is to lah for 50 years. HAGUE, January 20. We hear from Nimeguen, that all the endea vours which have been employed to make the * Stadtholder recede from his claims have proved fruitlefs, as he refills every application from di ftinguilhed persons, and the most prefling solicita tions of Mr. le Comte deGoertz. There are there fore no hopes that our^differences can be amicably adjusted. LONDON, March 7. The Minister of Foreign Affairs at Conflanti nople has loft his wife, children, and all bis ser vants by the plague. * Extract of a letter from LiJlon y January 12. “ The Court has refilled troubling itfelf further in the affair of a commercial treaty with the Ame rican states; and the Americans have refufed to receive the wines of Portugal at the fame low du ties as those of France, without which the Court will not remove the present prohibition against the importation of tobacco, and some other articles from North-America. Thus Hands the matter at prefent.’’ The Navy Board are on the point of taking up 200a flapping for the purpose of fending out J complete supply of (lores to his Majesty’s garrifOns, Bc c. in Canada, Nova-Scotia, New foundland, and the other Britilh settlements in North-America, it being the intention of govern ment to put them into the most refpeftable state of defence, and to preserve them on a footing of the completed national utility. The four regiments of foot which had been or dered for Ireland aud countermanded, have re ceived orders (till to continue under preparation to embark for foreign service. One of them (com plete both officers aud men) we hear is to go to Quebec, to reinforce the garrisons in the province • of Canada, according to a request which has been received from Lord Dorchester, the Governor Ge neral of the Britilh dominions in North-America, who has written home by a late conveyance, flgni fying» that, in the present situation of affairs, and the deranged state of the government of the United States of America, in that quarter, it is highly ne ceflary all the Britilh pods lhould be complete. The balance of trade between Riga and England of last year is 172,5001. in favor of Riga. Tuefday his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was initiated into the myfleries of Free Masonry, at the Star and Garter, Pall Mall. • His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland as Grand Ma iler, the Duke of Norfolk, the Duke of Manchester, and several other Noblemen of that refpettable or der, aflifted at the ceremony, and afterwards spent the evening there with great glee and conviviality. Extract of a letter from Gibraltar y Jan. 17. “ A French fliip has just arrived from Algiers, the Captain of which briggajulvice, that two cor sairs had come into the port, the day before his failing, and had brought in with them a large Ame rican vefl'el from Boston, laden with navel flores, a large quantity of tobacco, and some rum, bound to Cadiz. The Officers and crew were immediate ly sent up the country, and the vefl’el was hauled close to the shore, for the purpose of unloading her immediately. The French Captain could only learn, that, upon being hailed by the Algerines, and dasred to shew the neceflafy papers, the Ar*. rican refufed, and bore aw£y, but was soon coin up with by the corfalrs, and after a stout refiihi r l was taken, and brought in as above.’* Yesterday an express arrived from Paris v. : , n an account, that, onTuefday morning, Febrnar 6tb, died, between the hours of three and four Monsieur de VERGENNES, Minister for foreign, affairs, in the 67th year of his age, and after Lav! itig been in different public offices above thirty years. In this period he nearly effijfted a total change in the political state of France. Till with in a very few hours of his death he retained his gaiety and good humour. A strange story has been propagated, that a French gentleman .had obtained a bull’from the Pope to marry his own filter. For the honour of human nature we hope that there is no truth in it* or. if there is, that which does away the illegality cannot make the world forget the lhame. BOSTON, April, n. By a gentleman who arrived in town yefierdav direftly from the county of Hampfliire, we are in formed, that the Hon. Justices of the Supreme Ju dicial Court finilhed their session for the county of Berkfiiire last week, after palling SENTENCE of DEATH on SIX of the REBELS who have been takeu in arms in that county againfl the Majefly of the People ; and, among others, fentenciug Wii* liam Whiting, Esq. Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for that county, to be imprifonei fix mon hs, pay a fine of iool. and find security for keeping the peace for five years; and a Mr. Gould, Lawyer, to pay a fine of ;cl. to the fiate, and find securities for his good behaviour for three jeats. Austin, of Sheffield, and a Mr: Willcox, we are told, ate among the rebels under sentence of death in Berihire county. Capt. Hamlin, who commanded the rebels in the attack on Col. Aih ley, at Sheffield, lias not yet received his trial, on account of the bad state of his wounds. We hear that the Rebels in Hamfhire county have lately made several incendiary attempts to destroy the buildiugs and other property belonging to Geir. Shepard, at Weftneld. April 23. It is with inexpredible sorrow we relate, that, about sunset last Friday evening, a fire broke out in a malt house belonging to Mr. William Patten, near the Liberty Pole, at the fogth end of this town, and was attended with a deftruftion similar to which the inhabitants of this town have not experienced since the year 1760. The wind atN. E. blowing hard, carried the flakes of fire to a great height and difiance, by which the houses, beiug very dry, were set on fire in so ma ny places as rendered it impossible to direst the exertions of the inhabitants to any point. The fuire of the Rev. Mr. White’s rneeting-houfe, si tuated at the diftauce of near 50 rods from the place where the devastation firft began, was ob served to be on fire, at the ball just below the vane, in less than 15 minutes. As this could not be ex tinguished by reason of its height, the fire falling therefrom, and from the houses then in flames, in a fliort time demolilhed that large edifice. In the dire&ion of the wind for a space of 20 rods wide the fire carried havock as far as the building ex tended, crofliug the main street, and destroying the buildings on one fide from Mr. Knapp’s to Mr. Bradford’s, and on the other fide from Mrs. Inche’s to Mr. Olborn’s. There were several houses empty, which, with the meeting-house, (hops, barns, and out-houses, may be computed at 100 buildings. Providentially OQ lives were loft. N E W- Y O R K, April 14. Last Sunday afternoon arrived his Britanpie Majesty’s packet Princt Henry,